C3kx-pwr-440wdc in 3750X Stack

hi All,
Last year we purchased a series of 3750X switches, but at the time didn't realize that the spare power supplies that were ordered were DC instead of AC. I can't replace them at the moment, and I do not have a DC source to supply power to them.
Does anyone have suggestions of equipment I can use to convert a standard 120V AC socket to the required -36 -72V DC to power the power supplies. I am thinking that I can just use a AC to DC converter to power them, but I don't know where to get a AC/DC converter that would work and I was hoping maybe someone on the forums here would have some suggestions on how to accomplish this!

 C3KX-PWR-440WDC Catalyst is a 3K-X 440W DC Power Supply.

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  • C3kx-pwr-440wdc is 3750X Stack

    hi All,
    Last year we purchased a series of 3750X switches, but at the time didn't realize that the spare power supplies that were ordered were DC instead of AC. I can't replace them at the moment, and I do not have a DC source to supply power to them.
    Does anyone have suggestions of equipment I can use to convert a standard 120V AC socket to the required -36 -72V DC to power the power supplies. I am thinking that I can just use a AC to DC converter to power them, but I don't know where to get a AC/DC converter that would work and I was hoping maybe someone on the forums here would have some suggestions on how to accomplish this!

     C3KX-PWR-440WDC Catalyst is a 3K-X 440W DC Power Supply.

  • 3750x stack issue adding additional unit

    I have a 3750X stack with 2 48 port members that have been up and running for over a year without issue.
    I'm trying to add a new 24 port 3750X. I've made sure the priority is correct, and I've added a provision for the new member in the stack.
    they are all running the exact same version of IOS.
    I think the problem is, the version of the stack.  the existing stack states it is version 1.45, while the new member states it is version 6.45
    According to what I've read, the way to upgrade the stack version is to upgrade the IOS, but the IOS is already at the version of the new member.
    I've not tried to reboot the existing stack because it's in high usage production.
    here's the data I think is relevant. if anyone has a clue or needs more info, let me know.
    Here's the existing stack:
    The System image file is "flash:/c3750e-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE5/c3750e-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE5.bin"
    BOOTLDR: C3750E Boot Loader (C3750X-HBOOT-M) Version 12.2(53r)SE2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
                     Stack State Machine View
    Switch   Master/   Mac Address          Version    Current
    Number   Member                          (maj.min)  State
    1        Master    7cad.74eb.3300          1.45        Ready
    2        Member    bc16.656a.5a80          1.45        Ready
    Here's the new Member:
    System image file is "flash:/c3750e-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE5/c3750e-universalk9-mz.122-55.SE5.bin"
    BOOTLDR: C3750E Boot Loader (C3750X-HBOOT-M) Version 12.2(58r)SE1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
                     Stack State Machine View
    Switch   Master/   Mac Address          Version    Current
    Number   Member                          (maj.min)  State
    3        Master    e4c7.22a1.f400          6.45        Ready

    I actually need the IP Base because this stack does routing.
    I think I need a license upgrade on the new switch.
    I'm looking into it now.

  • 3750x Stack is repeatedly showing error " %ADJ-3-RESOLVE_REQ : Adj resolve request: Failed to resolve IP Address vlan ID ..

    Good Morning,
    I have a 3750x stack running  15.0(2)SE6.
    Today I started seeing some weird problems in the logs
    " %ADJ-3-RESOLVE_REQ : Adj resolve request: Failed to resolve <IP Address> <vlan ID>..
    To my knowledge no changes have been made except updating the NTP and Timezone settings of the switch.
    The problems is that before I rebooted a vmWare - Host all communication with said host worked like a champ. After reboot of said host, the only communications that work are from the host outward. Anyone have any ideas?  I would love to reboot, but as this is production hours that is not an option.

    Seems that if your logged in you can't search this bug. If you google it while your logged out google will come up with a hit and you can read the bug.
    The the text under conditions does not make any sense to me. Nobody wants to see a log message every time the device needs to resolve an arp entry. You shouldn't have to disable something the makes the switch perform better just to avoid filling up the log with garbage.
    The message interpreter tells you
    Explanation    An internal software error occurred.
    The details tell you to open a tac case.
    Bottom line is..Will it be fixed, and in what code level will it be fixed.

  • Upgrading 3750X Stack IOS (suggestions)

    I'm reading all sorts of problematic issues with upgrading the 3750X stack IOS on the internet. I have never performed this before and would like anyone'e suggestion on how I should do this and what I should be looking for. I will be upgrading from 12.2(53r)SE2 to 12.2.(55)SE8.

    Let's say you have three 3750X in a stack.  OK? 
    So before you even begin to push the IOS to your switch, you need to download the correct IOS for each member of your stack.  Make sure each member of your switch is found in the Supported Hardware list.
    Download the "universal" TAR file.  Next, once you've downloaded the IOS, make sure you verify the MD5 hash value against the value found in the Cisco website.  The MD5 hash value must match. 
    Make sure that all members of your switch stack have the same licenses and feature set.
    Ok, now you've got the preparatory set, you do the actual command to push the IOS into your stack.  The command is very simple.  Remember, I presume that you have three switches in a stack. 
    The command is:  archive download-sw /destination 1 /destination 2 /destination 3 tftp:///filename.tar
    Using the simplified command above, this will instruct the switch to download the IOS from your TFTP server into the switch stack master's memory.  The "/destination X" means it will be pushed out to each member one-at-a-time.  The boot statement will also be changed so the stack will know what IOS to use. 
    Hope this helps.

  • 3750x stack behavior

    I installed a new 3750x stack today, 3 members. I found that one of the stack cables is too short, so I just plugged two of the 3 in and fired them up.
    I expected them to form a single stack, but ended up with a stack of 2 and 1. Is this expected behavior? It's pretty much what what it would look like with a failed cable...
    And no, I just powered them on and left for the day...didn't have an day time to console in.

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    Liability Disclaimer
    In no event shall Author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profit) arising out of the use or inability to use the posting's information even if Author has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
    I would also recommend getting the top and bottom switches connected, both for redundancy and performance.  If the standard cable is too short, you can order a longer cable.

  • Switch ordering in a 3750x stack

    Does it matter which switch in a 3750x stack is the master (switch1)?  I have two 3750x's, one a 48 port poe and another a 24 port poe.  They are in a stack.  Now the 48 port is on top and stacking cables connected to the 24 port on bottom.  Of course the bottom switch becomes switch 1 and has interfaces Gi1/0/1 through 1/0/24.
    They are both running 12.2(55)SE8 C3750E-UNIVERSALK9-M (ipbase).  They are in staging now going to a new remote branch office.
    I guess it really doesn't matter which switch is 1 and which is 2 does it?  When we get into the new office and I break this equipment down, then I will rack the 24 port on top and the 48 port on bottom then if that makes more sense.
    Or I could change it, I guess by altering this line in the config right
    switch 1 provision ws-c3750x-24p
    switch 2 provision ws-c3750x-48p
    switch 1 provision ws-c3750x-48p
    switch 2 provision ws-c3750x-24p
    Or do you think a 24 port as the master would be better.  If it has less ports to manage, maybe more CPU cycles to do master stack related things?

    The Author of this posting offers the information contained within this posting without consideration and with the reader's understanding that there's no implied or expressed suitability or fitness for any purpose. Information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as rendering professional advice of any kind. Usage of this posting's information is solely at reader's own risk.
    Liability Disclaimer
    In no event shall Author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profit) arising out of the use or inability to use the posting's information even if Author has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
    Cisco recommends the stack master not host stack uplinks.  As best as I can tell, this is to try to keep some CPU processing off the stack master.  So, in theory, having the master on the switch with the fewer ports might be "better" too.  (Also if only one uplink, keep it off the stack master.)
    As higher stack priority doesn't preempt (when a member joins a stack), you cannot guarantee which switch is the stack master unless you manually oversee the stack election.  So, personally, I don't try to control it.  Also, if the switch stack is forwarding in hardware, as it should, I wouldn't expect such forwarding to matter much to the switch running as master, i.e. available CPU cycles, for master needs, should be the about the same on any stack unit.

  • Few questions about 3750X stack switch

    I have just joined this helpful community. Since I am still a newbie, it is my hope to comprehend through our discussions. I would like to ask few questions about 3750X stack switch:
    What kind of switches are considered as provisioned switch?
    What is the purpose of using provision switch?
    Which advantages does a provision switch provide? If we don't use provision feature, what would be happened?
    Thank you very much. Look forward to reading your replies.

    The Author of this posting offers the information contained within this posting without consideration and with the reader's understanding that there's no implied or expressed suitability or fitness for any purpose. Information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as rendering professional advice of any kind. Usage of this posting's information is solely at reader's own risk.
    Liability Disclaimer
    In no event shall Author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profit) arising out of the use or inability to use the posting's information even if Author has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
    Ivan's reference provides the details, but in real world where provisioned switches are nice include: if a switch member fails, that's switch member's configuration is still present and can be used on a like model replacement.
    Also:  for new stack members, being able to provision the new switch stack, before you add it to the stack, save a little time when you add the stack member to the stack.  I.e. you can provision the stack member ahead of time, and then when you add the stack member, as soon as it joins the stack, it has the desired configuration.

  • 3750x Stacking Question

    I have a customer who is having 3750X Switch with IP Base Image.They are planning to add a new switch and these two switches will be stacked.
    Could you please recommend a cost effective switch that can be stacked with existing 3750X Switch(IP Base Image).And also what all modules i need to add other than stacking cable?

    The  Author of this posting offers the information contained within this  posting without consideration and with the reader's understanding that  there's no implied or expressed suitability or fitness for any purpose.  Information provided is for informational purposes only and should not  be construed as rendering professional advice of any kind. Usage of this  posting's information is solely at reader's own risk.
    Liability Disclaimer
    In  no event shall Author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including,  without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profit) arising out  of the use or inability to use the posting's information even if Author  has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
    Do i need to order network module (C3KX-NM-1G) to stack two 3750X Switch other than stacking cable?
    No.  The network module, in the -X series, it to allow differ uplink ports.
    What you might need to order it a stacking cable of a longer length.  From Cisco, stacking cables come in three lengths.  Don't know if still true, but it used to be, I believe, that a 3750 would come standard with the shortest stacking cable which is long enough to go between nearby units when physically stacked vertically together.  In larger physically stacks, you would often need to order the longer cable to go between top and bottom stack units.

  • 3750x Stack UTIL-3-TREE: Data structure error--attempt to remove an unthreaded node from a tree

    A Cisco Stack 3750X switch report the following error message:
    %UTIL-3-TREE: Data structure error--attempt to remove an unthreaded node from a tree.
    every minute +-20 sec
    Cisco IOS Software, C3750E Software (C3750E-IPBASEK9-M), Version 15.0(2)SE4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    analog bug: https://tools.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCsz93221

    WS-C3750G-24PS-E C3750-IPBASEK9-M version 12.2(53)SE2
    After implementing 802.1x with Avaya IP phones
    %UTIL-3-TREE: Data structure error--attempt to remove an unthreaded node from a tree
    Port then fails authentication and goes into vl-err-dis

  • %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED on 3750X stack

    I have a stack of two 3750X's (WS-C3750X-24P-S) running c3750e-universalk9-mz.150-1.SE3.bin.
    One of them (the master at the time) crashed on 27/28th Feb & appears to have kept restarting and crashing again.
    Here is the syslog...
    Feb 28 04:11:28.770: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: System previously crashed with the following message: (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.770: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Cisco IOS Software, C3750E Software (C3750E-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)SE3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.770: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.770: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Copyright (c) 1986-2012 by Cisco Systems, Inc. (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.770: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Compiled Wed 30-May-12 13:41 by prod_rel_team (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.770: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED:   (QG-BLUECP-
    Feb 28 04:11:28.770: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: ESR: 0x00000000 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: SRR0: 0x01B97A9C SRR1: 0x00029230 SRR2: 0x01B80DAC SRR3: 0x00029230 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: BESRA: 0x00000000, BESRB: 0x00000000, BEAR: 0x00000000 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED:   (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: CPU Register Context: (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Vector = 0x00000200  PC = 0x01B80DAC  MSR = 0x00029230  CR = 0x30009005 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: LR = 0x01B80C90
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: R0 = 0x00000000  R1 = 0x06341CC8  R2 = 0x00000000  R3 = 0x00000001 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: R4 = 0x045A18E8  R5 = 0x00008002  R6 = 0x00000000  R7 = 0x0F000000 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: R8 = 0x00000000  R9 = 0x01B7AB64  R10 = 0x00000000  R11 = 0x00178298 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: R12 = 0x30000003  R13 = 0x0D98279C  R14 = 0x00000000  R15 = 0x00000000 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: R16 = 0x01E8078C  R17 = 0x03C00000  R18 = 0x00000000  R19 = 0x00000000 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: R24 = 0x045A1BB0  R25 = 0x045A1DCC  R26 = 0x00000350  R27 = 0x045A18E8 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: R28 = 0x00008002  R29 = 0x00000001  R30 = 0x045A18E8  R31 = 0x0ED0FAA8 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED:   (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Stack trace: (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: PC = 0x01B80DAC, SP = 0x06341CC8 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Frame 00: SP = 0x06341CE0    PC = 0x045A18E8 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Frame 01: SP =
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Frame 03: SP = 0x06341DF0    PC = 0x01E80790 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Frame 04: SP = 0x06341E10    PC = 0x01E80E5C (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Frame 05: SP = 0x06341E58    PC = 0x01E7DB4C (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Frame 06: SP = 0x06341EC0    PC = 0x022DF73C (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Frame 07: SP = 0x06341F20    PC = 0x022E00E8 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Frame 08: SP = 0x06341F40    PC = 0x022E0218 (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED: Frame 10: SP = 0x00000000    PC = 0x028478FC (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Feb 28 04:11:28.778: %PLATFORM-1-CRASHED:   (QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1)
    Mar  3 08:38:41.986: %SYS-5-PRIV_AUTH_FAIL: Authentication to privilege level 15 failed by admin on vty0 (
    The following files were created in flash...
    Directory of flash:/crashinfo_ext/
      475  -rwx      329296  Feb 27 2014 23:41:04 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_1
      476  -rwx      260421  Feb 28 2014 03:07:18 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_2
    477  -rwx      320129  Feb 28 2014 03:12:33 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_3
    478  -rwx      290248  Feb 28 2014 03:16:54 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_4
    479  -rwx      284496  Feb 28 2014 03:21:18 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_5
    480  -rwx          65  Feb 28 2014 03:25:34 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_6
    481  -rwx      276767  Feb 28 2014 03:29:52 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_7
    482  -rwx      271592  Feb 28 2014 03:34:18 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_8
    483  -rwx          65  Feb 28 2014 03:39:26 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_9
    484  -rwx          65  Feb 28 2014 03:43:49 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_10
    485  -rwx          65  Feb 28 2014 03:48:14 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_11
    486  -rwx          65  Feb 28 2014 03:52:33 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_12
    487  -rwx          65  Feb 28 2014 03:56:47 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_13
    488  -rwx          65  Feb 28 2014 04:01:29 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_14
    489  -rwx          65  Feb 28 2014 04:06:30 +00:00  crashinfo_ext_15
    57671680 bytes total (13599744 bytes free)
    QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1#cd ..
    QG-BLUECP-3750X-01-1#cd crashinfo
    Directory of flash:/crashinfo/
      491  -rwx        1761   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_1
      492  -rwx        1446   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_2
      493  -rwx        1761   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_3
      494  -rwx        1671   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_4
      495  -rwx        1671   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_5
      496  -rwx        1671   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_6
      497  -rwx        1761   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_7
      498  -rwx        1671   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_8
      499  -rwx        1671   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_9
      500  -rwx        1671   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_10
      501  -rwx        1671   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_11
      502  -rwx        1671   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_12
      503  -rwx        1671   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_13
      504  -rwx        1671   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_14
      505  -rwx        1671   Mar 1 1993 00:00:08 +00:00  crashinfo_15
    57671680 bytes total (13599744 bytes free)
    The second switch took over as the stack master as expected...
    QG-BLUECP-3750X-01#sh switch
    Switch/Stack Mac Address : 4403.a727.4980
                                               H/W   Current
    Switch#  Role   Mac Address     Priority Version  State
    1       Member 6c41.6a05.c780     15     1       Ready
    *2       Master 4403.a727.4980     1      1       Ready
    I have attached the crashdump files from flash1 that I listed above.
    Is it possible for anyone to decode why the switch crashed both initially and then repeatedly when trying to come back up.
    btw, It has been up for three days now since these events, but I would like to get to the root cause.
    Many thanks

    It will be hard for someone on this forum to have the proper tools to the decode the crash files, that said my suggestion will be to reach out TAC for the proper assistance.

  • CISCO 3750X stacking for 5 switches , only 4 switches are coming in stack

    Dear All,
    I have 5 cisco 3750X switches ,but only 4 switches coming up 5 switches i am unable to see .
    Connection for the switch :Please find the attached snapshot for the stack data connection .
    Also find the snapshot for the stack power connection .
    Please provide your assistance and support to overcome this issue .

    Dear Marvin,
    Thanks for your reply.
    is my connection provided in attachment for data stack are ok .
    i login to Switch # 5 through console 
    following is the result :--
    switch: ?
               ? -- Present list of available commands
             arp -- Show arp table or arp-resolve an address
            boot -- Load and boot an executable image
             cat -- Concatenate (type) file(s)
            copy -- Copy a file
          delete -- Delete file(s)
             dir -- List files in directories
      flash_init -- Initialize flash filesystem(s)
          format -- Format a filesystem
            fsck -- Check filesystem consistency
            help -- Present list of available commands
          memory -- Present memory heap utilization information
        mgmt_clr -- clear management port statistics
       mgmt_init -- initialize management port
       mgmt_show -- show management port statistics
           mkdir -- Create dir(s)
            more -- Concatenate (display) file(s)
            ping -- Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to a network host
          rename -- Rename a file
           reset -- Reset the system
           rmdir -- Delete empty dir(s)
             set -- Set or display environment variables
          set_bs -- Set attributes on a boot sector filesystem
       set_param -- Set system parameters in flash
           sleep -- Pause (sleep) for a specified number of seconds
            type -- Concatenate (type) file(s)
           unset -- Unset one or more environment variables
         version -- Display boot loader version
    switch: version
    C3750E Boot Loader (C3750X-HBOOT-M) Version 12.2(58r)SE, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Compiled Tue 26-Apr-11 06:59 by abhakat
    switch: boot
    Loading "flash:/c3750e-universalk9-mz.122-58.SE2/c3750e-universalk9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin"...flash:/c3750e-universalk9-mz.122-58.SE2/c3750e-universalk9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin: no such file or directory
    Error loading "flash:/c3750e-universalk9-mz.122-58.SE2/c3750e-universalk9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin"
    Interrupt within 5 seconds to abort boot process.
    Boot process failed...
    All other 4 switches i can see in stack but not these switches and also the status light for this switches is blinking green  please provide your assistance .

  • Upgrading a cisco 3750x stack IOS

    Hi all
    can anyone tell me the quickest and easiest way to upgrade the IOS in my stack on 4 3750x switches

    Hi Carl,
    1.  Copy the TAR IOS to your TFTP server. 
    2.  Make sure you have access to the TFTP server (from the switch).
    NOTE:  There are two methods of doing this.  One is via Ethernet and the other is via USB.  I'll discuss USB later.
    3.  Jump into your stack and run this command:  archive download-sw /destination 1 /dest 2 /dest 3 /dest 4 tftp:///IOS_filename.tar
    If you have a USB stick:
    1.  Format the USB stick with FAT16;
    2.  Copy the IOS into the stick;
    3.  Insert to the Master of the 3750X USB port;
    4.  Command:   archive download-sw /destination 1 /dest 2 /dest 3 /dest 4 usbflash0://IOS_filename.tar

  • 3750X stack with broken 715W power supply

    I have a stack of 2 WS-C3750X-48P      15.0(2)SE6            C3750E-IPBASEK9-M       
    Each switch has two 715W power supplies.
    It happened one power supply is broken and stuck all stack. Why ?
    Thanks to all

    Hi Charles, yes the 2 switches act like one stand alone sw
    Switch 1 connected to Switch 2
    and with the second cable,
    Switch 2 connected to Switch 1
    There are no stack power cables.
    IOS    c3750e-ipbasek9-mz.150-2.SE6.bin
    Log now is   000455: Apr 21 11:00:31.065 UTC: %PLATFORM_ENV-1-FRU_PS_ACCESS: FRU Power Supply is not responding
    I have only one electrical line to the rack
    The problem is that a broken power supply caused to switch off all the rack.
    In fact the master electrical switch of all the rack went down.
    Last 3 months the same problem  happened twice to two different stacks.
    Is it possible a firmware bug ?
    Tell me if you need further info. Thanks a lot

  • Power Redundancy problem for cisco 3750 stack switches

    Hi Team,
    I have installed and configured cisco 3750X series switches in stackwise. Those are having dual power supply.
    Power redundancy test performed:
    1. Removed one of the power supply and inserted it back.
    2. once the first power supply is ready, removed another power supply and switch got rebooted.
    please find the below stack-power output:
    JP2-RDC-DIS-02#sh stack-power detail
    Power Stack           Stack   Stack    Total   Rsvd    Alloc   Unused  Num  Num
    Name                  Mode    Topolgy  Pwr(W)  Pwr(W)  Pwr(W)  Pwr(W)  SW   PS
    Powerstack-2          SP-PS   Stndaln  700     477     223     0       1    2
    Powerstack-1          SP-PS   Stndaln  700     477     223     0       1    2
    Power stack name: Powerstack-2
        Stack mode: Power sharing
        Stack topology: Standalone
        Switch 2:
            Power budget: 223
            Power allocated: 223
            Low port priority value: 22
            High port priority value: 13
            Switch priority value: 4
            Port 1 status: Not connected
            Port 2 status: Not connected
            Neighbor on port 1: 0000.0000.0000
            Neighbor on port 2: 0000.0000.0000
    Power stack name: Powerstack-1
        Stack mode: Power sharing
        Stack topology: Standalone
        Switch 1:
            Power budget: 223
            Power allocated: 223
            Low port priority value: 22
            High port priority value: 13
            Switch priority value: 4
            Port 1 status: Not connected
            Port 2 status: Not connected
            Neighbor on port 1: 0000.0000.0000
            Neighbor on port 2: 0000.0000.0000
    Can anyone help what went wrong here?

    Cosmetic bug
    CSCui21029    3750X Stack no standalone stays in running configureation as standalone
    When you are configuring a 3750x stack and initially putting it into a stack ring topology by configuring the following.
    Switch(config)#stack-power switch 1
    Switch(config-switch-stackpower)#no stan
    Switch(config-switch-stackpower)#no standalone
    You will see that in the running configuration it shows up as standalone mode
    stack-power switch 1
    switch mode: standalone
    stack-power switch 2
    switch mode: standalone
    3750X stacks with any license level

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