Call and Return

Hi, hope someone can help.....
I have constructed an authorware piece that contains severel
pages(Map icons) sitting on a framework icon.
I currently have a display icon showing a Page xx of xx Pages
display on each page. As there is 28 pages this means I have 28 of
these Icons.
I have tried to replace these 28 Icons with a single routine
that is called from each page.
I have added a new framework icon and called it extras, I
then use a map Icon called PageStart, inserted several calculation
and display icons as neccessary. I then use a Navigation Icon set
to Call and Return to call the PageStart sub-routine. In the
PageStart map Icon the last Icon is a Navigation Icon set to nearby
- Exit Framework/Return.
This does work a treat, however after the sub-routine is
executed and the jump is made back to the original flowline
everything contained in the sub-routine is wiped off the face of
the planet. Just as if I had used an erase Icon.
Am I doing this right????
Is there a way to do this????

"The Pc Doctor" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]...
> Thanks to you both for your replies...
First to Mike
> Pity about the frameworks - I am using several icons to
calculate the
> section
> and page numbers from the positioning of a caluclation
icon for example
> Round(SubStr(IconTitle(IconParent(IconID)),2,3)) this
gives me the page
> number
> based on the 2nd and 3rd character of the page title -
101 How to use this
> package. I then have a graphical display of which
sections and pages have
> been
> completed - we are talking about a Calc Icon,and a
couple of Display icons
> The reason I use this is so that I can drop three icons
into the flowline
> of
> any page at the beginning and dont have to worry about
> currentpage or
> current section numbers. I don't even have to add or
minus 1 from a
> variable
> to display the page number. If I get rid of a page all I
need to do is to
> change the page title and everything else is taken care
of automatically.
> This is probably all my fault as I'm so used to VB where
you would put
> this in
> a Sub Routine then just call it at the beginning of each
page. It is no
> problem just pasting three or four icons into the start
of each page, I'm
> just
> looking for a tidy way to do it.
> For info I've even tried having the 'StartPage' map icon
on the main
> flowline
> and not in a framework icon. I had to use the GoTo
command to call then
> return
> from the map icon but guess what - that didn't work
Next to Amy,
> Have tried this amy but all I ever get is Page 0 of 20
Sounds like you forgot to set update displayed variables to
true on the
> I have even tried using CurentPageNum@"Section1paging" -
the name of my
> framework icon, still no joy.
> Unfortunately to use my code the icon has to be part of
the actual page
> itself.
> Page {Round(SubStr(IconTitle(IconParent(IconID)),2,3))}
> {Round(ListCount(pagingIconIDs[sectionCurrent]))}
Again many thanks to you both but it looks as if I will just
have to
> settle
> for having to paste in several repeated icons into each
page flowline
We all like doing it the hard way when we're newbies :-). At
this point in
Authorware's history, there's probably no point in worrying
about trying to
outgrow that phase.

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    It has been pointed out in various forum threads that setting ref request parameter to null will skip the normal message processing and transition directly to BeforeSendReply. I have tracing enabled on my service and observe that underneath it still tries to
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    any idea how can I skip the service call and instead return a manual response back?

    This is not correct (setting request to null to bypass the service), unfortunately WCF doesn't have any out-of-the-box way of doing that.
    You can, however, use a few more of the extensibility points in WCF to make this scenario work. You'll need at least an IDispatchMessageFormatter (to prevent the message from being read / deserialized since it's not necessary) and an IOperationInvoker (to
    actually bypass invoking the service method). You can use the operation context to pass information between those extensibility points.
    You can find more information about those three interfaces in my ongoing blog series about WCF extensibility points:
    The code which uses those extensions to skip the operation based on a decision made in the message inspector:
    public class Post_55ef7692_25dc_4ece_9dde_9981c417c94a
    [ServiceContract(Name = "ITest", Namespace = "")]
    public interface ITest
    string Echo(string text);
    public class Service : ITest
    public string Echo(string text)
    return text;
    static Binding GetBinding()
    BasicHttpBinding result = new BasicHttpBinding();
    return result;
    public class MyOperationBypasser : IEndpointBehavior, IOperationBehavior
    internal const string SkipServerMessageProperty = "SkipServer";
    public void AddBindingParameters(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters)
    public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, ClientRuntime clientRuntime)
    public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, EndpointDispatcher endpointDispatcher)
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    public void Validate(ServiceEndpoint endpoint)
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    public object AfterReceiveRequest(ref Message request, IClientChannel channel, InstanceContext instanceContext)
    Message result = null;
    HttpRequestMessageProperty reqProp = null;
    if (request.Properties.ContainsKey(HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name))
    reqProp = request.Properties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] as HttpRequestMessageProperty;
    if (reqProp != null)
    string bypassServer = reqProp.Headers["X-BypassServer"];
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bypassServer))
    result = Message.CreateMessage(request.Version, this.FindReplyAction(request.Headers.Action), new OverrideBodyWriter(bypassServer));
    return result;
    public void BeforeSendReply(ref Message reply, object correlationState)
    Message newResult = correlationState as Message;
    if (newResult != null)
    reply = newResult;
    private string FindReplyAction(string requestAction)
    foreach (var operation in this.endpoint.Contract.Operations)
    if (operation.Messages[0].Action == requestAction)
    return operation.Messages[1].Action;
    return null;
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    string bypassServerHeader;
    public OverrideBodyWriter(string bypassServerHeader)
    : base(true)
    this.bypassServerHeader = bypassServerHeader;
    protected override void OnWriteBodyContents(XmlDictionaryWriter writer)
    writer.WriteStartElement("EchoResponse", "");
    class MyFormatter : IDispatchMessageFormatter
    IDispatchMessageFormatter originalFormatter;
    public MyFormatter(IDispatchMessageFormatter originalFormatter)
    this.originalFormatter = originalFormatter;
    public void DeserializeRequest(Message message, object[] parameters)
    if (message.Properties.ContainsKey(MyOperationBypasser.SkipServerMessageProperty))
    Message returnMessage = message.Properties[MyOperationBypasser.SkipServerMessageProperty] as Message;
    OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties.Add(MyOperationBypasser.SkipServerMessageProperty, returnMessage);
    OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties.Add(MyOperationBypasser.SkipServerMessageProperty, returnMessage);
    this.originalFormatter.DeserializeRequest(message, parameters);
    public Message SerializeReply(MessageVersion messageVersion, object[] parameters, object result)
    if (OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties.ContainsKey(MyOperationBypasser.SkipServerMessageProperty))
    return null;
    return this.originalFormatter.SerializeReply(messageVersion, parameters, result);
    class MyInvoker : IOperationInvoker
    IOperationInvoker originalInvoker;
    public MyInvoker(IOperationInvoker originalInvoker)
    if (!originalInvoker.IsSynchronous)
    throw new NotSupportedException("This implementation only supports synchronous invokers");
    this.originalInvoker = originalInvoker;
    public object[] AllocateInputs()
    return this.originalInvoker.AllocateInputs();
    public object Invoke(object instance, object[] inputs, out object[] outputs)
    if (OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageProperties.ContainsKey(MyOperationBypasser.SkipServerMessageProperty))
    outputs = null;
    return null; // message is stored in the context
    return this.originalInvoker.Invoke(instance, inputs, out outputs);
    public IAsyncResult InvokeBegin(object instance, object[] inputs, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
    throw new NotSupportedException();
    public object InvokeEnd(object instance, out object[] outputs, IAsyncResult result)
    throw new NotSupportedException();
    public bool IsSynchronous
    get { return true; }
    public static void Test()
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    ServiceEndpoint endpoint = host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ITest), GetBinding(), "");
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    operation.Behaviors.Add(new MyOperationBypasser());
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    ITest proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
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    using (new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)proxy))
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    httpRequestProp.Headers.Add("X-BypassServer", "This message will not reach the service operation");
    Console.Write("Press ENTER to close the host");

  • How to know that a method has been called and returning value of a method

    Hi, everyone! I have two questions. One is about making judgment about whether a method has been called or not; another one is about how to return "String value+newline character+String value" with a return statement.
    Here are the two original problems that I tried to solve.
    Write a class definition of a class named 'Value' with the following:
    a boolean instance variable named 'modified', initialized to false
    an integer instance variable named 'val'
    a constructor accepting a single paramter whose value is assigned to the instance variable 'val'
    a method 'getVal' that returns the current value of the instance variable 'val'
    a method 'setVal' that accepts a single parameter, assigns its value to 'val', and sets the 'modified' instance variable to true, and
    a boolean method, 'wasModified' that returns true if setVal was ever called.
    And I wrote my code this way:
    public class Value
    boolean modified=false;
    int val;
    public Value(int x)
      public int getVal()
      {return val;}
       public void setVal(int y)
        val = y;
        modified = true;
         public boolean wasModified()
          return true;
    }I tried to let the "wasModified" method know that the "setVal" has been called by writing:
    I supposed that only when the "setVal" is called, the "modified" variable will be true(it's false by default) and val=y, don't either of this two conditions can prove that the method "setVal" has been called?
    I also have some questions about the feedback I got
    class Value is public, should be declared in a file named
    public class Value
    cannot find symbol
    symbol  : variable y
    location: class Value
    *2 errors*
    I gave the class a name Value, doesn't that mean the class has been declared in a file named*?
    I have declared the variable y, why the compiler cann't find it? is it because y has been out of scale?
    The other problem is:
    Write a class named  Book containing:
    Two instance variables named  title and  author of type String.
    A constructor that accepts two String parameters. The value of the first is used to initialize the value of  title and the value of the second is used to initialize  author .
    A method named  toString that accepts no parameters.  toString returns a String consisting of the value of  title , followed by a newline character, followed by the value of  author .
    And this is my response:
    public class Book
    String title;
    String author;
      public Book(String x, String y)
       { title=x; author=y; }
       public String toString()
       {return title;
        return author;
    }I want to know that is it ok to have two return statements in a single method? Because when I add the return author; to the method toString, the compiler returns a complain which says it's an unreachable statement.
    Thank you very much!

    Lets take this slow and easy. First of all, you need to learn how to format your code for readability. Read and take to heart
    Now as to your first exercise, most of it is OK but not this:   public boolean wasModified()
          if (val == y && modified == true)
                return true;
    y being a parmeter to the setValue method exists only within the scope of that method. And why would you want to test that anyways? If modified evaluates to true, that's all you need to know that the value has been modified. So you could have   public boolean wasModified()
          if (modified == true)
                return true;
       }But even that is unnecessarily verbose, as the if condition evaluates to true, and the same is returned. So in the final analysis, all you need is   public boolean wasModified()
          return modified;
       }And a public class has to be declared in a file named for the class, yes.
    As for your second assignment, NO you cannot "return" two variables fom a method. return means just that: when the return statement is encountered, control returns to the calling routine. That's why the compiler is complaining that the statement following the (first) return statement is unreachable.
    Do you know how to string Strings together? (it's called concatenation.) And how to represent a newline in a String literal?

  • Calling and returning to different Vi windows

    Quick question. I want to write a project that has a main window with various buttons and when a button it clicked on i want the vi to call a different window on screen while simultaneously closing the main window. Once i'm finished with the second window and i close it i want the main window to automatically pop back up. how do i go about doing this.
    I also would like the button i previously selected in the main window to now maybe change colour to show that it has been modified and i need some of the changes that were made in the secondary window available in the Main vi.
    Hope i explained this clearly

    You're in luck, I just did this the other day. Here's how I did it. ATP Main is the sub VI I'm calling. Put this into your main VI to close it while you pop up the sub VI. Set the sub VI to show the front panel when called (set its appearance to top level VI). The main VI will hide while the sub VI runs, then when you close the sub VI, the main VI will reappear.
    Edit: forgot to show the reference to the main VI (This VI) connected to those property nodes.
    Message Edited by Marc A on 02-16-2007 08:55 AM
    Message Edited by Marc A on 02-16-2007 08:57 AM
    Prod_Main.png ‏3 KB

  • RFC Call not returning in normal exec;retunrs in debugger

    Hi all
    i m sorry for posting it twice,due to my ignorance
    i first posted it in wrong forum
    i had a requirement to invoke a RFC Async and recieve the results in my program with a condition that the name and parameters of RFC are determined runtime.
    To meet this requirement, i generated a the RFC call and return form code dynamically and called that code from my program via a subroutine.
    The problem i am facing is that, whenever i execute my program in debug mode the RFCs are called and the parameters are returned( perform on end of task edition is used)
    via subroutine, but when i execute the code via F8 the program goes in indefinite wait for return parameters.I am calling 2-3 RFcs at same time, and all of them are on local host.
    the Functions are working well and the RFC destination is also working well.
    But this amalgum of my program and dynamic calls is not going through.
    I read in documentation that if we change the program context or the roll area then the results are not recieved by main program. by the way i am using WAIT to receive the results.
    For the moment if i consider, my program context or roll area is getting changed because of dynamic code generation then also the dynamically generated code is the one containing the RFC call and its revieve subroutine, therefore there shall be no problem with that, the other thought i am getting is that in debugger implict commit work happens, is the program working because of that in debugger?? i dont know....
    Can any one help me with this, in the above long paragraph if anyone gets confused..i can again try to restate my problem.
    One more thing..i have checked the ST22 and SM50 for any abnormalities, couold not find one.
    thanks in advance

    WAIT statement also triggers a DB commit like debugger.
    Are you using WAIT UNTIL <condition>?

  • Call RFC Function Module and return 1000 records at a time

    I would like to call a Remote Enabled Function Module from a non SAP system.  This function module will select data from the database and return it to the calling program.
    Suppose there are 100,000 records that need to be returned, but the calling module would like the data in chunks of 1000 records.  Therefore the calling program would call the FM 100 times. 
    How do I code the function module to know on each subsequent call to grab the next chunk of 1000 records? 
    Let me know if additional information is needed.

    Here is how you can go for this issue:
    1. Create one RFC function module with following parameter. These parameters are with respective of chunking logic.
         Import: Package Size
         Export: Total number of records
         Changing: chunk count
    Implement following logic:
    1. First of you need to know how many chunks you need to fetch for that get the count of total number of records. This is one  
        time activity so you better maintain one flag import parameter will be set to 'X' only first call.
    2. Get the number of chunk using total number of records / chunk size for e.g. 1000 / 100 so chunk count = 10.
    3. Define internal chunk counter in function module which will be used to locate the correct chunk depending on the chunk
        counter value sent from calling program.
    4. Send first call with package size 100 and chunk count = 1, execute select statement and increment internal
        chunk count check if chunk count = internal chunk count in current case chunk count = 1 so exit select statement and return
        with first chunk.
    5. Send second call with package size 100 and chunk count = 2. Execute select statement and check chunk count with internal
        chunk counter, in current case it will be 1 so skip that data and go for next chunk of 100 records increment internal chunk  
        counter. In this case it will match with external chunk count = 2. load output table with that data and return to calling program.
    6. Repeat step 4 until you reach last chunk.
    You need to use SELECT...ENDSELECT with PACKAGE SIZE addition so for every loop it will return number of records mentioned in package size.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to call an alv report from another program and return back

         Hello ,
    I am calling one abap program (Prgm B) from another program (Prgrm A).
    Here, Prgm B is an ALV report. I have fetch some data from Prgem B that gets stored in an internal table.
    Now, I am using below code in Prgrm A,
                          WITH SELECTION-TABLE rspar
                          EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY
                          AND RETURN.
    When Prgrm A executed, it lead me to selection screen of Prgrm B and when I click F8, it shows me the report output, In short, it doesnt return back to Prgrm A. It ends up showing me the alv report if Prgrm B even afetr using RETURN statement.
    I want to get back to Prgrm A by fetching some data from Prgrm B.
    Please let me know, if i am missing something.

    Hi Seema,
    Refer below code.
    DATA: v_matnr LIKE mara-matnr.
    DATA: t_listobject TYPE abaplist OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_ascilist OCCURS 0,
    DATA: END OF t_ascilist.
    data var(3) type c.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_matnr FOR v_matnr.
    var = '  3'.
       SUBMIT ztestaks1 WITH s_matnr IN s_matnr EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY
       AND RETURN.
                 listobject = t_listobject
                 not_found  = 1
                 OTHERS     = 2.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    *     EXPORTING
    *       LIST_INDEX               = -1
    *       WITH_LINE_BREAK          = ' '
             listasci                 = t_ascilist
             listobject               = t_listobject
             empty_list               = 1
             list_index_invalid       = 2
             OTHERS                   = 3.
         IF sy-subrc <> 0.
           MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                   WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
           WRITE:/ 'Below are the lines from the submitted program.'.
           LOOP AT t_ascilist.
             WRITE:/ t_ascilist-line.
           SKIP 2.
    'Here is the output from the table exported from the submitted program.'
       LOOP AT t_mara.
         WRITE:/ t_mara-matnr.
    Submitted program
    DATA: v_matnr LIKE mara-matnr,
           v_maktx LIKE makt-maktx.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_makt OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE makt-matnr.
    DATA: END OF t_makt.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_matnr FOR v_matnr,
                     s_maktx FOR v_maktx.
       SELECT matnr INTO TABLE t_makt
                    FROM makt
                   WHERE matnr IN s_matnr
                     AND maktx IN s_maktx.
    if not t_makt[] is initial.
       SELECT * FROM mara
                INTO TABLE t_mara FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_makt
               WHERE matnr = t_makt-matnr.
       EXPORT t_mara TO MEMORY ID 'T_MARA'.
       WRITE:/ 'This list is from the submitted program'.
       SKIP 1.
       LOOP AT t_mara.
         WRITE:/ t_mara-mtart.
    Hopes this helps you.

  • When I am on a phone call and I double click the button to go to my home screen, then open another application (usually my calendar program, Calengoo), my screen goes blank and I am not able to return to either the app, the phone, or the home screen.

    When I am on a phone call and I double click the button to go to my home screen, then open another application (usually my calendar program, Calengoo), my screen goes blank and I am not able to return to either the app, the phone, or the home screen. If I am speaking to a person, if they hang up then I am back to the phone application. If I'm leaving a message, I am unable to return to the phone screen to end the call, and have to wait until the other phone hangs up. I'm also unable to switch back and forth to look at my calendar if I'm calling someone about scheduling. This has only started happening since the most recent iOs update. I run into situations similar to this about once per day during the work week, as I use my phone is this manner quite often. While not life altering it is quite frustrating. Can anyone here help me figure out a way to avoid this? If it helps, I have noticed a general downgrade in overall performance starting two system updates ago (apps opening more slowly, closing unexpectedly more often, etc.). I have an iPhone 3GS with the latest OS update.
    Thank you for any help or suggestions,

    I could be corrupted backup.
    You can check the notification settings for message.
    Settings>Notification Center>Messages>Alert Style
    It should be on Banners or Alerts.
    Settings>Messages> Turn on Imessage and send as SMS and below that "Blocked" to check if you have any numbers block might be blocking the message.
    You can also do a hard reset by holding power and home till it restarts and release after seeing the apple logo.
    Still doesn't work? Settings>General>Reset>Reset all settings

  • Since upgrading to 7.1 on my iphone 5C I try to open the phone icon to make a phone call and it tries to open then returns to the home screen.  I also cannot get anything else to open.  It will randomly reboot or just freeze.

    I just got my iphone 5C on Wednesday, I was slow to move my apps over because well I loved my iphone3.  Never had any problems!
    I finally moved my apps over last night and was prompted to upgrade to 7.1.  I upgraded, then received a voicemail, listened to part of the voicemail (the phone dropped the call) and went back to the main screen. 
    Then nothing worked. I try to open the phone icon and it tried to open but it returned to the main screen.  I tried opening anything else and nothing will work.  Not even the phone icon.  It also would not shut down. 
    I let it sit for twenty minutes and tried to turn it off.  Then ten minutes later it just rebooted itself.  Waited until it came back up and tried to open settings, photo, camera, phone nothing will open.
    I know the touch is still working because it is locked and it will allow me to unlock it every time.  So I guess something is working.
    Any suggestions?

    Finally got my phone to power off.  I was able to reset the phone and everything is now working.  I guess I just needed patience!

  • How to make a PDF form call Web service and return a static pdf for user to print?

    Hi all,
    Can anyone help me regarding the feasibility of using PDF forms for my following case?
    I would like to create a Dynamic pdf form. User only have the Acrobat reader. they can enter some information. Then have a submit button. when user click the submit button, it can call the web service with data. then Web service returns a Static PDF document based on data and the user can print it out. (and maybe save as separate pdf file)
    1. Is that possible to implement? Because I know PDF can call web service, but dont know how it handle when the webservice returns another static PDF document. could it able to handle the responds and open up in another acrobat reader?
    2. As I understand I need to have Live Cycle Designer to create a pdf  and make it Reader Enabled. So user can user reader to call webservice? am I correct?
    3. What minimum reader that user need to have? PDF reader 7 or above?
    4. I have a webservice serve the same purpose for web. But if I want the same web services can serve both web and PDF form. So, whatever client (PDF or Web)make the web service call, server returns the PDF document to client. Is that possible ? Do I need to make any changes on web service?
    5. Do I need to get any other Adobe server product? (other than Live Cycle Designer )
    Thanks a lot

    We have done a similar approach in the past and yes, it can be doable.
    1. Is that possible to implement? Because I know PDF can call web service, but dont know how it handle when the webservice returns another static PDF document. could it able to handle the responds and open up in another acrobat reader?
    Srini: We have developed a Servlet to talk to Webservice. Based on the Webservice response, the Servlet, prepares the Byte stream and sends it to Webbrowser to display as a PDF. The PDF data was submitted to Servlet in XML format.
    But if you do not want to use the above approach, then you have to use the Workbench Process.
    Submit the PDF data to a Workbench process and the inside process, execute Webservice Service with the data. Once the response is received, prepare the data XML and render a PDF with it.
    To do this, you need LiveCycle Server and Reader Extensions server component.
    2. As I understand I need to have Live Cycle Designer to create a pdf  and make it Reader Enabled. So user can user reader to call webservice? am I correct?
    Srini: If you want to use the Servlet, you can Reader extend the PDF with Acrobat.. But if you want to submit the data directly to Webservice, then you need Reader Extensions server component.
    3. What minimum reader that user need to have? PDF reader 7 or above?
    Srini: Not sure but Reader 8 and above should work.
    4. I have a webservice serve the same purpose for web. But if I want the same web services can serve both web and PDF form. So, whatever client (PDF or Web)make the web service call, server returns the PDF document to client. Is that possible ? Do I need to make any changes on web service?
    Srini: If you use the Servlet approach, then you can re-use the same webservice. But if you want to submit directly to the same webservice, you may need to change it to suit your data XML.
    5. Do I need to get any other Adobe server product? (other than Live Cycle Designer )
    Srini: If you use the Servlet approach, you do not need any server component but other approach, you need Livecycle Server and Reader Extensions server component.

  • JAVA Calling Oracle Function and Returning OBJECT

    I am working as a developer in java/j2ee project.
    I am facing one issue:
    I need to call Oracle function from java code. Oracle User define function is residing in oracle package and returning Object which contains data.
    Can you please help me
    With Best Regards

    golduniya wrote:
    I need to call Oracle function from java code. Oracle User define function is residing in oracle package and returning Object which contains data.
    Can you please help meIt requires a great deal of Oracle jdbc driver specific code.



    try creating two reports.....ztest_a and ztest_b
    do your call transaction in ztest_b
    in ztest_a you can write submit ztest_a and return....
    see if this works...
    Message was edited by:
            Priyank Jain

  • How To call a Tcode From a Program and returning back ?

    Dear All,
    I have a requirement, i have to show all the open orders as in the the tcode va05  and return back to the my program. so how to display the tcode and getting back to my program. please help?

    Basic syntax to call the transaction is:
    SET PARAMETER ID <id name> FIELD <filedname>.
    If your are using ALV then snippet is :
    FORM user_command  USING okcode    LIKE sy-ucomm
                           lselfield TYPE slis_selfield.
      CASE okcode.
        WHEN '&IC1'. " SAP standard code for double-clicking
          CASE lselfield-sel_tab_field."check if double click is only on
            WHEN 'ITAB-AUFNR'."aufnr not on any other field
              SET PARAMETER ID 'ANR' FIELD lselfield-value.

  • Call external URL from ABAP userexit, capture data and return it to SAP?

    My apologies if this question has been asked before, but I've searched for a few hours today and haven't found anything directly related to my question.  Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to provide!
    I would like to be able to make a call from an SAP userexit during Sales Order Entry in the VA01 transaction in the SD module to an external website, allow the user to capture some data in the external site and then pass that data back into the userexit where I can use it to populate internal tables, etc.
    I'm completely unfamiliar with Web Dynpro programming, but this seems like a good place to start my search for a solution. 
    Does this sound like a problem that can be solved with Web Dynpro and what documentation or code examples should I reference to go about building such a solution.
    I should also note that I'm hoping to build a solution that could be called from any userexit in R/3, SAP ERP, SAP CRM, etc. and would obviously need to learn about what dependencies to consider (ex: SAP GUI version, SAP product release number, Web AS release, etc.).

    Thank you for the response.  Let me provide some additional information.
    The external application will be a Hosted Web page.  It is not an SAP system. 
    The external application will be a web page served by a separate system outside of the company domain(shouldn't matter what the technology is I would think - but the web page will be hosted by a different company than the one calling the URL) that would appear as a web page in which the user will enter data, logic will be performed on that data and then some or all of the data would need to be passed back to the calling point in SAP.
    For practical discussions it doesn't matter to me if the call in ABAP occurs in an SD userexit, in a custom report, in an HR screen or in a CRM business partner screen.  There will be many places where this external application may be called from and I'm just trying to figure out how to call an external HTTPS URL and return data from that web page to the calling point in ABAP.
    I hope that clarifies my question.

  • Call program and return with data

    Hi, Experts,
    I have called a program from my main program using SUBMIT
    and return.
    I need to get data back from called program in table format.
    Is there any way to fullfill such requirement.
    Rajiv singh.

    if the program is custom , then you can use import and export  option. you can export the data to memory in the submit program, and import from memory after submit call.
    if it Standard program , in some standard programs also will export data to memory , so check in inside the program.

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