(bye) Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1 == Byte.MIN_VALUE  ?

(bye) Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1 == Byte.MIN_VALUE
the above expression is evaluated as true. why is it so?
according to my understanding 128 is not equals to -128.
please explain. i'm new to java.

(bye) Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1 == Byte.MIN_VALUE
the above expression is evaluated as true. why is it
according to my understanding 128 is not equals to
-128.0x7F + 1 == 0x80

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    Also understand that :
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    Byte.MAX_VALUE = 127

    You just do it. The fact that EF (when it's in a byte) will be interpreted as a negative number doesn't have any effect.
    Where do you get the 3F? You probably have some conversion problems.

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    Images in HTML are to be displayed using <img> element. All what an <img> element can take as image is an URL pointing to the image in question.
    If the image is dynamic, then you can just let that URL point to some Servlet which takes some request parameter or reads the path info, reads/gets the image as byte array or (much more efficient) as inputstream and writes it to the outputstream of the response.
    You may get some ideas out of this: [http://balusc.blogspot.com/2007/04/imageservlet.html].
    By the way, massaging the byte array from/to a String is a terribly bad idea. Just store bytes as computer readable bytes, not as human readable characters, this makes completely no sense. Characters on its turn have to be converted to bytes again after all, but now you've let the DB do the work. All with all a performance pain. Bytes > Chars > Bytes > Chars > Bytes instead of just Byes > Bytes. In database you normally use BLOB, BINARY or equivalent for this in combination with JDBC's PreparedStatement#setBinaryStream() and ResultSet#getBinaryStream().

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    input = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( client.getInputStream() ) ) ;
    output = new PrintStream( client.getOutputStream() ) ;
    while( ( message = input.readLine() ) != null ) {
         cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, KEY) ;
         decrypt = cipher.doFinal(message.getBytes()) ;
    catch(Exception e)
         e.printStackTrace()  ;
         System.exit(1)  ;
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    And don't use String, or Reader, or readLine, or println(), to cart around encrypted information in the first place. Ciphertext isn't 'text' at all, it is binary data, and String is not a container for binary data, and there is nothing anywhere in Java or anywhere else that says that the round-trip between bytes and chars should work in both directions without data loss.
    Us ea byte[] array. Then the entire problem disappears.

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    Message was edited by: CowboyJMB
    Never mind, delete this message, I feel silly I just saw it now.
    Message was edited by: CowboyJMB

    (bye) Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1 == Byte.MIN_VALUE
    the above expression is evaluated as true. why is it
    according to my understanding 128 is not equals to
    -128.0x7F + 1 == 0x80

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    Technet has been great, and I am sad to see my subscription retire.
    To everyone who provided feedback attempting to have this decision reversed - thankyou, and I hope Microsoft provide a similar product for tech evangelists going forward in the cloud.
    We need a similar product that works exclusively in Azure - that's better than the free trials currently offered. It would definitely drive Azure takeup
    Thanks! Josh

    (bye) Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1 == Byte.MIN_VALUE
    the above expression is evaluated as true. why is it
    according to my understanding 128 is not equals to
    -128.0x7F + 1 == 0x80

  • PackedInteger encoding does not preserve order - but it could

    Currently, when viewed under the default unsigned lexical ordering, "packed" integers (and longs) do not sort numerically. This is because for values requiring two or more bytes, the "value" bytes are stored little endian.
    For example:
    <tt> 65910 -> 7a ff 00 01</tt>
    <tt> 65911 -> 7a 00 01 01</tt>
    However, it's possible to encode packed integers such that they still sort correctly. You can do this by modifying the existing PackedInteger algorithm as follows:
    <li>Invert the high-order bit on the first byte
    <li>Reverse the order of the second and subsequent bytes (if any)
    <li>If the original number was negative, invert (one's complement) the bits in the second and subsequent bytes (if any)
    Here's some examples showing the two encodings:
                  NUMBER             ENCODING         NEW ENCODING
    -9223372036854775808   8189ffffffffffff7f   018000000000000076
             -2147483648           8589ffff7f           0580000076
                  -65911             86000101             06fefeff
                  -65910             86ff0001             06feff00
                  -65655             86000001             06feffff
                  -65654               87ffff               070000
                  -65400               8701ff               0700fe
                  -65399               8700ff               0700ff
                    -375               870001               07feff
                    -374                 88ff                 0800
                    -120                 8801                 08fe
                    -119                   89                   09
                      -1                   ff                   7f
                       0                   00                   80
                       1                   01                   81
                     119                   77                   f7
                     120                 7801                 f801
                     374                 78ff                 f8ff
                     375               790001               f90100
                     631               790002               f90200
                   65399               7900ff               f9ff00
                   65400               7901ff               f9ff01
                   65654               79ffff               f9ffff
                   65655             7a000001             fa010000
                   65910             7aff0001             fa0100ff
                   65911             7a000101             fa010100
              2147483647           7b88ffff7f           fb7fffff88
    9223372036854775807   7f88ffffffffffff7f   ff7fffffffffffff88So the question is.. any particular reason this wasn't done? Would this alternate encoding be a useful addition? (I'm sure it's not possible to replace the current algorithm at this point).

    greybird wrote:
    Thanks Archie. I appreciate this and I know you have good intentions. Unfortunately, we won't be able to incorporate any code from your svn repository. We can only incorporate submissions if the source code is posted here in our OTN forum.Not a problem... Here is the new class:
    package org.dellroad.sidekar.util;
    import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleInput;
    import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleOutput;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    * An improved version of Berkeley DB's {@link com.sleepycat.util.PackedInteger} class that packs values in such
    * a way that their order is preserved when compared using the default binary unsigned lexical ordering.
    * @see <a href="http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=4126254">Berkeley DB Java Edition forum posting</a>
    public final class PackedLong {
         * Maximum possible length of an encoded value.
        public static final int MAX_ENCODED_LENGTH = 9;
         * Minimum value for the first byte of a single byte encoded value. Lower values indicate a multiple byte encoded negative value.
        public static final int MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED = 0x08;        // values 0x00 ... 0x07 prefix negative values
         * Maximum value for the first byte of a single byte encoded value. Higher values indicate a multiple byte encoded positive value.
        public static final int MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED = 0xf7;        // values 0xf8 ... 0xff prefix positive values
         * Adjustment applied to single byte encoded values before encoding.
        public static final int ZERO_ADJUST = 127;                     // single byte value that represents zero
         * Minimum value that can be encoded as a single byte.
        public static final int MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE = MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED - ZERO_ADJUST;          // -119
         * Maximum value that can be encoded as a singel byte.
        public static final int MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE = MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED - ZERO_ADJUST;          // 120
         * Adjustment applied to multiple byte encoded negative values before encoding.
        public static final int NEGATIVE_ADJUST = -MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE;                               // 119
         * Adjustment applied to multiple byte encoded positive values before encoding.
        public static final int POSITIVE_ADJUST = -(MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE + 1);                         // -121
        // Cutoff values at which the encoded length changes (this field is package private for testing purposes)
        static final long[] CUTOFF_VALUES = new long[] {
            0xff00000000000000L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 0] requires 8 bytes
            0xffff000000000000L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 1] requires 7 bytes
            0xffffff0000000000L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 2] requires 6 bytes
            0xffffffff00000000L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 3] requires 5 bytes
            0xffffffffff000000L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 4] requires 4 bytes
            0xffffffffffff0000L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 5] requires 3 bytes
            0xffffffffffffff00L - NEGATIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 6] requires 2 bytes
            MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE,                      // [ 7] requires 1 byte
            MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE + 1,                  // [ 8] requires 2 bytes
            0x0000000000000100L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [ 9] requires 3 bytes
            0x0000000000010000L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [10] requires 4 bytes
            0x0000000001000000L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [11] requires 5 bytes
            0x0000000100000000L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [12] requires 6 bytes
            0x0000010000000000L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [13] requires 7 bytes
            0x0001000000000000L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [14] requires 8 bytes
            0x0100000000000000L - POSITIVE_ADJUST,      // [15] requires 9 bytes
        private PackedLong() {
         * Write the encoded value to the output.
         * @param output destination for the encoded value
         * @param value value to encode
        public static void write(TupleOutput output, long value) {
            int len = encode(value, output.getBufferBytes(), output.getBufferLength());
         * Read and decode a value from the input.
         * @param input input holding an encoded value
         * @return the decoded value
        public static long read(TupleInput input) {
            long value = decode(input.getBufferBytes(), input.getBufferOffset());
            return value;
         * Determine the length (in bytes) of an encoded value without advancing the input.
         * @param input input holding an encoded value
         * @return the length of the encoded value
        public static int getReadLength(TupleInput input) {
            return getReadLength(input.getBufferBytes(), input.getBufferOffset());
         * Determine the length (in bytes) of an encoded value.
         * @param buf buffer containing encoded value
         * @param off starting offset of encoded value
         * @return the length of the encoded value
         * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code off} is not a valid offset in {@code buf}
        public static int getReadLength(byte[] buf, int off) {
            int prefix = buf[off] & 0xff;
            if (prefix < MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED)
                return 1 + MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED - prefix;
            if (prefix > MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED)
                return 1 + prefix - MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED;
            return 1;
         * Determine the length (in bytes) of the encoded value.
         * @return the length of the encoded value, a value between one and {@link #MAX_ENCODED_LENGTH}
        public static int getWriteLength(long value) {
            int index = Arrays.binarySearch(CUTOFF_VALUES, value);
            if (index < 0)
                index = ~index - 1;
            return index < 8 ? 8 - index : index - 6;
         * Encode the given value into a new buffer.
         * @param value value to encode
         * @return byte array containing the encoded value
        public static byte[] encode(long value) {
            byte[] buf = new byte[MAX_ENCODED_LENGTH];
            int len = encode(value, buf, 0);
            if (len != MAX_ENCODED_LENGTH) {
                byte[] newbuf = new byte[len];
                System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newbuf, 0, len);
                buf = newbuf;
            return buf;
         * Encode the given value and write the encoded bytes into the given buffer.
         * @param value value to encode
         * @param buf output buffer
         * @param off starting offset into output buffer
         * @return the number of encoded bytes written
         * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code off} is negative or the encoded value exceeds the given buffer
        public static int encode(long value, byte[] buf, int off) {
            int len = 1;
            if (value < MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE) {
                value += NEGATIVE_ADJUST;
                long mask = 0x00ffffffffffffffL;
                for (int shift = 56; shift != 0; shift -= 8) {
                    if ((value | mask) != ~0L)
                        buf[off + len++] = (byte)(value >> shift);
                    mask >>= 8;
                buf[off] = (byte)(MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED - len);
            } else if (value > MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_VALUE) {
                value += POSITIVE_ADJUST;
                long mask = 0xff00000000000000L;
                for (int shift = 56; shift != 0; shift -= 8) {
                    if ((value & mask) != 0L)
                        buf[off + len++] = (byte)(value >> shift);
                    mask >>= 8;
                buf[off] = (byte)(MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED + len);
            } else {
                buf[off] = (byte)(value + ZERO_ADJUST);
                return 1;
            buf[off + len++] = (byte)value;
            return len;
         * Decode a value from the given buffer.
         * @param buf buffer containing an encoded value
         * @param off starting offset of the encoded value in {@code buf}
         * @return the decoded value
         * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code off} is negative or the encoded value is truncated
         * @see #getReadLength
        public static long decode(byte[] buf, int off) {
            int first = buf[off++] & 0xff;
            if (first < MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED) {
                long value = ~0L;
                while (first++ < MIN_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED)
                    value = (value << 8) | (buf[off++] & 0xff);
                return value - NEGATIVE_ADJUST;
            if (first > MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED) {
                long value = 0L;
                while (first-- > MAX_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODED)
                    value = (value << 8) | (buf[off++] & 0xff);
                return value - POSITIVE_ADJUST;
            return (byte)(first - ZERO_ADJUST);
    }and here is the unit test:
    package org.dellroad.sidekar.util;
    import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleInput;
    import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleOutput;
    import com.sleepycat.je.DatabaseEntry;
    import org.dellroad.sidekar.TestSupport;
    import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
    import org.testng.annotations.Test;
    import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
    public class PackedLongTest extends TestSupport {
        @Test(dataProvider = "encodings")
        public void testEncoding(long value, String string) {
            // Test direct encoding
            byte[] expected = ByteArrayEncoder.decode(string);
            byte[] actual = PackedLong.encode(value);
            assertEquals(actual, expected);
            // Test write()
            TupleOutput out = new TupleOutput();
            PackedLong.write(out, value);
            assertEquals(out.toByteArray(), expected);
            // Test getWriteLength()
            assertEquals(actual.length, PackedLong.getWriteLength(value));
            // Test decoding
            long value2 = PackedLong.decode(actual, 0);
            assertEquals(value2, value);
            // Test read()
            TupleInput input = JEUtil.toTupleInput(new DatabaseEntry(actual));
            assertEquals(actual.length, PackedLong.getReadLength(input));
            value2 = PackedLong.read(input);
            assertEquals(value2, value);
            // Test getReadLength()
            assertEquals(actual.length, PackedLong.getReadLength(actual, 0));
        @Test(dataProvider = "lengths")
        public void testEncodedLength(long value, int expected) {
            int actual = PackedLong.getWriteLength(value);
            assertEquals(actual, expected);
            byte[] buf = PackedLong.encode(value);
            assertEquals(buf.length, expected);
        @DataProvider(name = "encodings")
        public Object[][] genEncodings() {
            return new Object[][] {
                // Corner cases
                { 0x8000000000000000L, "008000000000000077" },
                { 0xfeffffffffffff88L, "00feffffffffffffff" },
                { 0xfeffffffffffff89L, "0100000000000000" },
                { 0xfeffffffffffffffL, "0100000000000076" },
                { 0xfffeffffffffff88L, "01feffffffffffff" },
                { 0xfffeffffffffff89L, "02000000000000" },
                { 0xfffeffffffffffffL, "02000000000076" },
                { 0xfffffeffffffff88L, "02feffffffffff" },
                { 0xfffffeffffffff89L, "030000000000" },
                { 0xfffffeffffffffffL, "030000000076" },
                { 0xfffffffeffffff88L, "03feffffffff" },
                { 0xfffffffeffffff89L, "0400000000" },
                { 0xfffffffeffffffffL, "0400000076" },
                { 0xfffffffffeffff88L, "04feffffff" },
                { 0xfffffffffeffff89L, "05000000" },
                { 0xfffffffffeffffffL, "05000076" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff88L, "05feffff" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff89L, "060000" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeffffL, "060076" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffe88L, "06feff" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffe89L, "0700" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffeffL, "0776" },
                { 0xffffffffffffff88L, "07ff" },
                { 0xffffffffffffff89L, "08" },
                { 0xffffffffffffffa9L, "28" },
                { 0xffffffffffffffc9L, "48" },
                { 0xffffffffffffffe9L, "68" },
                { 0xffffffffffffffffL, "7e" },
                { 0x0000000000000000L, "7f" },
                { 0x0000000000000001L, "80" },
                { 0x0000000000000071L, "f0" },
                { 0x0000000000000077L, "f6" },
                { 0x0000000000000078L, "f7" },
                { 0x0000000000000079L, "f800" },
                { 0x0000000000000178L, "f8ff" },
                { 0x0000000000000179L, "f90100" },
                { 0x0000000000010078L, "f9ffff" },
                { 0x0000000000010079L, "fa010000" },
                { 0x0000000001000078L, "faffffff" },
                { 0x0000000001000079L, "fb01000000" },
                { 0x0000000100000078L, "fbffffffff" },
                { 0x0000000100000079L, "fc0100000000" },
                { 0x0000010000000078L, "fcffffffffff" },
                { 0x0000010000000079L, "fd010000000000" },
                { 0x0001000000000078L, "fdffffffffffff" },
                { 0x0001000000000079L, "fe01000000000000" },
                { 0x0100000000000078L, "feffffffffffffff" },
                { 0x0100000000000079L, "ff0100000000000000" },
                { 0x7fffffffffffff79L, "ff7fffffffffffff00" },
                { 0x7fffffffffffffffL, "ff7fffffffffffff86" },
                // Other cases
                { 0xffffffff80000000L, "0480000077" },
                { 0xfffffffffffefe89L, "05feff00" },
                { 0xfffffffffffefe8aL, "05feff01" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff86L, "05fefffd" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff87L, "05fefffe" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff88L, "05feffff" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff89L, "060000" },
                { 0xfffffffffffeff8aL, "060001" },
                { 0xffffffffffff0086L, "0600fd" },
                { 0xffffffffffff0087L, "0600fe" },
                { 0xffffffffffff0088L, "0600ff" },
                { 0xffffffffffff0089L, "060100" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffe86L, "06fefd" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffe87L, "06fefe" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffe89L, "0700" },
                { 0xfffffffffffffe8aL, "0701" },
                { 0xffffffffffffff87L, "07fe" },
                { 0xffffffffffffff88L, "07ff" },
                { 0xffffffffffffff89L, "08" },
                { 0xffffffffffffffffL, "7e" },
                { 0x0000000000000000L, "7f" },
                { 0x0000000000000001L, "80" },
                { 0x0000000000000077L, "f6" },
                { 0x0000000000000078L, "f7" },
                { 0x0000000000000176L, "f8fd" },
                { 0x0000000000000177L, "f8fe" },
                { 0x0000000000000178L, "f8ff" },
                { 0x0000000000000277L, "f901fe" },
                { 0x000000000000ff77L, "f9fefe" },
                { 0x000000000000ff78L, "f9feff" },
                { 0x000000000000ff79L, "f9ff00" },
                { 0x000000000000ff7aL, "f9ff01" },
                { 0x0000000000010076L, "f9fffd" },
                { 0x0000000000010077L, "f9fffe" },
                { 0x0000000000010078L, "f9ffff" },
                { 0x0000000000010079L, "fa010000" },
                { 0x000000000001007aL, "fa010001" },
                { 0x0000000000010176L, "fa0100fd" },
                { 0x0000000000010177L, "fa0100fe" },
                { 0x000000007fffffffL, "fb7fffff86" },
                { 0x7fffffffffffffffL, "ff7fffffffffffff86" },
        @DataProvider(name = "lengths")
        public Object[][] genLengths() {
            return new Object[][] {
                // Check cutoff values
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 0] - 1,      9   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 0],          8   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 1] - 1,      8   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 1],          7   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 2] - 1,      7   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 2],          6   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 3] - 1,      6   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 3],          5   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 4] - 1,      5   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 4],          4   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 5] - 1,      4   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 5],          3   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 6] - 1,      3   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 6],          2   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 7] - 1,      2   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 7],          1   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 8] - 1,      1   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 8],          2   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 9] - 1,      2   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[ 9],          3   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[10] - 1,      3   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[10],          4   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[11] - 1,      4   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[11],          5   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[12] - 1,      5   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[12],          6   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[13] - 1,      6   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[13],          7   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[14] - 1,      7   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[14],          8   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[15] - 1,      8   },
                {   PackedLong.CUTOFF_VALUES[15],          9   },
                // Check some other values
                { Long.MIN_VALUE,                               9   },
                { Long.MAX_VALUE,                               9   },
                { (long)Integer.MIN_VALUE,                      5   },
                { (long)Integer.MAX_VALUE,                      5   },
                { (long)Short.MIN_VALUE,                        3   },
                { (long)Short.MAX_VALUE,                        3   },
                { (long)Byte.MIN_VALUE,                         2   },
                { (long)Byte.MAX_VALUE,                         2   },
                { 0,                                            1   },
    }Edited by: archie172 on Mar 3, 2010 12:40 PM
    Removed copyright message.

  • Integer.parseInt problems

    Hi everyone,
    I want to use the Integer.parseInt and Byte.parseByte methods to parse hex strings - the problem is that they don't parse negative 2's complement numbers, they explicitly need a minus sign in front of an otherwise unsigned number to show that it's negative.
    //System.out.println(Integer.parseInt(Integer.toHexString(-1), 16)); //NumberFormatException
    System.out.println(0xffffffff); // but this prints -1
    //System.out.println(Byte.parseByte("ff", 16)); //NumberFormatException
    System.out.println(Byte.parseByte("-1", 16)); // but this worksIs there some other method that will do what I need?

    Here's a dirty solution:public class Test {
        private static char[] digits = new char[] {
            '0', '1', '2', '3',
            '4', '5', '6', '7',
            '8', '9', 'a', 'b',
            'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'
        public static void main (String[] parameters) {
            String number = Integer.toHexString (parameters[0].equals ("+") ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : parameters[0].equals ("-") ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : Integer.parseInt (parameters[0]));
            if ((number.length () == 8) && (getPosition (number.charAt (0)) >= 8)) {
                String newNumber = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < number.length (); i ++) {
                    newNumber += digits[15 - getPosition (number.charAt (i))];
                number = "";
                boolean carry = true;
                for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i --) {
                    int position = getPosition (newNumber.charAt (i));
                    if (carry) {
                        position = (position + 1) % 16;
                        carry = (position == 0);
                    number = digits[position] + number;
                number = "-" + number;
            int numberAsInt;
            try {
                numberAsInt = Integer.parseInt (number, 16);
            } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
                // -8000000
                numberAsInt = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            System.out.println (numberAsInt);
        private static int getPosition (char digit) {
            int position = 0;
            while ((position < digits.length) && (digits[position] != digit)) {
                position ++;
            return position;
    }Start with java Test <yourNumber>: + for Integer.MAX_VALUE, - for Integer.MIN_VALUE.
    I don't claim it's good or efficient: it's working though. There's lots of things to improve.
    Kind regards,

  • Compiling Code

    Hello again
    I have just written this code
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class DataTypes extends Applet {
         //paint on the applet window
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
             //select a nice font  
             g.setFont(new Font("Courier New", Font.PLAIN, 12));
             //display minimum and maximum values for the numeric data types
             g.drawString("Byte  : " + Byte.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Byte.Max_VALUE, 5, 20);
             g.drawString("Short  : " + Short.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Short.Max_VALUE, 5, 35);
             g.drawString("Integer  : " + Integer.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Integer.Max_VALUE, 5, 50);
             g.drawString("Long  : " + Long.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Long.Max_VALUE, 5, 65);
             g.drawString("Float  : " + Float.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Float.Max_VALUE, 5, 80);
             g.drawString("Double  : " + Double.MIN_VALUE + " to " + Double.MAX_VALUE, 5, 95);
    }  When i went to go and compile it with the command prompt, it comes up with 6 errors saying "variable MAX_VALUE" with a arrow facing upwards towards all of the dots before "MAX_Value"
    please help

    MAX_VALUE not Max_VALUE.

  • Collisions (Separating Axis Theorem)

    I'm working on a 2D game, it's top-down like GTA2, but I'm havinfgproblems with the collision detector. I know there are a lot of posts about collision already but they didn't help me much. I'm using the separating axis theorem (explained here: http://www.harveycartel.org/metanet/tutorials/tutorialA.html#section1) and most of the code is inspired by http://www.codeproject.com/cs/media/PolygonCollision.asp .
    Separating axis theorem:
    find all axis perpendicular to all the edges of both objects,
    project both objects on the axis,
    if there is an axis where the projections do not overlap, then the objects do not overlap.
    The problem is that I think my code should work. And guess what, it doesn't. I checked the code 30 times this weekend but maybe there is some tiny mistake I overlook each time..
    When I run the program with 6 objects I get this:
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    1: - 0 0 0 0 0
    2: 0 - 1 0 0 0
    3: 0 1 - 0 0 0
    4: 0 0 0 - 0 0
    5: 0 0 0 0 - 0
    6: 0 0 0 0 0 - (1=intersect, 0=doesn't intersect)
    but this is completely wrong. You can run the program yourself to see the exact locations of the objects.
    1 is the triangle at the top,
    2 and 3 are the triangles who share an edge
    4 is the one on the left intersecting with 3
    5 is the triangle on the right
    6 is the parallelogram
    But it really gets weird when I add a 7th object (the one in the comments):
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    1: - 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2: 0 - 0 0 0 0 0
    3: 0 0 - 0 0 0 0
    4: 0 0 0 - 0 0 0
    5: 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
    6: 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
    7: 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
    Now 2 and 3 don't intersect anymore! They didn't change I just added another object.
    I'm adding a short explanationof all the classes and the code itself. I know it's a lot of code but I added all the test classes so you can just run Test.Test
    I hope someone can help me with this.
    El Bandano
    _<h5>package CollisionDetector:</h5>_
    The class that is supposed to check for collisions. It will take 2 Props and return a CollisionResult
    A small class with 2 public fields. For now only the boolean Intersect matters.
    Another small class that represents an interval of floats. It's pretty simple. Distance should return something negative if 2 intervals overlap.
    _<h5>package World</h5>_
    An interface of an object. All objects should be convex.
    A 2D-vector. It has an x and a y value (floats) and some simple methods. a 2D vector can represent a point or an edge/axis. For a point the x and y are the coordinates. For an axis you need a normalized vector (x^2+y^2=1) and the x and y are coordinates on a parrallell line through (0,0).
    _<h5>package Test</h5>_
    The main class. It makes some objects, prints a matrix showin which intersect eachother and shows a window with all objects.
    A basic implementation of MovableProp.
    A panel that draws MovableProp.
    _<h5>package CollisionDetector:</h5>_
    package CollsisionDetector;
    import World.MovableProp;
    import World.Vector2D;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class CollisionDetector {
        public CollisionDetector(){
        public CollisionResult DetectCollision(MovableProp propA, MovableProp propB) {
            CollisionResult result = new CollisionResult();
            result.Intersect = true;
            result.WillIntersect = true;
            Vector2D[] edges = UniqueEdges(propA, propB);
            // loop through the edges
            // find an axis perpendicular to the edge
            // project the props on the axis
            // check wether they intersect on that axis
            for (Vector2D edge: edges){
                Vector2D axis = edge.getPerpendicular();
                Interval intA = projectPointsOnAxis(propA.getCoordinates(), axis);
                Interval intB = projectPointsOnAxis(propB.getCoordinates(), axis);
                if (intA.distance(intB) > 0)
                    result.Intersect = false;
            return result;
        public Interval projectPointsOnAxis(Vector2D[] points, Vector2D axis){
            Interval i = new Interval();
            for (Vector2D p: points)
                i.add(projectPointOnAxis(p, axis));
            return i;
        public float projectPointOnAxis(Vector2D point, Vector2D axis){
            // axis <-> y=a*x
            float a  = axis.y / axis.x;
            // line <-> y=(-a/1)*x+b
            float a2 = -axis.x / axis.y;
            // b = y-a2*x
            float b = point.y - a2*point.x;
            // y = a *x
            // y = a2*x + b
            // => a*x = a2*x + b
            float x = b/(a-a2);
            float y = a*x;
            // is there a better way to do this?
            return new Float(Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)).floatValue();
         * Put all edges in 1 array, eliminate doubles (parallels).
        public Vector2D[] UniqueEdges(MovableProp propA,MovableProp propB){
            Vector2D[] aEdges = propA.getEdges();
            Vector2D[] bEdges = propB.getEdges();
            ArrayList<Vector2D> tmp = new ArrayList<Vector2D>();
            for (Vector2D v: aEdges){
            for (Vector2D v: bEdges){
               if (! tmp.contains(v))
            return tmp.toArray(new Vector2D[tmp.size()]);
    package CollsisionDetector;
    import World.Vector2D;
    public class CollisionResult {
        public boolean WillIntersect;
        public boolean Intersect;
        public Vector2D MinimumTranslationVector;
        public CollisionResult() {
    package CollsisionDetector;
    public class Interval {
        public float min;
        public float max;
        public Interval() {
            min = Float.MAX_VALUE;
            max = Float.MIN_VALUE;
        public void add(float f){
            // no 'else'! In an empty interval both will be true
            if (f>max)
                max = f;
            if (f<min)
                min = f;
        public float distance(Interval interval){
            if (this.min < interval.min) {
                return interval.min - this.min;
            } else {
                return this.min - interval.min;
    }_<h5>package World</h5>_
    package World;
    public interface MovableProp {
        public int getNPoints();
        public Vector2D[] getEdges();
        public Vector2D[] getCoordinates();
    package World;
    public class Vector2D {
        public float x;
        public float y;
        public Vector2D(float x, float y) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
        public boolean equals(Object obj){
            if (!(obj instanceof Vector2D)){
                return false;
                return (this.x == ((Vector2D)obj).x && this.y == ((Vector2D)obj).y);
        public String toString() {
            return ("Vector2D  x=" + x + " ,  y=" + y);
        public void normalize(){
            if (x*x + y*y != 1){
                float x2 = x;
                x /= Math.sqrt(x2*x2+y*y);
                y /= Math.sqrt(x2*x2+y*y);
        public Vector2D getPerpendicular(){
            Vector2D per = new Vector2D(-y,x);
            return per;
    }_<h5>package Test</h5>_
    package Test;
    import CollsisionDetector.CollisionDetector;
    import World.MovableProp;
    import java.awt.Polygon;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    public class Test {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            CollisionDetector detect = new CollisionDetector();
            float[] x = new float[3];
            float[] y = new float[3];
            ArrayList<MovableProp> list = new ArrayList<MovableProp>();
            x[0] = 200; x[1] = 300; x[2] = 500;
            y[0] = 400; y[1] = 200; y[2] = 300;
            list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
            x[0] = 300; x[1] = 500; x[2] = 600;
            y[0] = 400; y[1] = 400; y[2] = 500;
            list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
            x[0] = 200; x[1] = 300; x[2] = 600;
            y[0] = 600; y[1] = 400; y[2] = 500;
            list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
            x[0] = 100; x[1] = 200; x[2] = 300;
            y[0] = 800; y[1] = 500; y[2] = 700;
            list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
            x[0] = 600; x[1] = 600; x[2] = 700;
            y[0] = 400; y[1] = 700; y[2] = 500;
            list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
    //        x[0] = 100; x[1] = 001; x[2] = 900;
    //        y[0] = 001; y[1] = 900; y[2] = 500;
    //        list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
            x = new float[4];
            y = new float[4];
            x[0] = 450; x[1] = 550; x[2] = 500; x[3] = 400;
            y[0] = 200; y[1] = 250; y[2] = 650; y[3] = 600;
            list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
            int n = list.size();
            boolean[][] matrix = new boolean[n][n];
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
                for (int j=0; j<n; j++){
                    if (i!=j)
                    matrix[i][j] = detect.DetectCollision(list.get(i),list.get(j)).Intersect;
            System.out.print("  ");
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
                System.out.print("  " + (i+1));
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
                System.out.print("\n" + (i+1) + ":  ");
                for (int j=0; j<n; j++){
                    if (i==j)
                        System.out.print("-  ");
                    else if (matrix[i][j])
                        System.out.print("1  ");
                        System.out.print("0  ");
            JFrame window = new JFrame();
            window.setContentPane( new TestPanel(list));
    package Test;
    import World.MovableProp;
    import World.Vector2D;
    public class TestMovProp implements MovableProp{
        float[] X;
        float[] Y;
        Vector2D[] coor;
        public TestMovProp(float[] x, float[] y) {
            X=x; Y=y;
            coor = new Vector2D[getNPoints()];
            for(int i=0; i< getNPoints(); i++){
                coor[i] = new Vector2D(X, Y[i]);
    public Vector2D[] getCoordinates(){
    return coor;
    public int getNPoints() {
    return X.length;
    public Vector2D[] getEdges() {
    int n = getNPoints();
    Vector2D[] v = new Vector2D[n];
    for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++){
    v[i] = new Vector2D(X[i]-X[i+1], Y[i]-Y[i+1]);
    v[n-1] = new Vector2D(X[0]-X[n-1], Y[0]-Y[n-1]);
    return v;
    public String toString() {
    String s = "\n";
    for (Vector2D v: getCoordinates())
    s += ("\n" + v);
    return s;
    <h6>TestPanel</h6>package Test;
    import World.MovableProp;
    import World.Vector2D;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Polygon;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    public class TestPanel extends JPanel {
    public ArrayList<MovableProp> list;
    public TestPanel(ArrayList<MovableProp> list) {
    this.list = list;
    setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1000,850));
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    for (MovableProp prop:list){
    Vector2D[] coor = prop.getCoordinates();
    int n = prop.getNPoints();
    g.drawLine((int)coor[0].x, (int)coor[0].y, (int)coor[n-1].x, (int)coor[n-1].y);
    for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++){
    g.drawLine((int)coor[i].x, (int)coor[i].y, (int)coor[i+1].x, (int)coor[i+1].y);

    .java wrote:
    I have been search for what seems like hours, Nice try, but in less than 15 seconds I found a complete discussion on the subject.
    and I still have not managed to find anybody or anything that can clearly answer these three questions:
    1. What is SAT?
    2. How does it apply to 2D collision detection? (How would it be different with 3D collision detection?)
    3. How can this be implemented in Java using Shape objects?
    Note: I am easily confused by geometric terminology.This really looks like a question you should have an answer for in your notes from class, or in your book. If not perhaps you need to go ask your teacher what it is and explain why you don't have it in your notes or book.

  • Floating-point numbers: min value

    the number wrapper classes each define a MAX_VALUE and a MIN_VALUE constant. While the MIN_VALUE of non-floating point numbers are negative numbers, the MIN_VALUE of the floating point numbers are the smallest postive numbers.
    From the Javadoc:
    A constant holding the largest positive finite value of type float, (2-2-23)�2127. It is equal to the hexadecimal floating-point literal 0x1.fffffeP+127f and also equal to Float.intBitsToFloat(0x7f7fffff).
    A constant holding the smallest positive nonzero value of type float, 2-149. It is equal to the hexadecimal floating-point literal 0x0.000002P-126f and also equal to Float.intBitsToFloat(0x1).
    A constant holding the largest positive finite value of type double, (2-2-52)�21023. It is equal to the hexadecimal floating-point literal 0x1.fffffffffffffP+1023 and also equal to Double.longBitsToDouble(0x7fefffffffffffffL).
    A constant holding the smallest positive nonzero value of type double, 2-1074. It is equal to the hexadecimal floating-point literal 0x0.0000000000001P-1022 and also equal to Double.longBitsToDouble(0x1L).
    Can someone tell me the MAX_NEGATIVE_VALUE (the finite negative value with the largest absolute value) and the MIN_NEGATIVE_VALUE (the negative value with the smallest nonzero absolute value) of float and double (using the xxxBitsToXxx-methods)?

    The IEEE754 format is symmetric with respect to the sign, so -MAX_VALUE
    and -MIN_VALUE are the values you're looking for.
    kind regards,

  • How to set checkbox to fill max or min value in field

    Hi all,
    I am pretty new to the adobe acrobat and I just created my first pdf form. I would ask for a help:
    In this form I have 2 fields where in one is price with VAT and in other without VAT. I also have a check box and total price field in form.
    I would like to set this form in a way that if check box is checked price with VAT is copied in the total price field and if check box is unchecked the price without VAT would be copied in the total price field.
    My idea is to set the checkbox to copy max value to total price field if checked and min if unchecked. Is there a way to do that? Is there a better way to achieve that?
    Thanks for sour help, I appreciate it!
    (I am not familiar with Java)

    You can set the min/max to int.MIN_VALUE/int.MAX_VALUE or
    It isn't unbounded, but will hopefully meet your needs.

  • Context switching / Threads

    Hello !
    The following program is for 3 Threads which do context switching.
    Often we get '0' zero for the low priority thread when we run this program.
    As far as my understanding is concerned; even if preemptive multitasking is done by the threads,
    the low priority thread should have run through few iterations and thus giving some value other
    than zero '0'.
    Secondly most of the time we get negative values for the high priority thread. Why is that ?
    Is it because of the fact that volatile sets the variable 'running' to some different value ?
    The speed of my processor is 1.5GHz.
    // Demonstrates threads priorities.
    class Clicker implements Runnable {
      int click = 0;
      String name ;
      Thread t ;
      private boolean running = true ;
      public Clicker(String tname, int p) {
       name = tname ;
       t = new Thread(this, name);
       System.out.println("Current Thread is " + t + " " + t.getPriority());
      public void start() {
      public void run() {
       while (running) {
      public void stop() {
       running = false ;
    class HLPriority {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
       System.out.println("Active Count : " + Thread.activeCount());
       Clicker hi = new Clicker("Hi", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY + 2);
       Clicker lo = new Clicker("Lo", Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 2);
       System.out.println("Active Count : " + Thread.activeCount());
       try {
         System.out.println("Sleeping Thread : " + Thread.currentThread());
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         System.out.println("Main Thread interrupted : " + e);
       try {
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         System.out.println("Interrupted Exception caught : " + e);
       System.out.println("Low priority thread  : " + lo.click);
       System.out.println("Hi  priority thread  : " + hi.click);

    Hello !
    The following program is for 3 Threads which do
    context switching.
    Often we get '0' zero for the low priority thread when
    we run this program.
    MY QUESTION IS WHY DO WE GET ZERO ?Presumably because the low priority thread gets no CPU time.
    As far as my understanding is concerned; even if
    preemptive multitasking is done by the threads,
    the low priority thread should have run through few
    iterations and thus giving some value other
    than zero '0'.You can't make ANY assumptions about when or how much CPU time a given thread will get. Why don't you let your main thread sleep longer--a minute or 5 or ten--and see if LO gets some cycles then.
    Secondly most of the time we get negative values for
    the high priority thread. Why is that ?count = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    count++; // --> Integer.MIN_VALUE (-2^31)
    I guess 10 seconds is enough time for a thread in a tight loop to count to 2 billion.
    Is it because of the fact that volatile sets the
    variable 'running' to some different value ?Volatile does nothing of the sort, and, in any case, isn't even in your code.
    GOD BLESS YOU.I didn't sneeze.

  • Help trying to convert string to int

    Hey im trying to input a string in an applet then turn it into a integer so i can use it any ideas?

    long val = Long.parseLong(string);
    if(val > Integer.MAX_VALUE || val <
    Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
    throw new Error("I don't like you :p");
    int intVal = (int) val;No real need to use parseLong and check explicitly the limits. The check for MIN and MAX is performed implicitely inside Integer.parseInt(string, 10), which is called by both new Integer(string).intValue() and Integer.parseInt(string) . When the check fails, it throws a NumberFormatException.
    The only difference between post#1 and post#2 is that the latter it stores the int value in the internal int data member after the call to Integer.parseInt(string, 10), hence the intValue() subsequent call.

  • Help xmlagg function

    i have this query:
    select XMLELEMENT(name "eeml",
    XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(name "environment",XMLCONCAT(
    XMLELEMENT(name "title", a.codice),
    XMLELEMENT(name "data", XMLATTRIBUTES(x.data_id as "id"),
    XMLCONCAT(XMLELEMENT(name "tag", x.tag),
    XMLELEMENT(name "datapoints",
    (XMLELEMENT(name "value",round(avg(x.avg_data),2)))
    XMLELEMENT(name "unit", x.unit)
                        as xml
    from ambiente a, table(a.dati) d, XMLTABLE('for $d in //data return <dati>
    <avg>{(data($d/max_value)+data($d/min_value)) div 2}</avg>
    </dati>' PASSING value(d).DatiXML
    COLUMNS data_id integer PATH '/dati/id',
    tag varchar2(20) PATH '/dati/tag',
    unit varchar2(20) PATH '/dati/unit',
    avg_data number(5) PATH '/dati/avg'
    ) x
    where to_char(value(d).giorno,'YYYY')='2011'
    group by a.codice,x.data_id,x.tag,x.unit, to_char(value(d).giorno,'MON')
    order by x.data_id
    that produce:
              <data id="2">
                        <value>36</value> //avg january value
              <data id="0">
                        <value>38.5</value> //avg january value
              <data id="2">
                        <value>36</value> //avg february value
              <data id="0">
                        <value>36</value> //avg february value
    but i want to have
              <data id="2">
                        <value>36</value> //avg january
                        <value>36</value> //avg february
              <data id="0">
                        <value>38.5</value> //avg january
                        <value>36</value> //avg february
    i have tried to put a xmlagg before the xmlconcat but doesn't work. What is the solution? Thanks for helping

    Difficult to tell exactly just from the query. Have you tried changing...
    XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT("tagname", x.extractedcode))
    P.S. You may be better asking XML type questions on the XMLDB forum for which the FAQ thread is here: XML DB FAQ
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