Calendars would not sync

My calendars won't sync

Welcome to the Apple Community.
First check that all your settings are correct, that calendar syncing is checked on all devices (system preferences > iCloud on a mac and settings > iCloud on a iPhone, iPad or iPod).
Make sure the calendars you are using are in your 'iCloud' account and not an 'On My Mac', 'On My Phone' or other non iCloud account (you can do this by clicking/tapping the calendar button in the top left corner of the application ), non iCloud calendars will not sync.
If you are sure that everything is set up correctly and your calendars are in the iCloud account, you might try unchecking calendar syncing in the iCloud settings, restarting your device and then re-enabling calendar syncing settings.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    First check that all your settings are correct, that calendar syncing is checked on all devices (system preferences > iCloud on a mac and settings > iCloud on a iPhone, iPad or iPod).
    Make sure the calendars you are using are in your 'iCloud' account and not an 'On My Mac', 'On My Phone' or other non iCloud account (you can do this by clicking/tapping the calendar button in the top left corner of the application ), non iCloud calendars will not sync.
    If you are sure that everything is set up correctly and your calendars are in the iCloud account, you might try unchecking calendar syncing in the iCloud settings, restarting your device and then re-enabling calendar syncing settings.

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    Please try to collect IIS log and then use "activesync" as keyword to have a search.
    Also we can use logparser to analyze the log.
    Besides, please try to test if the issue would occur when we use those problematic iphone to sync with working user's mailbox.
    Xiu Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Palm Centro Verizon, Palm Desktop 4.1.4, Calendar WILL NOT SYNC

    as above.  I tried to install the V6.2 desktop that came with the phone; the Hotsync crashes every time it starts (some HS20Log.dll problem), so I installed 4.1.4.
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    Glad you got things to sync, just a quick thought.
    4.1.4 is a rather old version of Palm Desktop.  I would have suggested you try 4.1.4E, as it was designed for later devices and has some updated USB drivers in it...
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)
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    I had the same problem, and then all my calendars stopped syncing either way. They picked a beautiful time to do it, too... right as I was leaving on a business/pleasure vacation where I was making on the fly appointments. grumble
    However, I fixed it tonight. Here is what I did.
    1. Back up (export) all your iCal calendars. (not just good practice, you'll need them later) Make sure iCal is closed.
    2. under ~/Library/Application Support/iCal delete everything.
    3. under ~/Library/Calendars delete everything
    4. Sync your phone.
    At this point you should have your phone overwriting everything in iCal. If your problem is ONLY syncing from phone to iCal you should be good to go, if you can't sync either way, you'll need to:
    5. Drag all your backed up calendars back to iCal. In theory they will sort themselves out, but you might have some duplicates between stuff you've created on your phone and in iCal.
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    I would be interested in knowing if Apple has tagged this as a potential problem?
    I would like to give you credit for helping but can not work out how to do so from within the reply.
    If you can let me know I will update this to credit you.

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    Settings, Mail Contacts and Calendars, Select the Gmail account, Select "Fetch new Data, and you can try changing the interval to PUSH.  If that doesn't work, change the Fetch frequency to something shorter.  It sounds like you have it set to manually.

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    I somehow managed to fix this myself.  I am new to Mac.  What I did was go to Settings and deleted the Exchange account then I re-added it, quit all the windows, re-started the Mac and it all worked fine. 

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    Gapam wrote:
    I guess I'm screwed.  My Razr HD calendar won't sync with Google - apparently all my events were on the phone calendar and not Googe calendar.  After following prior posts, I cleared the data on my phone's calendar - now my events are gone and I don't know when my next appointments are.  Any way to retrieve that data?  Any way to sync the two calendars - or to make sure the darn appointments are placed on the Google calendar and not the stupid phone calendar?
    You have to select the Google/Gmail account as the location where to save the event. In the screen where you are adding the info to create the event there is a spot for choosing which calendar to save it to. This is where you pick the Gmail calendar.

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    Try setting up another admin user account to see if the same problem continues. If Back-to-My Mac is selected in System Preferences, the Guest account will not work. The intent is to see if it is specific to one account or a system wide problem. This account can be deleted later.
    Isolating an issue by using another user account
    If the problem is still there, try booting into the Safe Mode using your normal account.  Disconnect all peripherals except those needed for the test. Shut down the computer and then power it back up. Immediately after hearing the startup chime, hold down the shift key and continue to hold it until the gray Apple icon and a progress bar appear. The boot up is significantly slower than normal. This will reset some caches, forces a directory check, and disables all startup and login items, among other things. When you reboot normally, the initial reboot may be slower than normal. If the system operates normally, there may be 3rd party applications which are causing a problem. Try deleting/disabling the third party applications after a restart by using the application un-installer. For each disable/delete, you will need to restart if you don't do them all at once.
    Safe Mode
    Safe Mode - About
    General information.
    Isolating issues in Mac OS X
    Troubleshooting Permission Issues
    Step by Step to Fix Your Mac

  • Since Mavericks update my iPhone and iPad calendars are NOT syncing with the calendar on my MacBook Pro

    Since Mavericks update my iPhone and iPad calendars
    are NOT syncing with the calendar on my MacBook Pro.
    I used to use iTunes but don't see the options now.
    Does anyone know how to set up a sync.?

    I have temporarily solved the sync problem by using an older MBAir running snow leopard, I exported
    both calendar and contacts and imported them in the MBA and synced normally.
    Since I'm not about to send my data on the cloud, or setup a server to just sync my iphone,
    I think this is a good workaround ! BTW I stopped updating my contacts and calendar on the MB, I only
    update the iphone until a permanent solution is found !
    And they better come up with one soon, because I'll just switch to an Android phone and Ubuntu linux for my MBP, Apple should make our lives easier, not harder !
    I'm sure Samsung is having a ball ever since the sync issue was made public !
    Hopefully Apple is listening and will make things right again !

  • Contacts and calendar are not syncing? the word info is not in the selection iTunes sync menu

    contacts and calendar are not syncing? the word info is not in the selection iTunes sync menu

    Hey jimneeds,
    Thanks for the question. This feature was discontinued with OS X Mavericks:
    iOS: Syncing your data with iTunes
    What you can sync
    […] - Contacts*
    *To sync this content on an iOS device using OS X Mavericks v10.9 or later, use iCloud or another cloud-based service.
    Matt M.

  • Calendar does not sync consistently

    Ever since I added the iPad2 I have noticed that my calendars do not sync consistently. One week they match and the next week they do not. I will add events on my iPhone and they show up on my MBP and iPad2 as they are supposed to and the next time I check the events disappear. Any insight?

    Go to Sytem Preferences>iCloud on your Mac and make sure Calendars is checked.  Also, make sure you are adding the calendar events on your Mac to your iCloud calendar, and not a non-iCloud calendar such as On My Mac.  (Only your iCloud calendar syncs with iCloud.)  Go to the calendar preferences on your Mac, and on the General tab be sure you have selected your iCloud calendar as your default.

  • Calendar does not sync from Device to Outlook

    I am using a BB Style with MS Outlook. We do not have BES so I sync with a wire. I have set BB Desktop Manager to sync both ways but the calendar only syncs one way. Events I add to my device calendar do not sync to my desktop. Any ideas?

    Hello barrydyc, 
    Sorry to hear about your issue. 
    Have a look at the following article which may help you out with your issue. 
    Unable to perform a wired synchronization of calendar entries created on the BlackBerry smartphone
    Let us know how you make out and if you have any other questions. 
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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