Calculating line length in Java

Hi all;
I've been using LineBreakMeasurer & AttributedString to measure line lengths. However, I now need to take into account:
Small Caps
Scaling (making each character thinner/wider).
Spacing (adding/subtracting space after each character).
Hyphenation, where line breaks can occur at specific places within words.
Is there a way to do this using Java? The two fundamental things I need to get is:
How long is a passed in string.
For a passed in string and length, how many characters of the string fits in that length.
I can do this using LineBreakMeasurer & AttributedString and calling it character by character. But is there a better way?
thanks - dave

Hi, Have you had a look at the FontMetrics class? That might be an option.

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class WordAnalyser extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private JMenuItem jmiAc, jmiSil, jmiCikis, jmiAnaliz, jmiHakkinda, jmiKullanim;
    private JTextArea jta1, jta2;
    private JFileChooser jFileChooser = new JFileChooser();
    File hafizada;
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    frame.setVisible(true); /* Gorunebilirligi ayarlanir */
    public WordAnalyser()
    setTitle("Serkan Ozgen Dosya Inceleme Programina Hos Geldiniz");
    JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar();
    JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("Dosya");
    JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("Degerlendirme");
    JMenu kullanimMenu = new JMenu("Kullanim Kilavuzu");
    fileMenu.add(jmiAc = new JMenuItem("Ac", 'A'));
    fileMenu.add(jmiSil = new JMenuItem("Sil", 'S'));
    fileMenu.add(jmiCikis = new JMenuItem("Cikis", 'C'));
    helpMenu.add(jmiAnaliz = new JMenuItem("Analiz", 'D'));
    helpMenu.add(jmiHakkinda = new JMenuItem("Hakkinda", 'H'));
    kullanimMenu.add(jmiKullanim = new JMenuItem("Kullanim"));     
    getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(jta1 = new JTextArea()), BorderLayout.CENTER);
    getContentPane().add(jta2 = new JTextArea(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    String actionCommand = e.getActionCommand();
    if (e.getSource() instanceof JMenuItem)
    if ("Ac".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Sil".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Cikis".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Analiz".equals(actionCommand))
    else if ("Hakkinda".equals(actionCommand))
    "!!!! Bu program text analizi gerceklestirir. Her hakki saklidir SERKAN OZGEN!!!!",
    "Bu program hakkinda",
    else if ("Kullanim".equals(actionCommand))
         " Ilk once dosya menusunden Ac i tiklayarak analiz etmek istediginiz Dosyayi seciniz (Lutfen uzantisi *.txt \nveya *.log olsun). Daha sonra Degerlendirme menusunden analizi tiklarsaniz dosyanizda kac adet rakam, harf, \ncumle ve kelime oldugunu gorebilirsiniz. Simdiden kolay gelsin",
         "Programin kullanim detaylari",
    private void Ac()
    if (jFileChooser.showOpenDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
    hafizada = jFileChooser.getSelectedFile();
    // Acilan Dosyayi ana ekranda gostermeye yariyan bir method
    private void Ac(File file)
    // Acilan dosyayi okuma ve ana ekranda gosterme
    BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
    byte[] b = new byte[in.available()];, 0, b.length);
    jta1.append(new String(b, 0, b.length));
    catch (IOException ex)
    // Temizle tusunun hangi ekranlara etki edecegini secme
    private void Sil()
    private void sayim()
    int buff;
    int sayac = 0;
    int Cumleler = 0;
    int Kelimeler = 0;
    int Karakterler = 0;
    int Satirlar = 0;
    int Rakamlar = 0;     
    boolean start = true;
    int linenum = 0;     
    FileInputStream instream = new FileInputStream(hafizada);
    FileOutputStream outstream = new FileOutputStream(aktarilan);
         BufferedReader infile = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(hafizada)));
    PrintStream out = new PrintStream(outstream);
         out.println("---Kelime Avcisinin Sonuclari---");
         String line = infile.readLine();
         while (line != null){
         int len = line.length();
         line = infile.readLine();
         out.println("Line Length :"     + linenum + "\t" +len);
    while (( != -1)
    case '?': case '.': case '!': /* Eger "?", "." veya "!" gorurse program cumleleri ve kelimeleri arttirir*/
    if (start == false)
    start = true;
    case ' ': case '\t': case ',': case ';': case ':': case'\"': case'\'': /* Eger /t,;:\ ve \" bu isarteleri goruruse program kelimeleri arttirir */
    if (start == false)
    start = true;
              case 'n': case '\n': /* Eger \n gorurse satirlari arttirir */
              if (start == false)
                   start = true;
    if (((char)buff >= 'a' && (char)buff<='z')|| /*a-z, A-Z veya - degerlerini gorurse karakterler arttirilir */
    ((char)buff >= 'A' && (char)buff<='Z')||
    ((char)buff == '-'))
    if ((Kelimeler % 50) == 49)
    if (start == true)
    out.print((Kelimeler+1) + " ");
    start = false;
              if ((char)buff >='0' && (char)buff <='9') {  /* 0-9 gorurse rakamlari arttiri */
                   Rakamlar++; }
    }// switch
    out.println("Karakter sayisi: " + Karakterler);
         out.println("Kelime sayisi: " + Kelimeler);
    out.println("Cumle sayisi: " + Cumleler);
         out.println("Satir sayisi: "+ Satirlar);
         out.println("Rakam sayisi: "+ Rakamlar);
    BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(aktarilan));
    byte[] b = new byte[in.available()];, 0, b.length);
    jta2.append(new String(b, 0, b.length));
    catch (IOException ex)
    catch (Exception e)

    Why is it that you're not interested in IOExceptions?
    catch (IOException ex)
    } Empty catch blocks is a hallmark of foolish Java code. At least print out the stack trace.

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    In other words the label will not resize dynamically to accommodate a long custom label.
    Of course not. You've chosen a specific label style/size, so if it were to resize dynamically, that would cause text to print where there is no label stock.
    You cannot edit any file to change the number of characters per label; at best, you could creae your own label size and define the margins, but that's it.

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    Well the easiest way would be to put line breaks when you want them.
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           |                      |                |              |
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    in the beginning of the report program:
    report  <program_name> line-size <give the length say eg:150>.
    <b>reward points if useful.</b>
    Vinod Samuel.

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    status: default
    type: integer
    value: 72
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    Dear Diana,
    This seems really antiquated. I can't think of any discussion groups I belong to that ask you to set the line length of my contributions.
    Whatever. Since no one has replied to you, I offer a completely clunky way of doing this. I can't see where Mail has this capability/preference setting.
    Anyway, go to barebones software's web site and download the free application TextWrangler. It's just a text editing program. BBedit will do the job too but I'm assuming you don't have that.
    In TextWrangler, set up a document with a 60 character width (open a new document, go to Edit-->Text Options... and check "Soft Wrap Text" and under the "to character width" option put "60" in the box).
    You can save this document with a silly name so you don't have to create it every time you want to format a mail.
    Next, either compose a mail in the document or paste your text into it.
    It will be 60 characters wide at this point, but the breaks will be "soft"; you need to go to Text-->Add Line Breaks. Now you can copy your text and paste it into an email.
    This sounds like a lot of steps but it is easy. You could probably Applescript it.
    Anyway, there is probably a much better answer to your question, but I didn't want to leave you hanging longer. Once your problem leaves the front page it gets less and less attention.
    Also, note that in Mail preferences you can find the option to compose and send mails as plain text rather than rich text.
    G4 933 mhz Quicksilver   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Wacom Intuos 2 tablet; Epson 2400 Photo; HP Deskjet 6840; LaCie 80gb D2 FWDV

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    Could my explanation be correct? If so, how can I change the line limit to a bigger value?

    Hi Martin,
    I might not have explaned enough the issue. I dont want to edit the file with vi, this was just what I experienced on the side. My real problem is, that Solaris doesnt know this group, even though it is in /etc/group!
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    bash-2.05$ id
    uid=21345(ab123) gid=10000
    bash-2.05$ groups
    getent doesnt know the group too:
    bash-2.05$ getent group gp_everyone
    [No output]
    And this is constrained by the Solaris system as I think. Because of the limited line length. Do you know how to reconfigure Solaris 9 and 10 for a longer line length?
    big thanks

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    Kind Regards,
    --Holger Klwitter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    See: [|]

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    Look at JFreeChart, it contains tools to draw many different charts and graphs.

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    There is no limit to the record length of an internal table.
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    i was just adviced to stick to default line length in abap editor as 72 [which ABAP recommends too] or else in complex and lengthy programs it will generate core dump !!
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    thanks in advance

    ABAP is not new language. It old language and intiallly it support the 72 character per row. Which is the non graphical display support maximum 80 column per row and each row has begin some previlage space around the 8 characters. 
    But after each release and graphical display come to exist, It support more then 72 character per line, it is not mandatory but in case of dynamic program(program generate runtime). it has internal check  character per rows should not be 72 character/line. For dynamic program you should have to restict the line size which should not go beyond the 72 character.
    Kind Regards
    Ravishankar Lanjewar
    Moderator Message: Please check the date of the original post before replying. Thread locked.
    Message was edited by: Suhas Saha

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    use concat(String yourString). This will append yourString to the end of your first String.

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    We are using a FTP adapter in our BPEL service to read the input files from a FTP server location.
    Our service fails when the input file has more than 99 lines or if the length of the line exceeds 9 characters.
    Max allowed characters in a line (Max line length) is 9
    Max allowed lines in the file is 99
    If the above limit is exceeded we get the error saying that the FTP authentication failed or permission denied error.
    Do we need to set the Max line length and Max line parameters anywhere in weblogic console or in JCA properties.
    Kindly help us resolve the issue. Thanks in advance.
    Balaji R

    We do not have any schema for the file data since we are reading the file content as attachment.

Maybe you are looking for

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