Burned 2 GB of mp3  to a DVD

informed i needed to burn it to a cd
could not get macbook to write to a cd !
thanks !
j. nadler

depends, what are you aiming to do? backing up to a dvd is fine, you can put them back on your mac or sumthing else fine. however if u wanted to listen to them, then u would need a cd to use in a cd player.
but you could use the dvd in your mac, and play through itunes fro it

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    you can also back up right from iTunes.
    Make a smart playlist that selects all tunes in a given date range (or any other criteria). Diddle the end date until the playlist is less than 4.28 GB. Select your burn preference for a data disk. Burn it. Then set new date ranges until you are done.
    Another hint once you have a complete backup. Make a smart playlist that starts from today. As you add music, let it grow until it gets to about 600 mb. Then burn in on a data CD. Then set the date to today again and let it grow again.
    - gws

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    I’m not conversant with the technical aspects of the information on the other two websites to which you refer. I really can’t tell whether these programs would meet the demands of this particular situation. I do not want to download programs, even if they are freeware, if I don’t know what I am getting. This movie stuff is certainly a much more complex issue to deal with than mp3 song files!
    I am too new to the world of Mac to know whether QuickTime Pro would be of advantage. I’ll have to look into it.
    I think QT Pro is like another editing app in and of itself and much more. It is very much worth every cent that apple is asking for this software. In fact, in some situations it's actually vital in the creation of several projects.
    I'm guessing you too will find this out on your own when it comes to combining two QT movies together as one project or triming and existing QT movie rather than reworking both separate projects from scratch.
    Bottom line is that it's significant time saver. And for me time = $$$. (Hence this QT software is worth every cent of $29).
    Btw... and nobody pays me to say this about apple software. I'm just stating what works best for me.
    Speaking of which .... I also happen to be my own beta tester.
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    Hope this helps.
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    Thanks again

    Hey Raftman:
    The way it finally sunk in for me was to first determine what the final product might be, and who would be using it.
    In one case it might be a DVD with pics for a brother (who has a DVD player only in his computer) and a DVD movie/slideshow for sister (who has a standalone DVD entertainment player) and printed pictures for Mom an Dad (who refuse to use anything new).
    But to really answer your question concerning DVD's. There are really only two ways using DVD recording software (Roxio/MyDVD/...etc).
    1. You simply copy the images to a DVD as data or files. These DVD's are no different than storing the images on a hard drive except that they are portable and you can give them to someone who has a DVD player and image viewing software with their computer. However, this "Data" DVD is not a DVD that you could play in most standalone entertainment system DVD players (the one hooked to your TV)
    2. You can also make a DVD that would contain your images as a slideshow or still movie. This format is the one that can be played in a standalone DVD player. Rather than view them using a computer and computer monitor as in #1 above, you view them on your TV. To do this again you need the proper software to create a DVD movie. That software essentially converts the images (JPEG, TIFF...etc)into the MPEG2 format which is the DVD movie standard. Normally you just drag and drop the images into the program...adding music is sometimes an option. I can't go into depth, because it depends on the software which you'll have to read and understand.
    What are the primary advantages/disadvantages of each method?
    Well, besides needing a computer and monitor for #1, everyone has to gather around the computer. But, a computer monitor will always be the best quality. Looking at the images would be no difference than looking at them on your computer. Just double click or load the image software and browse away.
    Using a DVD and TV is easy for a group, but the televisions resolution or quality is no where as good as a computer monitor. Here you would simply load the DVD as a rented movie and the images would play or you would select them with your remote. There is the problem that all recorded movie DVD's are not 100% compatible with all entertainment system DVD players. "R-" DVD's are the most compatible. Many older DVD players simply will not play a recorded DVD.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for your reply John.
    It's extremely frustrating that this is the case. I'd have started with a DVD project in the first place had I not read this: http://helpx.adobe.com/encore/using/building-finished-project.html , specifically the following excerpt:
    "You can build the same project to DVD and Blu‑ray formats no matter which format you select in the New Project or Project Settings dialog box. Encore makes the appropriate adjustments to transcode the elements to the correct format."
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    Rather than burn directly to disk follow this workflow to help assure the best quality video DVD:
    Once you have the project as you want it save it as a disk image via the File ➙ Save as Disk Image  menu option. This will separate the encoding process from the burn process.
    To check the encoding mount the disk image, launch DVD Player and play it.  If it plays OK with DVD Player the encoding is good.
    Then burn to disk with Disk Utility or Toast at the slowest speed available (2x-4x) to assure the best burn quality.  Always use top quality media:  Verbatim, Maxell or Taiyo Yuden DVD-R are the most recommended in these forums.

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    Melofthesea wrote:
    hi there,
    New to these forums and communites and was just trying to get feedback on this question...is it possible to burn playlists in MP3 format from i tunes to an external drive such as a USB stick.  I can only find options to burn to a CD.
    If anyone can help[ that would be great.
    Mel,  Sure, although that is "copying," not "burning."  It is easily done, as follows:
    Insert the USB stick into your computer, and open it up so it looks like a folder.  Highlight the songs you want in iTunes, and drag them into the folder.
    If you normally run iTunes in full screen mode, make it smaller so that you can do the drag.

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    I suspect you are attempting to burn an HD DVD, which will not play on a DVD player...
    But if you provide more details such as the settings you are applying in Compressor, then we would be able to provide you more accurate information.
    How are you adding the files to Compressor?
    In FCP, what are your footage properties (command-9) and sequence settings (command-0)

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    There are many reasons this could be the case but whether an optical disc can be read or not is a function of:
    The reflective media layer of the disc
    Whether the burned disc was a DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW
    The brand, model, and production lot of the disc
    The specific frequency of the Write lasers that burned the disc
    The specific frequency of the Read lasers that are attempting to read the disc
    Are the Read lasers in the drive working (it is common for one set of lasers in a drive to fail while others continue to work)
    How old are the Write and Read drives (laser frequencies change with age)
    Is there dust on the read laser
    Is there dust on the read lens
    At one time it was estimated that fewer than 80% of all burned discs were readable in 90% of the drives. That has, I believe improved over time but at the same time it seems the faillure rate of lasers in the drives has increased but that may simply be the result of how many different read and write lasers there are in today's superdrives. Fortunately todays drives are a lot less expensive the replace -- now that Apple no longer installs optical drives in their computers.

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    I have also tried to change the status of the blank DVD before adding files and after adding the files (but b4 the burn) to Read and Write, this works but then during the burn process the DVD or burner changes my settings to Read Only.
    I am burning with Finder and have tried with Toast 10 Titanium. What am I doing wrong, or not doing at all?! I'm going loopy with frustration!

    Kiraly, I agree that the actual problem here might be something else, but as a side issue there seems to be a difference in the way permissions are handled when a file copy is made using Finder compared to when the copy is made using the cp copy in Terminal. At least in my Tiger system, Finder preserved the permission structure, though not the ownership, when it copied a file, whereas cp used the OS defaults.
    I tried the following experiment:
    From my test user account "t", I created a textfile named ReadWrite.txt, and gave it Read+Write permissions for Owner, Group, and Others. I then burned it using Finder to a DVD which I named PermissionTest, and then unchecked the "Ignore Ownership" box on PermissionTest.
    The original ownership and permissions were preserved on the DVD, though of course you couldn't actually write to anything there:
    xxG5-Computer:~ t$ ls -l /Volumes/PermissionTest/ReadWrite.txt
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 t t 15 Sep 13 18:25 /Volumes/PermissionTest/ReadWrite.txt
    I then copied the file from the DVD to the Desktop using Finder, and the permissions were preserved!
    Finder copy:
    xxG5-Computer:~ t$ ls -l /Users/t/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 t t 15 Sep 13 18:25 /Users/t/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    I then trashed the Finder copy of ReadWrite,txt on the desktop, and made a second copy from the DVD, but this time I used the cp command from Terminal instead of using Finder. This time the permissions were not preserved, but reverted to the OS default:
    cp copy:
    xxG5-Computer:~ t$ cp /Volumes/PermissionTest/ReadWrite.txt Desktop
    xxG5-Computer:~ t$ ls -l /Users/t/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 t t 15 Sep 13 19:43 /Users/t/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    I then switched to a different user account "t1", and repeated the above with the same DVD, first copying the ReadWrite.txt file to the desktop using Finder, and then using cp. The ownership of the copied file changed from t to t1 in both cases, but the permission structure again was preserved in the Finder copy but not in the cp copy:
    DVD file:
    xxG5-Computer:~ t1$ ls -l /Volumes/PermissionTest/ReadWrite.txt
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 t t 15 Sep 13 18:25 /Volumes/PermissionTest/ReadWrite.txt
    Finder copy:
    xxG5-Computer:~ t1$ ls -l /Users/t1/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 t1 t1 15 Sep 13 18:25 /Users/t1/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    cp copy:
    xxG5-Computer:~ t1$ cp /Volumes/PermissionTest/ReadWrite.txt Desktop
    xxG5-Computer:~ t1$ ls -l /Users/t1/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 t1 t1 15 Sep 13 19:51 /Users/t1/Desktop/ReadWrite.txt
    I got similar results when I tried copying a file with Read+Write permissions for all from a USB flash drive to the Desktop, again with the "Ignore Ownership" box unchecked.

  • How to play DVD burned on to surperdrive on a DVD player?

    Ok I burned a slideshow on to a DVD-R Disc,  using a Mac superdrive and can view it on my macbook air, can I view it on a DVD player?

    If you’re able to view it in the DVD Player on the Mac, you’ll be able to view it in a standalone player.
    If you burned it as a data DVD, you can’t.

  • Has anybody actually succeeded in burning  96/24 audio onto a DVD-R?

    Has anybody actually succeeded in burning 96/24 audio onto a DVD-R and been able to play it back on a standard DVD player? iDVD apparently does not support 96/24 audio files. On three different computers, 2 MacBooks and a G4 Powerbook, with 5 different versions of OS 10.4.11 to 10.5.8 and several different updates to Toast 9, I still have never been able to burn a 96/24 Music DVD. 48/24 works, but that throws away half the musical information/resolution--and that really isn't satisfactory. Is there anyone out there who has actually succeeded in burning 96/24 Music DVDs with Toast Titanium 9???? If so on what machine and with what OS (and I suppose what version of Toast 9)? Any hints? Thanks

    Hello and Welcome to Apple Discussions. 
    Try having a read of some of the articles on this page. These cover the use of the Burn folder as already mentioned as well as various other methods.

  • Burning an iPhoto slideshow onto a DVD

    How can I burn an iPhoto slideshow onto a DVD?  I have created a slideshow with music but cannot determine how to burn it to a DVD.  I've tried to use iDVD but cannot figure it out.  I need very basic instructions, please.
    Thank you!

    Depends on information you do not supply - but burn a slide show to DVD export it to the desktop as a QuickTime movie and the using the finder burn it to dial - it can be played on any device that can play QuickTime
    To play on a DVD player it must be authored which requires iDVD or other authoring software like Toast - neither involves iPhoto - there is a iDVD forum and Toast has a support forum

  • How do i burn an iPhoto slideshow onto a DVD?

    how do I burn an iphoto slideshow onto a DVD? and a blueraycompatable DVD?

    Export the slideshow from iPhoto, that makes a movie of it.
    Do you want to use this DVD in a domestic DVD player? If so, then the disk will have to be 'authored' to make it the correct form for that. If you have iDVD then that's the app you use. However, iDVD is no longer developed or distributed by Apple. You may be able to get it on an old iLIfe install disk.
    Other options:
    Burn: http://macupdate.com/app/mac/21992/burn
    Toast: http://macupdate.com/app/mac/6351/toast-titanium
    But there are lots of others too. Search on the App Store or MacUpdate
    As for Bluray you'll need an app (and a burner) that can create that format.
    Search on the App Store or MacUpdate

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