Calendar auto accepts from email

How can I stop my BB calendar from adding invite updates etc. from email notifications from Google calendar. I get an email & look at it & I am not given the option of accepting or not.

Hey sdm4524,
Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
Do you have wireless calendar synchronization currently enabled for the gmail account?  I would suggest checking under Email Settings.
As well the calendar appointment will appear if it is sent via email but you will need to decline the appointment to remove the appointment.
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    Perfect, thank you!

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    I think it was designed that way for security reasons. If you are trying to send multiple files maybe you could create a folder and copy the files there and then send that one folder. Once received then you could place the files in the proper locations.

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    7:43 PM Friday; December 10, 2010
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    From Calendar Help. The only two ways listed are using the Import command or a drag and drop.
    Import events into a calendar
    If you want, create a new calendar for the events.Add or delete a calendar
    Choose File > Import > Import.
    Locate and select the calendar file that contains the events, and then click Import.
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    You might be able to set up and Automator action to do it for you.

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    As suggested above, Message tracking is your option to get these reports into your environment.
    To gather more information about, you may walk through this informative technet resource :
    Here is another :
    Moreover, if you wish to find this report into real time, you may consider on this automated solution ( that could be a good alternative approach for you.

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    Deleting the iPod photo cache may help.
    Instructions here >  iTunes: Understanding the iPod Photo Cache folder - Apple Support

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    Hi Darran,
    If there is no delegate configured, no rules and calendar processing is also set properly, please switch Outlook to Online mode to check whether the issue persists. Also close Outlook and receive test meeting request directly in OWA to double check the mailbox
    would not automatically process the meeting in OWA.
    If the issue happens in Outlook Online mode but not continues in OWA, please restart Outlook in safe mode or change a new computer with fresh Outlook 2010 to have a try.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Rogers BB Support will not support me.

    Hey RalleyMeister,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Thanks for the question.
    I would suggest checking out this KB article on data that is not migrated over to the BlackBerry Z10:
    Your best bet is to synchronize the calendar and contacts from the BlackBerry Torch 9810 to Microsoft Outlook or a Gmail account and then have it synchronized wirelessly to your BlackBerry Z10.   Follow the steps in this blog to setup Outlook to wirelessly synchronize that data:
    Let me know if you have any more questions.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
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    The computer entering sleep mode would also be a problem, but a script could change that, or in my case, my Mac won't enter sleep on its own...

    Great news Brandon! I figured it out! Facetime will now quit 10 seconds after an inactive call, and the script will continue to run. Keep in mind, if someone knows your facetime email or appleID you have setup with this computer, they to can see what you see if they call.
    Here's the updated code:
    tell application "System Events" to set theCount to the count of (processes whose name is "Facetime")
    if theCount = 0 then
    do shell script "sleep 1"
    tell application "FaceTime" to activate
    do shell script "sleep 2"
    tell application "FaceTime" to activate
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "FaceTime"
    if name of front window contains "with" then
    do shell script "sleep 5"
    tell application "System Events" to activate application "FaceTime"
    keystroke return
    do shell script "sleep 5"
    -- Check to see if call is active
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "FaceTime"
    if name of front window contains "with" then
    do shell script "sleep 5"
    -- Check to see if call is not active
    tell application "FaceTime" to quit
    do shell script "sleep 5"
    end if
    end tell
    end if
    end tell
    end if
    end repeat
    *-- END SCRIPT HERE --*

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    Don't have LV handy to open the old code, but I did read through the thread you referenced.  It sounds like the example configured 2 counters to create the variable-freq finite pulse train and configured a 3rd counter to count the # steps generated as verification.   That 3rd counter would be a problem for you as there is no internal timing signal connection between your 2 USB devices.  You would need to run a physical wire connection and change some of the config code to match.  Alternately, you could just delete all the code associated with the 3rd counter for now because it isn't strictly necessary.
    Further advice/questions:  Are you planning on a pure sine wave of frequency such that you oscillate with both positive and negative velocity (example: varying from -1000 to +1000 Hz clockwise)?  Or is there a nominal average frequency with a small sine wave superimposed (example: nominal of 1000 Hz clockwise, variation of +/- 50 Hz)?
    I *think* you may be dealing with more of a continuous pulsetrain situation, which is actually much simpler.  You would only need 1 counter/timer, though you would still perform the freq changes in a timed loop which uses the pulsetrain as its timing source.  You'd just need to keep track of your total elapsed time so you could figure out the right sinusoidal freq value at the moment you're ready to update it.
    Another subtlety to watch out for if you're oscillating about 0 velocity  -- don't try to create a frequency that is lower than the rate at which you need to update.  Also, with steppers you may have mechanical stability issues at low freqs like 10's to low 100's of Hz.    These kinds of things may need to be managed as special cases which force you to deviate from a "pure" sine wave.
    -Kevin P.

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    My calendar is on I cloud and I access it from three different computers so I can keep my appointment calendar current. The files that send the email only exist on one computer. My other computers show error messages when those emails get sent. It seems that each computer wants to send the email. It's a small problem but is there a way that I could not get those alerts.
    But appreciate any thoughts about this. It seems like both problems might be related to the iCloud system.
    Thank you in advance,

    Good work, catch so far Michael, does seem to be a "feature" of iCloud syncing, not sure what you could do to disable it.

  • Firefox has suddenly gone wrong. I was successfully running both Firefox and Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7. I auto-accept upgrades including the most recent Firefox upgrade and the suggested upgrade to Adobe Flash 10.1. But after this, Firefox stopped

    Firefox has suddenly gone wrong. I was successfully running both Firefox and Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7. My laptop is new and has plenty of RAM and HDD. I auto-accept upgrades including the most recent Firefox upgrade and the suggested upgrade to Adobe Flash 10.1. But after this, Firefox stopped working and does not work when I re-load Firefox 3.6. Also IE8 now works very slowly and does not locate major websites like Microsoft without a 'can't find the website message' and having to pressing Return a second time. When I do get to the Mozilla website and click on the button to try to download Firefox 3.6.6, I get this message "Oops! Internet Explorer could not find". Can you help with what has gone wrong? As it stands, I can't use Firefox at all. Note: because Firefox did not work after the upgrade, I've downloaded the IE8 version of the Adobe Flash 10.1. What I really want is to be able to use both Firefox and IE8. But is this possible if they use different versions of Adobe Flash?
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == About 2-3 days ago ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.5; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; Tablet PC 2.0; .NET4.0C)

    I have been having the same problem as the original poster. After upgrading to Ffx 3.6.6, the program asks you to upgrade to Flash Player Plugin 10.1. I download and installed 10.1 only to find videos weren't loading.
    In my case, the problem is the previous installation of Flash Player (9.0.47) was somehow messing things up. To fix this, because I already had Flash plugin 10.1 installed I had to uninstall 10.1 using the uninstaller from adobe and then manually remove any files related the old flash player plugin 9.0.47
    Here is a run-down of my process:
    0. To check if you have a previous installation of the Flash Plugin lurking around, in Firefox go to Tools -> Add-ons -> Plugins (tab). At this point you may seen both Flash plugins.
    1. Proceed to uninstall Flash Plugin 10.1. Adobe provides an uninstaller here:
    ( you have to make sure you have nothing running when you execute the installer).
    2. On my Mac (sorry I don't know what it is in Windows) I searched the hard drive for any files/folders with "Shockwave". I found a folder called "Shockwave 10". It wasn't removed by Adobe's uninstaller. For safety I deleted it and then emptied the trash.
    3. I then went to My HD -> Library -> Internet Plugins.
    Remove the file and folder named "Flash player.old"
    4. Restarted; ran the Adobe Flash Player 10.1 installer. Restarted again.
    5. Opened up ffx and double checked the plugins list (see step 1). Version 10.1 is installed and available. Went to problem sites to test it out and Success!
    Hope this helps.

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