C and ncurses: execl in a specific window

Is there a way to call vfork() and then execl a system program (/usr/bin/nano for example) in a specific ncurses window and not stdscr? I'd like to achieve that, having 2 subwin of stdscr, nano will be launched in the first, but the second window will stay untouched. So you can open 2 files in the same time in 2 different windows.
Is there a way? I tried googling but couldn't find anything.
Thanks everyone!

There is a way to do this, but I don't know that it can be done with just the tools you describe.  You need a pseudo terminal set up in the ncurses window.  The ncurses window only provides a space on which to draw, it doesn't provide a new terminal - but a pty can do this.  You might want to check out the code of screen/tmux/dvtm (the last might have the simplest code as the first two have lots of other features).
EDIT: vt_forkpty on line 1564 of vt.c in the dvtm-git code would probably be the key.
Last edited by Trilby (2015-03-23 11:59:27)

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    Hello, everyone
    Can anyone tell me why this ( see below ) code does not produce any visible output ( child window is not moving ) ?
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <curses.h>
    int main(void) {
    WINDOW * mainwin, * childwin;
    int ch;
    /* Set the dimensions and initial
    position for our child window */
    int width = 23, height = 7;
    int rows = 25, cols = 80;
    int x = (cols - width) / 2;
    int y = (rows - height) / 2;
    /* Initialize ncurses */
    if ( (mainwin = initscr()) == NULL ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising ncurses.\n");
    /* Switch of echoing and enable keypad (for arrow keys) */
    keypad(mainwin, TRUE);
    /* Make our child window, and add
    a border and some text to it. */
    childwin = subwin(mainwin, height, width, y, x);
    box(childwin, 0, 0);
    mvwaddstr(childwin, 1, 4, "Move the window");
    mvwaddstr(childwin, 2, 2, "with the arrow keys");
    mvwaddstr(childwin, 3, 6, "or HOME/END");
    mvwaddstr(childwin, 5, 3, "Press 'q' to quit");
    /* Loop until user hits 'q' to quit */
    while ( (ch = getch()) != 'q' ) {
    switch ( ch ) {
    case KEY_UP:
    if ( y > 0 )
    case KEY_DOWN:
    if ( y < (rows - height) )
    case KEY_LEFT:
    if ( x > 0 )
    case KEY_RIGHT:
    if ( x < (cols - width) )
    case KEY_HOME:
    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    case KEY_END:
    x = (cols - width);
    y = (rows - height);
    mvwin(childwin, y, x);
    /* Clean up after ourselves */
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    -- source paulgriffiths.net
    EDIT: It seems that the problem is that it is not picking up arrow keys - if I bind those movements to any other keys everything works. Why ?
    Last edited by Simple Boot (2012-06-29 17:39:37)

    Someone asked about this particular example early this year in another forum.
    I pointed out that mvwin changed (per bug report) in 2006.
    However, no comment was made about the keys.
    In a quick check (replacing the mvwin with
    move(y,x); printw("%d,%d", y, x);
    I can see that the problem is that because the mvwin does not actually move the window (as the old behavior was), there is no visible effect.
    For reference:
    http://invisible-island.net/ncurses/NEW … #t20120114
    + several improvements to test/movewindow.c (prompted by discussion on
          Linux Mint forum):
          + modify movement commands to make them continuous
          + rewrote the test for mvderwin
          + rewrote the test for recursive mvwin
    http://invisible-island.net/ncurses/NEW … #t20060218
    + remove 970913 feature for copying subwindows as they are moved in
          mvwin() (discussion with Bryan Christ).
    + Modified lib_mvwin.c:  Disable move of a pad.  Implement (costly)
          move of subwindows.  Fixed update behavior of movements of regular

  • Launching programs from python and ncurses

    I've made a little menu launcher with python and ncurses. It works most of the time, but occationally it does nothing when I select a program to launch.
    This is how it works:
    1. A keyboard shortcut launches an xterm window that runs the program.
    2. I select some program, which is launched via this command:
    os.system("nohup " + "program_name" + "> /dev/null &")
    3. ncurses cleans up and python calls "sys.exit()"
    The whole idea with nohup is that the xterm window will close after I select an application, but the application will still start normally (this was a bit of a problem). This works most of the time, but sometimes nothing happens (it never works the first time I try launching a program after starting the computer, the other times are more random).
    So, has anyone got an idea of what's going on or a better solution than the nohup hack?
    The whole code for the menu launcher is below. It's quite hackish, but then again it was just meant for me. The file's called "curmenu.py", and I launch it with an xbindkeys shortcut that runs "xterm -e curmenu.py".
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import os,sys
    import curses
    ## Variables one might like to configure
    programs = ["Sonata", "sonata", "Ncmpc", "xterm -e ncmpc", "Emacs", "emacs", "Firefox", "swiftfox",\
    "Pidgin", "pidgin", "Screen", "xterm -e screen", "Thunar", "thunar", \
    "Gimp", "gimp", "Vlc", "vlc", "Skype", "skype"]
    highlight = 3
    on_screen = 7
    ## Functions
    # Gets a list of strings, figures out the middle one
    # and highlights it. Draws strings on screen.
    def drawStrings(strings):
    length = len(strings)
    middle = (length - 1)/2
    for num in range(length):
    addString(strings[num], middle, num, length)
    def addString(string, middle, iter_step, iter_max):
    if iter_step < iter_max:
    string = string + "\n"
    if iter_step == middle:
    stdscr.addstr(iter_step + 1, 1, string, curses.A_REVERSE)
    stdscr.addstr(iter_step + 1, 1, string)
    # Returns a list of strings to draw on screen. The
    # strings chosen are centered around position.
    def listStrings(strings, position, on_screen):
    length = len(strings)
    low = (on_screen - 1)/2
    start = position - low
    str = []
    for num in range(start, start + on_screen):
    str = str + [strings[num % length]]
    return str
    ## Start doing stuff
    names = programs[::2]
    longest = max(map(lambda x: len(x), names))
    # Start our screen
    # Enable noecho and keyboard input
    # Display strings
    drawStrings(listStrings(names, highlight, on_screen))
    # Wait for response
    num_progs = len(names)
    low = (on_screen - 1)/2
    while 1:
    c = stdscr.getch()
    if c == ord("q") or c == 27: # 27 = "Escape"
    elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN:
    highlight = (highlight + 1)%num_progs
    elif c == curses.KEY_UP:
    highlight = (highlight - 1)%num_progs
    elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE:
    highlight = (highlight + low)%num_progs
    elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE:
    highlight = (highlight - low)%num_progs
    elif c == 10: # actually "Enter", but hey
    os.system("nohup " + programs[2*highlight + 1] + "> /dev/null &")
    drawStrings(listStrings(names, highlight, on_screen))
    # Close the program

    Should let you fork programs off into the background.

  • How to Block Themes, Wallpapers and other Display Customizations (DPI, Scaling, Window Color and Appearance) with USMT 5.0?

    I'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what.
    I've read some great write ups on the subject:
    USMT Custom XML the Free and Easy Way
    4.0 Custom Sample - Blocking Wallpaper and Theme Migration from Windows Vista and Windows 7
    Wallpaper Migration with USMT (or: you are a jerk)
    and used part of the XML in their example, but the wallpaper, themes and other display customizations are still coming over.  Now I'm trying to use MigXmlHelper.DestinationPriority() but really its just my last ditch effort.
    From an elevated command prompt in C:\USMT\amd64\, I'm executing:
    scanstate.exe E:\USMTBackup /config:nothemeuiconfig.xml /i:MigApp.xml /i:MigDocs.xml /i:MigUser.xml /i:unconditionalexclusions.xml /i:blockwallpaperandthemev3.xml /i:getlocalpsts.xml /i:inclusions.xml /ui:domain1\user1 /ue:*\* /vsc /c /o /nocompress /localonly /v:13 /l:\\path\to\scanstate.log /progress:\\path\to\scanstate_progress.log /listfiles:\\path\to\scanstate_listfiles.log
    The blockwallpaperandthemev3.xml contains:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <migration urlid="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/blockwallpaperandthemev3">
    <component type="Documents" context="User">
    <displayName>Block Wallpaper, Theme and Display Registry Settings</displayName>
    <role role="Data">
    <!-- Blocks wallpaper, themes (which include wallpaper) and other display/visual customizations (DPI, Screen Saver, Window Color & Appearance etc.) in the registry when migrating from Vista, 7 and beyond -->
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Appearance\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [Pattern]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [SCRNSAVE.EXE]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [TileWallpaper]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [WallPaper]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [WallPaperStyle]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\Colors [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General [WallpaperSource]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Wallpapers\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\* [*]</pattern>
    <merge script="MigXmlHelper.DestinationPriority()">
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Appearance\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [Pattern]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [SCRNSAVE.EXE]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [TileWallpaper]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [WallPaper]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [WallPaperStyle]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\Colors [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General [WallpaperSource]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Wallpapers\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ThemeManager\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\* [*]</pattern>
    <!-- This component blocks wallpaper & screen saver files -->
    <component type="Documents" context="User">
    <displayName>Block Wallpapers and Theme Files</displayName>
    <role role="Data">
    <content filter="MigXmlHelper.ExtractSingleFile(NULL, NULL)">
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [SCRNSAVE.EXE]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [WallPaper]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General [WallpaperSource]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\* [*]</pattern>
    <merge script="MigXmlHelper.DestinationPriority()">
    <content filter="MigXmlHelper.ExtractSingleFile(NULL, NULL)">
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [SCRNSAVE.EXE]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop [WallPaper]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General [WallpaperSource]</pattern>
    <pattern type="Registry">HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_WINDOWS%\Resources\Ease of Access Themes\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_WINDOWS%\Resources\Themes\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_WINDOWS%\Web\Wallpaper\* [*]</pattern>
    <merge script="MigXmlHelper.DestinationPriority()">
    <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_WINDOWS%\Resources\Ease of Access Themes\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_WINDOWS%\Resources\Themes\* [*]</pattern>
    <pattern type="File">%CSIDL_WINDOWS%\Web\Wallpaper\* [*]</pattern>
    <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("\Users\*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\* [*]","Fixed")</script>
    <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("\Users\*\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\* [*]","Fixed")</script>
    <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("\Windows\Resources\Ease of Access Themes\* [*]","Fixed")</script>
    <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("\Windows\Resources\Themes\* [*]","Fixed")</script>
    <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\* [*]","Fixed")</script>
    <merge script="MigXmlHelper.DestinationPriority()">
    <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("\Users\*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\* [*]","Fixed")</script>
    <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("\Users\*\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\* [*]","Fixed")</script>
    <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("\Windows\Resources\Ease of Access Themes\* [*]","Fixed")</script>
    <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("\Windows\Resources\Themes\* [*]","Fixed")</script>
    <script>MigXmlHelper.GenerateDrivePatterns ("\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\* [*]","Fixed")</script>
    I generated a config.xml called nothemeuiconfig.xml and changed this:
    <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-themeui" migrate="yes" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-themeui/microsoft-windows-themeui/settings"/>
    To this:
    <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-themeui" migrate="no" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-themeui/microsoft-windows-themeui/settings"/>
    But themes, wallpapers - everything - still come over.
    Opened a case with Microsoft, sent them:
    the XML's I'm using
    the command I used to generate the config.xml
    the command I used for scanstate
    the log files generated by scanstate
    the command I used for loadstate
    the log files generated by loadstate
    Summary result of the MS case:
    After much review & scrutiny, the command line and XML files are syntactically correct and rules are sound.
    The articles I referenced in the ticket are indeed old and speak of an older version of USMT, so I can accept the possibility that something may have changed between USMT versions that render those suggested rules & instructions invalid.
    Despite using
    unconditionalExclude to unconditionally globally exclude objects, something else is trumping that rule, and there’s no way around that.
    Even using
    MigXmlHelper.DestinationPrioity() won’t help us here because, like above, something else trumps that rule, and there’s no way around that.
    The last proposed suggestion is to disable the shmig component, which may or may not break or otherwise adversely affect the backup/restore of other things.  (This may be too difficult to detect easily or in initial testing and the uncertainty doesn’t
    give us confidence problems won’t arise as a result of this change.  Also,
    Ned Pyle's post post says NOT to, but then again that's an old post.)
    Is this no longer possible or am I'm just doing it wrong?

    Thanks for the reply
    I saw your responses on Friday & Saturday, but didn't reply because I wanted to think this over a bit and try to get a second opinion.
    The 'Appearance and Display' component looks to have a has a number of sub-components.
    <component displayname="Appearance and Display" migrate="yes" ID="appearance_and_display">
    <component displayname="Windows Games Settings" migrate="yes" ID="appearance_and_display\windows_games_settings">
    <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-GameExplorer" migrate="yes" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-gameexplorer/microsoft-windows-gameexplorer/settings"/>
    <component displayname="Taskbar and Start Menu" migrate="yes" ID="appearance_and_display\taskbar_and_start_menu">
    <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-stobject" migrate="yes" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-stobject/microsoft-windows-stobject/settings"/>
    <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-explorer" migrate="yes" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-explorer/microsoft-windows-explorer/settings"/>
    <component displayname="Personalized Settings" migrate="yes" ID="appearance_and_display\personalized_settings">
    <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-uxtheme" migrate="yes" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-uxtheme/microsoft-windows-uxtheme/settings"/>
    <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-themeui" migrate="yes" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-themeui/microsoft-windows-themeui/settings"/>
    <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-shmig" migrate="yes" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-shmig/microsoft-windows-shmig/settings"/>
    <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-shell32" migrate="yes" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-shell32/microsoft-windows-shell32/settings"/>
    <component displayname="Microsoft-Windows-CommandPrompt" migrate="yes" ID="http://www.microsoft.com/migration/1.0/migxmlext/cmi/microsoft-windows-commandprompt/microsoft-windows-commandprompt/settings"/>
    If I'm understanding the XML correctly, setting 'Appearance and Display' to 'no' will not bring over any of the sub components:
    Windows Games Settings: Microsoft-Windows-GameExplorer
    Tarkbar & Start Menu: Microsoft-Windows-stobject
    Tarkbar & Start Menu: Microsoft-Windows-explorer
    Personalized Settings: Microsoft-Windows-uxtheme
    Personalized Settings: Microsoft-Windows-themeui
    Personalized Settings: Microsoft-Windows-shmig
    Personalized Settings: Microsoft-Windows-shell32
    Personalized Settings: Microsoft-Windows-CommandPrompt
    If so, that, to me at least, represents a pretty significant change!  We want the pinned items but not the backgrounds and themes so that specific change won't work for us, but glad to hear it meets your needs.  (Also greatly appreciate your sharing
    your results with us.)
    I'll admit, even before reaching out to MS, the logs clearly show that the themes/backgrounds are all part of the 'Microsoft-Windows-shmig' component but dang it if I want something of substance (read: official documentation) that covers what exactly that
    component handles.  (I like to know what I'm potentially getting myself into.)

  • How to use a specific windows software on Mac

    Hi all,
    I have (and love) a new Macbook Air, having switched from years of PC use.
    Ran into a hiccup as I do a few hours of teaching a week though a company called Talkbean (http://tutor.talkbean.com/displayEng.do?cmd=siteMain) and they have specific software I have downloaded....which I now find it only compatible with windows.
    I've read through other topics and see that using boot camp (and other programs) I could also run windows on my MBA....but I'd prefer not to do that if I can avoidit - I don't need anything else other than this piece of software a few hours a week.  Also don't fancy purchasing windows after just forking out for a new laptop!
    The likes of Crossover and Virtual box look more appealing, but seem to be aimed at gaming (maybe I'm wrong!) and unsurprisingly the software I need is not on their lists.  I'm struggling to figure it out myself. Would one of these programs be suitable for using this piece of software? 
    Any help at all sooo much appreciated!

    CrossOver is a program that lets you run some Windows software withhout installing Windows. The emphasis is on some. At their website Crossover rates the supported software on a scale from Bronze to Gold - if the program you need to run is supported at the Gold standard you will probably be okay. Silver and Bronze ratings means the rated Windows software will run but with glitches or even missing functionality. (Silver being better support than Bronze, obviously.)
    Virtualization solutions such as VirtualBox (or the more capable and feature laden Parallels Desktop and VMWare Fusion) let you install another operating system (and software) to use at the same time as you use your Mac software. It is a nifty solution and while virtualization isn't quite as fast as running an OS totally native (BootCamp) the speed hit isn't all that significant and affects graphics rendering more than anything else.
    I'm an IT instructor and software trainer and about 80% of this work involves Windows software. I do it using a Mac computer running Windows in Parallels Desktop. If it weren't for the Apple logo on my notebook no one would know I'm using a Mac - and the notebook in virtualization feels faster than the cheap Dell computers we use.

  • Windows 7  64 bit will not install itunes..it tries to install and keeps telling quick time for windows did not properly install  any help?

    windows 7  64 bit will not install itunes..it tries to install and keeps telling quick time for windows did not properly install  any help?

    Hi Tamekia,
    I am sorry to hear nothing has worked yet. I have looked up some additional information and possible solutions. Follow the steps in this document to perform a level-three uninstall, register the Windows Installer Service, and then reinstall the HP software. An uninstall and reinstall of the software deletes and overwrites any of the files that might cause the error and resets the Windows Installer. HP recommends that you download the latest software from the HP Web site to remove any files that might be causing this error.
    Level-three uninstall, and register the Windows Installer Service
    Note: The title of this document is not specific to the issue you are experiencing or the operating system you have, but the 3 steps and instructions are what I suggest we do to resolve the issue you are experiencing.
    Hope this helps.
    Please click the Thumbs up icon below to thank me for responding.
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Sunshyn2005 - I work on behalf of HP

  • Download and instalation instruction of itune for windows 7 operating system

    download and instalation instruction of itune for windows 7 operating system

    This is a user to user technical support forum, you are not addressing Apple here.
    Regardless, if you want/need help... provide the specific details and error messages that are occurring.
    We are not mindreaders.

  • When are retirement dates for certification MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Support Technician on Windows 7 and MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Administrator on Windows 7?

    So what's the current situation with the MCIPT certifications in Windows 7?
    MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Support Technician on Windows 7
    MCITP: Enterprise Desktop Administrator on Windows 7
    The certifications had previously been scheduled to retire in July 31, 2013.
    Then that deadline was extended and they were due to retire in January 31, 2014
    Presently, the certifications are listed on the ever unhelpful Microsoft Learning website
    MCITP page and the
    windows certifications
    In typical Microsoft Learning unhelpfulness there is a bland, confusing and uninformative statement saying
    "Most MCITP certifications will be retired by July 31, 2014. Please check the
    retired certifications and
    retired exams pages for specific retirement dates."
    Naturally, Microsoft aren't being specific about which MCITP certifications are being retired.
    To be more obstructive and confusing, us poor learners are invited to check the retired certifications page, which only lists certifications that have already retired,  for information about when a certification
    will retire in the future. I have seen this done repeatedly in this forum and on borntolearn.mslearn.net in reply to questions about future certificate retirement, which is totally useless and perhaps deliberately deceptive, as the exam aren't
    being discontinued and there's no info about future certification retirement.
    There has previously been actual helpful information on the Microsoft learning webpages with statements explaining that whilst in a transistion between the older style MCITP and newer MCSA certification for Windows 7, that both certification titles will
    be awarded until x date, when the MCITP will be retired and the MCSA will be awarded only. I can't see anything like that on the site at the moment.
    I'd be most grateful if
    anyone can link me to a Microsoft press release / blog / webpage that announced the scrapping of the January 31, 2014 deadline (as I must of missed this announcement)
    anyone can give an update on the current Microsoft thinking about when this certificate will retire? Especially any links to announcements.
    are both MCSA and MCITP certifications still being awarded?
    advise what's the best way of staying up to date with multiple changes to exam and certification retirement announcement? (apart from borntolearn, which is awful and again, just directs back to the retired exams/certifications pages)
    Many thanks everybody!
    edit: formatting and spelling

    Why choose a near retiring credential ?  
    * Have ever you applied for a job with keyword requirements ?  Employers can be (and have been) insanely specific. (Then again that sort of gatekeeping for employment usually guarantees a fresh batch of pathological liars are your applicants, but I digress.)
    * Also could be on a time deadline, e.g. contract bid requires x number of people to be certified, CompTIA requirement deadline could be arriving, and so on.
    * Taking 2K08 exams when working in a 2K08 environment is probably easier than jumping into the next version without any access to it (other than building your own virtual servers or labs).
    My current employer uses 2K08 not 2K12.  There are also 2K03 servers still in production (eventually being phased out). 
    I don't know what the stats are today but (in 2012) 2K08 was leading over 2k12 in market share.  
    I thought that's what truly drives these exams' and certification's availability.

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  • Default Camera App Tile Missing and Won't Launch from c:\windows\camera. Also missing from Windows Store to reinstall.

    Hi There,
    I am deploying a custom windows 8.1 enterprise image via SCCM to Surface Tablets in our corporate environment.  We currently are using windows 8 ONLY on surface hardware.
    We only have 4 in the wild but all are having the same issue.  The camera app tile/shortcut is missing from the all applications menu.
    If I try to launch it from the c:\windows\camera folder i receive an error regarding Windows.UI.Xaml.dll as I believe it needs to be  called via the modern environment (not desktop).
    It dose not appear to be a hardware issue as third party camera apps seem to work.
    Also, when i search for the app in windows store it cannot be found.  I can find it when i search the store via IE but when I click on the link to open it in the windows store i am only presented with the stores front page.
    Any advice would be appreciated as my users are keen to use the camera on their surface pro 3's.

    This sounds as though the Camera app has become corrupt in your image. I would attempt to reimage one of the devices with a vanilla environment to see if the issue appears, if not, I would
    evaluate the difference between the Camera app in the vanilla environment and the production environment. Specifically, you may need to ensure that the correct version of Camera is provisioned in the base image.
    Windows Outreach Team- IT Pro
    Windows for IT Pros on TechNet

  • Will Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 and Premiere Elements 10 work on Windows 8.1

    Will Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 and Premiere Elements 10 work on Windows 8.1

    Here is my reply:
    •What version of Premiere Elements? Include the minor version number (e.g., Premiere Elements 12 with the 12.0.1 update).
    Premiere Elements 12
    •What operating system? This should include specific minor version numbers, like "Mac OSX v10.6.8"---not just "Mac"
    Windows 8.1.
    •Has this ever worked before?  If so, do you recall any changes you made to Premiere Elements, such as adding Plug-ins, brushes, etc.?  Did you make any changes to your system, such as updating hardware, printers or drivers; or installing/uninstalling any programs?
    Worked in windows 8. No plug-ins added, etc.
    •Are you using an account with Administrator Privileges?
    Run as Administrator http://forums.adobe.com/thread/969395 (Encore + "All" Premiere)
    Crashes after loading
    •Have you installed any recent program or OS updates? (If not, you should. They fix a lot of problems.)
    All up to date
    •If you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)?
    Please log-in with an administrator account to use Premiere Elements
    •What other software are you running?
    •Tell us about your computer hardware. How much RAM is installed?  How much free space is on your system (C:) drive?
    4gb ram. 30gb free space on internal SSD drive.
    •Which version of Quicktime do you have installed?
    What is your exact brand/model graphics adapter (ATI or nVidia or ???)
    Radeon HD 3400
    What is your exact graphics adapter driver version?
    Have you gone to the vendor web site to check for a newer driver?
    P.S. Premiere Pro works on my system

  • Backup and restore on solution manager in Windows

    Dear Team,
    I have one windows 2003 server in this 3 Harddisk Drive C , D , & E . In this solution manager and saprouter is installed.
    Now I want to move all these installation and data in other system.So that these same think Proper run in other system.l
    How I take the backup of old system and Restore in other new system.
    Because in this BRTOOLS not running.
    Whats is the process of take the backup and restore of solution manager in windows environment.

    Solution Manager is dual stack system (ABAP+JAVA). Please refer this useful system Copy guide [How to System Copy ABAP and JAVA|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/f055cbd0-97f1-2a10-c09a-907b811de000?quicklink=index&overridelayout=true] to get more detailed information.
    You can use Database Independent or Database Specific method to perform such System Copy.
    You can refer this useful document [Homogeneous-System-Copy-using-OnlineandOffline-ORACLE Backup|http://www.basisconsultant.com/component/remository/Sytem-Copy-Guides/Homogeneous-System-Copy-using-OnlineandOffline-Backup/] to get step by step details. In Database specific method you will have to create JAVA export also in ABAP+JAVA stacks system.
    Bhavik G. Shroff

  • Capture a specific window with all the data even those that is not shown

    I want to capture a specific windows with all of its data, even the data that is not shown and the user have to scroll dpwn to see it.
    i already did and manged to capture all of the screen with the Robot class, but i need more.

    I want to capture a specific windows with all of its data, even the data that is not shown and the user have to scroll dpwn to see it.
    i already did and manged to capture all of the screen with the Robot class, but i need more.

  • Why the fifa 2014 apps suddenly started and after some seconds stopped "the window of the game minimized to the desktop toolbar

    Hello to you
    I have download game apps fifa 2014 from the app store of windows 8.1 32x  on my laptop.
     However, the game started to the mane screen and stopped suddenly.
     The window of the game minimized to the manager toolbar on desktop and win I click on it the game work from the beginning and stopped like the first time and didn't work  
    Why the fifa 2014 apps suddenly started and after some seconds stopped "the window of the game minimized to the desktop toolbar  
       System Information Report
                    نظام التشغيل        Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro
                    المعالج المركزي        Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2330M CPU @ 2.20GHz
                    اسم المستخدم        amjad
                    وصلة الفيديو        Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
                    ذاكرة الفيديو        1.15 GB
                    دقة الشاشة        1366 x 768
                    إجمالي الذاكرة        2.67 GB
                    الذاكرة الحرة        1.05 GB
                    مساحة القرص الصلب        296.54 GB
                    المساحة الحرة        176.65 GB
                    الفأرة        Samsung PS/2 Port Input Device
                    لوحة المفاتيح        Standard PS/2 Keyboard
    نظام الكمبيوتر        
                    اسم الكمبيوتر        SUMSUNG-I3
                    اسم المستخدم        [email protected]
                    المنظمة        N/A
    نظام التشغيل        
                    اسم نظام التشغيل        Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro
                    إصدار نظام التشغيل        6.3.9600
                    معرّف المنتج        00261-50000-00000-AA602
                    وقت تشغيل النظام        17/06/2014 23:34:21
                    إصدار الأنترنت إكسبلورر        11.0.9600.17126
                    DirectX إصدار        DirectX 11
                    OpenGL إصدار        6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623)
                    أقصى حجم        682 MB
                    الحجم الحالي        104 MB
                    الحالة        OK
    المعالج المركزي        
                    اسم المعالج        Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2330M CPU @ 2.20GHz
                    اسم الكود        N/A
                    المنتج        GenuineIntel
                    السرعة الحالية        2200 Mhz
                    أقصى سرعة        2200 Mhz
                    Voltage        1.2V
                    الساعة الخارجية        100 Mhz
                    الرقم التسلسل        BFEBFBFF000206A7
                    معرّف المعالج        x64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
                    مأخذ التوصيل        CPU
                    L1-Cache        64 KB
                    L2-Cache        256 KB
                    L3-Cache        3072 KB
    اللوحة الأم        
                    الطراز        300E4A/300E5A/300E7A
                    المنتج        SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.
                    الرقم التسلسل        123490EN400015
                    BIOS اسم        Phoenix SecureCore-Tiano(tm) NB Version 2.1 01QA
                    BIOS منتج        Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
                    SMBIOS إصدار        01QA
                    BIOS تاريخ        05/09/2011
    BIOS ميزات        
                    PCI is supported        نعم
                    BIOS is Upgradable (Flash)        نعم
                    BIOS shadowing is allowed        نعم
                    Boot from CD is supported        نعم
                    Selectable Boot is supported        نعم
                    EDD (Enhanced Disk Drive) Specification is supported        نعم
                    Int 5h, Print Screen Service is supported        نعم
                    Int 9h, 8042 Keyboard services are supported        نعم
                    Int 14h, Serial Services are supported        نعم
                    Int 17h, printer services are supported        نعم
                    Int 10h, CGA/Mono Video Services are supported        نعم
                    NEC PC-98        نعم
                    ACPI supported        نعم
                    USB Legacy is supported        نعم
    مورد الذاكرة        
                    إجمالي الذاكرة        2.67 GB
                    الذاكرة المستخدمة        1.62 GB
                    الذاكرة الحرة        1.05 GB
                    استخدام الذاكرة        60%
    الذاكرة الفعلية        
                    صرف الذاكرة        BANK 0
                    الوصف        Physical Memory 0
                    محدد الجهاز        ChannelA-DIMM0
                    المساحة        2.00 GB
                    السرعة        1333 Mhz
                    المنتج        Hynix/Hyundai
                    عرض البيانات        64 bit
                    نوع الذاكرة        Unknown
                    عامل النموذج        SODIMM
    الذاكرة الفعلية        
                    صرف الذاكرة        BANK 2
                    الوصف        Physical Memory 2
                    محدد الجهاز        ChannelB-DIMM0
                    المساحة        2.00 GB
                    السرعة        1333 Mhz
                    المنتج        Hynix/Hyundai
                    عرض البيانات        64 bit
                    نوع الذاكرة        Unknown
                    عامل النموذج        SODIMM
    الأقراص الصلبة        
                    الاسم        SAMSUNG HM321HI
                    نوع الوسائط        Fixed hard disk media
                    الحجم الكلي        298.09 GB
                    نوع الواجهة        IDE
                    عدد الأقراص        3
                    إجمالي الأسطوانات        38913
                    إجمالي الكليّة        255
                    إجمالي القطاعات        625137345
                    مجموع المسارات        9922815
                    المسارات لكل اسطوانة        255
                    بايت لكل قطاع        512
                    قطاعات لكل مسار        63
                    S.M.A.R.T دعم        نعم
                    درجة الحرارة الحالية        0C (32F)
    CD-ROM Drive        
                    الاسم        TSSTcorp CDDVDW SN-208BB
                    القرص        E:
                    معدل النقل        -1
                    الحالة        OK
    IDE تحكم        
                    الاسم        Standard SATA AHCI Controller
                    المنتج        Standard SATA AHCI Controller
                    الحالة        OK
    وصلة الفيديو        
                    الاسم        Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
                    معالج فيديو        Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
                    المنتج        Intel Corporation
                    فيديو فن العمارة        VGA
                    DAC نوع        Internal
                    حجم الذاكرة        1.15 GB
                    نوع الذاكرة        Unknown
                    وضع الفيديو        1366 x 768 x 4294967296 colors
                    معدل التحديث الحالي        60 Hz
                    إصدار التعريف
                    سجل الأحداث        29/01/2014
    جهاز العرض        
                    الاسم        Generic PnP Monitor
                    ارتفاع الشاشة        768
                    عرض الشاشة        1366
                    الحالة        OK
                    اسم المنتج        Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
                    اسم الخدمة        RTL8168
                    المنتج        Realtek
                    MAC عنوان        NULL
                    اسم المنتج        Intel(R) Centrino(R) Wireless-N 130
                    اسم الخدمة        NETwNs32
                    المنتج        Intel Corporation
                    MAC عنوان        DC:A9:71:7A:A9:3B
    Local Area Connection        
                    اسم المنتج        TAP-Windows Adapter V9
                    اسم الخدمة        tap0901
                    المنتج        TAP-Windows Provider V9
                    MAC عنوان        NULL
    أجهزة الصوت        
                    الاسم        صوت الشاشة من Intel(R)‎‎‎
                    المنتج        Intel(R) Corporation
                    الحالة        OK
                    الاسم        Samsung PS/2 Port Input Device
                    المنتج        ELAN
                    الأزرار        0
                    الحالة        OK
    لوحة المفاتيح        
                    الاسم        Standard PS/2 Keyboard
                    الوصف        Enhanced (101- or 102-key)
                    وظائف المفاتيح        12
                    الحالة        OK
    USB أداة تحكم        
                    اسم المنتج        Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C2D
                    المنتج        Intel
                    بروتوكول معتمد        Universal Serial Bus
                    الحالة        OK
    USB أداة تحكم        
                    اسم المنتج        Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C26
                    المنتج        Intel
                    بروتوكول معتمد        Universal Serial Bus
                    الحالة        OK

    System requirements
    OS: Windows 8
    CPU:  1.8G core2duo
    RAM: 1G
    GPU: NVidia card 7800 GT+ with 512M+ vram
    This game is not fully optimized to work with some ATI GPU cards.
    Keyboard support is not available.
    try to contact game manufactured, maybe your GPU doesn't meet requirement

  • Hi all, Since I updated to Mavericks I am having trouble with Safari showing all the buttons/clickable options, but they are gray and will not work. Specifically, the Trash Can/Delete and the "Move to" folder button simply do not work. Any ideas?

    Hi all, Since I updated to Mavericks I am having trouble with Safari showing all the buttons/clickable options, but they are gray and will not work. Specifically, the Trash Can/Delete and the "Move to" folder button simply do not work. Any ideas?

    Please post a screenshot that shows what you mean. Be careful not to include any private information.
    Start a reply to this message. Click the camera icon in the toolbar of the editing window and select the image file to upload it. You can also include text in the reply.

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