Burning a movie using Toast

Is there a way to go directly from imovie and burn into toast or do I need to export the movie first and then bring it into toast? Also will that work?

any full version ≥6.1.1 of Toast allows in Finder a drag'n drop of an iM project file into Toast's window..
no manual exports needed..

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    I have created a movie in imovie which is 58 minutes long and roughly 12GB. I have dragged this movie into Roxio Toast (6.0) and attempted to create a DVD but after about 2 hours of Toast creating my DVD it "unexpectedly quits". Can anybody help?
    Also do I need to export my movie to quicktime and full DV quality and then drag this into toast?

    Hi Nancy,
    I do use both apps:
    iLife - that is a very conveneint combo of products; everything is integrated; using every single app as it is meant for, it works like charm; iDVD, esp. the new one in iLife05, has terrific options (moving menus) or, some nice features to create very simple looking video-dvds.
    iMovie is a very basic, but easy to handle edit app; I do own FinalCutExpress for more elaborated projects (or just parts! I use fCE for special effects, import them into iM)…
    iDVD is dvd authoring "suite"; complex menus/structures; you can "imitate" different language versions of a project on one dvd (not really different audioo tracks, but like...); the new "structure" view makes you feel like working with DVDSP...
    Toast7: VERY different! this is NOT a dvd authoring app, but some "burner" (in many meanings); there is just one single menu to choose from; no individual menu design possible; but zillions of options to create any "burned" media, from data (spanning feature!=> dividing BIG data onto many discs)), all kind of formats (PC, ISO, udf…); converting into different codecs; latest feature: video into divx-codec
    speed? never heard of a comparison of both products, wouldn't make much sense, iDVD offers complex menus = time, Toast not; Toast offer codecs, iDVD cannot create....
    yepp, you can "jump" to vers. 7 directly...
    doing video => iM+iDVD
    doing "burning" => Toast

  • Burning error when using toast

    i am using leopard 10.5.5 and using toast 9.0.2 with the hd plugin.
    i am getting an error when trying to burn a dvd, i have created a file in an animation program, taken it into final cut pro, edited what i wanted, then exported it as 1080i50. the file plays no problem in quicktime on my laptop, but i need to put it on DVD. opening up toast, it goes into the prog window, encodes the file but then i get an error, -50, can not burn DVD.
    does anyone know of this problem, or maybe has any ideas on what i can do to work out the problem?

    Bruce Etnyre wrote:
    His first sentence states the OP is using 10.5.5 and apparently has not updated the profile.
    sure confused me
    I occasionally get errors when using Toast to burn DVD’s. I found quitting other applications during the burn eliminated the errors. Not the optimal solution, but it couldn’t hurt to try.
    I think he is referring to HD DVDs per his first sentence, but it's not clear to me.
    It could be anything from a bad blank to a flaky optical writer to, as you mention, other software running. I usually turn all my apps off when burning DVDs. Mail, Safari, Firefix, etc., although on fast machine like this one it probably does not matter.
    On the other hand, when I burn a R/W DVD or CD, I ignore these things and just computer as usual.

  • Burning a AVI Movie using Toast Won't Work?!

    The file is 700 MB. When I drag it into toast and click burn it tells me the movie is 4.5 GB but the DVD will only hold 4.4 GB. Why did a 700GB AVI file turn into an 4.5 GB file??

    This is really a question about Toast which would be better asked on the Toast support web site. I believe Toast has a feature for recoding AVIs to video DVD format. Whatever it is you are doing seems to have activated that. Perhaps there is something like choosing DVD format, versus data DVD. I don't really know for sure since I only have Toast 5 and never use it.

  • DVD MENU, burn using TOAST

    Has anyone tried this, building a menu using DVDSP, after you build your menu -- you have 2 folders, Video TS, Audio TS. Do you have to burn your DVD using burner inside DVDSP? Or can I drag those TS folders into TOAST and burn it there. If so, where do I drag these files? Data? or Video?
    Appreciate your time and suggestions...

    I'm a little confused about what you mean with "DVD
    MENU" . . . but the answer is yes, you can use Toast
    to burn your <b<disc</b>.
    In Toast 7 go to Data and choose format DVD-ROM
    UDF. NAme your disc and drag both VIDEO_TS and
    AUDIO_TS folder inside. Burn.
    Another approach is creating a disc image of
    your build in DVDSP and use that img file in Toast or
    OSX Disk Utility. You can find here a complete
    tutorial about Creating Disc Image in DVDSP (from
    www.kenstone.net site).
    Hope it helps !
    Dear Silal:
    You know how DVDSP allows you to build your menu with a nice template and navigation buttons. When you burn DVD using Toast, it only gives you one button.
    So my question is, how do you use that nice menu layout that DVDSP offers, and then using Toast to burn your disc. Do you always have to open DVDSP to burn your disc? Or can you use Toast to burn your disc and keeping it stored away so everytime you want to make a copy, all you have to do is use Toast.
    The second part of my question, if I want to burn my disc using toast with the template built from DVDSP, do I burn it by dragging in the TS folders into DATA or VIDEO in Toast.
    I hope this is clearer, and I appreciate any suggestions, I'm very new at doing this.
    Many thanks!!!

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    ibook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    I, too, have not been able to successfully burn a DVD through any Apple application, including Disk Utility and Backup. The only thing that's worked for me is to save my iDVD project as a disk image, and then burn the DVD using Toast. It takes longer, but at least I'm not wasting DVDs.

  • A few months ago, I purchased a new iMac. I recently created a movie using iMovie. Then I found out that iDVD is not included. So I have the problem that I want to burn a movie that I can play on my DVD player and watch on a television. i rang Applecare a

    A few months ago, I purchased a new iMac. I recently created a movie using iMovie. Then I found out that iDVD is not included. So I have the problem that I want to burn a movie that I can play on my DVD player and watch on a television. I rang Applecare and was told that I need a program called BURN.
    Is this correct? I can export the movie from iMovie in a m4v format, but I think I need to convert this to iso format before I can burn the disc.
    I know there are programs like TOAST that will do this, but it is expensive.
    I would be very grateful for any assistance.

    Burn will not do what you want, and there is no real substutute for iDVD.
    Why is there no iDVD on my new Mac?
    Apple insists that the entire world has access to fast broadband (and are prepared to pay for the considerable bandwidth usage) and wants to distribute home movies to friends and relatives via download (iCloud, YouTube, Facebook, whatever) rather than mailing them a DVD. The fact that in reality not all users do, has so far had no effect on this policy. If you scream and shout loudly enough down the phone Apple may send you a free copy of iDVD. Stating that they would return their brand new Mac unless they received a copy of iDVD worked for some, but that is now said to have been withdrawn by Apple.
    Also, you can complain bitterly via Apple’s Feedback link, perhaps suggesting that Apple could have provided a choice between burning DVDs and distributing home movies by other means. You may feel that Apple should not dictate how you destribute family videos or photos to distant relatives and friends, and should not assume that every user is prepared to pay for the excessive bandwidth usage charged by ISPs for huge downloads from the App Store:
    Whilst Macs with a Superdrive continue to be able to burn video DVDs, the software for so doing, iDVD, is no longer included in the iLife bundle that came with OS 10.7 Lion (which also omitted iWeb) or that comes with OS 10.8 Mountain Lion. And it is no longer included in the iLife 11 from the online Apple Store: http://www.apple.com/ilife/. Your only solution is to look on Amazon or eBay and try to get an older version that includes iDVD 7, i.e. iLife version 9 onwards. You should also do this if you plan to buy a new Mac anytime soon, as stocks of iLife that include iDVD will not be available for ever.
    However, the vastly more expensive FCPX can burn a DVD without iDVD or DVD Studio Pro involvement, but lack the themes etc of iDVD. Also, of course, there is Roxio Toast, which is the best software for burning anything but again does not offer the flexibility of iDVD.
    And if you think Microsoft are any better, their new Windows 8 operating system will not play DVDs, or burn them, unless customers buy an extra upgrade, the company has announced:  http://www.gizmag.com/windows-8-no-dvd-playback/22443/
    In other words, computer manufacturers have declared optical media as dead, long before consumers are ready to stop using them, which is fine as long as they offered us a choice, but they won’t even do that. Flexibility and intuitive use of a computer seems to be a thing of the past.

  • I am using a Mac Mini. I want to change the file size  in iMovie to MPEG so I can burn the move  to  a disc. There is no "save As" that I can find . What do i do?

    I am using a mac mini. I want to change the file size in iMovie to MPEG so I can burn the movie to a disc. There is no "Save As" that I can find. What do I do?

    Stanley Fayer wrote:
    ... to MPEG so I can burn the movie to a disc. ...
    to create standard-conform DVDs = playable on any DVDplayer, there's much more to do than just converting to mpeg(2)...-
    you need a DVD-authoring app, as iDVD, Burn, Toast ........... drag any iMovie export into it, 'burn'.

  • Burning movies using iDVD?

    Hi, please can you help.
    I want to use iDVD to burn a movie I have on an AVI file, it's about 2 hours long. When I drag on to iDVD screen it says its too big and need to change encode on project menu, You have Best, High, Professional etc, the top one is too big. Do I use High or Professional? When I change that and go to burn a pop uo still comes up and it says there are still some things that need changing after I've done this, but can still continue burning. Can you tell me what it is and will an AVI play back on a standard DVD player afterwards when burned. I don't want to wait over 4 hours to find out it won't work.
    Can anyone please help and tell me how I can speed it up, do I use High/Professional if 'Best' won't let you do a 2 hour film, and what else I need to fix. Why does it keep coming up with 'continue burning' but tells me things need to be fixed first, but now what after I've changed the encoding.

    The cause of the problem could be two-fold: the one stated, and your choice of the outdated Microsoft AVI file container which, depending on the video codec used, may not be compatible.
    But if the video plays in Quicktime and/or iMovie it should be OK. Does it?
    Encoding can take a considerable time. 4 hours is not unusual.
    (From fellow poster Mishmumken: )
    How to create a DVD in iDVD without menu (there are several options):
    1. Easy: Drop your iMovie in the autoplay box in iDVD's Map View, then set your autoplay item (your movie) to loop continously. Disadvantage: The DVD plays until you hit stop on the remote
    2. Still easy: If you don't want your (autoplay) movie to loop, you can create a black theme by replacing the background of a static theme with a black background and no content in the dropzone (text needs to be black as well). Disadvantage: The menu is still there and will play after the movie. You don't see it, but your disc keeps spinning in the player.
    3. Still quite easy but takes more time: Export the iMovie to DV tape, and then re-import using One-Step DVD.
    Disadvantage: One-Step DVD creation has been known to be not 100% reliable.
    4. (My preferred method) Easy enough but needs 3rd party software: Roxio Toast lets you burn your iMovie to DVD without menu - just drag the iMovie project to the Toast Window and click burn. Disadvantage: you'll need to spend some extra $$ for the software. In Toast, you just drop the iMovie project on the Window and click Burn.
    5. The "hard way": Postproduction with myDVDedit (freeware)
    Tools necessary: myDVDedit ( http://www.mydvdedit.com )
    • create a disc image of your iDVD project, then double-click to mount it.
    • Extract the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders to a location of your choice. select the VIDEO_TS folder and hit Cmd + I to open the Inspector window
    • Set permissions to "read & write" and include all enclosed items; Ignore the warning.
    • Open the VIDEO_TS folder with myDVDedit. You'll find all items enclosed in your DVD in the left hand panel.
    • Select the menu (usually named VTS Menu) and delete it
    • Choose from the menu File > Test with DVD Player to see if your DVD behaves as planned.If it works save and close myDVDedit.
    • Before burning the folders to Video DVD, set permissions back to "read only", then create a disc image burnable with Disc Utility from a VIDEO_TS folder using Laine D. Lee's DVD Imager:
    Our resident expert, Old Toad, also recommends this: there is a 3rd export/share option that give better results.  That's to use the Share ➙ Media Browser menu option.  Then in iDVD go to the Media Browser and drag the movie into iDVD where you want it.
    Hope this helps!

  • Is it better to export an iMovie project as QT and use Toast to burn a DVD for general use or to export to iDVD and burn VD from there?  Why?

    Is it better to export an iMovie project as QT and use Toast to burn a DVD for general use -  or to export iMovie project to iDVD and burn DVD from there?  Why?

    Toast probably maintains better quality if you are just doing simple conversion direct from your camera straight into Toast and then to DVD. There's a lot less transcoding steps and loss of quality in that direct to DVD disk creation in Toast. However, having said that,...There's good arguments probably for both.
    What I've seen promoted most often (as most people don't have Toast or aren't motivated to buy it) is to Share to Media Browser (choose the Large size option) and then from inside iDVD click the Media Button and the Movies button to find the project under the iMovie star icon in the Media Browser window. Drag that project into your iDVD project and burn the disk.

  • Burning Final Cut Express Project using Toast

    How do I burn a Final Cut Express project using Toast? When I export a quicktime movie, even when it is "Self-Contained" and burn it in toast I only get sound with no picture. When I export it as a .mov I am assuming that will work, but it is taking 3 hours to export a 45 min video. Is there any other way or is iDVD my only option?

    The OS version I am using 10.4.10 which should show on my profile. My computer is a PowerPC G5 Dual 2 GHz with 3 GB RAM. The version of FCE is HD 3.5 and the version of Quicktime I beleive is 7.2. When I export I use Quicktime movie. I tried it with the self contained box checked and without and both did the same thing. I only got sound. When I export using Quicktime Conversion that's what takes over 3 hours. What is the difference by the way? It plays fine in Quicktime player and works fine with iDVD. I have burned quicktime files and WMF before with toast and it has worked fine. It's only when I export them from Final Cut Express that it doesn't work. I have also exported from iMovie as a full quality dv and it has worked.

  • I have created several short (3-5 minute) movies using iMovie 10.0.6 and Yosemite.  I want to create one movie that includes these short movies that I can then either burn to a DVD or show in iMovie's Theater.  How can I do it?

    I have created several short (3-5 minute) movies using iMovie 10.0.6 and Yosemite.  I want to combine those short movies into one movie that I can loop and burn on a DVD or show in iMovie Theater.  How can I do it?  The movies are now shared to iTunes.

    Another easy way to fix this.
    What I've noticed is that upon upgrading your projects and events to work with iMovie 10, initially it will work... Until you quit iMovie and reopen it again. Any events with hashtags will show up without the star next to the iMovie event. SO, if you happen to read this, after upgrading to iMovie 10 from its predecessor, immediately change the event name to NOT include a hashtag/pound symbol.
    Otherwise, if it's too late, you can either do the above or this...
    Hold down option and click on iMovie. This will prompt you Locate, Create a New Library, Cancel this window, or Choose a different library. What you want to do is create a new library, call it whatever you want to, this will only be temporary. After the program opens, it should be a blank Library. Then go to File > Open Library > iMovie Library (your original library) and proceed to change the name of your events. Quit the program. Go into your Movies folder in Finder, delete the library you temporarily created, and your back in business.

  • Hi I have created a movie using iMovie 10.0.6. I cannot save the movie as a complete file to be able to burn on to a dvd.

    Hi I have created a movie using iMovie 10.0.6 on a macbook pro using Yosemite 10. I want to burn this movie to a dvd to use on any dvd player.
    I have "shared" to a file and saved it to a named folder, but it just disappears into thin air. I cannot drag this file into an application because there is no file.
    This is very frustrating, Help.

    iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
    iOS: Unable to import photos to computer       
    You have a 2G iPod and the can play/sync only SD videos.
    If necessary use a converter app to convert to compatible format. I use the free HandBrake

  • Error -50 when burning a DVD to an external FW Burner using Toast 10

    I just upgraded to a refurbed 2009 iMac 27" i7, and it of course has one fw 800 port.
    My Samsung SH-S222L dvd drive is in an Ezquest Monsoon FW 400 external case that worked
    flawlessly with my PM G4. I also have a brand new Seagate FreeAgent Go
    500GB drive, that has two fw800 ports on it.
    I connect thusly: from the iMac to the Seagate via fw 800, and then out of the
    seagate to the external dvd drive, using an fw 800 to fw 400 cable.
    The imac recognizes two devices on the FW chain.
    However, when I try to burn a dvd on the EzQuest,
    Toast Titanium 10 reports an error -50, and says that it cannot burn the disc,
    however, Toast somehow sent the command over and the drive
    begins burning the disc, even though Toast said it could not,
    due to the Mac OS -50 error.
    2 mins later ( burning at 12x on Taiyo Uden Media) the disc is done.
    And yet I cannot control the drive ( eject the disc)
    from the iMac, because it still reports error -50.
    Turning off the Drive and turning it back on,
    will mount the burned disc, and then I can eject it as normal.
    So, my questions:
    1. is FW on Snow Leopard machines THAT flaky?
    Or does it have to do with the "piggyback"...going FW 800 to FW 800 to FW 400,
    that could be causing the issue?
    Could the issue be that the error -50 is occurring because
    the iMac has TWO DVD drives, an internal and an external one?
    That Toast or Snow Leopard is making the iMac not talk to the right
    drive, and it has a momentary lapse and that causes the error -50?
    I'm at the point now tonight when I get home trying to see if just
    the drive BY ITSELF will work via FW ( going 800 to 400)
    and that perhaps the issue is that it cannot handle more than
    one device on the onboard FW port?
    At least I figured I'd give it a shot before getting a new external case,
    a USB only one ( this one is FW 400 only) and just using a USB external burner,
    and only have the one FW drive on the bus.
    Any help would be appreciated....

    Solved it---
    the problem was the EZQuest Monsoon FW400 External Enclosure.
    Turns out that even though it has an Oxford 911 chipset,
    the firmware is not compatible with Snow Leopard 10.6.4.
    I found this out after working with both Apple and OWC
    trying to rectify it. Now to rma the Monsoon case,
    and switch to a USB 2.0 external case for the drive....

  • When using imovie and converting to idvd the cd ejects before the burn is complete.  how can I burn the movie for viewing?

    when in idvd the disc ejects before multiplexing and burning are completed therefore the disc has issues when viewing.  there are damaged areas.  Is there a work around to burn the movie?

    Why is there no iDVD on my new Mac? How do I get it and how do I install it?
    To burn a DVD with iDVD from the latest version of iMovie, you have to export the movie using the Export button and select 480p as the size. Open iDVD and start a new project, then drag that exported movie file into the iDVD menu window, avoiding any drop zones you see.

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