Burn disc stops moments after beginning...LONG

Hi guys. I tried to browse the post and didn't see anyone describing a similar problem. I have Itunes and Win XP Pro. When I begin to burn a playlist, let's say 12 songs. The operation begins, and then 20-30 seconds later I get a ding notifying me that the burning process has completed.
However, the result is a CD that has been burned about 10% and is unusable. After the fact, the CD burner stops responding. Even the eject button on the burner or Itunes does not work. I have to manually use a paper clip to remove the failed CD.
Drive comes back to "life" only after I restart the computer, even logging off does not work. Any idea?
Thanks for all the help

Try burning at slower speed. 8X worked for me when I started having burning problems.

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    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    Dell Computer Corporation Precision WorkStation 350
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Video Driver: ATI Fire GL E1 Video Accelerator\Fire GL E1
    IDE\DiskIC35L040AVVA07-0______________________VA2OA51A, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    IDE\DiskWDCWD1600JB-75GVC0____________________08.02D08, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [1,0]
    USBSTOR\DiskMaxtor4G120J6_________GAK8, Bus Type USB
    USBSTOR\DiskWD_____1200BB_External0602, Bus Type USB
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    IDE\CdRomNEC_DVD+RW_ND-1100A____________________10GE___, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [1,0]
    If you have multiple drives on the same IDE or SCSI bus, these drives may interfere with each other.
    Some computers need an update to the ATA or IDE bus driver, or Intel chipset. If iTunes has problems recognizing CDs or hanging or crashing while importing or burning CDs, check the support site for the manufacturer of your computer or motherboard.
    Current user is administrator.
    Failed loading CD / DVD drives, error -43. Try doing a repair install on iTunes from the "Add or Remove Programs" control panel.
    The last failed audio CD burn had error code -128(0xffffff80). It happened on drive on -128(0xffffff80) media at speed 0X.

    hi TwinMom!
    hmmmm. was this the solution you used?
    (MS) CD-ROM access is missing and messages cite error Code 31, Code 32, Code 19, Code 39, or Code 41 after you remove Easy CD Creator in Windows XP
    i've seen a few follow up problems after applying that technique ... but usually they tend to involve this error message:
    "Warning! The registry settings used by the iTunes drivers for importing and burning CDs & DVDs are missing. This can happen as a result of installing other CD burning software. Please reinstall iTunes."
    what you're getting is still consistent with that (in a sense), because you don't have any itunes-related filter entries showing up in your diagnostics.
    so, let's start trying some techniques that have a reasonable track record against that error -43 that's showing up in your CD diagnostics.
    first, try a reboot and repair. reboot the PC (very important), and then do a repair install of itunes. go to your Add/Remove programs, select itunes, click "change/remove" and then select "repair".
    does that get rid of the -43?
    can you burn a CD after doing that?
    love, b

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    hello folks! I have the same problem. At about half to three quarters through a cd, while playing in the car stereo, I will get a crackling static that basially makes the cd unplayable from that point on.
    Shall we try to debug this?
    1) Are we all burning in iTunes? I am.
    2) What setting do you have for burning speed? Mine is set at maximum speed.
    3) What kind of media are you finding this with? For daily burning use, I use TDK CD-R 52x 80min/700mb.
    So the first thing I'm trying is to lower the burning speed.
    I'm assuming that since it shows 24x as the highest speed, that it is the highest speed the drive can use. I'm trying 12x first to see if that has any effect.
    Let's also make sure we are using an internal MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-857E drive.
    I have been trying to locate a good CD/DVD diagnostic tool, but can't find the Apple Hardware Test CD that came with my computer. Any suggestions on second party software?
    Here is my drive info:
    Firmware Revision: ZB0E
    Interconnect: ATAPI
    Burn Support: Yes (Apple Shipped/Supported)
    Cache: 2048 KB
    Reads DVD: Yes
    CD-Write: -R, -RW
    DVD-Write: -R, -R DL, -RW, +R, +RW, +R DL
    Burn Underrun Protection CD: Yes
    Burn Underrun Protection DVD: Yes
    Write Strategies: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, DVD-DAO
    Media Type: DVD-ROM
    Blank: No
    Erasable: No
    Overwritable: No
    Appendable: No

  • After update to Mac OS X Lion i cannot burn discs?

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    I recentrly updated my macbook to Lion but after that I just cant burn any disc on itunes. Just when the disc is writting the fourth song i hear the disc stopping and after 30 seconds i get this message>  "the attempt to burn a disc failed the burn failed because os a medium write error". I tried this 10 times having the same result.
    I need help! I havent had this problem before updating to Lion. With Snow Leopard everything was OK.
    Thank you.
    I currently have the 10.7.3

    Either take it into your local Apple Store or if you really believe it is lion causing it and not a faulty DVD drive then reinstall Snow Leopard from your last SL backup and see if it works again. Personally I would go with the first one as updating an OS can excenuate a problem that was underlying in the previous OS,
    Good luck

  • ITunes no longer burns discs

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    Heres the scoop: I have already created a playlist, click burn disc. It starts up fine as it has no errors when creating the disc. It then initializes, and says that it is burning the first track. However here is where the problem arises.
    The status bar never moves, its just keeps saying burning the first track. The drive is spinning, sounding like it is burning regularly. So I let it sit for a while, come back, still the same exact place and the drive spinning like its burning. So I then click cancel after about 30 min. Of course it doesn't cancel, or won't eject so I force quit iTunes, and the disc stops spinning.
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    First and foremost thing you can do it is that reset your Firefox and after that change it to safe mode.This may be happening due to venerable links getting downloaded.
    enjoy free web..... :)
    Gautam sharma.

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    Gave up on the GUI.  This script derived from http://blog.netnerds.net/2012/07/os-x-how-to-setup-nat-on-lion-and-mountain-lion / seems to work for me:
    gwdev=en0 # This is my WiFi connection (has Internet connection)
    targetdev=en1 # This is the USB to Ethernet adapter (to give Internet connection)
    /sbin/ifconfig $targetdev down
    /sbin/ifconfig bridge0 create
    /sbin/ifconfig bridge0 up
    /sbin/ifconfig bridge0 addm $gwdev
    /sbin/ifconfig bridge0 $HOST_ADDR
    /sbin/route add default -interface bridge0 -ifscope bridge0 -cloning
    /usr/sbin/sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
    /sbin/ipfw add 100 divert natd ip from any to any via $gwdev
    /usr/sbin/natd -interface $gwdev -use_sockets -same_ports -unregistered_only -dynamic -clamp_mss -enable_natportmap -natportmap_interface $targetdev

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  • Unknown error when burning disc

    I get an unknown error when burning playlists to blank discs.  My computer begins to write the discs, but stops after a song or two. 

    Could you post your diagnostics for us please?
    In iTunes, go "Help > Run Diagnostics". Uncheck the boxes other than DVD/CD tests, as per the following screenshot:
    ... and click "Next".
    When you get through to the final screen:
    ... click the "Copy to Clipboard" button and paste the diagnostics into a reply here.

  • Cannot Burn Discs / Error 4450

    My iTunes will not burn my selected playlist. I insert a disc, it initializes, begins writing my songs however stops and ejects the disk. An error message pops up,
    "attempt to burn disc failed. unknown error occurred 4450"
    Once this happens to the disc, the disc is no longer considered blank even though the attempt was cancelled per the computer. I am wasting discs and very frustrated since I was told itunes is very user-friendly. Please help.
    Here are the details about my computer:
    Pavilion HP Slimline s7500y PC
    Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 2002
    Intel R Celerom RM Processor 1.70 GHz, .99 GB of RAM
    I need very specific instructions. I am not a technology savvy person; minimal knowledge of computers. Thanks.

    I am having the same problem! I have tried everything that has been suggested and nothing has worked. I've downloaded the new version of iTunes, checked for updates on my drivers, reducted the speed and the playback gap, and nothing is working. The CD burns to about the 3rd song, then gives the error message and now that CD is no longer read as empty (I can no longer use it have been forced to throw many away). I'm wasting CDs here! Any help would be greatly appereciated.
    HP Media Center m377n   Windows XP  

  • IDVD doesn't burn discs properly!

    Hi all,
    First of all I'm new to this so if I've missed out any info please let me know. I've always downloaded a lot of films and in the past, have had no problem burning them to discs since I got my mac in 2006. I used to burn them using the "Create New Project" and add in movie, sort menu's etc, but after a while I realised there's no point in all that cause it takes longer and all I really want is the movie on a disc anyway. So I started using the "One Step DVD from Movie" and I would make the discs that way, which I never had any problems with either. I hadn't made any DVDs for a while, possibly 3 or 4 months and when I tried the other day it seems to go through the movie ok, converting the video and audio and then goes to burn the disc, which is where I have the problem. It normally goes to writing video out and things like that but the last couple of times I have tried to burn discs it goes to that as usual then spits out the DVD before going through the entire process. I then have to cancel the process and the DVD I was trying to burn is no longer usable because it seems to have written parts of the movie to it, but not the full movie so it's not possible to watch on a DVD player or even in the mac DVD player. It's very strange, I don't get any error message or anything coming up, it just spits out the DVD and then iDVD freezes and I have to force quit out of it. I'm wondering if it's maybe the version of iDVD that's the problem. Obviously as I've not used the iDVD for a while it will have been automatically updated via the Software Update which I run at least once a week. I'm unsure of the version the last time I used it to make a DVD but the version I have now seems to be the latest one for my system (version 6.0.4). After a few unsuccessful tries at making the DVDs using the One Step DVD, I tried to do it by creating a project first, but it seems to do the exact same thing, go through the whole process (which takes about 2 hours, sometimes longer) and then burn only part of it then I can't use the disc again. Please help, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Thanks for quick reply and I'm sorry about the long message, I was just trying to explain everything that had happened. Not touched the media at all since I got it, I didn't change any settings or make anything different from when I used to burn discs before. I have about 10GB free on my mac at this moment, but at the time I had about 30GB free, maybe just under. I have been reading other posts on here about discs not burning properly and a couple of the things that have been said is to not have any other applications open, which I didn't and have more than 15GB space free, which I always have had when burning discs.

  • ITunes Won't Recognize Optical Drive / Can't Burn Discs.

    Hi. I’m having some problems w/ an installation of iTunes on a Windows 64 bit PC.  Specifically, when iTunes is installed, Windows 7 no longer recognizes the optical drive, and I can't burn discs via iTunes.  I’ve attempted to implement all the solutions identified here,
    Optical Drive is No Longer Recognized, or "Disc Burner or Software Not Found" alert after Install
    iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting CD issues caused by device filters
    Can't burn a CD in iTunes for Windows
    iTunes for Windows: Additional troubleshooting tips for burning issues
    , and still find myself trapped in a vicious circle; i.e., (1) with iTunes installed Windows 7 no longer recognizes the optical drive, (2) Upon clearing the UpperFilters Value  of GEARAspiWDM  in the registry at  {4De36E965 … } Windows 7 functions as expected and I can play cds in iTunes, but iTunes produces an error messages at start up along the lines of “iTunes did not install properly. Or, there’s a registry error ”  In either case, I am not able to burn cds via iTunes.
    My most rigorous effort amounted to (1) uninstalling  all Apple products and third party GEAR driver update software via Control Panel, (2) a registry repair w/ Registry Mechanic and (3) reinstallation of all identifiable Apple software.  Still the problem remains.
    Apple I love you, but you’re bringing me down
    From iTunes Diagnostics (w/ UpperFilters Empty (I notice the Diagnostic Utility is also seeking a LowerFilters entry.  The registry doesn’t have references to LowerFilter at this location.  Maybe that’s the problem?)) …
    Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
    Hewlett-Packard HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC
    QuickTime 7.7.4
    FairPlay 2.4.14
    Apple Application Support 2.3.4
    iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    iTunes Serial Number 0037B5E00A92****
    Current user is not an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2013-09-03 09:58:34.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    Video Display Information
    ATI Technologies Inc., AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    Genius ID: ce02c1*****d19e716edbe5d8ac7*****
    iPodService (x64) is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    **** CD/DVD Drive Tests ****
    No drivers in LowerFilters.
    No drivers in UpperFilters.
    Failed loading CD / DVD drives, error -43. Try doing a repair install on iTunes from the “Add or Remove Programs” control panel.

    update ... ran sfc /scannow as admin.  windows reports 100% integrity.

  • Coldfusion 64 bit windows installer stops working after recent microsoft update

    Coldfusion 64 bit windows installation stops working after recent microsoft updates and how I worked around it.
    My question is at the end.
    Trying to deploy coldfusion 9 enterprise 64 bit trial  version onto a Windows 2003 64 bit datacenter OS with all OS updates from MS (as of 4-7-2011).
    Steps taken (remember, this is all 64 bit):
    1. Installed the base OS which was slipstreamed with SP2.
    2. Checked w/ microsoft and installed 63 OS updates.
    3. Launch the CF9 trial exe.
    4. As soon as the first screen finishes (the one that looks like  it is extracting files) then the second screen pops up (the one that  simply says CF Adobe Coldfusion 9) and the progress bar quickly moves  95% to the right and the install application quits. No error, no nothing. No log file either.
    5. After a moment of incredulous silence (and retrying/rebooting,  etc), I started to google it. I found nothing. However, I did find a  post (thanks dspent!) that was helpful in that it told how he was able  to get at a log file of sorts, by pre-extracting the  coldfusion_9_WWE_win64.exe file and launching the adobe_cf.exe by hand.  (Dspent's install snafu was different than mine, but his post was very  valuable and got me started in the right direction.)
    6. Got a copy of rarunzipper and extracted the coldfusion_9_WWE_win64.exe file.
    7. From the windows directory created by step 6, I launched adobe_cf.exe.
    8. Same thing (the install application quits. No error, no nothing. No log file either.).
    9. I examine the hs_err_pidxxxx.log file (where the xxxx is a number).
    10. I see inside that file an ominous message: "A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime" then "Problematic frame ntdll.dll" and then "The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code".
    11. OK, so now I am thinking ntdll.dll !! Native code !! It is like Java is telling me that for some reason it can't dance with the OS.
    12. On a hunch, I decided to test a CF install again on a server with just the base install of W3K3 64 SP2 (ie: skipping step 2 above this time).
    13. Bingo! That install works.
    14. Therefore, one of the 63 patches I had downloaded from MS had triggered a problem with the CF installer.
    15. Back on the first server (the one with the MS security  patches installed and the one that CF won't install on). In the CF file  adobe_cf.lax (one of the files extracted in step 6) there is a line that  mentions where the install gets it's java. Find that file, and check java version installer is using. It is using 1.6.0_14-b08.
    16. Off to the Java website, and there is a newer version of java (1.6.0_24-b07). Downloaded and installed it.
    17. Modify a line in adobe_cf.lax :
         lax.nl.current.vm=C:\\program files\\java\\jre6\\bin\\java.exe
    (that assumes that you let step 16 install to the default location)
    Save the file.
    18. Run the install ... ** IT WORKS ** !
    Obviously, the built in java provided with the CF installer is  no longer compatible with some change introduced by some recent MS  update on the W2K3 64b SP2 platform.
    And now the interesting part. Although I forced the installer to used the new java, it did not incorporate it into the cf build (ie: in jvm.config, you still see c:/coldfusion9/runtime/jre AND the  version of java.exe that is in that directory is the original version,  not the newer version I forced the installer to use).
    On the surface, CF seems to run OK, but I have not done any application testing yet.
    And finally my
    ** QUESTION **
    Would it be appropriate to simply point the java.home var to the new java directory? I see that the directory structures and files are not exactly the same  (close though) so I certainly don't want to break things by doing this,  but instinct tells me that if the installer broke using the older  version, then something else is gonna break down the road if I don't use  the new version. On the other hand, the differences in the  directories and files is enough that it makes me very nervous, with my  limitied java skill set, to make this decision. 
    Thanks in advance!!

    Hi Byron,
    Wow great post no doubt much of the information will be useful for those on Win03 SP2 +. Have to say not come across similar problem on Win08 r2 SP1 +.
    So to your question. Adobe security bulletin (http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/894/cpsid_89440.html) recommends running CF8 and CF9 with JVM 1.6.0_24. The bulletin does not say how to do that. I take you installed JDK and not just JRE 1.6.0_24? Post install of JDK follow these steps:
    Stop CF - SERVICES.msc stop "ColdFusion 9 Application Server".
    Take a copy of CF\runtime\bin\jvm.config - so you got a backup.
    Edit CF\runtime\bin\jvm.config find line "java.home=" and comment it out eg:
    Add new line like so and save jvm.config:
    java.home=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_24/jre
    Note  there the slashes and the location of the JRE (runtime) - you need to  point to the one in JDK because the other JRE in C:\Program  Files\Java\jre6 will be missing a DLL.
    Start CF via SERVICES.msc.
    HTH, Carl.

  • 8.2.1 Not able to burn disc.

    Since the most recent upgrade I'm unable to burn disc. I've done this before many times and have never had problems, nevertheless I followed these instructions after the first attempt failed http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2239
    Nothing happens after step 16.
    Prior to upgrade I could watch in the "Window Player" what song the system was burning, also the check marks would change to completed status. Now it just sits there with a "Player Window" that reads "Burning Disc ... finishing."
    After 3 hours, I clicked the "x" in the window. It then gave a pop-up, "If you stop this disc burn, your disc will not be usable. Are you sure you want to stop?" I clicked yes.
    Window reads "Canceling disc burn... this may take a minute or two" after displaying this for an hour, I had to complete a "Forced Quit" on Itunes, though itunes was responding.
    I've gone thru this process three times, and all 3 disc are unusable with 0 tracks.
    I'm trying to burn 15 songs I purchased today from Itunes with at total time of 1:08:04, 136MB min onto a CD-R 700MB/80MIN disc.
    Anyone have a solution? Thanks.

    I too am experiencing the same problems as mentioned above but I now am receiving a disc error message of "The attempt to burn a disc failed. The device failed to calibrate the laser power level for this media." This now happens whether I try to burn a Cd or try to back-up my purchases.
    I have tried to burn a disc via finder first using a Itunes song file and second an Iphoto Jpeg. After both attempts I received this error code: 0x800Z006D I have not been able to find this error code.
    Next I tried to put a DVD movie as well as an Apple install disc in my Superdrive. Both times the disc was spat out w/o reading. This also happens if I put in an audio CD. I've tried to install a laser lens cleaner, but this too was spat out.
    Enter Utilities and clicked on Console and after I tried to load a DVD movie this message showed up in Console:
    +2009-07-31 10:21:20.908 DiskImages UI Agent[252] Could not find image named 'background'.+
    +Can't load ///usr/standalone/i386/boot.efi+
    +Error while getting file ID of /System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi. Ignoring...+
    +Workaround Bonjour: Unknown error: 0+
    I am now on 8.2.1(6) after having burn issues with 8.1
    I am lost. Is this a hardware, program, driver issue?

  • I'm having problems burning discs,whether it is photos or music i keep getting error messages,i have been using the same brand for years and have faith in them and this problem has only started since I got a new hard drive installed,any thoughts ? thanks

    at the moment i have had a disc in for at least 20 mins and it's still 'finishing' sems a bit long for 17 songs . also the fan is on almost all of the time , maybe that has a bearing .. ? I'd appreciate some help here as it is getting increasingly frustrating . alao when i put in the discs that i have used they do not register on the desktop . so i have been wasting lots of discs doing this .
    Thank you all .

    What brand of media are you using?
    What error messages are you getting?
    What application/s are you using to burn?
    iDVD: Troubleshooting issues with burning discs
    Mac OS X: "Unknown Error -2147352480" when burning CD-R, CD-RW, or DVD-R media

Maybe you are looking for