Buying a second iMac

Hello I am buying a second iMac and Apple's website has both 20"refurbished models (aluminium 2.0GHz and White 2.16GHz) available.Which do you think is a better choice?Thanks

*Hi RMT07, Welcome* to Apple's Users Help Users Forums.
*If you are interested*, you might check to see if one comes w Tiger so you can get both worlds.
Good Luck, JP

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    If you have a considerable photograph and/or movie collection you may want to consider off loading those to the EHD too. Here are Apple's article showing how handle iTunes & iPhoto libraries.
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    Download from Download Photoshop Elements products | 13, 12, 11, 10
    Install then enter your serial number.

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    It's unlikely there will be any changes to the recently released iMacs at Macworld Expo. I've just recently purchased a 24" 2.8GHz iMac w/750GB HD, and immediately upgraded to 4GB with Crucial memory, and it's working out great.
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    It's probably wise to wait for Macworld Expo the third week in January to see if there are any surprises, but you should have no concerns about the currently shipping 24" iMacs. They're great machines.

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    FWIW, US/Canada plugs look like this (2 flat pins and one round ground pin) and the normal non-US ones look like the second (three round pins).

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    Hi SilverEM2,
    You'll have to buy a second copy for your iMac.
    The MacBook DVD has some specific drivers anyway, but it would be also illegal.

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    When you buy your new iMac you will be able to have the installation process transfer all your applications, data (including music, pictures, documents, etc) and settings to your new computer. In the past that was done via Firewire. I'm not entirely sure of the process with the new iMacs that don't have firewire. I think it can be done via ethernet and probably via tha thunderbolt cord using a firewire adapter but you'll want to check that out.
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    Hello jimmy ii
    The only option is to contact that person to have them remove Activation Lock from the iPhone. They can do it online and do not have to come to you. Check out the article below for more information.
    Find My iPhone Activation Lock: Removing a device from a previous owner’s account
    -Norm G.

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    I spend a lot of hours to find an answer to the following question, unfortunately without any success:
    I’m working with a new iMac (Intel, OS 10.4.11) and Final Cut. Additionally I have an old iMac (G3, OS 10.3.9).
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    Thank you very much for your help.
    Message was edited by: baeumer

    Don't think this is possible.
    You're better off using a DAC (for example the one made by Canopus) and put your DV in and get a compatible signal out the other end for connection to your monitor.
    I don't understand why you would want to go through a computer first, it would be a waste of time and add a huge delay to the signal.
    Finally, I wouldn't use a computer monitor as an external display, it would be useless in my experience. Why not just preview on the one you've got by going full screen in FCP? Also using a computer monitor as a preview/output monitor is not a good idea since it's so different from a normal TV and won't show the correct colour space or issues such as flickering and interlace problems, underscan etc etc.
    Seems like you're using a sledgehammer to crack a very small nut and that would be to use a DV camera via firewire and then connect up a monitor from that. (again using a convertor box if you have a connection problem.)

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    I bought my first  iMac 27" i5 in November 2011 last year.
    Do you think there would be a update that will Features a Retina Display, Siri etc ??
    So my iMac will be the same as the new one that will be released this year,
    Or will I have to buy a new iMac to get all these new updates ??
    It would be a shame if I did because my iMac is only 6months old if that ..
    Kind regards Simon Trott Apple user and proud of it

    We're not allowed to speculate on future or rumoured Apple products, but we all know there'll always be newer tech coming along.
    The iMac you have is an excellent machine, be happy with it and get a good few years use out of it. By the time your machine is slowing down, whatever comes next will have been updated numerous times.
    I had the 2011 i5 27" delivered about 3 weeks ago. It's a cracking machine

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    Hard to find the right technical expert - chat isn't working

    You have some lens correction enabled or a graphics hardware acceleration issue. nothing that a reinstall would fix. Since you haven't provided any relevant exact technical info, nobody can say more.

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    Become familiar with how it works. Then try out some of the features. Examine it for damage or dents. Is it still under warranty?
    Complete guide to using iOS 6
    Guide to Built-In Apps on iOS built-in-apps-ios
    You can download a complete iOS 5 iPad User Guide and iOS 6 iPad User Guide here:
    Also, Good Instructions
    Apple - iPad - Guided Tours
    Apple iPad Guided Tours - Watch the videos see all the amazing iPad apps in action. Learn how to use FaceTime, Mail, Safari, Videos, Maps, iBooks, App Store, and more.
    How to - Articles & User Guides & Tutorials
    iPad How-Tos
    You can download this guide to your iPad.
    iPad User Guide for iOS 5
     Cheers, Tom

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    I need to know which version of windows is the most robust using Bootcamp.  I am reading the forums and it seems people are having all sorts of issues.
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    2. Looking at a 32Gb iMac with 3TB Fusion Drive and a 2TB Time Machine.
    3. 1TB will be reserved for Windows.
    I don't mind either Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, whichever is the most realiable.
    Is this possible and fully supported using OSx Mavericks?
    Many thanks

    Windows 8 is supported (64 bit) 8.1 is reported to work also.

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    I am considering purchasing a 24" iMac. If the screens are as bad as everyone says, should I just bag it and wait awhile? Right now I have a mini and need more horsepower for iMovie, iPhoto, etc. Any suggestions?

    To be honest, I would not, if I were you.
    I doubted if I would buy the 24" iMac for a long time, given so many people were complaining. But then I thought: the majority of people doesn't complain, so I could receive an iMac with a good screen.
    Unfortunately not: I received my iMac last friday, and there was a huge gradient difference between left and right. And above that, the center of the screen had a pronounced yellow cast.
    My dealer allowed me to return the iMac, and I received my money back. His words: "I don't think exchanging your iMac will help you, lots of people have the same problem".
    Apart from that the iMac was great, with a nice colors, it was quiet, it was quick, etc. So I will have to wait for a revision in which the display problems are solved.
    And to Apple: take your responsibility! Solve this, and acknowledge that a problem exists!
    Message was edited by: there is still hope
    Message was edited by: there is still hope

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