Call a front panel

did anyone try to make a VI organized in one main panel (main menu) from
where to call others sub-panels with "return to main manu'" function in ?
Thank you for your help.

Look at the "Popup Panel Demo" in LabView example (section Advanced,
Customizing Controls and VIs). The architecture is like you said: a vi call
other vi's, and they can be close when you click on "close"!
Philippe Nobert
Université Laval
Dep. Chimie
Québec, Québec
roberto o a écrit :
> Hi,
> did anyone try to make a VI organized in one main panel (main menu) from
> where to call others sub-panels with "return to main manu'" function in ?
> Thank you for your help.
> Roberto

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    Go to Solution.

    LarsUlrich wrote:
    That link you posted... is that a function I can find from the block diagram somewhere?  I'm looking for it but can't seem to find it (also I am running a pretty old labVIEW 8.5) and I have no clue what the "VI methods" class is. 
    It's a method for a VI reference. You create a reference to a VI (for example, by using the Open VI Reference function), and then connect it to an invoke node. Select the method from the popup list.
    The settings in VI properties will probably be fine, but I can't find it either, (there are 12 menu tabs, after all) and it probably isn't labeled as obviously as "open front panel when run."  My guess is under "execution," maybe the run when opened selection?
    VI Properties -> Window Appearance -> Customize.
    EDIT: The method you used applies only to that instance of the subVI. If you have the subVI in several places on your block diagram, then the other instances are not affected. This would be applicable if your subVI is an information dialog or something.

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    Attached is the sub-vi (top level, LabVIEW 2011). Please note that I have already tried putting the Start Test terminal inside the loop, but that did not help. I put comments in the block diagram and the front panel to help identify the problem code.
    I am going to get around this problem by running this whole vi through a loop in the calling vi, where I can easily respond to button changes. This is mainly an academic or curiosity problem now.
    Thank you, Richard V
    Go to Solution.
    Channel Setup.llb ‏286 KB

    Lets just whip up a little example then shall we?
    The subvi you see contains:
    Go ahead and run the top vi.  Press OK and watch the value of Value change (up to 20 times per second but that is faster than your eyeball).
    Why the difference between this simple example and what you are seeing?
    If I had to guess (And, I do since the caller wasn't encluded) I would suspect that you misswired the reference.  With that over-burdened connector pane and no required terminals it would be fairly easy to do.
    And thats where you might want to ricght-click the vi and deselect view as icon.
    You'll find out that its a lot easier to wire the right terminals that way.  Also, changing the terminals to "Required" for anything that is as important as an exit condition is a good idea.  Perhaps even exit if the reference is null although that should cause an error on the property node.  Did you shut off automatic error handling?.... Nope you didn't so there is a valid reference going into the sub-vi.  But a reference to what? maybe not the button you think.

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    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏8 KB ‏7 KB

    Jeff·Þ·Bohrer wrote:
    A better approach is to set the vi properties programaticly like this:
    Jeff, you will be happy to know that I used this tactic in full force on a project recently (lots of dialogs in this program).  Not sure how many LabVIEW reboots it has saved me from.  Reuse VIs made it even easier to do.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Plotting to a number of asynchronously called subVI front panels

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    Automotive/Internal Combustion Test Engineer
    CLAD certified, mainly focused on data acquisition
    Been LabVIEWing for a few years, still a lot to learn
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks for the reply. I'm using a QSM-PC architecture, here's the relevant loop. Looks pretty much identical to the linked example, I hit that point and I decided I needed a bit of help wrapping my head around it. Data's coming in on a queue (the snippet broke the reference). My idea was to pop open all the windows in this state then use another state to plot data to them.
    In 'synchronous' mode I was able to get the desired behavior out of my subVI but it was also set right in a while loop and by playing with the Call Setup a bit I got it to do what I needed (open a new front panel and constantly plot).
    The queue idea is very promising though! I should be able to generate queues right in the For Loop that calls my VIs synchronously then enqueue in a "RUN" state. I'll give that a try.
    Xander Cesari
    Automotive/Internal Combustion Test Engineer
    CLAD certified, mainly focused on data acquisition
    Been LabVIEWing for a few years, still a lot to learn

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    Reimar Spohr
    Readjusting front panel window.png ‏11 KB

    I am suggesting a modified version according to -lvABC to be dropped into a calling VI. 
    Reimar Spohr
    Move Calling VI Front Panel to ‏25 KB
    Move Calling VI Front Panel to Origin.png ‏43 KB

  • Open front panel of sub vi when called - how?

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    Both are not what I want. If I select "show front panel when called", then the front panels are opened but flickering because they are called often and alternately.  
    Greetings Johannes
    Using LabVIEW 7.1 and 2009 recently
    Go to Solution.

    johanneshoer wrote:
    No, no issue with my code :-)
    Yeah, we've heard that one before...
    @smercurio_fc: With your example I can see if a subVI is opened or not, but how can I open the subVI during run time if it is not opened
    Just call the method with it set to "write" (right-click and select "Change to Write"). I don't recall if LV 7.0 has a Front Panelpen method. Check the LabVIEW manual.

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    It seems that LabView should be capable of this, but I cannot find any help, guidance, pointers, etc., in the documentation, textbooks, or examples.
    Could someone give me a clue?
    Hugh Lauer

    So I tried to configure a subpanel, and found it very confusing. It seems that when you put a subpanel control on the front panel, you have to then set up a way to invoke the subVI. Since my subVI has some inputs and outputs on its connector pane, I created a VI reference for it and wired that to the type specifier node of the Open VI Reference node. I then inserted a Call VI by Reference node, so that I could wire up the inputs and outputs of my subVI. Finally, I wired this to the subpanel Invoke Method (Insert VI).
    This is different from the examples I found. In those cases, the subVIs had no inputs or outputs on their connector panes, but rather took all of their information from their front panels.
    I got different behavior on different attempts to run it. The most common (and most recent) behavior is that the subVI front panel opens up a few seconds after the main VI starts, but it is not quite "in" the subpanel. Instead, it is offset about an inch from both the top and left, as if it were a floating window that I cannot move. Also, it has annoying scroll bars on the bottom and right, which I don't want.
    Incidentally, I have two of these subVIs, and I have not yet tried to put the second one into a subpanel.
    What I would really like to do is
    have both subVIs populate their respective subpanels as soon as the main VI starts, but before any work gets done.
    after both subpanels are loaded, run the two subVIs in parallel, one to control the device under test and the other to capture its signals.
    have no scrollbars in the subpanel windows.
    In fact, what would be the best from a GUI point of view is for the two subpanels to be permanently part of the front panel of the main VI.
    Any guidance or insight would be most helpful.

  • Front panel of SubVI locks on 2nd call

    I'm calling a SubVI and pass a Boolean Reference to this SubVI. In the SubVI I'm executing a While loop. The stop condition is the value of the boolean control in the VI that calls the SubVI. (Boolean Refnum + Property Node: VALUE connected to while stop condition)
    Mechanical Action of the Boolean in the calling VI is: Switch when pressed.
    For the first time this will be executed it works fine. But the 2nd time the SubVI is called. The Front Panel of the calling VI where the stop button is located will be locked.
    Does anybody have an idea why this happens and how I can solve that problem?

    I tried what you described, using LV 7.1, and I have no problems running the vi over and over again. See the attached examples. calls and passes the Boolean reference to it.
    - tbob
    Inventor of the WORM Global
    Attachments: ‏21 KB

  • Show LabVIEW VI Front Panel When Sequence Step Called

    By clicking on the “Show VI Front Panel When Called” checkbox in the Step Settings pane displays the LabVIEW VI Front Panel for approximately 100 milliseconds. Is there a configuration way to display the VI front panel for a longer period of time, during that step execution, and allow the user to control the duration of the front panel exposure by clicking to resume execution of the sequence file at their will?
    Thank you.
    Go to Solution.

    You will need to have some sort of structure in your VI for handling front panel response, otherwise you front panel is only going to be visible for as long as it takes to execute an return back to teststand.
    But remember, once you hold your step within that VI which is waiting on the operator to eventual close it, your Sequence will be held as well and if you are expecting steps to continue running after your VI then you will have to consider running it in parallel to your main test sequence.
    You may also need to consider what happens if you want to terminate your Test Sequence, how do you close your VI.
    Check out 'Strategies for Terminating or Breaking Sequences' in the following.
    hope this is of help
    Ray Farmer

  • Main VI Menu event calling a subVI front panel

    Hi all,
    I have a subVI whose front panel is loaded upon calling by a main VI.
    I call the subVI using a User-menu event.
    the subvi-properties are set to allow close window and i am not handling a 'panel close' event.
    The problem is....
    when i run the main VI and click on the menu that loads the subVI front panel, subVI window opens, and if i click on the window-close, the main VI hangs.
    i understand that the control remains with the subVI only and never returned to main VI after i close subVI panel.
    but is it the only way to handle the 'panel close event' or any other way out to solve this?

    Try running the VI with highlight execution turned on, and see if anything unexpected is happening, or you could post your vi and let us take a nosey
    Message Edited by yenknip on 09-12-2008 04:30 PM
    - Cheers, Ed

  • VI front panel won't close when it's done executing, when this vi was called by reference.

    I've created a simple vi set to demonstrate the issue I'm having. I'm dynamically launching sub vi's from a main application. Simply put the main application is my test exec and the subvi's I'm calling dynamically are different tests. In the example I'm posting here the test vi is called Electrical Test I've configured this Electrical Test to show front panel when called and close afterwards if originally closed.  Problem is it won't close the front.
    Other things to keep in mind
    I want to be able to launch the test vi and not wait till it's done.
    I'm using LabVIEW 2012 SP1.
    Go to Solution.
    vi_launcher - ‏73 KB

    Basically the close after call only matters if the VI is called as a subVI (just like if you open a VI yourself and run it, it doesn't close when it is done).  The two ways around this are to either have your top lvl app close the VI when it is done, this is explained here:
    or to have your VI close itself when it is done.  Use a This VI reference and the Front Panel:Close invoke node.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to bring a VI front panel to the front (of all open windows) when the parent VI calls a sub-VI in Test Stand.

    In Test Stand when I call a sub-VI front panel, the pop-up window goes behind all the windows and the user just waits for the screen. I want the pop-up to come to the front so that the user can know what to do. I couldn't find any property that I can set which would make the called VI go to the front.

    What version of TestStand are you using? Here are the TestStand palettes in LabVIEW for TestStand 2.0 and 3.1. You can also set a VI to be modal in  VI Properties>Window Appearance. Select Dialog or go to Cutomize and change the Window Behavior.
    Message Edited by Dennis Knutson on 03-07-2006 10:32 AM
    TestStand palettes.JPG ‏37 KB

  • When I call an external program from Labview, how can I embed the interface into the front panel?

    I'm running Labiew 6i for Linux. I'm using a system to call an external program to do image manipulation (since there is no IMAQ for linux). How can I embed the user interface of the external program into the front panel of Labview?

    As far as I know, the only way to embed other GUIs in LabView is an ActiveX in a container.
    As long as you are using Linux, try to place (moving them on the desktop ) the two windows linked (like those 3 of WinAmp).

Maybe you are looking for