Cal and Messages unresponsive BUT no beach ball

Sorry if this is covered elsewhere, I haven't been able to uncover it. 
I have a strange occurance with messages app and cal app whereby they are working, refresh etc BUT will not allow me to click and activate them.  For example I see a new iMessage arrive but cannot click to open it.  If I repeatively click eventually it works, but it remembers all the clicks and goes mad....
I have seen this also with and Reminders as well.  Once they are active not a problem, until I don't use them for a while again.
I am running a 27" iMac mid 2010 i5 running Mavericks.  I use a trackpad and key board, both bluetooth.
Has anyone seen this before, know of a fix?

Please read this whole message before doing anything.
This procedure is a diagnostic test. It changes nothing, and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem.
Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software — potentially for the worse. The procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed, as well as certain other aspects of the configuration that may have a bearing on the problem. Don’t be alarmed by the apparent complexity of these instructions — they’re easy to carry out and won’t change anything on your Mac. 
These steps are to be taken while booted in “normal” mode, not in safe mode, if possible. If you’re now running in safe mode, reboot as usual before continuing. If you can only boot in safe mode, you can still use this procedure, but not all of it will work. Be sure to mention that in your reply, if you haven't already done so. 
Below are instructions to enter UNIX shell commands. The commands are safe and do nothing but produce human-readable text output, but they must be entered exactly as given in order to work. If you have doubts about the safety of the procedure suggested here, search this site for other discussions in which it’s been followed without any report of ill effects. I am not asking you to trust me. If you can't satisfy yourself that these instructions are safe, don't follow them.
The commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then copy it.
Note: If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. Step 1 should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply.
Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: 
☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) 
☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. 
☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. 
When you launch Terminal, a text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign. 
Step 1 
Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it:
{ echo "Loaded kernel extensions:"; kextstat -kl | awk '!/com\.apple/{printf "%s %s\n", $6, $7}'; echo $'\n'"Loaded user agents:"; launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|org\.(x|openbsd)|\.[0-9]+$/{print $3}'; echo $'\n'"Inserted libraries:"; launchctl getenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES; echo $'\n'"User cron tasks:"; crontab -l; echo $'\n'"System launchd configuration:"; cat /e*/lau*; echo $'\n'"User launchd configuration:"; cat .lau*; echo $'\n'"Login items:"; osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to get name of login items' | sed $'s/, /\\\n/g'; echo $'\n'"Safari extensions:"; /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print L*/Saf*/*/E*.plist | awk -F'= ' '/Bundl/{print $2}' | sed 's/\..*$//;s/-[1-9]$//'; printf "\nRestricted user files: %s\n" $(find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) | wc -l); echo $'\n'"Extrinsic loadable bundles:"; cd; find -L /S*/L*/E* {,/}L*/{Ad,Compon,Ex,In,Keyb,Mail/Bu,P*P,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo}* -type d -name Contents -prune | while read d; do /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :CFBundleIdentifier' "$d/Info.plist" | egrep -qv "^com\.apple\.[^x]|Accusys|ArcMSR|ATTO|HDPro|HighPoint|driver\.stex|hp-fax|JMicron|print|SoftRAID" && echo ${d%/Contents}; done; echo $'\n'"Unsigned shared libraries:"; find /u*/{,*/}lib -type f -exec sh -c 'file -b $1 | grep -qw shared && ! codesign -v $1' {} {} \; -print; echo; ls -A {,/}L*/{La,Priv,Sta}* L*/Fonts; } 2> /dev/null | open -ef
Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Then click anywhere in the Terminal window and paste (command-V). I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
The command may take up to a few minutes to run, depending on how many files you have and the speed of the computer. A TextEdit window will open with the output. Post the contents of the TextEdit window (not the Terminal window) — the text, please, not a screenshot. You can then close the TextEdit window. The title of the window doesn't matter, and you don't need to post that. No typing is involved in this step.
Step 2 
Remember that you must be logged in as an administrator for this step. Do as in Step 1 with this line:
{ echo "Loaded system agents:"; sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix\.cron)|org\.(amav|apac|cups|isc|ntp|postf|x)/{print $3}'; echo $'\n'"Login hook:"; sudo defaults read LoginHook; echo $'\n'"Root cron tasks:"; sudo crontab -l; echo $'\n'"Log check:"; syslog -k Sender kernel -k Message CReq 'GPU |hfs: Ru|I/O e|find tok|n Cause: -|NVDA\(|pagin|timed? ?o' | tail | awk '/:/{$4=""; print}'; } 2> /dev/null | open -ef
This time you'll be prompted for your login password, which you do have to type. Nothing will be displayed when you type it. Type it carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. Heed that warning, but don't post it. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
You can then quit Terminal.
To prevent confusion, I'll repeat: When you type your password in the Terminal window, you won't see what you're typing.
Note: If you don’t have a login password, set one before taking Step 2. If that’s not possible, skip the step.
Important: If any personal information, such as your name or email address, appears in the output of these commands, anonymize it before posting. Usually that won't be necessary.
Remember, Steps 1 and 2 are all copy-and-paste — no typing, except your password. Also remember to post the output as text, not as a screenshot.
Please post the contents of the TextEdit window, not the Terminal window.

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    From the Safari menu bar, select
    Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. Test.

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    Well it doesn't appear the easy guess is going to help in your case, sorry.
    So here are the heavy guns on performance that Dr. Smoke has written up
    I hope something in this web site is able to help you.

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    Hello there stidhambr15,
    I was researching the issue you are having and recommend a couple of things. First it might be a good idea to reset the device following iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting found here
    Resetting your device
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    If that doesn't quite get the device going again, I recommend restoring the device.
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    Might even be a good idea to turn off the phone, reseat the SIM card, and turn it back on.
    iPhone and iPad: How to remove the SIM card
    iPhone 4 (GSM model)
    iPhone 4S

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    Any suggestions?

    How large is your HD and how much space do you have left?
    Check out the following & do the necessary: 
    User Tip:  Why is my computer slow?
    What to do when your computer is too slow
    Speeding up your Mac
    Troubleshoot the spinning beach ball/freezing & crashing 
    Troubleshoot the spinning beach ball
    Apple  OSX  and  Time  Machine  Tips (Leopard - ML 
    Mac Basics: Time Machine 
    OS X Mountain Lion: Alternatives for backing up your Mac
    User Tip:  Most commonly used backup methods
    Emergency backups you didn't know you had!

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    There are only 20 Gigs left of space on the internal hard drive.
    That'll slow you down a bit.
    See if disconnecting the LaCie helps.
    See how many of these you can answer...
    See if the Disk is issuing any S.M.A.R.T errors in Disk Utility...
    Open Activity Monitor in Applications>Utilities, select All Processes & sort on CPU%, any indications there?
    How much RAM & free space do you have also, click on the Memory & Disk Usage Tabs.
    Open Console in Utilities & see if there are any clues or repeating messages when this happens.
    In the Memory tab, are there a lot of Pageouts?

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    Have you tried repairing permissions from Disk Utility?
    You can also try these two resets.
    SMC reset
    PRAM reset

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    Here is the system report:
    Hardware Information:
              MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2.53GHz, Mid 2009)
              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro5,4
              1 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2 cores
              4 GB RAM
    Video Information:
              NVIDIA GeForce 9400M - VRAM: 256 MB
    System Software:
              OS X 10.9.2 (13C64) - Uptime: 4 days 1:15:38
    Disk Information:
              Hitachi HTS545025B9SA02 disk0 : (250.06 GB)
                        EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
                        Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 249.2 GB (165.78 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
              MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-868 
    USB Information:
              Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
              Apple Internal Memory Card Reader
              Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
              Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
              Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
                        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    FireWire Information:
    Thunderbolt Information:
    Kernel Extensions:
              net.kromtech.kext.Firewall          (2.3.6 - SDK 10.8)
    Launch Daemons:
              [System] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [System] com.flipvideo.FlipShareServer.launchd.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [System] 3rd-Party support link
              [System] 3rd-Party support link
              [System] com.zeobit.MacKeeper.AntiVirus.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [System] com.zeobit.MacKeeper.plugin.AntiTheft.daemon.plist 3rd-Party support link
    Launch Agents:
              [System] com.flipvideo.FlipShare.AutoRun.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [System] 3rd-Party support link
              [System] com.hp.messagecenter.launcher.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [System] com.hp.productresearch.plist 3rd-Party support link
    User Launch Agents:
              [not loaded] [email protected]
              [not loaded] com.facebook.videochat.[redacted].plist 3rd-Party support link
              [not loaded] 3rd-Party support link
              [not loaded] com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper.plist 3rd-Party support link
              [not loaded] ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist 3rd-Party support link
    User Login Items:
    Internet Plug-ins:
              DirectorShockwave: Version: 12.0.5r146 - SDK 10.6 3rd-Party support link
              o1dbrowserplugin: Version: 3rd-Party support link
              Unity Web Player: Version: UnityPlayer version 4.0.1f2 3rd-Party support link
              Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
              Flip4Mac WMV Plugin: Version: 3rd-Party support link
              Silverlight: Version: 5.1.20513.0 - SDK 10.6 3rd-Party support link
              FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 3rd-Party support link
              Flash Player Plugin for Chrome: Version: 11.4.402.265 3rd-Party support link
              Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Outdated! Update
              QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
              googletalkbrowserplugin: Version: 3rd-Party support link
              iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0
              CouponPrinter-FireFox_v2: Version: Version 1.1.9 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
              JavaAppletPlugin: Version: Java 7 Update 12 Outdated! Update
    Safari Extensions:
              1Password: Version: 3.9.9
              Awesome Screenshot: Version: 1.3.7
              GMail Counter: Version: 0.9.3
    Audio Plug-ins:
              BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.9
              AirPlay: Version: 2.0 - SDK 10.9
              AppleAVBAudio: Version: 203.2 - SDK 10.9
              iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3 - SDK 10.9
    iTunes Plug-ins:
              Quartz Composer Visualizer: Version: 1.4 - SDK 10.9
    User Internet Plug-ins:
              WebEx64: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Flash Player  3rd-Party support link
              Flip4Mac WMV  3rd-Party support link
    Old Applications:
              /Applications/iWork '09
              SLLauncher:          Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Silverlight/OutOfBrowser/
              Network Recording Player:          Version: 2.2.0 - SDK 10.5 3rd-Party support link
                        /Users/[redacted]/Library/Application Support/WebEx Folder/500/Network Recording
    Time Machine:
              Skip System Files: NO
              Mobile backups: OFF
              Auto backup: NO - Auto backup turned off
              Volumes being backed up:
                        Macintosh HD: Disk size: 232.09 GB Disk used: 77.69 GB
                        My Passport for Mac [Local] (Last used)
                        Total size: 931.36 GB
                        Total number of backups: 14
                        Oldest backup: 2011-10-21 21:23:05 +0000
                        Last backup: 2014-04-03 14:18:33 +0000
                        Size of backup disk: Excellent
                                  Backup size 931.36 GB > (Disk size 232.09 GB X 3)
              Time Machine details may not be accurate.
              All volumes being backed up may not be listed.
    Top Processes by CPU:
                  12%          Google Chrome
                   7%          WindowServer
                   1%          Dropbox
                   1%          EtreCheck
                   1%          hidd
    Top Processes by Memory:
              172 MB          AntiVirus
              168 MB          Google Chrome
              103 MB          Google Chrome Helper
              82 MB          Finder
              70 MB          Skype
    Virtual Memory Information:
              139 MB          Free RAM
              1.25 GB          Active RAM
              1.10 GB          Inactive RAM
              554 MB          Wired RAM
              32.67 GB          Page-ins
              1.01 GB          Page-outs

  • Beach Ball spinning

    Lately the Beach ball is spinning pretty often while surfing in Safari. This has never happened before. Now, 1 out of every 3 clicks bring on the spinning beach ball. Nothing has changed much. Does anyone know what the problem could be? I monitor the CPU and Memory usage but the beach ball comes on even if the CPU is only being used 60% and memory always below 70%.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks already

    well it may be a bit of a stretch-- but sometimes corrupt fonts can cause strange issues so if you open fontbook in your applications folder you will see duplicate fonts with a little black circle you can highlight those fonts and choose 'edit' then resolve duplicates.... also press control+A to highlight all fonts, then chooce 'file' validate fonts-- just to make sure there are no problem fonts--
    I have only experienced this type of slowdown personally due to a large favicon cache which is why I suggested onyx... If it isn't a font issue, then you may want to try deleting the file (or moving it out of the preferences folder). There is also a Safari folder in Users/~your name/Library and you may try renaming it and starting safari to see if it is something in that folder.

  • Mac Pro shows beach ball and pauses for several seconds

    I have an issue with my new Mac Pro (2013) wherein I can be running nothing but Pages for instance (does same with other non-graphic intense programs as well) and I will get a beach ball, then the computer will halt for several seconds until the beachball clears.  Why is this happening?  I have 500 GB SSD and 16 GB Apple memory.   This happens also when bouncing a two or three instrument song in Logic Pro.  Anyone know of issues?

    When you see a beachball cursor or the slowness is especially bad, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.  
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above.
    Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • New MacBook and The Infinitely Spinning Beach Ball: Anybody Else?

    I wonder if I'm the only MacBook owner having this experience, or if there might be some company in my misery?
    I purchased a new Aluminum MacBook on Nov.14. This one is the high-end, 2.4GHz model with 4GB of RAM and currently running OSX 10.5.5.
    I have in the past few days (or week, or so) encountered what appears to be an intermittent performance failure. I will, for example, be in Apple Mail: Open a new message to compose, and as soon as I click on the open window, the beach balls starts spinning... and continues to spin for a minute or two. Typically, when this starts happening, when I get the cursor back I click again, and the beachball resumes spinning.
    This will also happen in Firefox, or, as it did yesterday, even accessing items in the upper-right menu bar. Suspecting an impending hard-drive failure, I clicked the Time Capsule icon in the menu to see when I got my last backup, and instead of getting Time Capsule, I got... the spinning beach ball of death.
    The most difficult thing about this dilemma is that it appears to be intermittent. I took the MacBook to the dealer that sold it to me yesterday, was unable to replicate the issues. Everything worked fine in the store. Came home, problem returned for about 10 or 15 minutes, then it went away and the computer performed normally until I closed the lid to go out for the evening.
    Then this morning I opened the lid again and.... spinning beach balls for a total of about 17 minutes. And now, again, it appears to be working fine.
    While I was at the store, we ran a disc verify in disk utility, and it returned the message "The volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK."
    This is the worst kind of problem -- the intermittent one. I suspect something in the computer itself, in the believe that hardware issues are more likely to be intermittent than software issues; I could be wrong about that, I dunno.
    All I do know is that I can have maddening periods when I can't do anything with the computer, and then, just as suddenly, everything goes back to normal.
    So I wonder if there might be anything in the circuitry in these new MacBooks that might be causing a similar problem for others. Or is this my unique cross to bear until the thing goes completely south?

    Have you tried running the diagnostics from the Leopard disc? If not, give it a go to see what it finds. To run it, boot while holding the "d" key (with Leopard disc in ofcourse).
    Haven't tried that, I did not know that was on the disk. I'll run it, how long might it take? What sort of tests does it run, what sort of results should I expect?
    Another thing to try is reset the SMC.
    Following the link you provided suggests there might be some things in the SMC that could be causing my problems. Should I do that before or after I run the diagnostics? Would the diagnostics tell me if that's something I need to do?
    If still nothing... perhaps a reinstall of Leopard.
    I call that the "Vietnam Solution" -- destroying the village in order to save it. I thought was done with that sort of thing when I abandoned PCs and Windows. Not a desirable outcome.
    As a last resort, you might consider trying a new hard drive. A failing drive can cause theses intermittent delays.
    That was my initial thought, too. Are there any diagnostics I can run besides dick utility to determine the integrity of the hard drive? Do the diagnostics on the Leopard install disk do that?

  • Mail produces Beach Ball and big lag... why?

    I seem to be having a few issues since upgrading to Yosemite.  One that is particularly annoying is that whenever I open Mail, it takes the better part of a minute to appear on the screen, and then when I click on an email, the Beach Ball appears... sometimes it stays for a minute, sometimes several minutes.  It eventually goes away and I can read the email.  But should I select another email, it starts all over again.
    My iMac is a late 2007 24" Aluminum, has 6GB or RAM, 500 GB HDD of which 175 GB are free.  I don't seem to have any issues using Adobe CS4 Photoshop or Illustrator, and as I do a lot of design work, I'm trying to keep as many big graphics files on my attached NAS and/or USB HDDs.  But Mail is a problem since I'm constantly sending reduced size draft files of graphics work as attachments for clients to review.
    Figured I'd Include an EtreCheck Report:
    Problem description:
    Opening Mail is very sluggish since Yosemite upgrade, and opening an email causes Beach Ball to spin for 1-5 minutes.  Mid 2007 iMac7,1 Intel Core 2 Extreme 2.8GHz, 6GB RAM, 800 MHz Bus, 500 GB HDD w/175 GB Free.
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.2 (105)
    Report generated December 12, 2014 at 4:47:12 PM EST
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
      iMac (24-inch Mid 2007) (Verified)
      iMac - model: iMac7,1
      1 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU: 2-core
      6 GB RAM Upgradeable
      BANK 0/DIMM0
      4 GB DDR2 SDRAM 667 MHz ok
      BANK 1/DIMM1
      2 GB DDR2 SDRAM 667 MHz ok
      Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
      Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    Video Information: ℹ️
      ATI,RadeonHD2600 - VRAM: 256 MB
      iMac 1920 x 1200
    System Software: ℹ️
      OS X 10.10.1 (14B25) - Uptime: 23:14:18
    Disk Information: ℹ️
      ST3500630AS Q disk0 : (500.11 GB)
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
      Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / : 499.25 GB (175.96 GB free)
      Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
    USB Information: ℹ️
      Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk1s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
      Grafix-2TB (disk1s2) /Volumes/Grafix-2TB : 2.00 TB (1.92 TB free)
      Logitech USB Receiver
      Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
      Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
    Firewire Information: ℹ️
      LaCie d2 quadra (button) 800mbit - 800mbit max
      S.M.A.R.T. Status: Verified
      EFI (disk2s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
      1TB TimeMachine (disk2s2) /Volumes/1TB TimeMachine : 999.86 GB (12.51 GB free)
    Configuration files: ℹ️
      /etc/hosts - Count: 2
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
      Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
      /Library/Application Support/Roxio
      [not loaded] com.roxio.TDIXController (1.7) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.Logitech.Unifying.HID Driver (1.3.1 - SDK 10.8) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver (2.2.14) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.elgato.driver.DontMatchAfaTech (1.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.elgato.driver.DontMatchCinergy450 (1.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.elgato.driver.DontMatchCinergyXS (1.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.elgato.driver.DontMatchEmpia (1.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.elgato.driver.DontMatchVoyager (1.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.keyspan.iokit.usb.KeyspanUSAdriver (2.5) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.prolific.driver.PL2303 (1.2.1) [Support]
      [not loaded] nl.bjaelectronics.driver.PL2303 (1.0.0d1) [Support]
      [not loaded] com.Logitech.Control Center.HID Driver (2.6.0) [Support]
    Startup Items: ℹ️
      EyeConnect: Path: /Library/StartupItems/EyeConnect
      HP IO: Path: /Library/StartupItems/HP IO
      ProTec6b: Path: /Library/StartupItems/ProTec6b
      Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite
    Problem System Launch Agents: ℹ️
    Problem System Launch Daemons: ℹ️
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.adobe.CS4ServiceManager.plist [Support]
      [loaded] [Support]
      [loaded] [Support]
      [not loaded] com.thinkyhead.TabletMagic.plist [Support]
      [loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist [Support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.adobe.versioncueCS4.plist [Support]
      [loaded] [Support]
      [loaded] [Support]
      [loaded] [Support]
      [loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist [Support]
      [running] org.samba.nmbd.plist [Support]
      [failed] org.samba.smbd.plist [Support] [Details]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
      [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Support]
      [loaded] com.divx.agent.postinstall.plist [Support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
      iTunesHelper UNKNOWN (missing value)
      AdobeResourceSynchronizer UNKNOWN (missing value)
      Logitech Registration UNKNOWN (missing value)
      Logitech Control Center Daemon ApplicationHidden (/Library/Application Support/Logitech.localized/Logitech Control Center.localized/
      ConnectService Application (/Library/Application Support/ArcSoft/Connect Service/
      WDQuickView Application (/Incompatible Software/
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
      DirectorShockwave: Version: 11.0.3r472 [Support]
      OVSHelper: Version: 1.1 [Support]
      Default Browser: Version: 600 - SDK 10.10
      Google Earth Web Plug-in: Version: 6.1 [Support]
      Silverlight: Version: 4.0.60831.0 [Support]
      FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Support]
      DivXBrowserPlugin: Version: 2.2 [Support]
      Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Mismatch! Adobe recommends
      QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
      iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.8
      AdobePDFViewer: Version: 9.5.5 [Support]
      O3D: Version: [Support]
      JavaAppletPlugin: Version: Java 7 Update 71 Check version
    Safari Extensions: ℹ️
      Wondershare Player-1
      DivX Plus Web Player HTML5 <video>
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
      Adobe Version Cue CS4  [Support]
      DivX  [Support]
      Flash Player  [Support]
      Java  [Support]
      Logitech Control Center  [Support]
      Perian  [Support]
      TabletMagic  [Support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
      Skip System Files: NO
      Auto backup: YES
      Volumes being backed up:
      Macintosh HD: Disk size: 499.25 GB Disk used: 323.29 GB
      1TB TimeMachine [Local]
      Total size: 999.86 GB
      Total number of backups: 135
      Oldest backup: 2012-11-30 05:35:19 +0000
      Last backup: 2014-12-12 21:43:23 +0000
      Size of backup disk: Adequate
      Backup size 999.86 GB > (Disk used 323.29 GB X 3)
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
          2% mds_stores
          1% mds
          1% WindowServer
          0% Adobe Photoshop CS4
          0% ConnectService
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
      238 MB Adobe Photoshop CS4
      187 MB Mail
      161 MB Finder
      135 MB softwareupdated
      129 MB installd
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
      1.27 GB Free RAM
      3.69 GB Active RAM
      648 MB Inactive RAM
      763 MB Wired RAM
      40.95 GB Page-ins
      3 MB Page-outs
    Diagnostics Information: ℹ️
      Dec 11, 2014, 07:19:43 PM Mail_2014-12-11-191943_Mikes-iMac.hang
      Dec 11, 2014, 05:33:25 PM Self test - passed
      Dec 10, 2014, 04:29:54 PM Adobe Photoshop CS4_2014-12-10-162954_Mikes-iMac-9.cpu_resource.diag [Details]
      Dec 9, 2014, 11:04:26 PM discoveryd_2014-12-09-230426_Mikes-iMac-9.cpu_resource.diag [Details]
      Nov 19, 2014, 02:53:27 PM Kernel_2014-11-19-145327_Mikes-iMac-9.panic [Details]

    I was able to start Step 1 last night before going to sleep.  Came down this morning and Terminal was back to the normal name followed by $.  Tried opening an email and while its definitely faster than a few days ago... its still ponderously slow with the Beach Ball appearing again when I went to Reply and clicked on the Paper Clip, opening Finder, and selecting an image.  I do apologize for posting lengthy tests but I guess thats the only way we'll resolve this.  This post is a list of a simple task... Open Mail, Select an Email, Select Reply, type one word, then Select Paper Clip to attach a small 500 KB image.  So I did do Step 2 but ran the Console App again so you can see whats going on.  I noticed an interesting thing... Utility Icon is not showing up in Launchpad.  I meant to ask you about that yesterday, but its probably unrelated.  If you want me to do Step 2 just say the word.  I think we're making progress slowly, but perhaps this dialogue will help someone else bc when I Google "Beach Ball in Mac Mail" I see tons of people complaining.  Thanks again for your patience and help.
    11/14/14 5:09:13.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416002953 0
    11/14/14 5:18:09.031 PM loginwindow[76]: USER_PROCESS: 76 console
    11/19/14 2:43:07.109 PM sessionlogoutd[26296]: DEAD_PROCESS: 76 console
    11/19/14 2:43:26.322 PM loginwindow[26317]: USER_PROCESS: 26317 console
    11/19/14 2:47:56.278 PM reboot[26436]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1416426476 278337
    11/19/14 2:48:44.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416426524 0
    11/19/14 2:52:39.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416426759 0
    11/19/14 3:18:30.276 PM loginwindow[70]: USER_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/20/14 4:34:07.802 PM sessionlogoutd[4654]: DEAD_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/20/14 4:34:09.001 PM shutdown[4655]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1416519249 1214
    11/20/14 4:35:10.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416519310 0
    11/20/14 4:38:09.197 PM loginwindow[70]: USER_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/22/14 4:20:01.551 PM sessionlogoutd[5032]: DEAD_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/22/14 4:20:01.848 PM shutdown[5033]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1416691201 848090
    11/22/14 4:20:44.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416691244 0
    11/22/14 4:22:13.573 PM loginwindow[71]: USER_PROCESS: 71 console
    11/23/14 11:24:46.267 AM sessionlogoutd[2682]: DEAD_PROCESS: 71 console
    11/23/14 11:25:25.000 AM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416759925 0
    11/23/14 2:28:46.760 PM loginwindow[71]: USER_PROCESS: 71 console
    11/24/14 3:08:26.473 PM sessionlogoutd[2456]: DEAD_PROCESS: 71 console
    11/24/14 3:08:27.547 PM shutdown[2457]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1416859707 546953
    11/24/14 3:09:06.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416859746 0
    11/24/14 3:10:45.326 PM loginwindow[70]: USER_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/24/14 4:50:53.929 PM sessionlogoutd[502]: DEAD_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/24/14 4:50:54.323 PM shutdown[503]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1416865854 322441
    11/24/14 4:51:35.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416865895 0
    11/24/14 4:53:25.153 PM loginwindow[70]: USER_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/24/14 5:01:07.658 PM login[442]: USER_PROCESS: 442 ttys000
    11/24/14 5:01:49.955 PM login[442]: DEAD_PROCESS: 442 ttys000
    11/24/14 5:02:06.396 PM sessionlogoutd[458]: DEAD_PROCESS: 70 console
    11/24/14 5:02:06.622 PM shutdown[459]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1416866526 622399
    11/24/14 5:02:44.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1416866564 0
    11/24/14 5:04:21.019 PM loginwindow[71]: USER_PROCESS: 71 console
    11/26/14 4:20:31.126 PM sessionlogoutd[4268]: DEAD_PROCESS: 71 console
    11/26/14 4:20:31.627 PM shutdown[4269]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1417036831 627243
    11/26/14 4:21:48.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1417036908 0
    11/26/14 4:38:14.613 PM loginwindow[69]: USER_PROCESS: 69 console
    11/28/14 9:46:26.794 AM sessionlogoutd[1711]: DEAD_PROCESS: 69 console
    11/28/14 9:46:27.589 AM shutdown[1712]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1417185987 588237
    11/28/14 9:47:09.000 AM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1417186029 0
    11/28/14 9:49:26.844 AM loginwindow[69]: USER_PROCESS: 69 console
    11/29/14 4:20:57.818 PM sessionlogoutd[7810]: DEAD_PROCESS: 69 console
    11/29/14 4:21:00.066 PM shutdown[7811]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1417296060 65562
    11/29/14 4:21:44.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1417296104 0
    11/29/14 5:34:33.411 PM loginwindow[69]: USER_PROCESS: 69 console
    12/3/14 2:41:27.012 PM sessionlogoutd[10068]: DEAD_PROCESS: 69 console
    12/3/14 2:41:28.564 PM shutdown[10069]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1417635688 563423
    12/3/14 2:42:11.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1417635731 0
    12/3/14 2:43:31.257 PM loginwindow[69]: USER_PROCESS: 69 console
    12/5/14 2:26:35.621 PM sessionlogoutd[6609]: DEAD_PROCESS: 69 console
    12/5/14 2:26:36.011 PM shutdown[6610]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1417807596 11320
    12/5/14 2:31:32.000 PM bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1417807892 0
    12/5/14 2:32:38.392 PM loginwindow[69]: USER_PROCESS: 69 console
    12/9/14 12:04:45.000 AM kernel[0]: RTC: Maintenance 2014/12/9 05:04:45, sleep 2014/12/9 03:16:49
    12/9/14 12:04:45.000 AM kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 0
    12/9/14 12:04:45.006 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 73, ErrLogCount 17 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.014 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 73, ErrLogCount 18 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.020 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 73, ErrLogCount 19 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.024 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 73, ErrLogCount 20 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.026 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 73, ErrLogCount 21 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.029 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 64024 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 22 ResolverIntf:0
    12/9/14 12:04:45.151 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 23 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.157 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 24 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.165 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 25 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:04:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 4 (Disassociated due to inactivity).
    12/9/14 12:04:45.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 12:04:45.347 AM sharingd[323]: 00:04:45.347 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:04:47.514 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
    12/9/14 12:04:47.514 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3797 error=4
    12/9/14 12:04:47.000 AM kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleYukon2]: Link up on en0, 1-Gigabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,af48,0de1,0200,cde1,2c00]
    12/9/14 12:04:49.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 47 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 12:04:49.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  doing reconnect on /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 12:04:49.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  posting to KEA EINPROGRESS for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 12:04:49.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Max reconnect time: 600 secs, Connect timeout: 15 secs for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 12:04:49.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  connect to the server /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 12:04:49.460 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 12:04:49.460 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 type 'afpfs', mounted on '/Volumes/MyMedia', from '//;AUTH=No%20User%20Authent@WDMyCloud._afpovertcp._tcp.local/MyMedia', not responding
    12/9/14 12:04:49.461 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
    12/9/14 12:04:49.463 AM loginwindow[69]: Error: could not load nib file for DisconnectedFS plugin
    12/9/14 12:04:49.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Logging in with uam 1 /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 12:04:54.302 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:54.320 AM configd[26]: LINKLOCAL en0: parent has no IP
    12/9/14 12:04:54.380 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0-: v6(en1-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS- Proxy- SMB-
    12/9/14 12:04:54.382 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic WABServer NetResolverEvent no resolvers, resetting domains
    12/9/14 12:04:54.385 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
    12/9/14 12:04:54.558 AM sharingd[323]: 00:04:54.558 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:04:54.572 AM sharingd[323]: 00:04:54.572 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:04:54.664 AM configd[26]: network changed: v6(en0+:2601:6:3680:4e0:25a9:bfa5:32ca:357f) DNS+ Proxy+ SMB+
    12/9/14 12:04:54.755 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:04:54.759 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:04:55.241 AM configd[26]: network changed: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:25a9:bfa5:32ca:357f) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:55.511 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:04:55.530 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0+: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:25a9:bfa5:32ca:357f) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:55.000 AM kernel[0]: Auth result for: 90:72:40:20:b1:ed MAC AUTH succeeded
    12/9/14 12:04:55.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
    12/9/14 12:04:55.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 12:04:55.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 12:04:55.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
    12/9/14 12:04:55.613 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:25a9:bfa5:32ca:357f) DNS* Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:55.632 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1709] en1: SSID 'Lightning-Net' making interface primary (cache indicates network not captive)
    12/9/14 12:04:55.632 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
    12/9/14 12:04:55.633 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: en1: Not probing 'Lightning-Net' (cache indicates not captive)
    12/9/14 12:04:55.635 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
    12/9/14 12:04:55.669 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour stop listening on en1
    12/9/14 12:04:55.675 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1!:, en0) v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:25a9:bfa5:32ca:357f) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:55.881 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
    12/9/14 12:04:55.881 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3787 error=4
    12/9/14 12:04:55.881 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3791 error=4
    12/9/14 12:04:55.950 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:04:55.958 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:04:56.105 AM WindowServer[150]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Finder" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    12/9/14 12:04:56.156 AM WindowServer[150]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Finder" after 1.05 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
    12/9/14 12:04:56.158 AM sharingd[323]: 00:04:56.158 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:04:56.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 12:04:56.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Restoring session /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 12:04:56.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP FindDSIReqInfo: in reconnect, but reconn reqInfo IDs do not in match 1864 != 1863 on 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 12:04:56.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 68 with reqID 1860 afpCmd 68 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 12:04:56.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  get the reconnect token
    12/9/14 12:04:56.184 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 12:04:56.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_vnop_getattrlistbulk:  bad fileBitMap offset 0 replySize 0
    12/9/14 12:04:56.418 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en0!:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:56.606 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:04:58.521 AM ntpd[169]: wake time set +0.426951 s
    12/9/14 12:04:59.370 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 12:04:59.405 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3812 error=4
    12/9/14 12:05:00.007 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 12:05:00.086 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en1+:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB-
    12/9/14 12:05:00.104 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 12:05:00.133 AM configd[26]: network changed.
    12/9/14 12:05:01.122 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 12:05:02.069 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 12:05:02.554 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 12:05:05.527 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=117 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 12:05:05.529 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=118 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 12:05:07.753 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[73] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:11.120 AM WDQuickView[352]: assertion failed: 14B25: libxpc.dylib + 41185 [CB6B442F-8BE4-37B6-9A00-4753BC1C368C]: 0xf
    12/9/14 12:05:11.120 AM WDQuickView[352]: tcp_connection_register_reachability 995 net_helper_connection_start failed
    12/9/14 12:05:12.099 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[46] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:16.590 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[46] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:18.888 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 1 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:21.137 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[66] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:21.137 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 2 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:23.432 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 3 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:25.721 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[66] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:25.721 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 4 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:28.022 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 5 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:30.173 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[66] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:30.173 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 6 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:32.476 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 66, ErrLogCount 7 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:34.771 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[68] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:34.771 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 22, fd 68, ErrLogCount 8 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:37.071 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 68, ErrLogCount 9 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:39.155 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 46, ErrLogCount 10 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:39.284 AM configd[26]: [0x7fdb19472ff0] [m]DNS query timeout (query time = 35.145721), [46TE]
    12/9/14 12:05:40.567 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[68] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:40.567 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 22, fd 68, ErrLogCount 11 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:40.583 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[63] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 12:05:40.583 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 22, fd 63, ErrLogCount 12 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 12:05:41.403 AM sharingd[323]: 00:05:41.403 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:05:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 12:05:41.426 AM sharingd[323]: 00:05:41.426 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:05:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 12:05:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 12:05:41.438 AM sharingd[323]: 00:05:41.437 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:05:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 12:05:41.459 AM sharingd[323]: 00:05:41.459 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 12:05:42.000 AM kernel[0]: PM response took 1008 ms (27, powerd)
    12/9/14 12:05:42.000 AM kernel[0]: PM mode before entering WoW is 1 and PM allowed state is 1
    12/9/14 12:05:42.722 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 22, fd 73, ErrLogCount 13 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: RTC: Maintenance 2014/12/9 06:53:41, sleep 2014/12/9 05:05:42
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 0
    12/9/14 1:53:41.008 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 64024 errno 50, fd 63, ErrLogCount 14 ResolverIntf:0
    12/9/14 1:53:41.150 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Warning: IPv4 listener multicast send failed en0, 50
    12/9/14 1:53:41.151 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Warning: IPv6 listener multicast send failed en0, 50
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 4 (Disassociated due to inactivity).
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 1:53:41.348 AM sharingd[323]: 01:53:41.347 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:53:41.371 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 15 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.389 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 16 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.400 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 17 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.408 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 18 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.419 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 19 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.433 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 20 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.441 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 21 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.447 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 22 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.454 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 23 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.494 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 24 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.502 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 25 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.511 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:41.549 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 26 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.557 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 27 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.567 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 28 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.576 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 29 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:53:41.602 AM sharingd[323]: 01:53:41.601 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:53:41.643 AM sharingd[323]: 01:53:41.643 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: Auth result for: 90:72:40:20:b1:ed MAC AUTH succeeded
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 1:53:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
    12/9/14 1:53:42.365 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
    12/9/14 1:53:43.000 AM kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleYukon2]: Link up on en0, 1-Gigabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,af48,0de1,0200,cde1,2c00]
    12/9/14 1:53:44.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 48 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 1:53:45.333 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[63] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  doing reconnect on /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  posting to KEA EINPROGRESS for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Max reconnect time: 600 secs, Connect timeout: 15 secs for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  connect to the server /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 1:53:45.915 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 1:53:45.916 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 type 'afpfs', mounted on '/Volumes/MyMedia', from '//;AUTH=No%20User%20Authent@WDMyCloud._afpovertcp._tcp.local/MyMedia', not responding
    12/9/14 1:53:45.916 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
    12/9/14 1:53:45.918 AM loginwindow[69]: Error: could not load nib file for DisconnectedFS plugin
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Logging in with uam 1 /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Restoring session /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 56 with reqID 11068 afpCmd 68 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  get the reconnect token
    12/9/14 1:53:45.950 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 1:53:45.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_vnop_getattrlistbulk:  bad fileBitMap offset 0 replySize 0
    12/9/14 1:53:49.804 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[63] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 1:53:50.178 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0:, en1-: v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB+
    12/9/14 1:53:50.243 AM configd[26]: LINKLOCAL en0: parent has no IP
    12/9/14 1:53:50.268 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0-: v6(en1-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS- Proxy- SMB-
    12/9/14 1:53:50.271 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
    12/9/14 1:53:50.279 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic WABServer NetResolverEvent no resolvers, resetting domains
    12/9/14 1:53:50.419 AM configd[26]: network changed: v6(en0+:2601:6:3680:4e0:c817:f3d3:3b2a:5d1a) DNS+ Proxy+ SMB+
    12/9/14 1:53:50.708 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:50.722 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:51.037 AM configd[26]: network changed: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:c817:f3d3:3b2a:5d1a) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 1:53:51.425 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:51.437 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0+: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:c817:f3d3:3b2a:5d1a) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 1:53:51.550 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:51.555 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:c817:f3d3:3b2a:5d1a) DNS* Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 1:53:51.571 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1709] en1: SSID 'Lightning-Net' making interface primary (protected network)
    12/9/14 1:53:51.572 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
    12/9/14 1:53:51.572 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: en1: Probing 'Lightning-Net'
    12/9/14 1:53:51.615 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:51.621 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1!:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 1:53:51.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 1:53:51.748 AM sharingd[323]: 01:53:51.747 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:53:51.779 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 1:53:51.844 AM configd[26]: network changed.
    12/9/14 1:53:52.320 AM ntpd[169]: wake time set +0.356611 s
    12/9/14 1:53:53.217 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0!:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 1:53:53.238 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 1:53:53.420 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
    12/9/14 1:53:53.420 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3818 error=4
    12/9/14 1:53:53.420 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3834 error=4
    12/9/14 1:53:54.367 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 1:53:55.266 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 1:53:55.805 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3851 error=4
    12/9/14 1:53:56.113 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 1:53:56.681 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:56.821 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:57.076 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:57.205 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=91 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 1:53:57.330 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:57.678 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:58.135 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:58.687 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:53:59.343 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:54:00.099 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:54:00.955 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:54:01.197 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=61 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 1:54:01.217 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=124 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 1:54:01.219 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=125 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 1:54:01.769 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 1:54:01.769 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [wispr_detect_http_done:295] Network Error: Failed to retry probe. Giving up after retrying 10 times
    12/9/14 1:54:01.769 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [CaptiveHandleRedirect:1662] Unknown result value: 7, assuming online
    12/9/14 1:54:01.770 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
    12/9/14 1:54:05.891 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 1:54:09.708 AM WDQuickView[352]: assertion failed: 14B25: libxpc.dylib + 41185 [CB6B442F-8BE4-37B6-9A00-4753BC1C368C]: 0xf
    12/9/14 1:54:09.709 AM WDQuickView[352]: tcp_connection_register_reachability 996 net_helper_connection_start failed
    12/9/14 1:54:13.024 AM configd[26]: [0x7fdb19472ff0] [m]DNS query timeout (query time = 17.780120), [46TE]
    12/9/14 1:54:37.143 AM sharingd[323]: 01:54:37.142 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:54:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 1:54:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 1:54:37.155 AM sharingd[323]: 01:54:37.154 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:54:37.186 AM sharingd[323]: 01:54:37.186 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:54:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 1:54:37.198 AM sharingd[323]: 01:54:37.197 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 1:54:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 1:54:38.000 AM kernel[0]: en0 duplicate IP address sent from address 90:72:40:0a:33:16
    12/9/14 1:54:38.120 AM configd[26]: DHCP en0: defending IP against BonjourSleepProxy 90:72:40:0a:33:16 1 (of 5)
    12/9/14 1:54:38.000 AM kernel[0]: PM response took 1203 ms (27, powerd)
    12/9/14 1:54:38.000 AM kernel[0]: PM mode before entering WoW is 1 and PM allowed state is 1
    12/9/14 1:54:38.676 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 73, ErrLogCount 1 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:38.749 AM configd[26]: arp_client_transmit(en1) failed, Network is down (50)
    12/9/14 1:54:38.750 AM configd[26]: service_resolve_router_complete en1: ARP failed, arp_client_transmit(en1) failed, Network is down (50)
    12/9/14 1:54:38.928 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 61, ErrLogCount 2 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:38.928 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Warning: IPv4 listener multicast send failed en1, 50
    12/9/14 1:54:38.928 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Warning: IPv6 listener multicast send failed en1, 50
    12/9/14 1:54:39.379 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 3 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.386 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 4 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.392 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 5 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.398 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 6 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.404 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 7 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.409 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 8 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.435 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 9 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.442 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 10 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:39.784 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 11 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.059 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 12 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.476 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 13 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.480 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 14 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.483 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 15 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.486 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 16 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.490 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 17 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.493 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 18 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.496 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 19 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.499 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 20 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.502 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 21 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:40.866 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 22 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:41.072 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Warning: IPv4 listener multicast send failed en1, 50
    12/9/14 1:54:41.072 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Warning: IPv6 listener multicast send failed en1, 50
    12/9/14 1:54:41.077 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 23 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 1:54:41.481 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 24 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: RTC: Maintenance 2014/12/9 08:42:37, sleep 2014/12/9 06:54:41
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 0
    12/9/14 3:42:37.011 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 25 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.018 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 26 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.022 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 27 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.025 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 28 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.028 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 29 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.031 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 30 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.034 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 31 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.036 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer 2601:6:3680:4e0:9272:40ff:fe0a:3316 Port 53 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 32 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 3:42:37.037 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 64024 errno 50, fd 68, ErrLogCount 33 ResolverIntf:0
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 4 (Disassociated due to inactivity).
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 3:42:37.347 AM sharingd[323]: 03:42:37.346 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:42:37.781 AM sharingd[323]: 03:42:37.780 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:42:37.792 AM sharingd[323]: 03:42:37.791 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: Auth result for: 90:72:40:20:b1:ed MAC AUTH succeeded
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 3:42:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
    12/9/14 3:42:39.000 AM kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleYukon2]: Link up on en0, 1-Gigabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,af48,0de1,0200,cde1,2c00]
    12/9/14 3:42:40.096 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
    12/9/14 3:42:40.096 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3876 error=5
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 49 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  doing reconnect on /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  posting to KEA EINPROGRESS for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Max reconnect time: 600 secs, Connect timeout: 15 secs for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  connect to the server /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 3:42:41.875 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 3:42:41.875 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 type 'afpfs', mounted on '/Volumes/MyMedia', from '//;AUTH=No%20User%20Authent@WDMyCloud._afpovertcp._tcp.local/MyMedia', not responding
    12/9/14 3:42:41.876 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
    12/9/14 3:42:41.877 AM loginwindow[69]: Error: could not load nib file for DisconnectedFS plugin
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Logging in with uam 1 /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Restoring session /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 102 with reqID 22382 afpCmd 68 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  get the reconnect token
    12/9/14 3:42:41.886 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 3:42:41.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_vnop_getattrlistbulk:  bad fileBitMap offset 0 replySize 0
    12/9/14 3:42:46.309 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 3:42:46.327 AM configd[26]: LINKLOCAL en0: parent has no IP
    12/9/14 3:42:46.378 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS! Proxy! SMB
    12/9/14 3:42:46.392 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
    12/9/14 3:42:46.591 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1709] en1: SSID 'Lightning-Net' making interface primary (cache indicates network not captive)
    12/9/14 3:42:46.592 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
    12/9/14 3:42:46.592 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: en1: Not probing 'Lightning-Net' (cache indicates not captive)
    12/9/14 3:42:46.593 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
    12/9/14 3:42:46.595 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: DNS* Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 3:42:46.607 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1!:, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB-
    12/9/14 3:42:46.634 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 3:42:46.657 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 3:42:46.657 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 3:42:46.952 AM sharingd[323]: 03:42:46.952 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:42:46.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 3:42:47.545 AM configd[26]: [0x7fdb19481b00] [m]DNS query timeout (query time = 0.923959), [TE]
    12/9/14 3:42:48.776 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 3:42:49.585 AM ntpd[169]: wake time set +0.286462 s
    12/9/14 3:42:49.673 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en0+:2601:6:3680:4e0:5c86:dc83:8f36:3913) DNS* Proxy SMB+
    12/9/14 3:42:49.702 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 3:42:50.317 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:5c86:dc83:8f36:3913) DNS* Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 3:42:50.605 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Re-Binding to random udp port 57810
    12/9/14 3:42:51.224 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en1+:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB-
    12/9/14 3:42:51.246 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 3:42:51.339 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0) v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0!:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 3:42:51.378 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 3:42:51.586 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 3:42:51.870 AM configd[26]: network changed.
    12/9/14 3:42:52.064 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3882 error=4
    12/9/14 3:42:52.149 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets,Warn UDS FD=109 ERROR: Send failed errno=32
    12/9/14 3:42:52.493 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 3:42:58.256 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Sockets Couldn't set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[46] scopeID[5] errno[22] result[-1]
    12/9/14 3:43:05.489 AM WDQuickView[352]: assertion failed: 14B25: libxpc.dylib + 41185 [CB6B442F-8BE4-37B6-9A00-4753BC1C368C]: 0xf
    12/9/14 3:43:05.489 AM WDQuickView[352]: tcp_connection_register_reachability 997 net_helper_connection_start failed
    12/9/14 3:43:22.972 AM configd[26]: [0x7fdb19484b60] [m]DNS query timeout (query time = 29.089572), [46TE]
    12/9/14 3:43:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 3:43:33.338 AM sharingd[323]: 03:43:33.338 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:43:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 3:43:33.353 AM sharingd[323]: 03:43:33.352 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:43:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 3:43:33.369 AM sharingd[323]: 03:43:33.369 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:43:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 3:43:33.383 AM sharingd[323]: 03:43:33.383 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 3:43:34.000 AM kernel[0]: PM response took 1010 ms (27, powerd)
    12/9/14 3:43:34.000 AM kernel[0]: PM mode before entering WoW is 1 and PM allowed state is 1
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: Wake reason: RTC (Alarm)
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: RTC: Maintenance 2014/12/9 10:31:33, sleep 2014/12/9 08:43:34
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 0
    12/9/14 5:31:33.008 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 64024 errno 50, fd 46, ErrLogCount 1 ResolverIntf:0
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 4 (Disassociated due to inactivity).
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 5:31:33.348 AM sharingd[323]: 05:31:33.347 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:31:33.380 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
    12/9/14 5:31:33.380 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3897 error=4
    12/9/14 5:31:33.400 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 2 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.409 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 3 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.421 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 4 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.447 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 5 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.456 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 6 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.464 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 7 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.472 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:33.482 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 8 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.492 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 9 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.502 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 10 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.512 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 11 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.521 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 63, ErrLogCount 12 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.537 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 61, ErrLogCount 13 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.547 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 61, ErrLogCount 14 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.560 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 61, ErrLogCount 15 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.573 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 61, ErrLogCount 16 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.579 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 61, ErrLogCount 17 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.585 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 51, fd 61, ErrLogCount 18 ResolverIntf:5
    12/9/14 5:31:33.790 AM sharingd[323]: 05:31:33.789 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:31:33.802 AM sharingd[323]: 05:31:33.801 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: Auth result for: 90:72:40:20:b1:ed MAC AUTH succeeded
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    12/9/14 5:31:33.000 AM kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
    12/9/14 5:31:35.000 AM kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleYukon2]: Link up on en0, 1-Gigabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,af48,0de1,0200,cde1,2c00]
    12/9/14 5:31:36.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 50 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 5:31:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  doing reconnect on /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 5:31:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  posting to KEA EINPROGRESS for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 5:31:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Max reconnect time: 600 secs, Connect timeout: 15 secs for /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 5:31:37.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  connect to the server /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 5:31:37.607 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 5:31:37.607 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 type 'afpfs', mounted on '/Volumes/MyMedia', from '//;AUTH=No%20User%20Authent@WDMyCloud._afpovertcp._tcp.local/MyMedia', not responding
    12/9/14 5:31:37.608 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 found 1 filesystem(s) with problem(s)
    12/9/14 5:31:37.610 AM loginwindow[69]: Error: could not load nib file for DisconnectedFS plugin
    12/9/14 5:31:42.397 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0:, en1-: v6(en1:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB+
    12/9/14 5:31:42.456 AM configd[26]: LINKLOCAL en0: parent has no IP
    12/9/14 5:31:42.502 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
    12/9/14 5:31:42.503 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0-:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS! Proxy! SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:42.716 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0+:2601:6:3680:4e0:f91c:af4e:7d06:ba56) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:42.947 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:43.015 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:43.438 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:f91c:af4e:7d06:ba56) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:44.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Logging in with uam 1 /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 5:31:44.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP FindDSIReqInfo: in reconnect, but reconn reqInfo IDs do not in match 33514 != 33513 on 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 5:31:44.366 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0!:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:44.386 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:44.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Restoring session /Volumes/MyMedia
    12/9/14 5:31:44.000 AM kernel[0]: ASP_TCP ReplayPendingReqs: replaying slot 91 with reqID 33511 afpCmd 68 on so 0xffffff80124d73d8
    12/9/14 5:31:44.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  get the reconnect token
    12/9/14 5:31:44.446 AM KernelEventAgent[71]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_NOTRESP (1)
    12/9/14 5:31:44.000 AM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_vnop_getattrlistbulk:  bad fileBitMap offset 0 replySize 0
    12/9/14 5:31:44.849 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:c2ff:fe05:eebd) DNS* Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:44.863 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1709] en1: SSID 'Lightning-Net' making interface primary (protected network)
    12/9/14 5:31:44.872 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
    12/9/14 5:31:44.876 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: en1: Probing 'Lightning-Net'
    12/9/14 5:31:44.880 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1!:2601:6:3680:4e0:cd89:de0b:7446:8f95, en0) DNS! Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:44.894 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:44.898 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:44.940 AM configd[26]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en1!:2601:6:3680:4e0:21e:52ff:fe88:4bd3, en0) DNS Proxy SMB
    12/9/14 5:31:44.942 AM networkd[136]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
    12/9/14 5:31:45.492 AM ntpd[169]: wake time set +0.213397 s
    12/9/14 5:31:45.657 AM sharingd[323]: 05:31:45.656 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:31:45.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 5:31:48.116 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 5:31:49.728 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 5:31:50.556 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic Bonjour Failed to delete registration recordId=3914 error=4
    12/9/14 5:31:50.947 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 5:31:51.330 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:51.584 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:51.839 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:52.089 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:52.442 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:52.899 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:53.454 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:54.102 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:54.859 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:55.105 AM discoveryd[51]: Basic DNSResolver  Error 9 on socket - this might be a closed socket
    12/9/14 5:31:55.693 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:56.652 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [async_http_read_stream:387] kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork/2: The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error 2.)
    12/9/14 5:31:56.652 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [wispr_detect_http_done:295] Network Error: Failed to retry probe. Giving up after retrying 10 times
    12/9/14 5:31:56.652 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: [CaptiveHandleRedirect:1662] Unknown result value: 7, assuming online
    12/9/14 5:31:56.652 AM UserEventAgent[17]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
    12/9/14 5:32:00.752 AM configd[26]: [0x7fdb195744e0] [m]DNS query timeout (query time = 13.167788), [46TE]
    12/9/14 5:32:04.071 AM WDQuickView[352]: assertion failed: 14B25: libxpc.dylib + 41185 [CB6B442F-8BE4-37B6-9A00-4753BC1C368C]: 0xf
    12/9/14 5:32:04.072 AM WDQuickView[352]: tcp_connection_register_reachability 998 net_helper_connection_start failed
    12/9/14 5:32:29.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 5:32:29.228 AM sharingd[323]: 05:32:29.227 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:32:29.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 5:32:29.238 AM sharingd[323]: 05:32:29.237 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:32:29.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 5:32:29.338 AM sharingd[323]: 05:32:29.337 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:32:29.000 AM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 90:72:40:20:b1:ed
    12/9/14 5:32:29.348 AM sharingd[323]: 05:32:29.347 : SDStatusMonitor::kStatusWirelessPowerChanged
    12/9/14 5:32:30.000 AM kernel[0]: PM response took 1026 ms (27, powerd)
    12/9/14 5:32:30.000 AM kernel[0]: en0 duplicate IP address sent from address 90:72:40:0a:33:16
    12/9/14 5:32:30.264 AM configd[26]: DHCP en0: defending IP against BonjourSleepProxy 90:72:40:0a:33:16 1 (of 5)
    12/9/14 5:32:30.000 AM kernel[0]: PM mode before entering WoW is 1 and PM allowed state is 1
    12/9/14 5:32:30.775 AM configd[26]: arp_client_transmit(en1) failed, Network is down (50)
    12/9/14 5:32:30.775 AM configd[26]: service_resolve_router_complete e

  • Video performe horribley both with QT and youtube, beach ball ****.

    I have no idea why but since the last update all my QT movies play back about only 4 secs of video, then i hear sound but the picture gets stuck, then on YouTube i get nothing but the beach-ball, i have to force quit firefox etc etc
    Anyone else experiencing this?
    I have over 120GB free on my drive, a external 750GB media drive for iPhoto docs and a 320GB Sata to USB 2.5" drive, all worked perfect until the last update.

    i have some problems too.
    Expecially for some youtube videos or someother flash/director streaming files.
    Actually Director/Shockware plugin works horrible on new Mac intel models.
    I try to install also version 10 of this plug in (it's a beta) but nothing new.
    For some videos it's possible to watch them but it's not possible to forward the timeline or put it in full screen mode. this occurs very rarely on YouTube but very often on other streaming video sites.
    The only remedy if you need to watch them is restarting Safari or Firefox under Rosetta, doing so flash/director plugins are loaded in PPC instead of Intel.
    It's not funny but it works.
    only a note:
    as i remember , CNN uses Windows Media Video codecs in their streams so it's better you install
    WindowsMedia component (it's free) from Microsoft Mac site ( or

  • Slow and spinning beach balls after 10.8.2 update

    After the initial install of ML 10.8 for the most part the sytem seemed to run fine.  Very few snags.  But after the 10.8.1 and now the 10.8.2 updates I am finding slower and slower times for programs to boot and waiting to be able to type anything and spinning beach balls all the time.  I have noticed this continuously bringing up the contacts program, MS word, Pages, Apple Mail etc.   Initial booting of the computer is slower as well and often has a frozen beach ball for a minute or so before it unfreezes and proceeds.  Also huge slow down in printing from my wifi printer which before was super fast.  I have reset the SMC, Pram, did disk permission repairs and all of those items.  Nothing has changed anything.  This is a early 15" 2011 MBP unit with 8 gig of ram, 750 gig hard drive with only 250 gig in use, 2.2 I7 processor and Graphics  Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB.  All software is updated to latest versions.  This slower and slower and waiting thing is getting continuously worse all the time and very annoying.   If anyone has any ideas I am open to suggestions to find a solution.  Thanks much.

    Seems we have a lot of people with simular problems but a lot of different combonations.  Cleaning caches, reseting Pram, taking almost everything out of login items even using a program to defrag the unit,  (mine is not a SSD drive), making sure all apps etc. are up to date and are ML ok etc. I have all done.  I even had the unit tested by the Gen. Bar guys to make sure the hardware was ok including the drive even though I was pretty sure it was as I did not have this problem before ML.  All checked out fine.  I have not in the past had any problem with Time Machine backups but??????????   I only use a usb external and plug it in when I want to do a back up so it is not doing the backup thing all the time.  I have thought of doing the erase and clean install  which will be a huge amount of work but I have read many postings saying they have done that and it did not solve the problem so reluctant to do that if in the end I will spend two days for nothing?   Could go back to SL or Lion as I have bootable backups but why should I have to do this on a year old MBP to make it work properly?  Seems there ought to be a solution on this but Apple does not seem to have one?  As I said in my original post all seemed good for the first month of ML then it began going down hill and has continued to ever since.  I did notice last night that something strange seemed to help for a little while.  I loged out of the unit as I have auto login and when I relogged in all seemed much quicker and better but today it has started to slow down again?   I know everyone with this problem would like a solution!

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