Call a Graphical Calc view with input Parameters from a Script Based Calc View

Hi All.
I am trying to call a graphical calculation view with input parameters from a script based calculation view as below but getting syntax error:
                             FROM "_SYS_BIC"."WILDFIRE/CV_SESSION_SAMPLE"
                             WITH PARAMETERS  ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$IP_START_DATE$$',:START_DATE),
                                 'PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$IP_END_DATE$$',:END_DATE));
START_DATE  and END_DATE are input parameters of the script based calculation view.
Can anyone please help me with the correct syntax for accomplishing this?

Hi Gautham,
One more option  what i would like you to try is the below option , here i have just changed the order of passing nothing else.
                             FROM "_SYS_BIC"."WILDFIRE/CV_SESSION_SAMPLE"
                               ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$IP_END_DATE$$','$$END_DATE$$'),
                              'PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$IP_START_DATE$$','$$START_DATE$$'))

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    Hi Tiago,
    as I am aware, you cannot pass input parameters to CE function.
    You can try using regular SQL syntax:
    SELECT "CR" FROM "_SYS_BIC"."calc_1"
    WHERE "COMPANY" = 7000
    (PLACEHOLDER."$$PARAM_1$$" => VALUE_1,

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    b) Input2 - CLOB
    c) Input3 - CLOB
    d) Output1 - CLOB
    e) Output2 - CLOB
    f) Output3 - Varchar2
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    b) Using a Function which returns a single value.
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    Thanks in Advance.

    please check if this following proposal could serve you.
    Define the Query with mode FixedQueryWithOutput. In the package define a ref cursor as IN OUT parameter. To get your 3 values back, open the cursor in your procedure like "Select val1, val2, val3 from dual". Then the values should get into your query.
    Here is an example how this could be defined.
    type return_cur IS ref CURSOR;
    PROCEDURE myProc(myReturnCur IN OUT return_cur) ...
    OPEN myReturnCur FOR SELECT val1, val2, val3  FROM dual;
      MYRETURNCUR myPackage.return_cur;
        MYRETURNCUR => ?
    Good luck.

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        + 'WITH PARAMETERS(\'PLACEHOLDER\' = (\'$$P_Name$$\', \' Akhil \'),'
      + '\'PLACEHOLDER\' = (\'$$P_City$$\', \' Lucknow \'))';
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    >But it gives me the "Mixed spaces and tabs error".
    Mixed spaces and tabs has nothing to do with the syntax of the statement. You used both spaces and the tab in the content - which JSLint doesn't like.  Remove the beginning spaces of each line and use only one or the other.
    The actual syntax of your statement doesn't look right.  The problem is that you are escaping the \ when you don't need to if you are using ' instead of " for your string.  You escape with \" in the first line but then escape with \' in the 2nd and 3rd line.  That is going to cause serious parsing problems with the command.

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    As a test, I have added a commandButton in my taskflow that will do the job:
    <af:commandButton id="btnRefresh" text="Open">
                <af:clientAttribute name="long" value="#{pageFlowScope.pLong}"/>
                <af:clientAttribute name="lat" value="#{pageFlowScope.pLat}"/>
                <af:clientListener method="doNavigate" type="click"/>
            </af:commandButton>How do I do the same when the taskflow loads instead of needing to push the button.

    Please find attached sample based on your use-case:
    It invokes a javascript function on pagefragment load by passing the input parameters from the taskflow.

  • Oracle Views with input

    Oracle Version:Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64
    Hi Experts,
    Is it possible to write a view with input and with IN clause in where cluase ....For Example I want to create a view like Below ..
    The below query may be syntactically wrong , but my intension of writing is similary to this. And the query should contain a IN caluse and A union as below...
    create or replace VIEW view_name (col1,col2, P_inputparam VARCHAR2)
    SELECT Col1,Col2
    FROM table_name1
    where any_column11 in (
    SELECT Col1,Col2
    FROM table_name2
    where any_column22 in (
              Thanks In advance.
    Edited by: 883279 on May 10, 2013 1:41 AM

    883279 wrote:
    Oracle Version:Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64
    Hi Experts,
    Is it possible to write a view with input and with IN clause in where cluase ....For Example I want to create a view like Below ..
    The below query may be syntactically wrong , but my intension of writing is similary to this. And the query should contain a IN caluse and A union as below...
    create or replace VIEW view_name (col1,col2, P_inputparam VARCHAR2)
    SELECT Col1,Col2
    FROM table_name1
    where any_column11 in (
    SELECT Col1,Col2
    FROM table_name2
    where any_column22 in (
              Thanks In advance.
    Not like that... no.
    What you're using as "input" there are SQL*Plus substitution variables. Those values are requested by SQL*Plus before the code is sent to the database and compiled. Code that runs on the database has no way of interacting with a client keyboard or screen, so you cannot get stored code to prompt for user input.
    See: {message:id=10744582}
    It's possible to use SYS_CONTEXT to get a view to pick up a value that has been previously assigned before the view is used, though I rarely find a need to do this myself.

  • SQLPLUS Acitivity in process flow Input parameters to the script

    I have a sqlplus Activity in the process flow. In the script section I have a update statement which has a where clause where I need to pass a date field as input paramter to this script to compare and update the records.
    Is there a way to pass Input Parameters to the script.
    update test
    set last_name = 'TEST'
    where trunc(begin_date) = :begin_date;
    Begin_date is a variable in my process flow which I need to pass to this script.
    Any ideas as to how I can accomplish this.
    Thanks in advance.

    You can Create a procedure of the Update statement with one input paramenter like
    Create Or replace procedure Update_test ( p_begin_date date )
    update test
    set last_name = 'TEST'
    where trunc(begin_date) = p_begin_date;
    End;Then call this Procedure in the Process Flow and give input parameter from PF variable.

  • Please help to call oracle procedure with out paramter from shell script

    I want to call a process with out parameter from shell script. I am calling process in shell script in below way
    function Process_loads {
    ( echo 'set serveroutput on size 1000000 arraysize 1'
    echo "set pagesize 0 term on verify off feedback off echo off"
    echo "BEGIN"
    echo " dbms_output.put_line('Before Calling The package'); "
    echo " x ( '$1', '$2', '$2', '$4', '$5', '$error_code'); "
    echo " dbms_output.put_line('After Calling The package'); "
    echo "EXCEPTION "
    echo " WHEN OTHERS THEN "
    echo " dbms_output.put_line('BIN_LOAD_ERROR' || SQLERRM); "
    echo " ROLLBACK;"
    echo "END;"
    echo "/" ) | sqlplus -s $USER/$PASSWORD@$SID
    Here $error_code is out paramter. All varaibles passed in process are declared with export command.
    When executing .sh it gives below error
    "sh ERROR at line 3: ORA-06550: line 3, column 99: PLS-00363: expression '' cannot be used as an assignment target ORA-06550: line 3, column 3: PL/SQL: Statement ignored".
    Please help to get rid from this error or please suggest how to call a oracle procedure with out paramter from unix shell script.
    Thanks in advance

    You can try this:
    From sql*plus
    SQL> ed
      1  create or replace procedure my_proc(p_id in int, p_result out int)
      2  as
      3  begin
      4  select 10 * p_id
      5  into p_result
      6  from dual;
      7* end my_proc;
    SQL> /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> declare
      2  v_r int;
      3  begin
      4  my_proc(10,v_r);
      5  dbms_output.put_line(v_r);
      6  end;
      7  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    from bash:
    (echo 'set serveroutput on';
    echo 'declare';
    echo 'v_r int;';
    echo 'begin';
    echo 'my_proc(10,v_r);';
    echo 'dbms_output.put_line(v_r);'
    echo 'end;';
    echo '/';) | sqlplus -s u1/u1
    oracle@mob-ubuntu:~$ chmod u+x
    oracle@mob-ubuntu:~$ ./
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.With kind regards
    Krystian Zieja

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