By By Bridge

I like Bridge, but its so unstable I cant use it. Ive had a problem
with random crashes, even when it program was just setting there not
being used. But the straw that broke the camels back came when I set down
to edit about 20 pictures out of several hundred on a list given to me by
a friend for a magazine article we are doing together. I had a list of
file names, so the simple thing to do is use the find function to find
the files. Only problem is doesnt work!
I cant even get it to find a file in a folder when I know the file is
So Ive given up. I installed Infanview. Its a poor replacement for
Bridge but it works and so far it hasnt crashed or done any thing its
not supposed to. I can find a file and open up CS3 and edit it (raw and
all the others), move files around and its all fairly easy.
So until Bridge is fixed Im sticking with Infanview.
John Passaneau

> Well---if you are connected to the Internet occasionally then there
> could be more users than you're aware of! You might catch a worm or a
> Trojan horse ... and those just love computers that are run in admin
> mode. Not recommended.
> -- Olaf
Hi Olaf:
Ive been connected to the internet for years, never shut off the
computer. I have a hardware firewall, a software firewall, and I run auto
updating of all my antivirus software and regularly check for adware and
other bad things. Ive only been bit once and it was my fault. I hovered
my mouse too long over a add for a virus checker and it installed it
self with out my asking. It took 3 runs of my virus software to get rid
of it. Im not stupid enough to say it cant happen but I can say that so
far so good. I maintain 64 computer used by students at Penn State
University as part of my job. I can safely say that most infections
happen because someone does something that invites them in.
John Passaneau

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    Yes, you can delete the cache files manually,  Just be advised that Bridge will become very, very slow until it finishes rebuilding its caches.  Depending on your files, that can take a few minutes or several hours.
    A good way of doing it is at night, so you can do it before going to bed and let Bridge rebuild caches overnight.
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    If all the items do not appear, consider resetting Bridge Preferences.
    Close Bridge, hold down Command-Option-Shift (PC: Control-Alt-Shift) and then launch Bridge again. A dialog will appear asking what you want to do. Turn on the Reset Preferences checkbox and click OK. Now when Bridge appears, the preferences are factory-fresh.

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    Creative Suite Cleaner Tool
    Run the drill, reinstall everything.

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    Mac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Duel 2.3 1.5 GB DDR SDRAM

    windscape wrote:
    Hi jamba,
    I think the issue is that your output of lspci shows no Audio device. Perhaps it got disabled in the BIOS? dmesg output may indicate something else afoot with your audio hardware.
    Hope that helps.
    I'll check out dmesg output.  also still need to check if something got disabled in the BIOS.
    !snd_intel8x0m  <- is your problem. Your sound module got blacklisted so un-list it. Modprobe it then try sound again or just reboot and it should work.
    moonswan.  snd_intel8x0 is the sound card (I think), in the alsa wiki it said it was recommended to blacklist snd_intel8x0m as a quirk fix. 
    No sound with or without it blacklisted still :-(

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    The export module has been discontinued in Bridge CC and as long as it has been there the option for social media has worked only for FB in a few countries. Due to rights management (as we where told) there where restrictions for most other countries. But if it did work for you in the past you should try click on FB in export module or use the tiny menu icon in the export panel for preferences and try to set up a new connection.

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    Your sure your using photoshop cc on windows vista?
    I was under the impression that photoshop cc would not even install on windows vista.
    What version of camera raw do you have?
    In photoshop under Help>About Plugin does it list Camera Raw and if so which version is it?
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    Officially camera raw 8.3 is the latest version of camera raw that will work on windows vista.

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    I would appreciate help, and soon.

    rekha_dev_sharma wrote:
    If the software installed I would expect it to work…
    Well… that's your expectation.  Did you pay for the download? During the first 30 days you'd be entitled to your money back, but it's been a heck of a lot longer since Adobe demanded or accepted any mnoney for "CS6 Design Standard".  If you just recently acquired that obsolete suite, it was certainly not through a legal purchase from the Adobe store. 
    rekha_dev_sharma wrote:
    …What is a 'newer version of Photoshop'?…
    E.g.: Photoshop CC2014 15.2.2.
    rekha_dev_sharma wrote:
    …So, can you answer why it seems to be launching but no jpg come up?
    I haven't got a clue what you mean by that nonsensical grammatical construction, nor does that question seem to have anything to do with your original post.    ??? ?? ?
    Also, please remember you are not addressing Adobe here in the user forums.  You are requesting help from volunteers users just like you who give their time free of charge. No one has any obligation to answer your questions.

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    We know nothing about your system or other details like where you store your files. Generalyl this may have nothing to do with Bridge at all. Sounds more like some external influence is changing files and it affects the view sorting if e.g. set by date or file size.

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    Adobe has disabled the activation server for CS2 products, including Acrobat 7, because of a technical issue. These products were released more than seven years ago, do not run on many modern operating systems, and are no longer supported.  
    Adobe strongly advises against running unsupported and outdated software. The serial numbers provided as a part of the download may only be used by customers who legitimately purchased CS2 or Acrobat 7 and need to maintain their current use of these products.
    Download Acrobat 7 and CS2 products

  • Adobe Bridge in Photoshop - How to install Bridge and camera raw? And what is it all about?

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    One time, I found a tutorial in youtube about camera raw, and would really want to use it. But I was wondering how to install the camera raw. I believe camera raw is a plugin? so I downloaded the plugin here, installed it in my PS. I downloaded a file Camera Raw.8bi and paste it on my C drive - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS4\Plug-ins\File Formats.
    I now am very confused, how will I open it? I do not have adobe bridge!  After I installed the camera raw, I opened my PS. I clicked the file>then browse in bridge. I had an error, it's "error 2 photoshop11 undefined". Which is what I thought, I might have done something wrong with installing it.
    My question is, do you still need adobe bridge installed in order to use camera raw?
    If yes, how does it work? How am I suppose to open camera raw?
    If no, how am I going to open camera raw without bridge?
    And also, where will I download adobe bridge? I cannot find one here for CS4, only adobe bridge for CS5. I am wondering, is it okay to install adobe bridge CS5 and use it with my PS CS4?
    I badly need help!

    WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a set of extensions to HTTP/1.1.
    The main difference from FTP as far as I can see is that it allows you to edit documents on a remote web server.
    WebDAV was used by the Apple server - MobileMe but is not generally supported by hosting services.
    Using WebDAV you can mount a directory locally. This was how iDisk worked on your Mac and you could drag files onto it to upload them to the remote directory.
    With WebDAV, a number of users can share a directory which is why its used in local networks but presents security problems when using a remote server.
    If you are into file sharing rather than publishing, Dropbox or its new rival SugarSync are more appropriate.

  • Image Processor Tab Missing in New Adobe Bridge CC 2014

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    I have attached a image grab from my bridge that shows that the tab is not there. I know that you can access image processor directly from Photoshop, but they used to always be linked.

    No, it is still in Bridge CC.
    Did you uninstall Photoshop CC after installing Photoshop CC 2014? If so, that may have removed some of the Bridge integration scripts by mistake. Re-installing Photoshop CC 2014 should replace the scripts.
    and it should give the image processor tab back

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    What gives?
    I'm trying to get to Image Processor under the Photoshop menu option (which is supposed to appear in the Tools drop-down menu).
    Please tell me what's wrong. Thanks in advance.

    Thanks, but there IS no Photoshop subheading in my Tools menu.
    That exactly describes the problem I'm having!

  • Using Adobe Bridge with Photoshop Elements

    I have an iMAC with iLife 08.
    I take photos in RAW format with a Nikon camera.
    I have been editing photos this way:
    After uploading photos to iPhoto, export them as jpg to a new folder on the desktop, external HD or wherever. I open Photoshop Elements, edit the exported photo.
    Then I'm stuck with my edits outside of iPhoto, unless I then import them back into iPhoto. It works, but it's cumbersome.
    Today I thought I'd try a different route. I opened Photoshop Elements, and tried to use Bridge to browse photos. I can find the iPhoto library easy enough, but if I click on it, it opens iPhoto, and I'm stuck - can't open the photos in Photoshop.
    I am hoping that if I do it correctly, I can save my edits directly back into iPhoto.
    Any ideas?

    Using Photoshop (or Photoshop Elements) as Your Editor of Choice in iPhoto.
    1 - select Photoshop as your editor of choice in iPhoto's General Preference Section's under the "Edit photo:" menu.
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop. When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done.
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window that indicates that PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file. You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..
    If you want to use both iPhoto's editing mode and PS without having to go back and forth to the Preference pane, once you've selected PS as your editor of choice, reset the Preferences back to "Open in main window". That will let you either edit in iPhoto (double click on the thumbnail) or in PS (Control-click on the thumbnail and seledt "Edit in external editor" in the Contextual menu). This way you get the best of both worlds
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • I am trying to update Adobe Bridge and Photoshop CS6, because it is not opening my CR2 files taken by my Canon 6D.  I have tried to go to help updates, and the software says that it is "Up to Date".  However, if I view the plug-in, it says that Camera R

    I am trying to update Adobe Bridge and Photoshop CS6, because it is not opening my CR2 files taken by my Canon 6D.  I have tried to go to help > updates, and the software says that it is "Up to Date".  However, if I view the plug-in, it says that Camera Raw is only version 7.1.  I can not find a direct download for Camera Raw 7.3, only the DNG converter, NOT CAMERA RAW!  Please Help!

    Did you fix your issue?  I am having the same one

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