Calendar - new appointment default start/end dates straddle days

When I make a new appointment in on my iphone calendar the default start time is 11pm and default end time is 12am this setting is across two days. If I do not change the time and simply turn on All Day Event, because the default start and end is across two days it assumes the All Day Event is for both days. This is annoying as i need to change the time to a single day period before going to All Day. How can I change the default setting.

Welcome to Apple Discussions.
Unfortunately, that display option is not available in the month view.
I suggest that you provide Apple - iCal - Feedback.

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    Enter an item in the application which holds the start date of the calendar. The format of the date in this item must be YYYYMMDD.
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    Best regards,
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    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Gaurav,
    this shifting of the dates is likely a "feature" of the scheduling process. As soon as a calendar has been maintained for the objects the weekends are taken into account and the dates determined for the object being subject of scheduling and it is enforced that the dates are working days.
    To answer your question, if you maintained a calendar without weekends and public holidays - or no calendar at all - this shift won't occur.
    Hoping this helps...
    Best regards,

  • Need help in query to display dates as start, end dates

    I am trying the following output from the below table structure, data
    StartDAte Endate Reason          duration
    12-02-09 12:00:00 12-02-09 13:10:20 planned activity 1:10:20
    01-04-09 08:30:34 01-04-09 15:00:20 planned activity 6:30:34
    12-04-09 17:10:45 12-04-09 17:11:04 unplanned activity 0.10
    23-05-09 22:00:11 23:05-09 22:15:09 planned activity 0.15
    Mdate Reason omode host
    12-02-09 12:00:00 planned activity st 366
    12-02-09 13:10:20 planned activity ed 366
    01-04-09 08:30:34 planned activity st 366
    01-04-09 15:00:20 planned activity ed 366
    12-04-09 17:10:45 unplanned activity st 366
    12-04-09 17:11:04 unplanned activity ed 366
    23-05-09 22:00:11 planned activity st 366
    23:05-09 22:15:09 planned activity ed 366
    i tried with individual query but not able to get the output in combined way of start, end dates together with calculation of time difference, i tried using case options but not successful in resolve it.
    select to_char(mdate,'dd-mm-yyyyy hh24:mi:ss')startdate, reason
    from date_md where omode like 'st'
    order by o_char(mdate,'dd-mm-yyyyy hh24:mi:ss')startdate;
    select to_char(mdate,'dd-mm-yyyyy hh24:mi:ss')enddate, reason
    from date_md where omode like 'ed'
    order by o_char(mdate,'dd-mm-yyyyy hh24:mi:ss')enddate;
    any suggestions on type of query should be used is welcomed.

    Or maybe
    SQL>  WITH t AS (SELECT TO_DATE ('12-02-09 12:00:00',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS')
                      'planned activity' activity,
                      'st' start_end,
                      366 HOST
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT TO_DATE ('12-02-09 13:10:20',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'planned activity',
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT TO_DATE ('01-04-09 08:30:34',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'planned activity',
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT TO_DATE ('01-04-09 15:00:20',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'planned activity',
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT TO_DATE ('12-04-09 17:10:45',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'unplanned activity',
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT TO_DATE ('12-04-09 17:11:04',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'unplanned activity',
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT TO_DATE ('23-05-09 22:00:11',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'planned activity',
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT TO_DATE ('23-05-09 22:15:09',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'planned activity',
               FROM DUAL)
    SELECT MIN (event_date) startdate,
           MAX (event_date) enddate,
           MAX (activity) reason,
           NUMTODSINTERVAL (MAX (event_date) - MIN (event_date),
    FROM t
    GROUP BY TRUNC (event_date)
    STARTDATE             ENDDATE               REASON             DURATION                                         
    23.05.2009 22:00:11   23.05.2009 22:15:09   planned activity   +00 00:14:57.999999                              
    12.02.2009 12:00:00   12.02.2009 13:10:20   planned activity   +00 01:10:19.999999                              
    01.04.2009 08:30:34   01.04.2009 15:00:20   planned activity   +00 06:29:45.999999                              
    12.04.2009 17:10:45   12.04.2009 17:11:04   unplanned activity +00 00:00:18.999999                              
    4 rows selected.

  • Start/End Date parameters that check day of week and using to set default values.

    I've got a report that presents data between a start and an end date.
    I want it to check if it's a monday and present data from the previous week, otherwise present data from this week.
    For the "Default" value of parameter @startdate, I've got the following expression:
    =iif(WeekdayName(DatePart("w", Today)) = "Monday",DateAdd("d",-8,Today()),DATEADD("d", 1 - DATEPART(DateInterval.WeekDay, Today(),FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday), Today()))
    for @enddate I've got default value:
    =iif(WeekdayName(DatePart("w", Today)) = "Monday",DateAdd("d",-1,Today()),DATEADD("d", 7 - DATEPART(DateInterval.WeekDay, Today(),FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday), Today()))
    but it doesn't appear to be working, I've checked 
    WeekdayName(DatePart("w", Today))
    as an expression in a text box and it evaluates to Monday but my IIF statement above always uses the DATEADD line therefore not returning "Monday" as the value (even though it is).
    Is it a problem that the parameters are of Data/Time data type and I'm trying to evaluate as type text?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks :)

    =IIf(DateDiff(DateInterval.Day,CDate("01/01/1900"),Today) Mod 7 =0,DateAdd(DateInterval.WeekOfYear,DateDiff(DateInterval.WeekOfYear,CDate("01/01/1900"),Today)-1,CDate("01/01/1900")),DateAdd(DateInterval.WeekOfYear,DateDiff(DateInterval.WeekOfYear,CDate("01/01/1900"),Today),CDate("01/01/1900")))
    =IIf(DateDiff(DateInterval.Day,CDate("01/01/1900"),Today) Mod 7 =0,DateAdd(DateInterval.Day,-1,DateAdd(DateInterval.WeekOfYear,DateDiff(DateInterval.WeekOfYear,CDate("01/01/1900"),Today),CDate("01/01/1900"))),DateAdd(DateInterval.Day,-1,DateAdd(DateInterval.WeekOfYear,DateDiff(DateInterval.WeekOfYear,CDate("01/01/1900"),Today)+1,CDate("01/01/1900"))))
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
    Please Mark This As Helpful if it helps to solve your issue
    This one works but it results to be between monday and saturday, how to make it between sunday and saturday?

  • How can I change the default start-up date for a new functional location?

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    That field is generally picked up from the immediate superior FL in the hierarchy through the inheritance functionality.You will have to overwrite this date.I dont think you can clear this field through Configuration functionality.
    If you are in Ecc 6.0, you could get the help of developer to use implicit enhancement to initialize the field contents.

  • Not able to update Start/End Date with updateUser API

    Hello all,
    I am trying to update start and end date using the updateUser API, but the dates are not being set. I know the updateUser call works since I tested by changing the user's first name and it worked fine (verified through OIM web app). Below is the code that I am using to update as well as the sample values I am using. No exceptions are thrown either. I am clueless of what the problem can be. Also, one of my client's request is to also display the time of when those values where updated (through a custom web app that I am building). Is that posible? Before I was getting the time on where the call to userUpdate was made and appending that to the values I was setting in the hash table, but started using 0s for the time since that's what I read on a thread on this forum (Re: (OIM) Timestamp format must be yyyy-mm-dd.....
    Sample Values
    startDate = 2010-11-08
    endDate = 2010-12-09
    String startDateStr = startDate.toString() + " 00:00:00.000";
    String endDateStr = endDate.toString() + " 00:00:00.000";
    printout of the above strings
    startDateStr = 2010-11-08 00:00:00.000
    endDateStr = 2010-12-09 00:00:00.000
    Hashtable<String,String> attrValues = new Hashtable<String,String>();
    attrValues.put("Users.Start Date", activateDateStr);
    attrValues.put("Users.End Date", inactivateDateStr);
    usrOps.updateUser(rsUser, attrValues);
    Please help me out I've been stuck on this issue for too long now.
    Thank you!
    Edited by: cri_cri_99 on Jun 23, 2009 12:46 PM

    It is working fine for me.
    Map strDate = new HashMap();
    strDate.put("Users.Start Date", "*2009-06-24 12:01:56.000000000*");
    moUserUtility.updateUser(userResultSet, strDate);
    It will show you in DB as *24-JUN-09*. I don't understand what you are asking more in your thread.
    But updateUser API is working with this format. If you are getting time from some application, convert it to this format and run.
    If you need any help, let me know.
    Edited by: Dost

  • Setting Custom XML = Yes in resource gantt chart removes start & end dates

    I'm having a strange issue with a Resource Gantt chart in Apex 4.0.2.
    I built the chart using the Wizard and changed nothing from the defaults. Everything looks/acts fine on the chart when Use Custom XML = No. But I wanted to change a couple things like cell alignment and width, so I set this to Yes and modified the column attributes in the XML code. After doing so, when running the report, the values for Start Date and End Date are not showing. This is happening in both the datagrid and the tooltips, but the timeline is still showing the right information (ie a bar from start to end), so I know it still knows what the correct start and end dates are.
    Thinking I accidentally messed something up, I deleted the chart and recreated it (again, from the wizard). This time, I went back and only set Use Custom XML = Yes but did not change anything within the XML code itself. To my surprise, the dates were still missing. If I set it back to No then they reappear.
    Has anyone seen this before and/or know a way to fix it?
    ~ John

    Hej John,
    APEX itself is using a field substitution "&DATE_FORMAT." to insert the date format into the XML file. This field substituion is used in may location in the default XML. APEX standard action is to substitute it with the value specified in the Gantt Setting "Date Format". This substitution takes place many places in the default XML file.
    Enabling custum XLM also means disabling APEX XML handling, the substitution does not take place, the "&DATE_FORMAT." contains in this case a null value.
    The default XML file, which can be viewed in apex developer mode, looks like:
    Start Date: {%ActualStart}{dateTimeFormat:&DATE_FORMAT.}
    The runtime XML, which can be viewed in debug mode, contains something like:
    Start Date: {2011.07.21 00:00:00}{dateTimeFormat:}
    ...a null value is not a valid AnaGantt date format.
    Two solutions:
    a) insert a correct AnyGannt date formatter in the custom XML like
    Start Date: {%ActualStart}{dateTimeFormat%YYYY.%MM.%dd %HH:%mm:%SS}
    b) create a field DATE_FORMAT on page containg the chart and intialize it with the AnyGantt date formatter like %YYYY.%MM.%dd %HH:%mm:%SS".
    When running the page the substitution will take place usually.

  • What is correct way to join a start/end date driven dimension to a fact table in data foundation?

    I have a bad universe or a data design issue. 
    Several versions of hierarchies reporting store entities in reporting Fact measures.
    Example of date driven Hierarchy Dimension:   ORG_KEY
                                                                                CURR_FLG   (Y/N)        
    Fact table  :                                                         ORG_KEY
    Calendar Dimension:                                            CALENDAR_KEY
                                                                                   FY_WEEK          (201452)
                                                                                    FY_PERIOD      (201412)
                                                                                    FY_QUARTER   (201401)
                                                                                     FISCAL_YEAR    (2014)
    Users WISH:
    Wish for store number and org hierarchy to pull as of the last day of each pull without prompt.    The Store(ORG_KEY) as in the fact table; but the ORG_HIERARCHY and other attributes as of the last day they pull.
    Daily (Would be Calendar.Day_Date in Filter) ,
    Week to date (would be Max Calendar.Day_Date for (201452) FY_WEEK  as entered,
    Month to date,
    Year to date, 
    AdHoc queries.  
    My problem is I see how they could manually pull this in Webi.   I have tried everything I know to join to no avail.  I have not gotten @Prompts to work in joins, derived tables, etc.  in the data foundation.  Wonder what is difference between parameter in Data foundation vs. filter in buisness layer.    None of them worked. 
    Please help!   ANY ideas would be appreciated.   .

    {Note that abbrevations in brackets are just for short form further down the answer}
    Join Store Dim (SD) to Transaction Fact (TF) on ORG_KEY=ORG_KEY with 1 to Many cardinality
    Create an alias of Calendar Dim and call it Transaction Date (TD)
    Join TD to TF on TD.CALENDAR_KEY=TF.CALENDAR_KEY with 1 to Many cardinality
    Create a predefined condition in your universe called "Return Yesterday's Transactions" as:
    TD.DAY_DATE = trunc(sysdate-1) <-- That assumes Oracle database; use whatever is correct for yesterday for your RDBMS
    The above predefined condition when added to your data query will return only yesterday's transactions.
    However, if you want to return all the different types of sales, you would need an object for each one. To do that, you'd use a case statement. Again, using Oracle syntax, an example of MTD would be:
    SUM(CASE WHEN trunc(TD.DAY_DATE,'yyyymm') = trunc(sysdate,'yyyymm') THEN TF.amount END)
    If you have any more questions about how this approach would work please shout.
    As an alternative, you could create a time hierarchy and add scope of analysis to your report for it and enable drilling at report level.

  • Need a FM for gettng starting & ending date based on the settlement period

    I have to filter a database table based on the settlement period( IDENT3 ) and the field available is of date field. Can anyone give me a function module by which can calculate the starting date and ending date by providing the settlement period ( eg. AM- Monthly, AQ- Quarterly, AJ- Annually,  etc ) and date.
    Thanx in advance.

    Hi Sumanth,
    Please use the function module 'DATE_CONVERT_TO_FACTORYDATE' to get the start date and end date for the particular factory calender.
    For end date:
    CORRECT_OPTION                  +
    DATE                                       sy-datum
    FACTORY_CALENDAR_ID        Aq(quaterly)
    For start date:
    CORRECT_OPTION                  -
    DATE                                       sy-datum
    FACTORY_CALENDAR_ID        Aq(quaterly)
    According to sy-datum, it will calculate the Extreme  interval .

  • Addition of  Start & end date fields in the View 'My team's open leads' .

    Dear all,
                 I want to add Lead Sart date & Expected  End date in the personalize list of view 'My team's open Leads' in the Overview page of Lead management
      I tried it by changing the field name in PDVField as                                           LEAD_DATE_START/visibility=false ' for start date in the detailed view of I view ' 'My team's open leads'.But it is not reflecting in Personalize list of fields.
    Can any body give solution to this ASAP as it is high priority requirement.
    Maximum points would be rewarded for solution.
    Basavaraj V.Patil

    I have a similar problem.  There appear to be some configurable attributes in the iview such as 'PDVField' and 'Column'. The PDVField attribute contains values such as 'QUAL_LEVEL_MAN_TXT/visibility=true'. When running the iview, this field is visible. However when I change this setting to false, the field is still visible. There is a PDVCachingOn field and this I have set to false however this also seems to make no difference.
    Regarding the 'column' field, I have no idea what can be done here as the initial value is blank.
    The suggestion in the post above requires customising the standard iView. That may be the case, but clearly the purpose of these 'configurable' attributes does not seem to be very clear.

  • Planning attributes in and start/end dates in a cell

    Hi. In Planning, can I make use of attribute dimensions as I would in a BSO Essbase cube?
    Also can I enter a start date and an end date entry in two different account members (e.g., start_date and end_date)?

    Yes, I believe you can use it.
    And you can change the Account member Data type as Date. Then use these Accounts in the Planning Web Form. Form will give you facility to select the Date...

  • Billing plan value with reference to start & End date

    Hi Experts,
    Request your earliest support for the achieving the below requirement.
    Scenario:We have Billing plan set up for the all contracts - valid for one year.Monthly rental amount for each contract item is maintained as base price for the contract. When the billing plans starts in the middle of the month then, the billing value need to be calculated only for the relevant no of days in 'settlement' and 'To' date of billing plan. How to achieve this?     
    Net value of the contract item
    Net value of the item   102.00  GBP     
    Tax  for the item         15.30          
    Net value of billing plan for the contract item                                                                                .
    Item Net value  408.00                GBP                                                         
    Billing plan and contract validity details for contract item                                                                               
    Billing Plan Type - PM- Monthly in Advance                                    51- Monthly on First of                                                   
      Contract Start date       07/15/2009 (02)-Contract Start Date        Billing plan Dates from  07/16/2009  02                                    
      Contract plan End date 10/14/2009 (09)-Contract End Date          Billing plan Dates until 10/14/2009 09                                    
      Horizon -                                                                                Cal-Id - 01                                                                               
    Settlement       To                      Billing date         Bill.value    Crcy  Block  BillSt  Man.  Cor  PayT  DCat  Billing Ty  Price cal           
       07/16/2009      07/31/2009        08/01/2009         102.00       GBP   FA     A                                   01      ZC           01 -
    > This needs to calculated upon net value for 16 days only   
       08/01/2009      08/31/2009    09/01/2009              102.00       GBP   FA      A                                 01      ZC            01--->           between 07/16/2009 to 07/31/2009=102/31*16 = 52.65
       09/01/2009      09/30/2009   10/01/2009               102.00       GBP   FA      A                               01      ZC            01                  
       10/01/2009      10/14/2009    11/01/2009              102.00       GBP   FA      A                               01      ZC            01                                                                               
    Please suggest if this can be achieved through Billing plan configuration or any user exit that can be used to resolve the issue.

    as far as I know there is NO such standard report.
    you would try to build sap query based on VBAK/VBAP using VBFA checking LIKP/LIPS and VBRK/VBRP...
    but you may request abaper for more professional report with MKPF/MSEG and BKPF/BSEG

  • Script is throwing error - Comparing two dates (start/end dates)

    I do have two fields (dateRequested - start date & dateNeeded - end
    date) and I need to basically test to make sure that End date is not
    before the Start date. Also, I want to make sure if they are same
    date, they got this message " Contact Abdi".
    I am getting this error message: "Syntax error near token "=" Line 7
    Column 32.
    if(DateTimeNeeded.rawValue <> null and DateTimeRequested.rawValue <> null)
    then if(DateTimeNeeded.rawValue < DateTimeRequested.rawValue) then"It cannot be before the Start date!", "Date Checker", 3)
    $.rawValue = "" (xfa.form.form1.DateTimeNeeded)
    //This is where I think is the problem..
    if (DateTimeNeeded.rawValue = DateTimeRequested.rawValue ) then ("Please contact Abdi since you're requesting same day")
    $.rawValue = ""

    With your date fields with a display format of "MMM DD, YYYY", you can place the following script in the "DateTimeRequested" field's exit event:
    var msg = Concat("DateTimeRequested.rawValue = ", DateTimeRequested.rawValue, "\u000a")
    var RequestedRV = Date2Num(DateTimeRequested.rawValue)
    msg = Concat(msg, "Date2Num(DateTimeRequested.rawValue) = ", RequestedRV, "\u000a")
    var RequestedFV = Date2Num(DateTimeRequested.formattedValue, "MMM DD, YYYY")
    msg = Concat(msg, "Date2Num(DateTimeRequested.formattedValue, 'MMM DD, YYYY') = ", RequestedFV , "\u000a \u000a" )
    msg = Concat(msg, "DateTimeNeeded.rawValue = ", DateTimeNeeded.rawValue, "\u000a")
    var NeededRV = Date2Num(DateTimeNeeded.rawValue)
    msg = Concat(msg, "Date2Num(DateTimeNeeded.rawValue) = ", NeededRV, "\u000a")
    var NeededFV = Date2Num(DateTimeNeeded.formattedValue, "MMM DD, YYYY")
    msg = Concat(msg, "Date2Num(DateTimeNeeded.formattedValue, 'MMM DD, YYYY') = ", NeededFV, "\u000a \u000a" )
    var Diff = NeededFV - RequestedFV, "Difference in days: ", Diff), "Difference in Days", 1)
    When you fill in both dates and exit the needed field you will get a pop-up showing the results.
    Note: it is best to set the "Display Pattern" and use the same pattern for the "format" parameter in the Date2Num funciton as this is a value that you can control and know will be correct for the conversion.

  • Alternate Greetings - start/end dates

    We have Unity Connection 8.6. I know alternate greetings can have end dates, but our users really want start dates also. Is this possible? I have not seen it mentioned anywhere, but I thought I would check before giving up on it.

    +5 for Mr/Chris . Only  Enabled until "end dates" or no end date  avilable on CUC, nothing related to start date.
    please rate all useful infromation

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