Cache Procedure

Hi all,
I have a Application Server 11g and a Database 11g. We are using the mod_plsql package. And i have already set PlsqlCacheEnable to Off in cache.conf. But i still have cache for the procedure.... What can i do to avoid this?
Thanks for the help.

karthi_mrkg wrote:
How to view the size of Data cache & procedure cache?
how to estimate the cahe size taken for a given query? Say for exampe, If i run a query , I just wanted to know how much of cache memort it took.Judging from this, and your other question on locking, you seem to have a background in some other SQL DBMS, other than Oracle...
It might be a good idea that you spend a day or two, studying the Oracle Concepts guide.

Similar Messages

  • Data Cache & Procedure Cache

    How to view the size of Data cache & procedure cache?
    how to estimate the cahe size taken for a given query? Say for exampe, If i run a query , I just wanted to know how much of cache memort it took.

    karthi_mrkg wrote:
    How to view the size of Data cache & procedure cache?
    how to estimate the cahe size taken for a given query? Say for exampe, If i run a query , I just wanted to know how much of cache memort it took.Judging from this, and your other question on locking, you seem to have a background in some other SQL DBMS, other than Oracle...
    It might be a good idea that you spend a day or two, studying the Oracle Concepts guide.

  • SAP Netweaver CE 7.1 - Cleaning up JAVA Netweaver Cache Procedure???...

    Good Afternoon,
    One of my clients has a SAP Netweaver CE 7.1 (EHP1) and there are several development team developing using the CAF in the system (several webservices, etc...).
    One of the development teams is requesting a Netweaver Java Cache cleanup... The argument is that some objects developed by them should be in the system cache and the cache needs to be clean in order to reset these objects... So they're asking for a instance restart in a productive system, and they're asking that in a regular basis.
    My administration knowledge is SAP ABAP systems related, i don't have deep knowledge in SAP JAVA instances. I've tried to find information about it but i don't find any procedure to do that manually without restarting the SAP system.
    Does this cleanup of the Netweaver JAVA cache, makes sense to be asked to do? Is there any procedure (standard SAP) in order to do this without restarting the SAP instance?
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Pedro Gaspar

    From Control Panel, go to Java -> General tab, Temporary Internet Files
    -> View... -> Delete all the content there.
    Then go to:
    > Integration buider page http:// (http://%3Chost%3E:%3Cport%3E/rep)
    > Administration
    > Tab - Directory (Repository as well)
    > Java Web Start Administration
    > Restore Archives and Generate New Signature
    Portal Caches
    The main portal caches are:
    u2022     Navigation cache
    u2022     PCD cache
    u2022     Portal runtime cache
    u2022     Database cache
    u2022     UME cache
    Navigation cache
    To clear the Navigation cache:
    System Administration -> Navigation
    Clear the cache for the ROLES connector.
    PRT cache
    The content admin can enable portal content to be cached in the memory by the portal. This content will be stored in the portal runtime cache. This cache is actually storing iView content.
    To clear the PRT cache:
    http:// server:port /irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/
    PCD cache
    To clear the PCD cache:
    System Administration -> Support -> Support Desk -> Portal Content Directory -> PCD Administration
    Database cache
    To clear the DB cache:
    http:// server:port /irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/
    UME cache
    To clear this cache:
    System Administration -> System Configuration -> UME Configuration -> Support -> Invalidate cluster wide cache
    HTTP Provider Cache
    This is the cache for static files like CSS, Javascript, Images, HTML. You`ll have to clear this cache when you redeploy an application and receive Javascript errors. To clear this cache:
    Visual Administrator -> Cluster -> Server # -> Services -> HTTP Provider

  • SQL Cache/Procedure Cache Limit

    Does anyone know if there is a memory limit for cache memory of a table? The reason for me asking is that I have an stored procedure that returns a ORA-22813. It appears that the in cache table memory has reached its full capacity (30K). Is there a way to increase cache table size?

    Does anyone know if there is a memory limit for cache memory of a table? The reason for me asking is that I have an stored procedure that returns a ORA-22813. It appears that the in cache table memory has reached its full capacity (30K). Is there a way to increase cache table size?

  • Cache procedure in ORDS

         I noted that there are some cache. parameter in ORDS configure.But I didn't find other document to tell the detail mechanism of it.
         I get what if I put the procedurename in the cache.procedureNameList parameter, the ORDS will cache the procedure the result of the procedure and decrease the db access?

    Just call it. Something like:
    select emp_id, my_proc(salary) from emp;
    Providing you wrote my_proc.
    Tom Best

  • Error 701, not enough procedure cache (*Urgent*)

    Hi All,
    Is there a SQL that I can use to determine the SPID that is the root cause of a 701 (not enough procedure cache)?
    Additional information:
    This is happening in 2 servers; 15G memory with 2G procedure cache and 10G memory with 1.25G procedure cache.
    Environment: Sun Solaris 10 running ASE 15.0.3 ESD#4
    Monitoring has been enabled.
    Sybase recommends either increasing the procedure cache or running dbcc proc_cache(free_unused) periodically.
    I would rather identify the process causing it or the configuration setting in these 2 environment that is causing this to happen.
    Thanks in advance.

    Another thing you might try is the dbcc memusage command.  It will display the 20 biggest things in procedure cache, so if a few extraordinarily large cached procedures are the cause of the 701s, this may identify what the objects are.  It won't identify who first ran it, though, or even show if any spid is currently executing any of those 20 items.
    1> set switch on 3604
    2> go
    Switch 3604 ('print_output_to_client') is turned on.
    All supplied switches are successfully turned on.
    1> dbcc memusage
    2> go
    Memory Usage:
                                       Meg.           2K Blks                Bytes
          Configured Memory:       156.2500             80000            163840000
    Non Dynamic Structures:         5.3751              2753              5636252
         Dynamic Structures:       123.1582             63057            129140736
               Cache Memory:         9.0098              4613              9447424
          Proc Cache Memory:        17.5703              8996             18423808
              Unused Memory:         1.1191               573              1173504
    Buffer Cache Memory, Top 8:
    Cache           Buf Pool        DB Id   Partition Id    Index Id         Meg.
    default data c                31515         8             0            0.0117
                          2K      31515         8             0            0.0117
    default data c                    1         8             0            0.0039
                          2K          1         8             0            0.0039
    default data c                    4         8             0            0.0039
                          2K          4         8             0            0.0039
    default data c                    2         8             0            0.0020
                          2K          2         8             0            0.0020
    default data c                    3         8             0            0.0020
                          2K          3         8             0            0.0020
    default data c                    5         8             0            0.0020
                          2K          5         8             0            0.0020
    default data c                   14         8             0            0.0020
                          2K         14         8             0            0.0020
    default data c                31514         8             0            0.0020
                          2K      31514         8             0            0.0020
    Procedure Cache, Top 20:
    Database Id: 31514
    Object Id: 121048436
    Object Name: sp_downgrade_esd
    Version: 1
    Uid: 1
    Type: stored procedure
    Number of trees: 0
    Size of trees: 0.000000 Mb, 0.000000 bytes, 0 pages
    Bytes lost for alignment 0 (Percentage of total: 0.000000)
    Number of plans: 1
    Size of plans: 1.217173 Mb, 1276298.000000 bytes, 628 pages
    Bytes lost for alignment 6488 (Percentage of total: 0.508345)
    Database Id: 31514
    Object Id: 905051229
    Object Name: sp_do_poolconfig
    Version: 1
    Uid: 1
    Type: stored procedure
    Number of trees: 0
    Size of trees: 0.000000 Mb, 0.000000 bytes, 0 pages
    Bytes lost for alignment 0 (Percentage of total: 0.000000)
    Number of plans: 1
    Size of plans: 1.080750 Mb, 1133248.000000 bytes, 582 pages
    Bytes lost for alignment 3674 (Percentage of total: 0.324201)
    Database Id: 31515
    Object Id: 1344004788
    Object Name: sp_dbcc_run_faultreport
    Version: 1
    Uid: 1
    Type: stored procedure
    Number of trees: 1
    Size of trees: 0.972553 Mb, 1019796.000000 bytes, 501 pages
    Bytes lost for alignment 4609 (Percentage of total: 0.451953)
    Number of plans: 0
    Size of plans: 0.000000 Mb, 0.000000 bytes, 0 pages
    Bytes lost for alignment 0 (Percentage of total: 0.000000)

  • Unable to create cache groups from CASE-SENSITIVE oracle table's name

    Hello All
    I have some case-sensitive tables in a oracle database and their columns are the same too. I've tried to cache these tables into TimesTen under a read-only cache group. I think timesten cannot find
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    I'm using an old version of TimesTen(

    Hi Chris
    Thanks for your answer. I'm using SQL Developer(both graphical and by command) to manage Timesten db. When I'm about to select root table for cache group i can see the table and when I
    select on it, the caching procedures can not be done and it says your table does not have Primary Key; you can see below that this is not true and the table has two primary key. When I'm
    trying to create the cache group via command in work sheet the error is "TT5140: could not find HLR.SUBSCRIBER. may not have privileges"
    in Oracle:
    CREATE TABLE "HLR"."Subscriber"
    "Account" NVARCHAR2(32),
    "Mnemonic" NVARCHAR2(15),
    "Region" NVARCHAR2(32),
    "UserAddress" NVARCHAR2(32),
    "VPNCode" NUMBER(10,0),
    "SubOrgId" NUMBER(10,0),
    "SubscriberTypeId" NUMBER(2,0) DEFAULT 5 NOT NULL ENABLE,
    "SubscriberClass" NUMBER(2,0),
    "DefinedIpAddressId" NUMBER(10,0),
    CONSTRAINT "FK_DefinedIpAdd_Subscriber" FOREIGN KEY ("DefinedIpAddressId") REFERENCES "HLR"."DefinedIPAddress" ("Id") ENABLE,
    CONSTRAINT "Fk_Status_Subscriber" FOREIGN KEY ("StatusId") REFERENCES "HLR"."Status" ("Id") ENABLE,
    CONSTRAINT "Fk_SubOrg_Subscriber" FOREIGN KEY ("SubOrgId") REFERENCES "HLR"."SubOrganization" ("Id") ENABLE,
    CONSTRAINT "Fk_SubscriberType_Subscriber" FOREIGN KEY ("SubscriberTypeId") REFERENCES "HLR"."SubscriberType" ("Id") ENABLE,
    in TimesTen:
    FROM "HLR"."Subscriber"
    "SSI" NUMBER(10,0) NOT NULL ,
    "Code" VARCHAR2(128 BYTE) NOT NULL ,
    "Account" NVARCHAR2(32),
    "Mnemonic" NVARCHAR2(15),
    "Region" NVARCHAR2(32),
    "UserAddress" NVARCHAR2(32),
    "Name" NVARCHAR2(32) NOT NULL ,
    "VPNCode" NUMBER(10,0),
    "SubOrgId" NUMBER(10,0),
    "SubscriberTypeId" NUMBER(2,0) DEFAULT 5 NOT NULL ,
    "StatusId" NUMBER(2,0) DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL ,
    "SubscriberClass" NUMBER(2,0),
    "DefinedIpAddressId" NUMBER(10,0),

  • Information on Java JAR cacheing

    I'm just looking for an explanation of the jar caching procedure. I had a jar on a clients PC (behind a cahing proxy), and although I updated the jar on the web server, the browser kept on displaying the old jar, I had the client cache as well as proxy cache cleared, with no change. This was only occuring on the pc's behind the proxy.
    The only solution was to create a new jar name, and update the HTML to look for the completely new jar name.
    Any ideas on where the browser was loading the jar from, and how can it be cleared.
    Thanks for the input

    Once the JVM is started by a browser it is never stopped, until all browser windows are closed (and the browser process exits). The JVM is responsible for the loading and caching of jars. You need to clear the JVM's cache.
    Typing 'x' in the Java2 plugin's console window will do this. I'm not sure how other JVMs work.

  • ECC 6.0 installation o WIndows 2003 Ent R2 on SQL 2005

    Hello Folks,
    As mentioned in subject line, I am in middle of the installation. I have got error in phase "Run ABAP Reports".
    The error is mentioned in the file dev_slic file which I have pasted below. It is not able to drop an index to create a temporary lisense.
    "Cannot drop the index 'MLICHECK.MLICHECK0', because it does not exist or you do not have permission."
    Till the time I have already opened ticket with SAP.
    Here is the dev_slic file -
    trc file: "dev_slic", trc level: 2, release: "700"
    SlicIGetDate: <20080413>
    SlicPwForR3Setup: calc password out of <RPD20080413FJAWFNLTL>
    SlicIGetDate: <20080413>
    SlicSapInstall: sysname: >RPD< connect: >1< rollback: >1<
    SlicIDbLock: first call to SlicIDbLock: initialize Mutex
    db_con_init called
    create_con (con_name=R/3)
    Loading DB library 'dbmssslib.dll' ...
    load shared library (dbmssslib.dll), hdl 0
        using "D:\usr\sap\RPD\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\dbmssslib.dll"
    Library 'dbmssslib.dll' loaded
    function DbSlExpFuns loaded from library dbmssslib.dll
    Version of 'dbmssslib.dll' is "700.08", patchlevel (0.72)
    function dsql_db_init loaded from library dbmssslib.dll
    function dbdd_exp_funs loaded from library dbmssslib.dll
    New connection 0 created
    0: name = R/3, con_id = -000000001 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO
    db_con_connect (con_name=R/3)
    find_con_by_name found the following connection for reuse:
    0: name = R/3, con_id = 000000000 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO
    Thread ID:1884
    Thank You for using the SLOLEDB-interface
    Using dynamic link library 'D:\usr\sap\RPD\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\dbmssslib.dll'
    dbmssslib.dll patch info
      patchlevel   0
      patchno      72
      patchcomment MSSQL: Thread check in DbSlDisconnect (969143)
    np:(local) connection used on RPDSERV
    CopyLocalParameters: dbuser is 'rpd'
    Using Provider SQLNCLI
    OpenOledbConnection: MARS property was set successfully.
    Provider Release:9.00.3042.00
    Using Provider SQLNCLI
    OpenOledbConnection: MARS property was set successfully.
    Cache sizes: header 68 bytes, 100 names (157600 bytes), 100 dynamic statements (568800 bytes), total 726468 bytes
    Initializing private procedure name cache.
    procedure cache created/attached
    Connected to db server : [RPDSERV] server_used : [np:(local)], dbname: RPD, dbuser: rpd
    Using MARS (on sql 9.0)
    Connection 0 opened (DBSL handle 0)
    ExecuteAndFlush return code: 0x80040e37 Stmt: [DROP INDEX MLICHECK.MLICHECK0 ]
    ExecuteAndFlush: line 6324. hr: 0x80040e37 Cannot drop the index 'MLICHECK.MLICHECK0', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
    sloledb.cpp [ExecuteAndFlush,line 6324]: Error/Message: (err 3701, sev 11), Cannot drop the index 'MLICHECK.MLICHECK0', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
    Procname: [ExecuteAndFlush - no proc]
    DbSlExecute - Error 103 (dbcode 3701) on DDLExecute
    License index MLICHECK0 not found( - ok)
    ExecuteAndFlush return code: 0x80040e37 Stmt: [DROP INDEX MLICHECK.MLICHECK__0 ]
    ExecuteAndFlush: line 6324. hr: 0x80040e37 Cannot drop the index 'MLICHECK.MLICHECK__0', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
    sloledb.cpp [ExecuteAndFlush,line 6324]: Error/Message: (err 3701, sev 11), Cannot drop the index 'MLICHECK.MLICHECK__0', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
    Procname: [ExecuteAndFlush - no proc]
    DbSlExecute - Error 103 (dbcode 3701) on DDLExecute
    License index MLICHECK__0 not found( - ok)
    ExecuteAndFlush return code: 0x80040e14 Stmt: [DROP INDEX "MLICHECK~I1" ]
    ExecuteAndFlush: line 6324. hr: 0x80040e14 Must specify the table name and index name for the DROP INDEX statement.
    sloledb.cpp [ExecuteAndFlush,line 6324]: Error/Message: (err 159, sev 0), Must specify the table name and index name for the DROP INDEX statement.
    Procname: [ExecuteAndFlush - no proc]
    DbSlExecute - Error 99 (dbcode 159) on DDLExecute
    DbSlExecute - <DROP INDEX "MLICHECK~I1" >
    ERROR => DBSL statement where error happend:
       DROP INDEX ... [slicdb.c     2433]
    ERROR       Can not drop license index MLICHECK~I1
    TIME        Sun Apr 13 22:31:15 2008
    RELEASE     700
    VERSION     300
    RC          99
    MODULE      slicdb.c
    LINE        504
    DETAIL      DbSlExecute failed with return code 99
                 Must specify the table name and index name for the DROP INDEX
    COUNTER     1
    Old license index not dropped...(rc: -111)
    Database vendor is MICROSOFT SQL
    License table created
    License table created (rc: 0)
    Index for license table created
    License index created (rc: 0)
    License table created (rc: 0)
    Go and create a temporary license
    SlicIGetDate: <20080511>
    SlicCalcLicenseKey: key db/prod = >TEMPLICENSERPDINITIAL   R3_MSS              20080511<
    SlicIGetDate: <20080413>
    License created as follows:
       systemname:      >RPD<
       hardware-key:     >TEMPLICENSE<
       productid:       >R3_MSS              <
       installation-nr: >INITIAL   <
       system-id:       >INITIAL_SY<
       userlimit:       >0<
       creation_date:   >20080413<
       expiration_date: >20080511<
       lcheck_date:     >19800101<
       lkey:            >8JU8CFNH4IKQLC7CJ2UUETJD<
       fprint:          >VTV96XNXYK97XYIA35ZFGISK<
    Write license into database
    The IRow interface is supported by this OLEDB provider
    License >RPD< >TEMPLICENSE< >R3_MSS              < requested from db
    License >RPD< >TEMPLICENSE< >R3_MSS              < not found in db
    license does not exists, do a license insert
    Try to insert inserted >RPD< >TEMPLICENSE< >R3_MSS              <
    License inserted >RPD< >TEMPLICENSE< >R3_MSS              <
    License written: >RPD< >TEMPLICENSE< >R3_MSS              <
    Temporary License written into database
    SlicSapInstall sap-msgserver license ok.
    db_con_commit (con_da={R/3,0,0},th_commit=0,tx=1,hold_cursor=0)
    DbSlDisconnect curr_thread_id: 1884 sl_conn[0]->thread_id: 1884
    Disconnected from connection con_da={R/3,0,0}

    If your problem not get resolved please check SAP Note 44958 - IDES installation 3.0C, saplicense
    As per SAP Note its advised you can drop database index and continue with your installation.
    Nikunj Thaker.

  • Update Planning table but need to restart Web application server

    Hi All,
    We want to update the process state externally. After updating table, Windows services (Web application server) need to be restarted.
    However, the updating operation could be done frequently so that we can get real-time result. How to notify Planning application to refresh its data without restarting services ?
    Any ideas or suggestions will be appreciated.
    Edited by: kyhsu on 2009/11/24 下午 10:59

    Planning uses a caching system where it caches the current state of the relational tables. If changes are made in planning then the cache is updated and the tables.
    If you update the tables directly the cache will not be updated so planning will still hold its previous state. I don't think there is an easy way round this and there is no simple update cache procedure.
    If you do need to update tables directly then the only sure way of clearing the cache is to restart the web app.

  • Yahoo email login error

    Each time I attempt to add a yahoo email account I get the following after entering my password.Error message: Login to the account failed, please try again.  I verifed that I'm using the password is correct via a successfully login on my laptop.  Retry adding the account after power off  my Droid X

    Assming you have REMOVED the Yahoo Account via "MY ACCOUNTS" first, then do the WIPE CACHE procedure and then re-add the account afterwards.
    2 - Power OFF
     Wiping cache partition -  cures many ills and is better to start with this than a (gulp) full Factory Reset.
    Power off
    Power On Holding Home Key
    When Andy with Exlamation Point Shows up Press BOTH Volume keys
    Use Volume Keys to navigate to "wipe cache partition" and tap power button to select
    Wait for it to finish and select reboot system
    3 - re-add YAHOO account

  • Can't Receive Text Messages

    I think this has been going on for a few days, but I just realized it last night (BEFORE I received the Gingerbread update, I have the udpate now)  I can send texts just fine, but can't receive any at all.  I get no notification, nothing.  I have tried to send myself SMS and MMS messages from my girlfriend's phone (A Samsung Fascinate through Verizon), two different websites, and my own phone.  Nothing.  Everything else on the phone works fine, calls, internet, etc.
    My data is turned on and I have a strong signal.
    I did numerous restarts, including battery pulls.  After one of the restarts, I got the Gingerbread push, so I downloaded it.  No change.  I did a factory reset, no change.
    I was using the stock messaging app, so I downloaded SMS Pro, and no change still.
    I'm about to call customer service, not really looking forward to that!

    I dont' know what you mean by "check cache & they're all clear" ...  did you actually RUN the Clear cache procedure?  Not sure I'd trust just looking at something. Also, make sure you do that last step I suggested above.
     Wiping cache partition 
    Power off
    Power On Holding Home Key
    When Andy with Exlamation Point Shows up Press BOTH Volume keys
    Use Volume Keys to navigate to "wipe cache partition" and tap power button to select
    Wait for it to finish and select reboot system

  • Applet loading problem on MacOS 9 (IE 5.1)

    Hello, guys!
    I have a problem to load applet a couple of times per one session on IE 5.1 on MacOS 9. After second - fourth loading time browser says me 'Applet Error Closing' and shows the Java Message: 'ClassNotFoundException:myAppletClass'.
    Then only 'empty cache' procedure or browser restart helps.
    Can anybody help me, what is going on?
    Thanks a lot!

    I had a similar error like this
    I solved this my changing the Java target to older 1.1
    javac -target 1.1 *.java
    And remeber to add MRJ2.2.5 plugin + jfc 1.1.1

  • Gmail not auto pushing emails

    anyone else having same problem for about the last week or two with your gmail account not auto pushing emails to your phone? In order to get my emails now i have to open gmail app and the hit refresh to get emails this has only been broken for about a week or two. I went into my email account on my computer and made sure all setting are correct and still isnt working also went in and made sure all setting on phone are correct still nothing.

    I would try the "CLEAR CACHE"  procedure to see if it fixes this first. It's fairly benign and is a quick way to clear any garbeage in the phone before going to extremes like Factory resets, etc. So try this and report back.
     Wiping cache partition 
    Power off
    Power On Holding Home Key
    When Andy with Exlamation Point Shows up Press BOTH Volume keys
    Use Volume Keys to navigate to "wipe cache partition" and tap power button to select
    Wait for it to finish and select reboot system

  • Hotmail certificate errors anyone?

    Randomly at different locations, times of day, and 3G and WiFi, I get server certificate errors now on GB when sending or replying to emails. It seems to auto correct later, it's just annoying. Any ideas?

    I would try doing the following:
    - Go into ACCOUNTS, and remove the emal Account.
    - Power off phone
    - Do a "CLEAR CACHE" procedure (below)
    - Power up
    - Go into Accounts and re-add the email account (you'll have to put your login info back in of course).
    Wiping cache partition-  cures many ills and is better to start with this than a (gulp) full Factory Reset.
    Power off
    Power On Holding Home Key
    When Andy with Exlamation Point Shows up Press BOTH Volume keys
    Use Volume Keys to navigate to "wipe cache partition" and tap power button to select
    Wait for it to finish and select reboot system

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