CalDav CardDav contacts sync (Google or CardScan)?

i am running iOS7/iPhone and Mavericks/MBP and Lion/Mac Pro in a small business.
i would like to get a set of contacts in Google synced to my various devices WITH the groups/categories. right now if i do this by checking the "Contacts" box in my GMail acount in Mavericks on my laptop i get all my contacts without the categories/groups which is useless.
does anyone know if there is a way to do this with CalDav CardDav sync? i am thinking that perhaps i can do this by uploading my contacts to Google Contacts or by somehow posting my contacts database as an export from CardScan.
i ran across these articles which look mighty interesting.

I have the same problem. Is CardDAV passing contact groups?

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    Try going to Settings>iCloud on your iPad, turn contacts off, choose Delete from My iPad when prompted (any iCloud contacts will still be in iCloud), then turn contacts on again and choose Merge when prompted.  Then go to Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars>Default Account (in the contacts section) and make sure it's set to your iCloud account.  Then add a test contact on your iPad and see if it syncs properly now.

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    Hello gailmartyjax,
    Congratulations on the new iPad mini!  You can follow the steps below to have your Gmail Contacts sync to your iPad mini:
    Tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account > Other > Add CardDav Account.
    Enter the following information in the fields:
    User Name: Enter your full Google email address
    Password: Your Google account password
    Select Next at the top of the screen to complete the setup.
    After you have completed the setup, open the Contacts app on your device. Syncing should begin automatically.
    You can find the full article at the link below:
    iOS: Syncing with Google Contacts
    Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Communities!
    Sheila M.

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    Keep in mind that turning off 2-step verification reduces the level of security associated with the Google account.  If you want to maintain it and sync your google contacts, here is what to do:
    Access your Google account settings.  If you are in Gmail, simply click on your e-mail address in the upper-right corner and select the 'Account' link.
    Click 'Security' in the left sidebar.  Then click 'Settings' under the 2-Step Verification section.
    You will be prompted to sign in again.  Once done, click the 'Manage application-specific passwords' link.
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    Use this password to log in as directed in the base CardDAV login process.

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    You can sync/manually mange iphone with one and only one computer.  If you sync/manually mange to anther, then it will erase the current content and replace with content from the new computer.
    What "trouble" are you having?

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    Sync your iPad with computer iTunes.
    Note: your contacts should be in computer Outlook (Windows) or Contacts (Mac) application.
    If you have iCloud configured in iPhone, do the same for iPad.
    Setttings > iCloud >
         Account: your Apple ID
         Contacts: ON
         Documents & Data: ON

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     PowerBook G4, Macintosh 512K     iPod nano (2nd Gen 8GB), iPhone (8GB)

    The Plaxo 3 non-pubic beta application currently supports only Mozilla and FireFox 1.5 and Internet Explorer 6. Safari support, and support for updated OS X thrid-party browsers, has not yet been released. To say that there are some anomalies and visual artifacts with Safari 2, would be an understatement. But, then, I often find this to be the case with beta—particularly, pre-public beta, software.
    The current release—build 356—supports these 'sync points:'
    • Mac OS X through a System Preferences pane
    • AOL and AIM
    • LinkedIn
    • mobile access
    • MSN and WIndows Live
    • Outlook
    • Outlook Express
    • Windows Mail
    • Yahoo
    It does not yet support Google. Or, not yet reliably or completely. The little 'hippo' that pops up periodically in the beta says, "Google Calendar Sync has been temporarily disabled. We are working diligently to resolve the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience."
    The verdict at the moment: contact synchronization performs as it always has with Plaxo. Calendar synchronization is clearly not yet ready for prime-time, even to the Plaxo 3 web interface itself.

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    "Sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly."
    I've force stopped and Cleared Data on the "Contacts Storage" in Application Manager.
    I've removed and re-added the Google account.
    I've done a factory reset.
    I've done multiple combinations of the above 3.
    Can you get me a quick fix, put me on a beta Lolipop, or revert me back to the previous stable build of Android?

        I'm sorry you can't sync your e-mail accounts with your Galaxy since the update CoolGeorge. I would be extremely frustrated if my accounts weren't syncing. Let's get this fixed. When did you get the update on your phone? Do other apps sync on the phone? (Such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Please try removing the accounts from your phone, clear the memory, , then restart the phone. Once this is completed, turn phone back on, download the accounts again, and try to sync. Let's see if this helps. Please keep us posted.
    Thank you,
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    However, if I create a contact on my mobile phone, it isn't being sent to Google. For the life of me, I can't see any options or setting to send new phone contacts to Google, either manually or automatically.
    Shouldn't a sync work both ways? On my last phone this "just worked".
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,

    Settings > accounts > google > are you syncing contacts?
    do you have stamina mode on? 
    data or wifi on?
    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

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    I have exactly the same issue.  I updraged my iphone4 to iOS 5.0.1 and iTunes to version  I'm also running Windows7, but 32bit. 
    And I can also confirm this used to work both ways. 
    Good thing is that the iTunes backup and restore kept the new iPhone contacts on my device during the upgrade.  But they are still not syncing to google. 
    So the bad news is that its broken and has been for some time now. 

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