Call Of Duty Server

Hello Gang,
I feel a little embarrased about asking this question as I am pushing 40 and playing games on my G5. Ok, here goes. I can play multiplayer COD as a client to server no problem at all, nice 'n' quick. However, when I decide I wish to host a COD server all is fine until I have more than 4 people connected then the 'ping' rates max out and the players complain of poor server response. The G5 (dual 2.0Ghz, 2.5GbRAM) has plenty of spare CPU. I cant understand it! My broadband link is 2MB down and 288K upstream, do I guess there is plenty of bandwidth there.
Any suggestions, apart from stop playing games and get on with life?
Power Mac G5 2.0DP/2.5Gb/320GB HD/iSight/iPod   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

Yeah, unless you have a dedicated server connection with lots of bandwith, you will get a really slow server. I play COD every once and a while; the servers that stay up are the linux/and or windows dedicated servers with lots of bandwith

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  • Call of Duty: Black Ops Developer Chat Transcript

    Transcript for
    Chat: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops Chat', Tue Nov 02
    5:56 PM DavidVo: Hi all.
    5:56 PM DavidVo: Did you know Dan Bunting is a member of SOG?
    5:56 PM DanBu: That can't be confirmed.
    5:56 PM DavidVo: Ready for launch Dan?
    5:56 PM DanBu: What?
    5:56 PM DanBu: We're launching?
    5:57 PM DavidVo: I think the game comes out on 11.09.10 or something.
    5:57 PM DanBu: Oh right.
    5:57 PM DavidVo: Maybe you should tell someone at Best Buy.
    5:57 PM DavidVo: They might want to get some copies in the stores.
    5:57 PM DavidVo: They are doing to need "a couple."
    5:58 PM DanBu: Don't tell anyone... I've got a few copies.
    5:58 PM Josh-BBY: Hey Call of Duty Gamers! We're about to start the chat
    shortly. Stay tuned, we have some awesome talent from Treyarch to give you the
    low down on their latest title: Black Ops!
    5:58 PM DavidVo: NO WAY!
    5:58 PM DavidVo: Dan, Josh must be talking about me.
    5:58 PM DanBu: Yeah, if he had said "lack of talent", that
    would have been me.
    5:59 PM DanBu: As long as it was "awesome lack of talent".
    5:59 PM Josh-BBY: I don't know... I’m kind of partial to Dan's video
    presence. He's got a lot of moxxy.
    5:59 PM DavidVo: I'm already scared by chat user EpiiCFAiiLURE.
    5:59 PM DavidVo: Be gentle, Epic, and we will do the same.
    6:00 PM DanBu: I think I know some of these people.
    6:00 PM DavidVo: the_FPS_KING is here to teach us something about FPSes,
    I think.
    6:01 PM DavidVo: They are trying to tell me not to curse. That's some
    6:01 PM DanBu: What the **bleep**???
    6:03 PM DanBu: Technical difficulties. Stand by.
    6:03 PM Josh-BBY: Wow... let's keep it clean kids.
    6:03 PM DanBu: Are you referring to me?
    6:04 PM DanBu: Hi to all!
    6:04 PM toughniko31HD: hi!
    6:04 PM capzlol: hi
    6:05 PM ThisGuy107: What is the hardest thing about making a game that
    looks this great!?
    6:05 PM DanBu: Great question ThisGuy107. I would say the hardest thing
    about making games like this is having to cut features that you love. We had a
    ton of fun making this game, and it's a lot of hard work. But there are always
    those features that you really wanted to make it that didn't quite get there.
    6:07 PM noobeffect: Will PC players see numbers or bars in the
    ping/latency column on the scoreboard?
    6:07 PM DavidVo: Hi Noob. PC gamers have a ping column on the
    scoreboard. It refreshes really fast.
    6:08 PM Jarsh019:
    Are canadians in BO?
    6:09 PM DanBu: Hi Jarsh. Only in the online lobbies.
    6:10 PM karamvir: What level are you guys in Blackops currently
    6:10 PM DanBu: Karamvir... I'm max prestige 15. But that's only because
    I cheated.
    6:10 PM DavidVo: Level 50, Prestige 15 of course on my main profile.
    But, most others are in the mid 20s. We are always starting fresh profiles to
    keep testing the rank progression.
    6:13 PM Dispy: What took the longest time to make in Black ops (no
    spoilys please )
    6:13 PM DanBu: Hey Dispy... Adding the currency system to the game was
    one of our biggest changes and took the longest time to implement and tune. It
    was a big change, but it was worth the effort and time put into it for sure.  Also, the Theater feature was over a year in
    6:12 PM apocalyptix81:
    what server settings can we change on a ranked server on the pc side?
    6:13 PM DavidVo:
    I saw a recent version of RCON. It's a lot of settings for both rented ranked
    and even more for unrented ranked. I am working with @pcdev to get the FAQ
    updated. We haven't released the full list but I think most PC
    server admins should be satisfied. Sorry, I mean a lot for rented UNRANKED.
    6:15 PM the_FPS_KING:
    I totally would teach you something about FPSes if you gave me a chance
    lol...anyways, @David - Your twitter bio says "Just remember, when the
    game comes out we thought of it first." Is this in reference to an aspect
    of the game that hasn't been revealed yet? And if so, will you elaborate? Plz
    6:16 PM DavidVo: I am sure you would. Honestly, I get asked this
    question a lot but have never answered it. The truth is pretty simple. A lot of
    people like to speculate and I like to wind them up. That simple.
    6:17 PM chitownforlife:
    Will barebones PC use pistols as a secondary weapon?
    6:18 PM DavidVo: Barebones is no different on the PC than it is on the
    consoles. Right now, we have all secondary weapons being available and most of
    those weapons are pistols. But it's not specfically limited to pistols. Don't fret
    tho. Most launchers need a lock on making them not so great vs infantry.
    6:19 PM Lamonte:
    is FOV changeable in the pc version?
    6:19 PM DavidVo: Yes it is. The last time I looked at it personally you
    could take it to 80.
    6:20 PM BlackhawkDD:
    Unranked or Ranked for tatical realism servers on the pc?
    6:21 PM DavidVo: For a PC gamer, I would think you would be happier with
    Unranked. Ranked does have hardcore and barebones, however. That's fairly
    tatical in nature.
    6:22 PM Josh-BBY: Hey everyone! We'd like to hear your general gameplay
    and console questions too! Let your voice be heard!
    6:22 PM satansspawn: On PC can we run 9v9 on all game types or are we
    restricted for s&d
    6:22 PM DavidVo: Absolutely.
    6:22 PM F0dd3r: Would Treyarch be willing to balance perks, killstreaks
    and weapons post launch if they are deemed overpowered by the community?
    6:23 PM DavidVo: Most of the official ranked servers are set up this way
    right now.
    6:23 PM DanBu: Hey F0dd3r - Absolutely. It's always a controversial move
    to balance features post-launch. But, Treyarch has always been a big proponent
    of listening to the community and making changes that are popular.
    6:24 PM ThisGuy107: Is there any new features or changes to the online
    network that will either improve connection quality or make it easier for
    friends to play with each other?
    6:25 PM DavidVo: Many to help you play with Friends. All versions of the
    game have a built in Friends list, for example. This can often be quicker than
    using the PSN or Xbox versions (for example).
    6:26 PM LevelUpAdrian: I've purchased a ranked server for the PC version
    - if that's full on launch night, is there a way to remotely kick people?
    6:26 PM DanBu: Yo Adrian! Yes, you will be able to kick and ban from
    your ranked servers.
    6:26 PM razdor: How will wager matches work on the PC? Will it use
    dedicated servers that are up by Treyarch? If so, what will happen if all the
    slots in those servers are taken at one point?
    6:27 PM DavidVo: We have officially ranked Wager Match servers. Once the
    6 fill up, the server doesn't allow anymore in. Think of it like a Dedicated
    Server with 6 slots. Run by us.
    6:27 PM Lionmouth: Will PC users be able to edit their MP configuration.
    If so, how in-depth (edit crosshair placement, fov, tweak Aim-Down-Scope
    6:29 PM DanBu: You can edit the same
    configs that you've always been able to edit, but those changes are not
    supported by Treyarch.
    6:28 PM Ovanite: What are the doing to keep the online multi from
    becoming a knife fest with every one using the commando perk.?
    6:28 PM DavidVo: Great question. We don't actually have the Commando
    perk in Call of Duty Black Ops.
    6:31 PM ABC_Darth_Rogue: Can we create mixed playlists such as CTF and
    S&D on the same ranked server? Will the admin tool be included with the
    game or third party like RCON? Will you be allowing Steam to permit users who
    pre-purchase the game to pre-load the game files to avoid long download times?
    6:32 PM DavidVo: You can tell the server which base Playlist and then
    you can do exclusions. So as long as we have a playlist with mixed modes,
    you'll be able to customize from their. For example: Ditching a map you don't
    want in rotation.
    6:33 PM capzlol: Im really only going to play this game if its
    competitive and it probably wont be competitive until mod tools are out. So
    what time do you think mod tools will be released?
    6:33 PM DanBu: No ETA on mod tools release yet. The game will ship with
    highly competitive modes like hardcore, barebones, and any number of custom
    game modes that you create in the Custom Games editor. You've also got Wager Match
    which is crazy intense! Most competitive I've felt playing a game in years.
    6:35 PM papasmurf: I’m unsure about the reporting a cheat feature, how
    will you be able to look at thousands of reports? and what do you have in place
    for bogus reports?
    6:35 PM DanBu: What up Smurf... So, we have people at Treyarch who have
    a full-time job of monitoring all of the games you guys play. They also review
    the stats for cheaters reported by the game and cheaters reported by other
    players. There are all sorts of secret magical things happening behind the
    scenes to track cheaters.
    6:37 PM blackmamba18: So, I am more of a sniper...but I am really
    aggravated when one weapon type is 10x better and easier to use. Can you please
    explain how shotguns are being made into a balanced primary weapon?>
    6:37 PM DavidVo: We have always felt that Shotguns are better as primary
    weapons instead of secondaries so you have to give up any hope of winning a mid
    or long range battle.
    6:38 PM Linage: In the FAQ thread on the forums in the PC section it
    said the Max players have not been finalized but that was some time ago. Is
    there now an answer to the Max amount of players we can have in Ranked and
    unranked servers on PC?
    6:38 PM DanBu: Hello Linage... It's true they are deadly at close range
    for sure. But that doesn't mean you can't win if you have an assault rifle or
    smg. Current player counts are set to 18 players max on ranked and 24 on
    unranked, but these numbers are always tunable post-launch. We'll be
    aggressively supporting the title post-launch. Remember they often have far
    less ammo or they have the rechamber time. Also, shotguns have fewer
    attachments than other weapons available to them.
    6:40 PM the_FPS_KING: Will you reveal some of the pro perks, that we
    haven't seen, to us tonight? @Dan Sly Stallone impressions don't port to
    text well, just an fyi
    6:40 PM DanBu: I don't know if I should reveal such secrets yet...
    6:41 PM DanBu: But okay... So you've probably heard about the Hacker
    perk - it allows you to detect enemy placed equipment in the map. When you
    upgrade to Hacker Pro, you can actually hack their equipment to switch it to
    your possession without them knowing.
    6:42 PM falcon3131: what gun do you think will be the most liked gun in
    the game?
    6:42 PM DavidVo: The one that you have the highest K with! I am hoping
    that lots of guns will be most liked. The Famas is pretty popular. As is the
    6:44 PM Harderstylez: How long we need for lvl50 (Playtime) And when can
    we reserve our clantags? (sorry for my bad English)
    6:44 PM DavidVo: What's up Harder. It's tuned for about 24 hours of
    playtime. The best players in the building can do it in 20 or 21. Make sure you
    do the Challenges and it goes quick.
    6:45 PM xJollyLlama: Will "spawn-tubing" (firing a grenade
    launcher from one team's spawn to the other) be changed, gimped, or completely
    blocked in Black Ops? If so, how?
    6:45 PM DanBu: JollyLlama... love the name One of our tier 1 perks is
    called Flak Jacket. It protects you from explosive damage. I roll with this
    perk all the time to frustrate noob tubers.
    6:46 PM dazzy2010: general Gameplay Question : Why did you make the
    decision for SCAVENGER not to REPLENISH Tubes and Flame thrower? me
    personally i love using the MASTERKEY shotgun.
    6:46 PM DanBu: As to spawn tubing... we've added a grenade launcher and
    grenade delay to the beginning of every match to reduce noob tube spam. I love
    the Masterkey as well. But, hey, balance trumps my love. So even if people fire
    them, they won't detonate for the first 5-10 seconds depending on the size of
    the map. At this point, if you have Masterkey, Flamethrower, or Grenade
    Launcher, you are carrying A LOT of Firepower. We did it for balance reasons.
    6:48 PM Sean-K: Have Treyarch made any changes to the melee attack? I.e
    range, speed, crazy aim-assist on consoles (comparing a non-commando melee
    attack of modern warefare to that of the one in black ops)
    6:48 PM DanBu: Sean-K... great question. A lot of people want to know
    about melee. You have probably heard by now that we don't have the Commando
    perk in the game.
    6:49 PM Morilec: Any possibility of downloading some of the game files
    before release on Steam? I preordered and really want to be able to play this
    on the release date.
    6:49 PM DanBu: So, everyone has the same melee distance, range and speed
    to keep it all on an even playing field.
    6:50 PM DavidVo: Indeed. I'm almost positive we will have pre-load. I
    wish I could give you an exact date but I don't have it yet.
    6:51 PM ThisGuy107: Can you give us any total numbers for the amount of
    guns, reticule colors, maps, emblems or anything else that would be cool to
    6:52 PM DanBu:
    ThisGuy107... sorry for the delay. We have over 40 unique weapons, including 2
    special weapons that only appear rarely in Care Packages... the Death Machine
    and Grim Reaper. There are 16 camo patterns, over 500 emblems, 14 maps... I
    could go all day on numbers. Custom red dots are about 30-35
    6:51 PM TheProf82: What weapons can we use on unranked servers? The ones
    we've unlocked in ranked? How do you see people playing on unranked servers if
    they miss out on all the unlocking and prestiging stuff thats so great about
    ranked servers?
    6:51 PM DanBu: Hey Prof. You can play with all weapons on your unranked servers...
    ranked is where you'll experience the full rank progression of competitive
    6:53 PM DavidVo: I have a question. Do you think Best Buy will give me a
    free Prestige edition for answering questions?
    6:54 PM Josh-BBY: David, let's talk after the chat. I think we can work
    something out.
    6:54 PM PDE_PaulKersey:
    For PC, Is Ground War Mode (TDM+DOM) returning (hope not), or will TDM and
    Domination be separate?
    6:54 PM DavidVo: I just gave @PCDEV a version that does not have Ground
    War. TDM and DOM are seperate playlists with 18 players. That's the current
    plan. As a playlist, we can modify and change them over time easily.
    6:55 PM dbNibbler: Will I be able to export my theater mode clip as a
    video file?
    6:55 PM DanBu: Hey Nibbler... yes, you will definitely be able to export
    your videos to the web. There are still many more details to come on that, so
    stay tuned.
    Josh|Community Connector | Best Buy® Corporate

    6:56 PM donovanmill: Are there any special bonuses for prestiging in black ops? And what is the FOV on consoles?
    6:56 PM DavidVo: Many. Custom Classes; Colored Clan Tags; 15 bonuses; 1 for each of the 15 prestige levels. Including some unique backgrounds for your personalized emblem. Including one that so hot your keyboard would catch on fire if I told you what it was. Guess you'll have to get to level 15. Prestige level 15, that is.
    6:58 PM XcLuSiv3: Are you guys planning on supporting Black Ops as much as World at war in the terms of DLC? Also, do you guys know if Activision is going to set the price at 800msp like Cod4 and WaW or 1200msp like MW2 or even more?
    6:59 PM DanBu: We will absolutely support Black Ops DLC after launch. We plan on promoting the game post-launch this time even more than on World at War. We love you guys and want to make sure you keep playing the game.
    7:00 PM abenjim: If you do a lot more damage to an enemy will you get more points for the assist like in WaW or is it a set assist score no matter what?
    7:00 PM DanBu: Yeah, it's just like in World at War... you always get more assist points for doing more damage... We hate feeling cheated when someone else takes your kill!
    7:01 PM Jinchuuriki13: Do all weapons have gold camo and what does it take to unlock gold camo?
    7:01 PM DanBu: All primary weapons have gold camo. As to what it takes to unlock them... you'll have to Prestige to find out!
    7:02 PM satansspawn: any chance of going to 24 slot ranked server??
    7:03 PM DanBu: We will continue to look into supporting higher player counts post-launch for unranked servers, but when it comes to Ranked games, we keep it the way the game was designed to be played. The maps, game modes, and gameplay mechanics are all very fine-tuned over months and months to play a certain way... so when it comes to competitive ranked servers, it's going to be determined by the playlists.
    7:05 PM razer4488: Would you ever contemplate of doing cross platform for the game so players can finally see who are the top dogs out of xbox,PC,ps3? (which would be PC no doubt)
    7:05 PM DavidVo: I would! But this is something that will need to get settled between PS3 and XBOX before we can even get it near it.
    7:06 PM Odis360: When will the servers be online?
    7:06 PM DanBu: Odis360... Why? Do you have an early copy of the game?
    7:06 PM DavidVo: I have one.
    7:06 PM DanBu: I have 3.
    7:06 PM DavidVo: Can you turn the servers on for me?
    7:07 PM DanBu: Just for you Vahn. But you'll be lonely.
    7:07 PM DavidVo: Because I want to school some n00bs before they get to good and I have to play in shame.
    7:07 PM DanBu: Okay, just you and me then. Wait... did I just call myself a noob?
    7:07 PM ortizrock666: Is host migration in MP/Zombies.?
    7:08 PM DanBu: Yes, there is host migration in multiplayer.
    7:08 PM GamerOfFreedom: Can we connect via IP to a server, will the FPS be limited and why did you decide to only let us use playlists and not free maprotation? 
    7:09 PM DavidVo: Using a playlist is something that it relevent for rented ranked servers. Unranked servers will give you more control. Even then, you'll still have a ton of control over the Playlist. It's like a nice suggestion and you modify (eliminate) what you don't want.
    7:10 PM sagar-04: Can you elaborate on the Private match setting we can set? And, any date set for the LE unboxing videos?
    7:10 PM DavidVo: I think people are going to be blow away by the things we've done with Private Match in this game. Let me give you some examples. You can make up to 10 classes loaded out with what you want and only what you want and then the players of your game will pick between those load outs. You can customize what killstreaks are in your game mode variant. Dan and I like to player Pistols + Shotguns only. In Nuketown. Of course, I win.  Always.
    7:12 PM DanBu: And I win. Only one of us is telling the truth.
    7:12 PM Josh-BBY: And I win.
    7:12 PM TheScissors: Is there 2 different zombie modes available?
    7:12 PM DanBu: What have you heard Scissors?
    7:12 PM DavidVo: This is the most customizable Private Match ever seen in a Call of Duty. I can't wait to play custom made game mode variants with fans.
    7:12 PM DanBu: That's classified information. Maybe.
    7:15 PM EpicLegion: Will Black Ops have a Coop campaign similar to World At War? And question about PC version of game, pings in scoreboard are going to be numeric format or bars(like in MW2)?
    7:16 PM DavidVo: Two forms of co-op in Black Ops. Combat Training (play vs Practice Dummies) and Zombies (play with your friends). Both are games where you fight AI Campaign co-op wasn't something we decided to persue because it didn't make sense for the type of story we were trying to tell.
    7:16 PM Josh-BBY: Since we've already responded to a lot of PC related questions is there any questions you have about the global playability or features in multiplayer in general? There've been absolutely zero single player questions FYI kids!
    7:17 PM donovanmill: What other than kill/deaths and score will be visible through the leaderboards?
    7:18 PM DavidVo: I heart Donovanmill. We actually totally ditched the old leaderboard systems and started over. In Black Ops, we use a Score per minute Average on weekly, monthly, and all-time leaderboards. This has a lot of advantages because it doesn't reward just the players who play a lot, but those who play the best. You can still check all those stats that were in the old leaderboards in something new we have called the Combat Record. It's an in-game stats viewer.  You'll dig it.
    7:20 PM Glorin: Do headshots matter, particularly with the more powerful assault rifles? In mw2 stopping power created a situation where many guns killed in two hits regardless of whether or not you aimed for the head. Since BO does not have stopping power, do any of the full auto weapons have damage that is this high?
    7:21 PM DavidVo: We certainly have a hit multiplier for the head. So, it matters. But since we don't have Stopping Power so most guns are 3-5 shots. Only less if a headshot. One final point. A headshot is NOT ALWAYS a one shot kill. But it does matter. A lot.
    7:22 PM FriendlyFire: What would be the single best feature of COD:BO?
    7:22 PM DanBu: Why, Wager Match, of course. And especially Sticks and Stones... love that mode. *cough* One in the Chamber… Mainly throwing a tomahawk at Vahn's head and bankrupting him.
    7:23 PM DavidVo: /ignore DanBu
    7:24 PM DarkD75: How can I get into the launch party tomorrow night? I am in the San Fernando Valley area.
    7:24 PM DanBu: Send $5000 to my PayPal account. I'll send you the details offline.
    7:25 PM Josh-BBY: Wow. Swiss bank accounts have become PayPal accounts.
    7:25 PM tornado: You said wager matches are hosted by Treyarch , however how does this really work? Am I going to get a good ping only if I live in the US?
    7:26 PM DavidVo: Ok. So, we have servers all over the place. Not just the US. And we can re-configure them however we want as demand dictates. Most of the servers are under my desk at work so I can ping sub 10s. But don't tell anyone.
    7:27 PM Lamonte: DLC for mw2 was just maps are we going to get more stuff in blackops DLC? (weapons, emblems, attachments, etc...) [Also ALL NEW maps and not old ones please] 
    7:28 PM DanBu: Lamonte... So, I can't really go into too many details about DLC plans. I mean, c'mon... the game's not even out! But I will say to stay tuned for exciting details. And also... lot's of NEW maps.
    7:31 PM iNCQRiT: Will there be a votekick feature (console, pc)?
    7:31 PM DavidVo: Ite depends on the server but the vote kick feature works for PC. How we do that for OFFICIAL RANKED we are still kicking around (on/off by default) Unrented Rank will be admin controlled/option. Consoles do not have a vote kick… They do, however, have a 3 strike rule. Finally.
    7:32 PM tyshoun123: Can quick scoping be allowed in private matches? And will friends be able to join a started zombie game if someone leaves?                                                   ​            
    7:34 PM DavidVo: Sorry mate. You can't join a Zombie game in progress.
    7:33 PM cameron23: Just curious but out of all of the team at treyarch who is the best? (at multiplayer) and will you guys be playing online when the game comes out or just sit back and watch?
    7:33 PM DavidVo: Private Matches on consoles can disable people from joining. If you do that, you don't have to kick someone. Shew. Mouthful.
    7:33 PM DanBu: Cameron... WayneNoobton is teh best. pwns DJVahn.
    7:34 PM dazzy2010: Do the team think it was a good idea to have FMJ a perk instead of an ATTACHMENT ? Its great to see BLING making a return as WARLORD
    7:34 PM DavidVo: Long inside story just for you. We had them as attachments. We had them as perks. We went back and forth so many times that I think engineering wanted to kill me. In the end, I am happy with putting Deep Impact as a Perk instead of an attachment. It made more sense for how our perks worked. The total number and what we were trying to do with them.
    7:36 PM chriscooke327: Is there going to be a game list where players can see and join custom games or does the creator have to invite people?
    7:36 PM DanBu: chriscooke... Really glad you asked that question because it's not something that we've talked much about.  When you create a Custom Game, you have the ability to save it to your own personal File Share. Once it's in your File Share, anyone in the community can search for it and place it in their File Share as well. Your friends will be able to look at your File Share as well. Things other than Custom Games that go into your File Share: Films, Clips, & Screenshots.
    7:38 PM jj2gamer: Is TWar back in codbo? And if not whats the reason for removing it?
    7:39 PM DavidVo: You are trying to make me cry, is that it? I've previously announced that WAR will not be returning to Black Ops. We talked about it a lot. We fought about it even more. In the end, it didn't fit. War has it's fans and I love those people. Sometimes you have to make unpopular decisions for the best intrests of the game production. And, I'm positive we will find a way to re-imagine it in a way that makes sense for whatever game we do.
    7:42 PM XReDBuLLEnErGyX: In Theater Mode you can record gameplay..but can we also record others voices through there mic (IN-GAME CHAT)
    7:42 PM DanBu: No, you cannot record other players' voice chat in your Films, unfortunately.  There were too many privacy concerns, and even if we wanted to do it, there is no technical way to pull it off on the consoles yet.
    Josh|Community Connector | Best Buy® Corporate

  • Gamecenter error: connecting to online services on call of duty black ops zombies for iOS.

    So I got this new app 3 months ago called Black ops call of duty : zombies. And I LOVE it!! But every time I try to join an online game, wether it be map vote, single map, 2-4 players, restarting my phone... What happens is it takes me to the gamecenter connect page, where it connects me with another player, but after a few seconds, it takes me into the multiplayer lobby, and then pulls up a message saying "connecting to online services" and it does that for a minute before saying "error joining room" and makes me quit the online game, leaving the other person kicked off the server because the other person (me) left or was kicked, I do NOT want to jailbreak my iPhone for this problem, and I am very experienced with iPhones and other electronics, both apple and Microsoft, if there is anyone who knows how I can fix this problem WITHOUT jail breaking my phone or paying money.. (Maybe ill pay money, it depends...) then Please tell me! It has done this to me EVERYTIME for the past 3 months, and still does... So please help!

    I don't think it's an issue on the phone. you may need to contact the app developer. Make sure that the app you are using is not associated on your game center account.

  • Creating a private Call Of Duty 2 sever

    Hey everyone, I was just wondering if anyone was an expert on how to configure a timecapsule or Airport so that one of my friends can join a server I create in Call Of Duty 2?
    I've tried everything, switching it to Bridged mode, which I don't know what it does but anyway.. I don't want to fiddle with it too much, but just so I can open up my own server and he can just join using my IP address or through gameranger or something!
    Please anyone! Any advice?

    Don't worry just stopped playing it. Because it suuckkkkksss

  • Punkbuster issues(Call of Duty 2)

    I had no problems with Punkbuster with (Call of Duty 2) Multi-player with 10.4 on my old G5 imac it played great. I just wanted to upgrade and maybe play some window based games also! My firewall is open and am using the latest Punkbuster available but get kicked with (Server Disconnected) message. Is it possible to Partition my machine to run Leopard/Tiger/Windows XP, I have 1GB memory? I purchased this machine to have the best of two worlds, is it possible? Thanks for any input or advice! The crowd I game with say to just get a PC but I have owned nothing but Apple, I'm getting close to 50 and set in my ways:)

    I have had this problem in both 10.4 / 10.5 and WINDOWS XP in the past. When this happens I trash all PB files and then download the most current version for the OS that applies.
    This has corrected it for me every time. Just my opinion, but I think PB gets confused if there are too many "old" files in the folder.
    Hope this helps.
    EDIT: I am referencing CoD2
    Message was edited by: ECSD3R32

  • Call of Duty: MW3 Play it Early!

    Get EARLY ACCESS to special ops gameplay only at Best Buy®!
    Monday, November 7th 8PM to 11:30PM
    At select stores, we are allowing the first 200 people in line a chance to play Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare 3 before it launches at midnight.*
    To find a participating Best Buy store location see, hover over the “In-Store Demo” section on the landing page, and then select your State and City.
    *Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is an M-Rated title.  Must be 17 or older with valid photo I.D. to play.
    Also, be sure to pre-order your copy today!

    I occasionally get a random NAT type 3 message on MW3. This is what I do...
    If you're sure all the correct ports are open (or have UPnP taking care of it on the router) and you have MW2 disk, put that in and go to the multiplayer game mode and check it says your NAT Type is Open.
    Hold the PS button, exit the game, eject the disk and put MW3 back in... Voila!
    The above might work with other COD titles but I haven't tried it.
    You could also try giving the PS3 a static LAN address using the PS3's Internet Connection Settings.
    (Note these settings work for me using BT Hub V2 but might be different on other routers).
    On the PS3, go to:
    Internet Connection Settings >> OK
    Wired Connection / Wireless (chose whatever you're using)
    Go through all your settings until you get to IP Address Settings and select Manual
    Use the following settings...
    IP Address
    Subnet Mask
    Default Router
    Primary DNS
    Secondary DNS
    The last octet in the 'IP Address' field needs be in the range 64 - 237 as defined by the Hub's DHCP Server and not currently in use by another device on your network. I use 100 as it's easily identifiable.
    Other DNS Settings work too, for example those provided by
    Primary DNS
    Secondary DNS
    Go through the rest of the settings...
    MTU >> Automatic
    Proxy Server >> Do Not Use
    UPnP >> Enable
    Test the connection and try MW3 again.
    The putting-the-MW2-disk-in trick works for me all the time; the let's-give-the-PS3-a-static-IP trick might not, but it's something you can try

  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: Mac Version. Creating a LAN?

    Hi everyone. I have been doing a little research, and have come up empty. I received COD4 Modern Warfare for my Mac for Christmas. Game works wonderfully. I now would like to do two things.
    #1) Create a LAN to play this game with the grown children. I have my Mac (MacPro3,1 OS X 10.6.2) connected to LinkSys Ether-fast Cable/DLS router. Cable modem is also a LinkSys: 'Ether-fast Cable Modem'. On the other end is another Ethernet cable to connect the kids computer.
    Both connections are to the router. The MacPro is the first computer in the network. If that even makes a difference. I don't know. I already have another computer in this network, and it can share my printer through this setup, works fine. It's a Power Mac G4, which I will disconnect from the network, so I can plug it's ethernet cable into one of the kids late model Intel Mac Laptops. (The G4 cannot run the game) I want the kids to connect their laptop(s) to this network. Then I want to launch the game, with my computer acting as the server, so that they can join the game. Is this possible, with the described software, and setup? If I have left something out, please ask, and I will try to describe further.
    #2) I have read that the Mac cannot act as a server, even over the internet, for this game. Any truth to that? Would it be, because it's a port, I guess? I don't know. I would like to use that option, to run a game when the kids are away at college,(I have 3 boys) that way we can play remotely, in a password protected server environment, where only we 4 are in the game.
    Thanks for your consideration in helping me try to solve this one.

    You would probably be best taking your issue up directly with 'Call of Duty' they have a user support forum.

  • Problem with sound in Call of Duty 2

    I bought Call of Duty 2 while my grandfather was buying a new iMac. We brought it home, set it up, and CoD 2 worked fantastically on his computer. I brought it home to my older iMac G5, and tried to set it up. The graphics are fine, the gameplay is there, but the only audio that plays is the background music and environmental sounds (wind, distant gunfire, etc.). No gameplay sounds (gunfire, voices, footsteps, etc.) can be heard. I read up on this in the forums, where people had solved the same problem by going to Audio MIDI Support in Applications/Utilities and changing audio output to 44,1000 Hz 2ch. I tried doing the same thing, but the audio output pane in the MIDI support app only said "output not supported". How can I fix this? Please help!
    iMac G5 2 GHz, 512 MB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    In Audio MIDI Setup, change Properties For to Built-in Output. It will then change from Output Not Supported to Input Not Supported & the Output bit will become active.
    Another way of restoring sounds is to open GarageBand, play a few notes on the screen keyboard, then quit GarageBand.

  • I have an ipad mini 1st gen 64 gb (wifi only) and i have problem with some of my apps. These apps have lags when you play with them for a few seconds the apps are having lags are call of duty strike team, gta San Andreas and nfs most wanted.pleas help me

    I have an ipad mini 1st gen 64 gb (wifi only) and i have problem with some of my apps. These apps have lags when you play with them for a few seconds the apps are having lags are call of duty strike team, gta San Andreas and nfs most wanted.pleas help me

    I'm going to guess videos buffer for a while also...
    Two possibilities, one is you should close apps on the iPad, the other is your internet speed is not able to handle the demands of a high speed device.
    To close apps:   Double click home button, swipe up to close the apps.
    To solve internet problem, contact your provider.   Basic internet is not enough for video games and movies.   Your router may be old and slow.

  • 24" iMac + Call of Duty 4 (MW):  Setting up graphics for multiplayer

    Any savvy iMac Call of Duty 4 (Modern Warfare) players out there? I'm having a hard time finding posts at Aspyr or online that directly related to the ideal graphic settings for the game, using an imac 24". The manual that came with the game also doesn't explain any of the settings. Could any good players who have the game running smoothly on an imac 24" please share.
    I have heard some guys dummy down all their settings to try and get the best fps possible, but when I do that, it never changes my fps.
    So far this is how I have mine set for multiplay, but I know I'm missing things:
    Multiplayer Game:
    Video mode: 1024X768(lots of screen sizes available)
    Refresh: 60HZ (the only setting available)
    Aspect Ratio: Auto
    Sync Every time: No
    Specular Map: No (What is this?)
    Depth of Field: Y
    Glow: Y
    Number of Dynamic Lights: N
    Soften Smoke: Y
    Ragdoll: Y
    Bullet Impacts: Y
    Model Detail: N
    Water Detail: N
    Thanks everyone.
    Message was edited by: pathfinder31

    Hello pathfinder31,
    I have just got this game thinking it would run great on my mac. But on mine the frames really dip when there is lots going on. I`ve tried lowering the settings, but from what I can tell this doesn't help. There seems to we very little information on the net about the Mac version of this game. If you have found some good settings please let me know as I`m a little disappointed with it.

  • How to call an external server from Webdynpro program?

    Hi All,
    i have a requirement in which i have to call an external server from Webdynpro ABAP program.
    how to imp

    hi ,
    do u mean u need to call the external link from ur WD ABAP application ?
    if so , u either create
    1 a Link to URL ( LTU ) UI element  and call the external link using that
    2 if u wish to use some other fuctionality and thn wish to call the URL in ur application ,u write this piece of code in ur relevant on Action method :
    data:  lo_window_manager type ref to if_wd_window_manager.
    data:  lo_api_component  type ref to if_wd_component.
    data:  lo_window         type ref to if_wd_window.
    data:  ld_url type string.
    lo_api_component  = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
    lo_window_manager = lo_api_component->get_window_manager( ).
    ld_url =  ''.  // ur external sever link here
    CALL METHOD lo_window_manager->CREATE_EXTERNAL_WINDOW     
    EXPORTING     URL                = ld_url           
    RECEIVING     WINDOW         = lo_window.
    lo_window->open( ).
    I hope u wud be able to create URL now .
    Edited by: amit saini on Oct 13, 2009 11:25 AM

  • Sound delay in Call of Duty 2 with Creative Alchemy

    I get sound lag with Windows 7 (64 bit ultimate) when I play Call of Duty 2 like the animation come first then the sound get in after. It's really annoying. This only happen with windows 7. I've got windows xp too and everything is fine but I want it to work well on my windows 7. I have another sound card (Realtek integrated) and there everything is fine on Windows 7. It doesn't work properly only with Windows 7 + 3d sound in game. My friend have 'Creative Tactic 3d Alpha + included sound card + the same options as I (3d sound in game, windows 7 + creative alchemy' and he doesn't have any problem with this **** delay in game. Any solutions? Thanks you in advance!
    Intel Core i5 750
    6gb RAM
    sound card: Creative Sound Blaster HD
    Radeon HD 5850

    In Audio MIDI Setup, change Properties For to Built-in Output. It will then change from Output Not Supported to Input Not Supported & the Output bit will become active.
    Another way of restoring sounds is to open GarageBand, play a few notes on the screen keyboard, then quit GarageBand.

  • Error While calling getListItem Webservice : Server was unable to process request. --- Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

    Hi All,
    we are calling sharepoint webservice from our web application but we are getting below error while calling webservice.
    Server was unable to process request. ---> Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
    Our code is as below.
    We used below 2 options but we got same error for both scenario,
                ListService.Lists objLists = new ListService.Lists();
                NetworkCredential objNetworkCredential = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
                objLists.Credentials = objNetworkCredential;
                System.Xml.XmlNode objXmlNode = objLists.GetListItems("Tasks", null, null, null, null, null, null);
    2)         ListService.Lists objLists = new ListService.Lists();
                objLists.Proxy = new WebProxy("proxyaddress",true);
                NetworkCredential objNetworkCredential = new NetworkCredential("username", "password");
                objLists.Credentials = objNetworkCredential;
                System.Xml.XmlNode objXmlNode = objLists.GetListItems("Tasks", null, null, null, null, null, null);
    Please help me what is the problem while calling this service.
    Thanks in advance.
    Kaivan Shah

    Hi ,
    Here is a similar case ,you can have a look at this .
    Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) -Accessing the sharepoint site:
    Entan Ming

  • Can I play Call of Duty Ghosts on my iMac (21,5" late 2013) with Windows 7 and Parallels

    Hey there,
    I Have an iMac 21,5" 8GB RAM 1024MB 2,9Ghz. I buyed it in Feburary. I want to play Call of Duty Ghosts on my iMac i use Win7 with Parallels. I don't know if it works? I already have Skyrim and Fifa 14 and they work very well. So I want to ask you if i could play CoD Ghosts without any problems.
    p.s. I dont really want to use Bootcamp only when ther is no other option.
    Thank you

    The simple answer is yes. As long as the computer meets the minimum system requirements.
    The long answer is....maybe.
    Parallels is a Virtual Machine for Windows, meaning that it runs on the Mac OS X Software. Bootcamp repartitions your HD and utilizes just the Mac's Hardware to run Windows using its own OS system files.
    If you have 2 games already that run in Parallels right now with no issues, then I don't see why this new game would not work. However if it does not, you may want to consider a Bootcamp parition in order to keep your Windows and Mac OS X partitions separate in the event of any OS problems.
    Good luck!

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    Full details here:

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    Hello, I have a motherboard MSI X58 Pro-E Processor I7 960, I would like to buy 16 GB of memory, I just do not understand anything type of memory. Can you tell me what kind of memory is compatible with my motherboard I need some Extremely fast memory