Button causes refresh of window

I implemented the search functionality in the masthead using htmlb and javascript. When i click on the button to do the search, it opens the new window fine but refreshes the Portal window which is what i don't want. This is where i call the javascript in the button:
onClientClick="javascript:search();return false;"
and the script:
function search(){
var urlSearch= "..."
var funcName = htmlb_formid+"_getHtmlbElementId";
func = window[funcName];
var inputField=eval(func("InputName"));
var queryString=inputField.getValue();
if ((queryString==null)||(queryString==""))
  alert("Please enter a search query");
  else window.open(urlSearch+queryString);          
Thanks in advance,

How r u doing? How is life in Sydney?
Try this
     String searchTermID = null;
     IPortalComponentURI componentURI = componentRequest.createPortalComponentURI();
     String searchComponentURI = componentURI.toString();
     String url = searchComponentURI + _bean.getParams();
     String javascript = "window.open('"url"','Community Serach Results','scrollbars=0,resize=0,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no')";
<script language="JavaScript">
function openWindow() {
var term = document.getElementById('<%=searchTermID%>').value;
var url = '<%=url%>';
And add  onClientClick="openWindow()" in the <hbj:button> tag.

Similar Messages

  • Refreshing script window (or just pulldown list)

    I have a dropdown list that is populated with the user's selection. If the user changes their selection I would like to provide a way for them to update the dropdown list to reflect that change.
    In my script I currently have a button that will close the window and then rebuild it. This causes the dropdown list to be recreated with the updated selection. It's not an elegant solution but works in CS6 however when I try it in CC the entire application freezes. Any thoughts and advice on how to do this in a better way or to fix my code would be appreciated.
    Here is the entire script.
    var uiPal;
    //my variables
    var allLayers = app.project.activeItem.layers;         
    var userSelection = app.project.activeItem.selectedLayers;      
    var selectionNames = [];
    var dimension = 0;
    var axisDir = 0;
    for (var j=0; j<userSelection.length; j++) selectionNames[j] = userSelection[j].index + "
    " + userSelection[j].name; 
    var userCollection = new Array();
    var num3d = 0;
    var tempPos = [];
    for (var i=0; i<userSelection.length; i++)
        function buildPal(theObj){
    function buildUI(theObj){
    var myPal = (theObj instanceof Panel) ? theObj : new Window("palette", "KeyFrame Ease", undefined, {resizeable:true});
    if (myPal != null){
    var myResource =  "group{orientation:'column',\
    groupOne: Group{orientation: 'row',\
    myPanelOne: Panel{text:'AXIS', orientation:'row', \
    myRadioButtonX: RadioButton{text: 'X', value: true},\
    myRadioButtonY: RadioButton{text: 'Y', value: false},\
    myRadioButtonZ: RadioButton{text: 'Z', value: false},\
    myPanelTwo: Panel{text:'AXIS direction:', orientation:'row', \
    myRadioButtonNeg: RadioButton{text: '-', value: false},\
    myRadioButtonAnch: RadioButton{text: '', value: true},\
    myRadioButtonPos: RadioButton{text: '+', value: false},\
    myPanelThree: Panel{text:'Align To:', orientation:'row', \
    myDropDownList:DropDownList{properties:{items:" + selectionNames.toSource() + "}}\
    myImage: Image{text:'Image', Image:'`/Desktop/skullIcon.jpg'},\
    groupTwo: Group{orientation:'row',\
    myButton: Button{text:'Apply', preferredSize: [50,25]},\
    myButton2: Button{text:'Refresh Selection', preferredSize: [120,25]},\
    myButton3: Button{text:'Help', preferredSize: [45,25]},\
    myPal.grp = myPal.add(myResource);
    myPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelThree.myDropDownList.selection = selectionNames.length -1;
    return myPal;
    uiPal = buildUI(theObj);
    // Event listener for the Axis radio buttons. myRadioButtonAllerts user if not all items selected
        uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelOne.myRadioButtonX.onClick = uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelOne.myRadioButtonY.onClick = uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelOne.myRadioButtonZ.onClick = function () {  
    if(uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelOne.myRadioButtonX.value) {
    dimension = 0;
    else if(uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelOne.myRadioButtonY.value) {
    dimension = 1;
    else if(uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelOne.myRadioButtonZ.value) {
    for (var j=0; j<userSelection.length; j++)
    if (userSelection[j].threeDLayer) num3d++;
    if (num3d != userSelection.length){
    alert ("Not all selected layers are 3D! Please select only 3d layers for use with Z - Axis.");
    uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelOne.myRadioButtonX.value = true;
    dimension = 2;
    return num3d = 0;
        uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelTwo.myRadioButtonPos.onClick = uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelTwo.myRadioButtonAnch.onClick = uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelTwo.myRadioButtonNeg.onClick = function () { 
    if(uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelTwo.myRadioButtonPos.value) {
    axisDir = 2;
    else if(uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelTwo.myRadioButtonAnch.value) {
    axisDir = 0;
    else if(uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelTwo.myRadioButtonNeg.value) {
    axisDir = 1;
    //change selection dropdown variable after user selection    li
    var ddListSelection = "Average"
    uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelThree.myDropDownList.onChange = function () {
    ddListSelection = uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelThree.myDropDownList.selection
    return ddListSelection
    //alert (userSelection[ddListSelection.index].position.value[dimension]);   
    //num = userSelection[ddListSelection.index].position.value[dimension]
    //apply alignment
    uiPal.grp.groupTwo.myButton.onClick = function() {
    //convert dropdown object to text - contains index of selected layer
    var ddIndex = ddListSelection.text
    if (ddListSelection == "Average" || ddListSelection.text == "Average") {
    //create alignToAvg variable and set to average of all numbers
    var alignToAvg = 0
    for (var i=0; i<userCollection.length; i++)
    alignToAvg = alignToAvg + userCollection[i]
    alignToAvg = alignToAvg / userCollection.length
    for (i=0;i<userSelection.length;i++) {
    tempPos = userSelection[i].position.value;
    tempPos[dimension] = alignToAvg;
    if (userSelection[i].position.isTimeVarying == true) {
    userSelection[i].position.setValueAtTime(userSelection[i].time, tempPos);
    else {
    else {
    var fixPos = allLayers[ddIndex.charAt(0)].position.value[dimension];
    for (i=0;i<userSelection.length;i++) {
    //create array to hold position value so that it may be changed
    var tempPos = userSelection[i].position.value;
    //place value of selected layer and dimension in to tempPos array
    //if else statments adjusts alignment aka axis direction
    if (userSelection[i].nullLayer || userSelection[i].aperture) {
    tempPos[dimension] = fixPos
    else {
    if (dimension == 0 && axisDir == 2) {
    tempPos[dimension] = fixPos + ((userSelection[i].sourceRectAtTime(0,true).width / 2) - (allLayers[ddIndex.charAt(0)].sourceRectAtTime(0,true).width / 2));
    else if (dimension == 0 && axisDir == 1) {
    tempPos[dimension] = fixPos - ((userSelection[i].sourceRectAtTime(0,true).width / 2) - (allLayers[ddIndex.charAt(0)].sourceRectAtTime(0,true).width / 2));
    else if (dimension == 1 && axisDir == 2) {
    tempPos[dimension] = fixPos + (userSelection[i].sourceRectAtTime(0,true).height / 2 - (allLayers[ddIndex.charAt(0)].sourceRectAtTime(0,true).height / 2));
    else if (dimension == 1 && axisDir == 1) {
    tempPos[dimension] = fixPos - (userSelection[i].sourceRectAtTime(0,true).height / 2  - (allLayers[ddIndex.charAt(0)].sourceRectAtTime(0,true).height / 2));
    else { 
    tempPos[dimension] = fixPos
    //if else to determin if layer has keyframes
    if (userSelection[i].position.isTimeVarying == true) {
    userSelection[i].position.setValueAtTime(userSelection[i].time, tempPos);
    //userSelection[i].position.setValueAtTime(userSelection[i].time, tempPos);
    else { 
    //adjust position based on
    uiPal.grp.groupTwo.myButton3.onClick = function() {
       w = new Window ("palette", undefined, undefined,);
    myPanel = w.add ("panel");
    myStaticText = myPanel.add ("statictext", undefined, undefined, {multiline: true});
    myStaticText.size = [800, 400];
    myStaticText.text = "How to use this script:\n\n1. Before running script make sure that you have a comp open and selected in the timeline. If you do not the script will warn you and you must run the script again.\n\n2. The script populates its dropdown list when first run. If you wish to change the selection of the layers you will be aligning you must press Refresh Selection.\
    \n\n3. AXIS - defines the position value you will be aligning your layer items too. That is, will all layers be aligned to the same x, y, or z position.\
    \n\n4. AXIS direction defines the which direction the layer will be aligned  relative to the reference layer selected in the Align To: drop down. This is analagous to Left/Right justification in print or 2D AE layers.\
    \n\n5. Align To: picks which layer will be used as the reference point. ie. If you wish all your selection items to have the same x position as 1_greenSolid then you would set 1_greenSolid as your reference layer.\
    \n\n6. Apply runs the alignment.\
    \n\n7. If you wish to change the layers that you are aligning then you must push Refresh Selection.\
    \n\n8. The Average item in the Align To: dropdown takes all the position values of you selected AXIS and averages them out";
    w.show ();
    uiPal.grp.groupTwo.myButton2.onClick = function() {
    allLayers = app.project.activeItem.layers;
    userSelection = app.project.activeItem.selectedLayers;
    selectionNames = [];
    dimension = 0;
    axisDir = 0;
    for (var j=0; j<userSelection.length; j++) selectionNames[j] = userSelection[j].index + "
    " + userSelection[j].name; 
    userCollection = new Array();
    num3d = 0;
    tempPos = [];
    if (uiPal != null){
    if (uiPal instanceof Window){
    // show the palette

    Hi,  i rewrote your script, trying to keep the same variable names but not everywhere.
    It does refresh.
    You should remove the first entry of your help, a dockable script shouldnt work that way...
        // "globals"
        var uiPal, helpPal, state;
        // current state
        state = {
            dimension : 0,
            axisDir : 0,
            // userSelection: the last user selection (array of layer objects)
            userSelection : [],
            // refIndex : the selection index in the dropdown
            // if refIndex>= userSelection.length : average
            // else the reference layer is userSelection[refIndex]
            refIndex : 0,
        // UI : help palette;
        helpPal = new Window ("palette", "KeyFrame Ease : Help", undefined, {resizeable: true});
        helpPal.myPanel = helpPal.add("panel");
        helpPal.myPanel.myStaticText = helpPal.myPanel.add("statictext", undefined, undefined, {multiline: true});
        helpPal.myPanel.myStaticText.preferredSize = [800, 400];
        helpPal.myPanel.myStaticText.text = "How to use this script:\n\n1. Before running script make sure that you have a comp open and selected in the timeline. If you do not the script will warn you and you must run the script again.\n\n2. The script populates its dropdown list when first run. If you wish to change the selection of the layers you will be aligning you must press Refresh Selection.\
    \n\n3. AXIS - defines the position value you will be aligning your layer items too. That is, will all layers be aligned to the same x, y, or z position.\
    \n\n4. AXIS direction defines the which direction the layer will be aligned  relative to the reference layer selected in the Align To: drop down. This is analagous to Left/Right justification in print or 2D AE layers.\
    \n\n5. Align To: picks which layer will be used as the reference point. ie. If you wish all your selection items to have the same x position as 1_greenSolid then you would set 1_greenSolid as your reference layer.\
    \n\n6. Apply runs the alignment.\
    \n\n7. If you wish to change the layers that you are aligning then you must push Refresh Selection.\
    \n\n8. The Average item in the Align To: dropdown takes all the position values of you selected AXIS and averages them out";  
        // UI : main
        uiPal = (theObj instanceof Panel) ? theObj : new Window("palette", "KeyFrame Ease", undefined, {resizeable:true});
        uiPal.grp = uiPal.add("group{orientation:'column',\
                                            groupOne: Group{orientation: 'row',\
                                                            myPanelOne: Panel{text:'AXIS', orientation:'row', \
                                                                                        myRadioButtonX: RadioButton{text: 'X', tag: 0, value: true},\
                                                                                        myRadioButtonY: RadioButton{text: 'Y', tag: 1, value: false},\
                                                                                        myRadioButtonZ: RadioButton{text: 'Z', tag: 2, value: false},\
                                                            myPanelTwo: Panel{text:'AXIS direction:', orientation:'row', \
                                                                                        myRadioButtonNeg: RadioButton{text: '-', tag: 0, value: false},\
                                                                                        myRadioButtonAnch: RadioButton{text: '', tag: 1, value: true},\
                                                                                        myRadioButtonPos: RadioButton{text: '+', tag: 2, value: false},\
                                                            myPanelThree: Panel{text:'Align To:', orientation:'row', \
                                                                                        myDropDownList:DropDownList{properties:{items: ['Average']}}\
                                                            myImage: Image{text:'Image', Image:'`/Desktop/skullIcon.jpg'},\
                                            groupTwo: Group{orientation:'row',\
                                                                    myButton: Button{text:'Apply', preferredSize: [50,25]},\
                                                                    myButton2: Button{text:'Refresh Selection', preferredSize: [120,25]},\
                                                                    myButton3: Button{text:'Help', preferredSize: [45,25]},\
        // initially: no userSelection, ==> average
        uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelThree.myDropDownList.selection = 0;
        uiPal.grp.groupOne.addEventListener("click", onGroupOneClickEvent);
        uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelThree.myDropDownList.onChange = onSelectionChange;
        uiPal.grp.groupTwo.myButton.onClick = align;
        uiPal.grp.groupTwo.myButton2.onClick = refresh;
        uiPal.grp.groupTwo.myButton3.onClick = function showHelp(){helpPal.visible ? helpPal.hide() : helpPal.show();};
        // update the userSelection straight away:
        // show the palette
        helpPal.onResizing = uiPal.onResizing = function(){this.layout.resize();};
        if (uiPal instanceof Window){
          // show the palette
        // events
        function onGroupOneClickEvent(ev){
            var b = ev.target;
            if (b instanceof RadioButton){
                if (b.parent.text === "AXIS") state.dimension = b.tag
                else state.axisDir = b.tag;
            else if (b instanceof Image){
        function onSelectionChange(){
            var n = this.selection.index;
            state.refIndex = n;
            if (n<this.items.length-1 && !Object.isValid(state.userSelection[n])) alert("The reference layer is no longer valid. Refresh !");
        // other functions
        function refresh(){
                    comp = app.project.activeItem,
                    dd = uiPal.grp.groupOne.myPanelThree.myDropDownList,
                    oldIndex = dd.selection.index,
                    oldText = dd.selection.text,
                    doAverage = oldIndex===dd.items.legnth-1,
                    n, N;
            if (!(comp instanceof CompItem)) return;    // ignore, or display some alert...
            state.userSelection = comp.selectedLayers.slice(0).sort(function(a,b){return a.index-b.index;});
            N = state.userSelection.length;
            // update the dropdownmenu accordingly
            // remove items
            while (dd.children.length) dd.remove(dd.items[0]);
            // add new
            for (n=0; n<N; n++) dd.add("item", state.userSelection[n].name);
            if (N>0) dd.add("separator");
            dd.add("item", "Average");
            // restore selection  (default = average)
            if (doAverage) dd.selection = dd.items.length-1
                for (n=0; n<N; n++) if (dd.items[n].text === oldText) {dd.selection = n; break;};
                if (n===N) dd.selection = dd.items.length-1;
        function checkValidity(){
            // subroutine for "align"
            // see if the script can align layers
            var userSelection = state.userSelection, n, layer;
            // no layers
            if (userSelection.length<1) return false;
            // invalid layers
            for (n=0; n<userSelection.length; n++) if (!Object.isValid(userSelection[n])){
                alert("Some layers are no longer valid, press refresh !");
                return false;
            // non 3D layers
            if (state.dimension === 2){
                for (n=0; n<userSelection.length; n++){
                    layer = userSelection[n];
                    if (layer.threeDLayer || layer instanceof CameraLayer || (layer instanceof LightLayer && layer.lightType !== LightType.AMBIENT)){}
                        alert( layer.lightType === LightType.AMBIENT ? "Can't align ambient lights" : "To align in the Z-direction, all layers should be 3D. Can't continue.");
                        return false;
            // targetting a comp that is not active:
            if (comp != app.project.activeItem) return confirm("The script layers belong to a comp that is not active. Continue ?");
            return true;
        function align(){
            // unfold the state object
                    dimension = state.dimension,
                    axisDir = state.axisDir,      
                    userSelection = state.userSelection,
                    refIndex = state.refIndex,
                    doAverage = refIndex>=userSelection.length,
            // CHECK VALIDITY: cases of premature exit
            if (!checkValidity()) return;
            // THE SCRIPT CAN RUN :
            // align code there
            if (doAverage){
                // more code
                refLayer = userSelection[refIndex];
                // more code

  • My back button and refresh button and my yahoo tool bar are dimmed a lot when I open up firefox. So as a result, I cannot use the back button nor my refresh button AND my yahoo toolbar disappears a lot. I have tried to get on your chat session but it is a

    <blockquote>Locked by Moderator as a duplicate/re-post.
    Please continue the discussion in this thread: [/forum/1/688252]
    Thanks - c</blockquote>
    == Issue
    I have another kind of problem with Firefox
    == Description
    My back button and refresh button and my yahoo tool bar are dimmed a lot when I open up firefox. So as a result, I cannot use the back button nor my refresh button AND my yahoo toolbar disappears a lot. I have tried to get on your chat session but it is always closed. I need one on one help. Please reply with resolution.
    == This happened
    Every time Firefox opened
    == two or three months ago
    == Firefox version
    == Operating system
    Windows XP
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 (BT-canvas) Firefox/3.6.3 GTB7.0 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    == Plugins installed
    *Coupons, Inc. Coupon Printer DLL
    *Coupons, Inc. Coupon Printer Plugin
    *The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
    *RealPlayer(tm) LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In
    *RealJukebox Netscape Plugin
    *Default Plug-in
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.2"
    *BrowserPlus -- Improve your browser! -- http://browserplus.yahoo.com/
    *Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
    *Yahoo Application State Plugin version
    *My Web Search Plugin Stub for 32-bit Windows
    *Google Updater pluginhttp://pack.google.com/
    *Google Update
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20 for Mozilla browsers
    *Npdsplay dll

    * If the menu bar is hidden then press and hold the Alt key down, that should make the Menu bar appear (Firefox 3.6 on Windows) (see [[Menu bar is missing]]).
    * Make sure that you have the ''Navigation Toolbar'' and other toolbars visible: View > Toolbars .
    * If items are missing then see if you can find them in the View > Toolbars > Customize window.
    * If you see the item in the Customize window then drag it back from the Customize window to the Navigation toolbar.
    * If you do not see that item then click the Restore Default Set button in the View > Toolbars > Customize window.
    See also [[Back and forward or other toolbar buttons are missing]] and [[Navigation Toolbar items]]
    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Toolbar_customization

  • I play Hotties for Sale but the function buttons Home, Refresh, Go back, have disappeared. How do I get them back? are missing

    I was trying to find out how the page info link works and I lost the function buttons Home, Refresh, Go back on Hotties for Sale. I do not know how to get them back. I have contacted Hotties For Sale help but they have not replied. Can you help please?

    * If the menu bar is hidden then press F10 or hold down the Alt key, that should make the "Menu Bar" appear
    * Make sure that the "Navigation Toolbar" and the "Bookmarks Toolbar" are visible: "View > Toolbars"
    * If items are missing then open the Customize window via "View > Toolbars > Customize" or via "Firefox > Options > Toolbar Layout"
    * If a missing item is in the toolbar palette then drag it back from the Customize window on the toolbar
    * If you do not see that item then click the "Restore Default Set" button to restore the default toolbar set up
    See also:
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Toolbar_customization
    * [[Back and forward or other toolbar buttons are missing]]
    * [[Navigation Toolbar items]]

  • The toolbar with buttons (home, refresh, etc.) has disappeared from the top of my screen. How do I get it back?

    All the buttons (home, refresh, abc, alignment, bold, etc.) have disappeared from the top of my screen. How do I get them back?

    If the menu bar is hidden then press the F10 key or hold down the Alt key, that should make the menu bar appear.
    Make sure that all the toolbars like the "Navigation Toolbar" and the "Bookmarks Toolbar" are visible: "View > Toolbars"
    * If items are missing then open the Customize window via "View > Toolbars > Customize" or via "Firefox > Options > Toolbar Layout"
    * If a missing item is in the toolbar palette then drag it back from the Customize window on the toolbar
    * If you do not see an item on a toolbar and in the toolbar palette then click the "Restore Default Set" button to restore the default toolbar set up.
    See also:
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Toolbar_customization

  • Using Back button causes Null Pointer exception

    I have done some customization by extending the seeded Controller on a Page.I have altered the View query and executed it again dynamically as its not a static query.
    There is a functionality called compare which directs the users to a page from the page I have customised the controller.
    If the user uses the back button to return to the previous page it is giving a Null Pointer exception.
    Also refresh button causes a similar Null Pointer exception on the customised controller page.
    can anybody throw some light?
    Also is there a way to disable the back and refresh button on the page?

    Is the control entering the back button code in process request in your CO? Have you confirmed this by putting some debug comments?It many be that this error might being from the code where you have handled back button.
    Put debugging comments and check.

  • Home button opens a new window instead of just returning active tab to home

    Running firefox 9.0.1 on Snow Leopard. After browsing for a short time clicking on the home button opens a new window instead of just returning theactive tab to home

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • Refresh Documents window in a Room with Flexible UI One-Step-Screenflow

    Hi everyone:
    I made a customer UI command for uploading files under Documents in a collaboration room. Our implementation is based on the example code in an article Implementing Flexible UI One-Step-Screenflow at https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.km.cm.docs/library/kmc/implementing flexible ui one-step-screenflow.article.
    As we need to build our GUI for uploading multiple files at a time, this is implemented in another DynPage class and displayed in a newly opened browser window. This class is called by JavsScript window.open(...).
    Because we do not need the OK and Cancel buttons so in the example code I have removed them. But we need to refresh the window in order to display the newly uploaded files. This should be done in the DynPage class after the new window is closed.
    How can I implement in Java or JavaScript in order to simulate clicking the Documents in a collaboration room?
    Any hint will be appreciated?
    Kind regards.

    Hi Wang,
    you hav run into a more or less well-known classloader problem. See UICommand deployment
    A workaround, as you have found out by yourself, is to add a number (_1, _2, ...) to the class / some package part, and also do edit the command mapping according to this.
    Hope it helps

  • Model no n259tx trying to refresh the windows 8.1 throwing an error

    Am having an brand new laptop n259tx with pre installed Windows 8.1. When I am trying to refresh the windows it is throwing an error saying. "windows can not complete the installation. To install windows on this computer, restart the installation" but I haven't done anything, I just click only on the refresh button.
    So please kindly help me, because am hang up with my important work.
    Thanks in advance, for your kind support.

    If you are using Windows 8.1 Refresh, then that means you do not mind having everything on the disk deleted.
     I suggest that you use the recovery media that you should have created by this time instead of Windows Refresh. That will put your notebook back in the state that is was when it was delivered to you. 
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

  • When a pop up window comes up it is - search bookmarks and history window! I cannot log into my bank as login button should open new window to log in but I get the search page. I cannot see larger images as again I get the search bookmarks and history pa

    When a pop up window comes up it is - search bookmarks and history window! I cannot log into my bank as login button should open new window to log in but I get the search page. I cannot see larger images as again I get the search bookmarks and history page etc. Happens on all options that should open new page. I am so frustrated, this has been happening since Firefox updated itself 2 days ago to Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C) was fine before that. using windows vista. Can you please advise what I should do? Also can you go back to previous version? Error console eg
    Warning: Error in parsing value for 'cursor'. Declaration dropped.
    Source File: https://ib.nab.com.au/nabib/styles/menu_nab.css?id=009
    Line: 116
    ib.nab.com.au : server does not support RFC 5746, see CVE-2009-3555 and Warning: Selector expected. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.
    Source File: https://ib.nab.com.au/nabib/styles/nabstyle.css?id=014
    Line: 837
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == 2 days ago after update.

    Do you have that problem when running in the Firefox SafeMode?
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "Continue in SafeMode."''
    If not, see this:

  • I refreshed my windows 7 and lost my itunes on my computer. I have my music on my external drive, how do I get everything back? HELP

    I need help reseting my itunes after I refreshed my windows 7 on my pc. I have my music on my external drive & my ipod. How do I set up again?

    This question has to do with how to restore your computer drive if you backed up the computer to an external drive. Did you use backup software or did you just copy the data from the old computer to the new computer? If you just copied, then you need to just copy over the Music folder which should contain the iTunes folder.

  • How to show refreshed modal window(2nd report region window) - reposting

    I have a requirement where i scroll thru different rows in grid region.
    Moment I tab out from first row, I pop up 2nd report, where I show related detailed data lines for the tabed out line of first grid.
    So my 2nd window is a report region query, whose 'where' clause contains the primary key from the row of first grid window.
    On tab out of a row of first window, I have a javascript function, which shows 2nd report region using:
    var mywindow =
    On First tab out, I get the correct data display on 2nd window, which is related to current tabbed out row.
    However, If I tab out from next record, modal window pops up and it still shows my detailed data of first tabbed out row.
    Somehow the 2nd window is not getting refreshed/recalculated based on my new tabbed out row. I only have showmodaldialog in my JS function.
    Anyway to refresh the window based on new values of the where clause variable? and then showing the window?
    Please help!!
    Edited by: Rave on Nov 26, 2009 6:15 AM

    Hi Rave,
    You can refresh any window with the java script below, just make it conditional on the value of an item within your page so that it dose not run every time the page is loaded.
    if ($v('P1_MY_ITEM') === 'foo' ) {
    window.location.href = document.location.href;

  • I've lost the "Send" button in my reply window. When I double click on a Mail message, on order to reply, the "Send" button at the top of the window is missing. I can reply by closing and saving my reply, and re-openning from Drafts. How to fix?

    I've lost the "Send" button in my reply window. When I double click on a Mail message, on order to reply, the "Send" button at the top of the window is missing. I can reply by closing and saving my reply, and re-openning from Drafts. How to fix?

    Hi, try this...
    If nothing is showing in the Toolbar at top, click the little gray oval at top right.
    Right click or Control+click on the Toolbar, choose Customize Toolbar, drag the Send button to the Toolbar.

  • When I click on a link the address does not display in the location bar in the new tab. Which makes the back/forward button and refresh buttons unable to be used

    When opening a link any link from firefox address does not display in the location bar. Even when navigating forward from there the address does not show back/forward button and refresh all rendered unable to be used

    Do you have that problem when running in the Firefox SafeMode? <br />
    [http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Safe+Mode] <br />
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "Continue in SafeMode."''
    If not, see this: <br />

  • How to create a button that close a window/popup.

    Hi, I must create in a view a button that close the window/popup that include the view, the button must be like the OK button of the popup or the X button at the top-right side . It's possible?

    Hi Avalor.
    You can create a custom pop up window. Just create a view that contains all
    elements that you want to display. Add the button that closes the view. Create a
    new window that only contains this new view. Use the mentioned method to create
    a new window as pop up. You just have to pass the name of the window you have
    created. Store the reference to the new window in the component controller
    From the new window->view you have access to the component controller.
    In the action handler of the button you can use something like this:
    wd_comop_controler->mr_window->close( ).

Maybe you are looking for

  • Not able to delete a delivery after revenue recognition is reversed

    Hello Gurus, We have a situation for certain Sales Order types after creation of Sales Order -> Delivery and PGI, we do revenue recognition. But there was some mistake and delivery needed to be deleted and recreated if needed. So after doing revenue

  • How to prevent user from "normal" navigation?

    Hi everyone, I have a PDF with a lot of pages, which are connect through Links (It's an export from MS Visio). I now want all the users to keep navigating through the links and prevent accidental navigation through the "normal" way (Arrow-Keys, Mouse

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  • Problem using Order by  in forms 6i

    Hi The forms version I have I trying to write a query that looks like this select * from ( select rownum, a.* from (select x , y, z from xyz_table order by x, y asc) ) b order by b.z The form does not compile and gives errors pointing to th

  • Office Pro 8100 printing with Mac

    Since upgrading to Mac OX 10.10 (Yosemite) I have been having a strange problem.  I send something to the printer and I get a message "printer not connected" and "searching for printer".  Generally after 10 to 20 minutes the document suddenly prints.