Buying storage space?

how to buy additional storage space for back up online, customer service phone number is taking too long?

I have an 8GB and have had it for over a year. I have 7 pages of apps, 350 songs and podcasts and pictures and notes saved on it. I have not even come close to half way! I thought I was going to need the 16GB but now I am glad that I didnt spend the extra $$.

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    Where/under what circumstances are you getting this error
    message? What is the exact wording of the message? With
    a little more information, someone should be able to point you
    toward a solution.

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    [email protected] wrote:
    I'm reluctant to post apple ID's in a public support forum, and would prefer to deal with this by private email.  or phone.
    Then contact Apple directly.
    This is a user to user technical support forum.  No one here has access to manage Apple ID's other than their own.
    There is no Apple presence here.

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    As I said: 
    Even if the Photos are less than 20GB,  There's other stuff on the iPhone that is likely getting backed up to iCloud and using space. Basically your Phone has more space to spare than iCloud.
    You can check in Settings->iCloud->Storage->Manage Storage to see what is using up the space in iCloud.
    Anyway, turning off Photo stream will remove all photos from iCloud, it will not remove them from the iPad if they were taken with it, or copied to it.
    Again I suggest you check in:Settings->iCloud->Storage->Manage Storage to see what else is using your iCloud space.

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    No. iPad's storage space cannot be updated. What you buy is what you stay with.
    You can however, either sell the iPad and buy one with more storage or pursue external storage solutions for it such as:

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    Thank you all for the help. I truly apreciate it. I have since reset my ipad for the second time by myself and it is ok now. I have a different problem at this time. My photo stream on icloud is greyed out and there are no backups for my photos. My camera roll and my photostream are both on my ipad, but don't show up in my set of folders on my device when trying to download or copy to my pc. It used to before I reset the ipad. I now have an iphone 4s, and hope to save up for a mac for artwork, but the response I recieved from apple tech is making me think twice. I asked either about the outlook mail dilemma or the photosteam problem, whichever it was I was asked if it was on the ipad or the pc that it was greyed out and I said on the pc and they hung up. I didn't get the chance to tell them that it was greyed out in icloud also.  I solved the mail dilemma by using microsoft skydrive, since outlook is not used with windows 7, that solved the contacts, mail, reminders, calendars and notes. I had to figure that out by myself. Unfortunately without beingf able to browse my ipad's folders freely, I can't do anything about the photos. How do I get icloud to save my stream if it doesn't see it? I don't know of anyone with a mac, or I would see if their machine would see the folder. I'm thinking maybe I missed something in setting up. I have a bunch of folders that show that are imported folders, but there are a lot of them, some with only one picture in them. That's not what I would have done if I put in folders, but i am coming from being a total MS pc person to trying to work with apple. Things don't work the same and I'm trying to learn. Any help is appreciated.

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    icloud storage and device storage are very different.
    go to
    you can then  see the two seperate entries.
    icloud storage is for backup of settings and such, device storage is for apps, music, books and such.
    you cannot load more onto the device if it is out of space.

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    If you are trying to download an app and get an error about not enough memory, it's talking about memory on your iPad, not in iCloud.  I don't know what you mean by purchasing more storage space for your iPad, you can't add more memory to a device.  You may have bought more memory in iCloud, but that's not going to fix your current problem.  You need to delete songs or video, or some other large files from your iPad to make room for a new download.

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    This is my issue too... thus the private message above.  Nothing is clear and too many people are adding to the difficult road map.  I'd pull trigger on subscription if i can get additional (reasonable) storage to the base photography package.  It's so frustrating I might just look elsewhere.  I've spent too many hours on this already, not sure what the difficulty is. 

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    One icloud account gets a 5 GB of storage, regardless of the number of devices connecting to it.  But you're in luck, you can buy more storage for the account if you are running low.
    As for your daughter, be sure to get her own icloud account, otherwise she'll end up getting all your email, contacts, etc.  And if she deletes any of this data, it will be deleted on your devices as well.  Note:  you can all keep using the same ID for the itunes store for sharing purchased items.
    To create a new icloud account, go to

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    You don't. Delete 'stuff' you don't need or buy a phone with more storage. you can not increase or upgrade the internal storage in the iPhone.

  • How do I extend the storage space on my iphone?

    Hi Guys
    I want to extend the storage space across my idevices since my wife can't stop taking photos of our new addition to the family on her iphone.
    We already both use iTunes Match so there is music on our phones it's all streamed off the cloud which works well I can recommend this.
    The problem now comes from the fact we now need  extra storage space for photos and videos taken on ios. Photo stream does a good job of syncing photos across devices but not video. It would be nice if iCloud did this but found that it fell short of the mark on anything but backing up my iphone since the things it stores in the cloud seem limited.
    Dropbox seems like a good alternative to this since it will work on all devices but may require management on a separate computer and am not sure if it will work with streaming video I guess I can give it a go and see.
    Has anybody got a good experience with photo / video streaming across idevices that they can share?

    Thanks for your response.
    Buying a bigger iphone was just too obvious an answer.
    We already have the backup to mac in place it just means that to view pics that you need to turn on the big machine.
    I would rather have them available to view via a cloud service of some kind.
    Anyone have any experiences to add?

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    Many thanks in advance

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You can but it's not recommended, because you can damage the Time Machine structure.
    Toffey wrote:
    would I be able to store photos and files on the Time Capsule that I do not wish to store on a MacBook Air and be able to retrieve them as and when - or would these be deleted after a period of time?  Is there any way of protecting certain files on the Time capsule to prevent them from being deleted?
    Only files backed up with Time Machine are deleted from your Time Capsule when there's no enough storage. If you store other files, they are not deleted. However, for what you want to do, I recommend you to buy a big external drive and make two partitions, one for Time Machine and another one to store files, or get two external drives

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    The 5GB is tied to the account, not the devices using it, so no matter how many devices you have logged into it you still only have 5GB free for the one account. As said, you can purchase more: additional 10GB, $20 p.a., 20 GB, $40 p.a., 50GB $100 p.a.

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