C expert question

Here are five typedefs for the c-brains in here. How do I port them to Java?
typedef struct {
  long endbyte;
  int  endbit;
  unsigned char *buffer;
  unsigned char *ptr;
  long storage;
} oggpack_buffer;
typedef struct {
  unsigned char *header;
  long           header_len;
  unsigned char *body;
  long           body_len;
} ogg_page;
typedef struct {
  unsigned char   *body_data;    /* bytes from packet bodies */
  long    body_storage;          /* storage elements allocated */
  long    body_fill;             /* elements stored; fill mark */
  long    body_returned;         /* elements of fill returned */
  int     *lacing_vals;    /* The values that will go to the segment table */
  ogg_int64_t *granule_vals;      /* granulepos values for headers. Not compact
                             this way, but it is simple coupled to the
                             lacing fifo */
  long    lacing_storage;
  long    lacing_fill;
  long    lacing_packet;
  long    lacing_returned;
  unsigned char    header[282];      /* working space for header encode */
  int              header_fill;
  int     e_o_s;          /* set when we have buffered the last packet in the
                             logical bitstream */
  int     b_o_s;          /* set after we've written the initial page
                             of a logical bitstream */
  long     serialno;
  int      pageno;
  ogg_int64_t  packetno;      /* sequence number for decode; the framing
                             knows where there's a hole in the data,
                             but we need coupling so that the codec
                             (which is in a seperate abstraction
                             layer) also knows about the gap */
  ogg_int64_t   granulepos;
} ogg_stream_state;
typedef struct {
  unsigned char *packet;
  long  bytes;
  long  b_o_s;
  long  e_o_s;
  ogg_int64_t  granulepos;
  ogg_int64_t  packetno;
} ogg_packet;
typedef struct {
  unsigned char *data;
  int storage;
  int fill;
  int returned;
  int unsynced;
  int headerbytes;
  int bodybytes;
} ogg_sync_state;My technique will be to translate all five of them to classes.
class oggpack_buffer {}
class ogg_page {}
class ogg_stream_state {}
class ogg_packet {}
class ogg_sync_state {}I'll change the names so they comply with the coding conventions for Java.
class OggPackBuffer {}
class OggPage {}
class OggStreamState {}
class OggPacket {}
class OggSyncState {}The first typdef is called oggpack_buffer. The first field is a long. I search for "Java data types" and it gives me this document:
This line I don't understand:
long      Long integer      64-bit two's complement
What does '64-bit two's complement' mean?
Then I search for C data types and it gives me this:
'long' is not even listed in the second document. Only 'int long'. Elsewhere I learn that the size of a 'long' in C depends on the CPU or system architecture.
So I'm stuck already in the first line. Please throw some light on the 'long' data type in C and the corresponding in Java.
Thank you.

The next 'typedef struct' - what a semantically strange construct - presents me with some new problems. Let's look at it:
typedef struct {
  unsigned char   *body_data;    /* bytes from packet bodies */
  long    body_storage;          /* storage elements allocated */
  long    body_fill;             /* elements stored; fill mark */
  long    body_returned;         /* elements of fill returned */
  int     *lacing_vals;    /* The values that will go to the segment table */
  ogg_int64_t *granule_vals;      /* granulepos values for headers. Not compact  this way, but it is simple coupled to the lacing fifo */
  long    lacing_storage;
  long    lacing_fill;
  long    lacing_packet;
  long    lacing_returned;
  unsigned char    header[282];      /* working space for header encode */
  int              header_fill;
  int     e_o_s;          /* set when we have buffered the last packet in the                             logical bitstream */
  int     b_o_s;          /* set after we've written the initial page of a logical bitstream */
  long     serialno;
  int      pageno;
  ogg_int64_t  packetno;      /* sequence number for decode; the framing
                             knows where there's a hole in the data,
                             but we need coupling so that the codec
                             (which is in a seperate abstraction
                             layer) also knows about the gap */
  ogg_int64_t   granulepos;
} ogg_stream_state;Apart from presenting us with some incomprehensible ogg-specific information there is a new data-type. Remember that in C, we can define your own primitive data-types. The one in question is called 'ogg_int64_t'. Go to the http://xiph.org/ website, download the libogg and libvorbis and run an XP search for header files with that name in them. One moment...
A lot of hits!
In the file os_types.h I find an answer. But theres a challenge for me. Look what I found in this file. Here's the file in its entirity.
#ifndef _OS_TYPES_H
#define _OS_TYPES_H
/* make it easy on the folks that want to compile the libs with a
   different malloc than stdlib */
#define _ogg_malloc  malloc
#define _ogg_calloc  calloc
#define _ogg_realloc realloc
#define _ogg_free    free
#if defined(_WIN32)
#  if defined(__CYGWIN__)
#    include <_G_config.h>
     typedef _G_int64_t ogg_int64_t;
     typedef _G_int32_t ogg_int32_t;
     typedef _G_uint32_t ogg_uint32_t;
     typedef _G_int16_t ogg_int16_t;
     typedef _G_uint16_t ogg_uint16_t;
#  elif defined(__MINGW32__)
     typedef short ogg_int16_t;                                                                            
     typedef unsigned short ogg_uint16_t;                                                                  
     typedef int ogg_int32_t;                                                                              
     typedef unsigned int ogg_uint32_t;                                                                    
     typedef long long ogg_int64_t;                                                                        
     typedef unsigned long long ogg_uint64_t; 
#  elif defined(__MWERKS__)
     typedef long long ogg_int64_t;
     typedef int ogg_int32_t;
     typedef unsigned int ogg_uint32_t;
     typedef short ogg_int16_t;
     typedef unsigned short ogg_uint16_t;
#  else
     /* MSVC/Borland */
     typedef __int64 ogg_int64_t;
     typedef __int32 ogg_int32_t;
     typedef unsigned __int32 ogg_uint32_t;
     typedef __int16 ogg_int16_t;
     typedef unsigned __int16 ogg_uint16_t;
#  endif
#elif defined(__MACOS__)
#  include <sys/types.h>
   typedef SInt16 ogg_int16_t;
   typedef UInt16 ogg_uint16_t;
   typedef SInt32 ogg_int32_t;
   typedef UInt32 ogg_uint32_t;
   typedef SInt64 ogg_int64_t;
#elif defined(__MACOSX__) /* MacOS X Framework build */
#  include <sys/types.h>
   typedef int16_t ogg_int16_t;
   typedef u_int16_t ogg_uint16_t;
   typedef int32_t ogg_int32_t;
   typedef u_int32_t ogg_uint32_t;
   typedef int64_t ogg_int64_t;
#elif defined(__BEOS__)
   /* Be */
#  include <inttypes.h>
   typedef int16_t ogg_int16_t;
   typedef u_int16_t ogg_uint16_t;
   typedef int32_t ogg_int32_t;
   typedef u_int32_t ogg_uint32_t;
   typedef int64_t ogg_int64_t;
#elif defined (__EMX__)
   /* OS/2 GCC */
   typedef short ogg_int16_t;
   typedef unsigned short ogg_uint16_t;
   typedef int ogg_int32_t;
   typedef unsigned int ogg_uint32_t;
   typedef long long ogg_int64_t;
#elif defined (DJGPP)
   /* DJGPP */
   typedef short ogg_int16_t;
   typedef int ogg_int32_t;
   typedef unsigned int ogg_uint32_t;
   typedef long long ogg_int64_t;
#elif defined(R5900)
   /* PS2 EE */
   typedef long ogg_int64_t;
   typedef int ogg_int32_t;
   typedef unsigned ogg_uint32_t;
   typedef short ogg_int16_t;
#elif defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
   /* Symbian GCC */
   typedef signed short ogg_int16_t;
   typedef unsigned short ogg_uint16_t;
   typedef signed int ogg_int32_t;
   typedef unsigned int ogg_uint32_t;
   typedef long long int ogg_int64_t;
#  include <sys/types.h>
#  include <ogg/config_types.h>
#endif  /* _OS_TYPES_H */An if-else system based on OS-architecture. How strange for a Javaman! How does it do? Instinctively I get the urge to search for '_WIN32' among all the files. One moment...
I didn't find a definition of the string '_WIN32'. Now that's very strange, cause '_WIN32' is a strange string. Look at it! It looks crazy! I'm gonna search for it on Google...
I got 151.000 hits. That probably means that it's somehow a conventional syntax to say '_WIN32'. I've got to try to test this with jsalonen's program. I will include the headerfile show above into my helloworld-program with the sizeof([data-type]) dumps and see what happens.
#include <iostream>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "os_types.h"
using namespace std;
void main()
  cout << "Hello World!" << endl;   cout << "Welcome to C++ Programming" << endl;
  printf("ogg_int64_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(ogg_int64_t));
  printf("short:\t%d\n", sizeof(short));
    printf("int:\t%d\n", sizeof(int));
    printf("long:\t%d\n", sizeof(long));
    printf("long long:\t%d\n", sizeof(long long));
}My my. It compiled. The output on my Pentium/XP architecture is:
C:\Documents and Settings\Morten Hjerl-Hansen\Dokumenter\temp\cproject\cproject\
Hello World!
Welcome to C++ Programming
ogg_int64_t: 8
short: 2
int: 4
long: 4
long long: 8
Here's the executable if you want to try it out on your own Windows box. (Look for it near your Linux box.)
ogg_int64_t is 8 bytes. So I have to decide between finding a Java datatype of size 8 bytes (64 bits) and representing ogg_int64_t. I definitely go for the first option. I don't have a clue why, it's a gut feeling. There are two: long and double. jsalonen said something about signs before. He (she?) said that long is signed.
How do I find out if the datatype ogg_int64_t is signed? That's easy:
#include <iostream>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "os_types.h"
using namespace std;
void main()
  cout << "Hello World!" << endl;   cout << "Welcome to C++ Programming" << endl;
  ogg_int64_t dummy = -1;
  printf("dummy:\t%d\n", dummy);
C:\Documents and Settings\Morten Hjerl-Hansen\Dokumenter\temp\cproject\cproject\
Hello World!
Welcome to C++ Programming
dummy: -1
Cool. It's signed just as Java's long, so they are completely the same. Wait...I'll just make one more test, just for the *** of it.
#include <iostream>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "os_types.h"
using namespace std;
void main()
  cout << "Hello World!" << endl;   cout << "Welcome to C++ Programming" << endl;
  ogg_int64_t dummy = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
  ogg_int64_t dummy2 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE;
  printf("dummy:\t%d\n", dummy);
  printf("dummy:\t%d\n", dummy2);
C:\Documents and Settings\Morten Hjerl-Hansen\Dokumenter\temp\cproject\cproject\
Hello World!
Welcome to C++ Programming
dummy: -1
dummy: -2
I never get used to that. The 'most significant bit' signifies the sign.
I look at the 'typedef struct' listed at the beginning of this message again. These two lines are weird:
  int     *lacing_vals;    /* The values that will go to the segment table */
  ogg_int64_t *granule_vals;      /* granulepos values for headers. Not compact  this way, but it is simple coupled to the lacing fifo */I haven't got a clue about how to translate them to Java. I read the documentation.
It reads:
String of lacing values for the packet segments within the current page. Each value is a byte, indicating packet segment length.
Pointer to the lacing values for the packet segments within the current page.
I will definitely not use a java.lang.String to represent
int *lacing_vals;
Because I know that Java Strings are made upof unicodes and those are 16 bit each, just as the Java char primitive type. So I'll use a byte array, obviously. The 'granule_vals' field is harder to translate. I make a search in the code which makes it more and more like plausible that 'granule_vals' represents every Java programmers worst nightmare: absolute memory referencing. Aaa! Eeee�
How on earth do I represent t h a t? Wittgenstein said that the meaning of a sentence is it's use. This is exactly the key to what I must do now. Search for uses...frame.c in libogg has this line in it where 'granule_vals' is used:
os->granule_vals=_ogg_malloc(os->lacing_storage*sizeof(*os->granule_vals));I'm happy. oggmalloc is clearly a memory allocation call of some sort. I wonder what it returns. I'll do a file search now for oggmalloc...
It's used in several places. Alas, poor C-programmers. misc.c in libvorbis reads:
#define _ogg_malloc(x) _VDBG_malloc(NULL,(x),__FILE__,__LINE__)Typical C! Just look at that 'x' there. That's generics. Like in Tiger, when we say
public interface List<E> {
void add(E x);
Iterator<E> iterator();
public interface Iterator<E> {
E next();
boolean hasNext();
}Ok. I'm getting used to it, but I haven't used that <E> notation in my programs yet. Anyway in misc.c there's a line defining VDBGmalloc:
extern void *_VDBG_malloc(void *ptr,long bytes,char *file,long line);The 'extern' keyword probably means that it is defined externally. There's a long explanation of the 'extern' keyword here
that I don't care about. The only thing I'm interested in at this moment, keeping my focus, is how a method can have this return type:
void *
It makes absolutely no sense to a Java programmer, does it?
Anyway, the class is finished:

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    9999    1111    8888
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    or demean the technology - for the most part it works awesome. I
    just need some clear paramerters of how it works, and if loading a
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    connection...? Does anyone have any other ways of contacting Adobe
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    Thank you very much!
    Best Regards!

    Solution found using this mc
    VERSIONID(`sendmail.mc (Sun)')
    define(`confCACERT_PATH', `/etc/mail/certs')dnl
    define(`confCACERT', `/etc/mail/certs/domain.com.crt')dnl
    define(`confSERVER_CERT', `/etc/mail/certs/solaris11.domain.com.crt')dnl
    define(`confSERVER_KEY', `/etc/mail/certs/solaris11.domain.com.key')dnl
    define(`confCLIENT_CERT', `/etc/mail/certs/solaris11.domain.com.crt')dnl
    define(`confCLIENT_KEY', `/etc/mail/certs/solaris11.domain.com.key')dnl
    define(`SMART_HOST', `posta.domain.com')
    define(`confCACERT_PATH', `/etc/mail/certs')dnl
    define(`confCACERT', `/etc/mail/certs/domain.com.crt')dnl
    define(`confSERVER_CERT', `/etc/mail/certs/solaris11.domain.com.crt')dnl
    define(`confSERVER_KEY', `/etc/mail/certs/solaris11.domain.com.key')dnl
    define(`confCLIENT_CERT', `/etc/mail/certs/solaris11.domain.com.crt')dnl
    define(`confCLIENT_KEY', `/etc/mail/certs/solaris11.domain.com.key')dnl
    and makemap dbm access file
    Last question: how to disable ssl3 and enable tls1 only?

  • Thanks for the HP "ASK THE EXPERTS"

    I have to say it was wonderful to have the opportunity to ask the experts questions and to have them promptly addressed. My question, for example, received not one helpful response, not two, or even three, but absolutely NOT AT ALL. It was so wonderful to get such attention and help.

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    Or, you may have a better response at the forums for business support, if you'd like to give them a try:
    If you have other questions and concerns, please feel free to send me a private message.
    Thank you.
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  • Namedquery using same table field multiple times with the use of a label

    Hi all,
    i'm having some trouble with a namedquery. I'm trying to
    use the following namedquery in Toplink to retrive some
    data out of a database.
    select proj.id
    , proj.code
    , proj.name
    , proj.budget
    , proj.status
    , proj.startdate
    , proj.enddate
    , proj.mdr_id projleader_id
    , med_leader.name projleader
    , proj.mdr_id_valt_onder promanager_id
    , med_promanager.name promanager
    , proj.mdr_id_is_account_from accmanager_id
    , med_accmanager.name accmanager
    from uur_projecten proj
    , uur_medewerkers med_leader
    , uur_medewerkers med_promanager
    , uur_medewerkers med_accmanager
    where ( #p_name is not null or #p_search_string is not null )
    and med_leader.id = proj.mdr_id
    and ( proj.mdr_id = nvl( #p_name, proj.mdr_id )
    or proj.mdr_id_valt_onder = nvl( #p_name, proj.mdr_id )
    or proj.mdr_id_is_account_van = nvl( #p_name, proj.mdr_id ))
    and (( #p_status is not null
    and substr( proj.status, 1, 1 ) = upper( #p_status ))
    or ( #p_status is null ))
    and ( upper( proj.code ) like upper( '%' || #p_search_string || '%' )
    or upper( proj.name ) like upper( '%' || #p_search_string || '%' ))
    and med_promanager.id = proj.mdr_id_valt_onder
    and med_accmanager.id = proj.mdr_id_is_account_van
    order by decode( substr( proj.status, 1, 1 )
    , 'A', 2, 'T', 3, 'F', 4, 1 ), proj.code desc
    As you all can see the table ‘uur_medewerkers’ is been used trice to
    determine the name for the corresponding ID. I have a Java class with
    the fields for the results and created a Toplink descriptor to map
    the fields to the database fields.
    The problem is that for the 'projleader', 'promanager' and 'accmanager'
    fields the results are null. The reason is probably that Toplink doesn't
    recognize the fields because of the label for the tables.
    Is there a way to make this work?
    Greets, René

    Post Author: quafto
    CA Forum: .NET
    Your query is not too clear so I'll do my best to answer it broadly.
    You mentioned that you have a .NET web application where your users enter data on one screen and then may retrieve it on another. If the data is written in real time to a database then you can create a standard Crystal Report by adding multiple tables. The tables should be linked together using the primary and foreign keys in order to optimize the database query and give you a speedy report. Using unlinked tables is not recommended and requires the report engine to index the tables (it is quite slow).
    You also mentioned you have a "PropID" to be used in a WHERE clause. This is a great place to use a parameter in your report. This parameter can then be used in your record selection formula inside Crystal Reports. The report engine will actually create the WHERE clause for you based on the parameter value. This is helpful because it allows you to simply concentrate on your code rather than keeping track of SQL queries.
    Now, what Crystal does not do well with is uncertainty. When you design a report with X number of tables the report engine expects X number of tables to be available at processing time. You should not surprise the print engine with more or less tables because you could end up with processing errors or incorrect data. You may need to design multiple reports for specific circumstances.
    Regarding the group expert question. I'm not sure how you would/could use the group expert to group a table? A table is a collection of fields and cannot be compared to another table without a complex algorithm. The group expert is used to group and sort records based on a field in the report. Have a look at the group expert section of the help file for more information.
    Hopefully my comments have given you a few ideas.

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