Call Transaction execute Unauthorized Transaction.

Dear All,
When i m using call transaction for calling program.
if for that tcode if i don't have authorization then also it is executed.
how to restrict this?

If you are using it programatically, you can have the addition,
Authority-check .
                        ID id1 {FIELD val1}|DUMMY
                       [ID id2 {FIELD val2}|DUMMY]
                       [ID id10 {FIELD val10}|DUMMY].
... FOR USER user
This statement checks whether authorization is entered in the user master record of the current user or the user specified in user for the authorization object entered in the field auth_obj, and whether this authorization is sufficient for the request specified in the statement. A flat character-type field that contains the name of an authorization object is expected for auth_obj. Without the addition FOR USER, the authorization of the current user is checked.
With id1 ... id10, you must have at least one and can have a maximum of 10 authorization fields listed for the authorization object specified. With id1 ... id10, "flat", character-type fields are expected that contain the name of the authorization fields in uppercase letters. If an authorization field is specified that does not appear in the authorization object, no check can be executed and sy-subrc is set to 4. For each specified authorization field, you must specify with FIELD either a value to be checked in a flat, character-type field val1 ... val10 or the addition DUMMY.
The authority check is carried out if the check indicator for the specified authorization object for the current context is set to check with any proposal status. If the check indicator is set to no check, no authority check is carried out and sy-subrc is set to 0, as with a successful check.
The authorization check is successful if one or several authorizations are created for the authorization object in the user master record and if - for at least one of the authorizations - each of the value sets defined there for the authorization fields specified using FIELD includes the value val1 ... val10 to be checked. Authorization fields that are not included in the statement or that have DUMMY specified for them are not checked. If the check is successful, sy-subrc is set to 0. Otherwise, it is set to a value not equal to 0 (see below).
Check as to whether the current user has the authorization required for displaying the airline that he specifies on the selection screen. The used authorization object is called S_CARRID and includes the authorization fields CARRID for the name of an airline and ACTVT for the activity. The abbreviation "03" stands for the "Display" activity and is one of the activities that are assigned to the authorization object S_CARRID.
PARAMETERS carr TYPE spfli-carrid.
    ID 'CARRID' FIELD carr
    ID 'ACTVT'  FIELD '03'.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE 'No authorization' TYPE 'E'.
Pls reward points if useful.
Renjith Michael.

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              Is there a way through which i can track function modules called, while executing a Transaction. Kindly provide pointers to it.
    Thanks in advance.

    Goto SE80 Transaction and use Program name for corresponding Transaction Use Find operation like Call Function .. then you will get list of FM ..
    There is no other option .
    reward Points if it is helpful

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    Here is the help file from 11.5 but this works in all the versions.

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    Best Regards,

    It seems that you want to start of a new report by calling the ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION. There is a parameter USING_TAB which you can use to fill up the data (must be BDC data) to be able to pass to called transaction. Since you are dealing with the select-options this is not a good idea.
    I would suggest:
    From your Module pool,
    Fill the select option table and export it to ABAP memory using EXPORT
    1. Create a dummy program ZDUMMY to SUBMIT your report ZREPORT.
    2. IMPORT the exported select option table from memory in ZDUMMY
    3. SUBMIT report ZREPORT with the select option
    4. Attach transaction code say ZDUMMY.
    In your module pool, after exporting the memory call the FM ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION with ZDUMMY transaction.
    Naimesh Patel

  • The method 'commit' cant be called when a global transaction is active.

    I've installed the SOAdemo a couple of times on local machines, and it works fine. Now I've deployed the SOADemo on a separate server and a strange error occurs in BPEL when testing the SOADemo.
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    unknown failed. Descriptor name: [unknown]. [Caused by: The method 'commit' cant be called when a global transaction is active .
    ; nested exception is:
    I am using SOA Suite and Database 10201, deployed on Windows.
    Can anybody tell me what can cause this problem?
    Thanks in advance,
    Regards Leon                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Hi, I am getting the same error using ESB Database Adapter.
    My faultstring is:
    oracle.tip.esb.server.common.exceptions.BusinessEventRetriableException: An unhandled exception has been thrown in the ESB system. The exception reported is: "oracle.tip.esb.server.common.exceptions.BusinessEventRetriableException: An unhandled exception has been thrown in the ESB system. The exception reported is: "org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException: esb:///ESB_Projects/my_ESB/myAdapter.wsdl [ myAdapter_ptt::myAdapter(InputParameters,OutputParameters) ] - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'myAdapter' failed due to: DBWriteInteractionSpec Execute Failed Exception.
    unknown failed. Descriptor name: [unknown]. [Caused by: The method 'commit' cant be called when a global transaction is active.]
    ; nested exception is:
    DBWriteInteractionSpec Execute Failed Exception.
    unknown failed. Descriptor name: [unknown]. [Caused by: The method 'commit' cant be called when a global transaction is active.]
    Caused by Exceptoin [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink - 10g Release 3 ( (Build 061004)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Belső kivétel: java.sql.SQLException: The method 'commit' cant be called when a global transaction is active.Error Code: 0.
    (BTW, what has 'commit' to do with a procedure that is only reading the database?)

  • SYNTAX_ERROR when executing any transaction

    Hi All,
        I am getting the following error as soon as I log in. I am not able to execute any transaction. The dump occured while I was applying Stack 10. The performance assistant ask to generate/activate the interface SAPLSRABAX_EXC using menu painter but I cant even get to SE41.
    Any ideas.
    Thanks in advance,
    Performance Assistant:
    Status LIVE of the user interface SAPLSRABAX_EXC missing
    Message no. 00264
    The specified GUI status either does not exist or was not generated.
    Use the Menu Painter to check whether the status required actually exists. If it does, then generate the interface SAPLSRABAX_EXC (using the Menu Painter).
    Runtime Errors         SYNTAX_ERROR
    Date and Time          07.04.2007 12:26:38
    Short text
         Syntax error in program "SAPLSEUF ".
    What happened?
         Error in the ABAP Application Program
         The current ABAP program "SAPLSHI1" had to be terminated because it has
         come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
         The following syntax error occurred in program "SAPLSEUF " in include
          "CL_ENH_TOOL_FUGR==============CU " in
         line 133:
         "Method "IF_ENH_TOOL~COMPARE_WITH" is not declared or inherited in clas"
         "s "CL_ENH_TOOL_FUGR" - - - - - - - - - - -"
         The include has been created and last changed by:
         Created by: "SAP "
         Last changed by: "SAP "
    Error analysis
         The following syntax error was found in the program SAPLSEUF :
         "Method "IF_ENH_TOOL~COMPARE_WITH" is not declared or inherited in clas"
         "s "CL_ENH_TOOL_FUGR" - - - - - - - - - - -"
    Runtime Errors         SYNTAX_ERROR
    Date and Time          07.04.2007 12:26:38
    Trigger Location of Runtime Error
         Program                                 SAPLSHI1
         Include                                 LSHI1U19
         Row                                     23
         Module type                             (FUNCTION)
         Module Name                             STREE_RESET_INTERNAL_TABLES
    Source Code Extract
    Line  SourceCde
         2 *"----
         3 ""Lokale Schnittstelle:
         4 *"       IMPORTING
         5 *"             VALUE(STRUCTURE_ID) LIKE  TTREE-ID
         6 *"----
         7 *
        10 *
        12        EXPORTING
        13             STRUCTURE_ID        = STRUCTURE_ID
        14 *         DATABASE_IDENTIFIER =
        15             ACTION              = 'IT'
        16        IMPORTING
        17             FUNCTION_MODULE     = FUNCTION_MODULE
        18 *         DATABASE_IDENTIFIER =
        19 *         MESSAGE             =
        20        EXCEPTIONS
        21             OTHERS              = 0.
       22 *
       24        EXPORTING
       25             FUNCNAME  = FUNCTION_MODULE
       26        IMPORTING
       27             ACTIVE    = ACTIVE
       28        EXCEPTIONS
       29             NOT_FOUND = 1
       30             OTHERS    = 2.
       31   IF ACTIVE EQ FALSE.
       32     EXIT.
       33   ENDIF.
       34 *
       36        EXCEPTIONS
       37             OTHERS = 0.
       38 *  reset also table with header information. This is necessary since
       39 * the header is important for comparison with buffer data
       42 * reset context resolution buffer

    Hi Shabnam,
    You are right .When a support pack is being imported in the system for performance reasons SPAM is set up so that by default no screens  or ABAP programs can be generated..This needs to be changed  if you want to work during an SP import.
    Choose EXTRAS in SPAM initial screen choose SETTINGS and choose IGNORE GENERATION ERRORS.
    It is better to avoid workign during a SP import on the system
    Check the link for more details
    *Reward points  if the asnwer was helpful

  • The method 'rollback' cant be called when a global transaction is active

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    <xsl:variable name="JDBC_RESOURCE"
    <xsl:variable name="SET_DATASOURCE"
    An unhandled exception has been thrown in the ESB system.
    The exception reported is: "org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException:
    [ WriteWinkels_ptt::merge(IntMixMatchCollection) ]
    - WSIF JCA Execute of operation 'merge' failed due to: DBWriteInteractionSpec Execute Failed Exception.
    merge failed.
    Descriptor name: [WriteWinkels.IntMixMatch].
    [Caused by: The method 'rollback' cant be called when a global transaction is active.]
    ; nested exception is:
    DBWriteInteractionSpec Execute Failed Exception.
    merge failed. Descriptor name: [WriteWinkels.IntMixMatch].
    [Caused by: The method 'rollback' cant be called when a global transaction is active.]
    Caused by Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink - 10g Release 3 ( (Build 080602))
    : oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException:
    The method 'rollback' cant be called when a global transaction is active.Error Code: 0.
    at oracle.tip.adapter.fw.wsif.jca.WSIFOperation_JCA.executeRequestResponseOperation(
    at oracle.tip.adapter.fw.wsif.jca.WSIFOperation_JCA.executeInputOnlyOperation(
    at oracle.tip.esb.server.common.wsif.WSIFInvoker.executeOperation(
    at oracle.tip.esb.server.common.wsif.WSIFInvoker.nextService(
    at oracle.tip.esb.server.common.wsif.WSIFInvoker.nextService(
    at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.impl.outadapter.OutboundAdapterService.nextService(
    at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.impl.outadapter.OutboundAdapterService.processBusinessEvent(
    at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.InitialEventDispatcher.dispatchNonRoutingService(
    at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.InitialEventDispatcher.dispatch(
    at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.BusinessEvent.raise(Bu
    The payload looks as follows:
    <top:IntMixMatchCollection xmlns:top="">
    <top:omschrijving>C1000 Tandenborstels: 3 voor 2.56</top:omschrijving>
    <top:kassabonOmschrijving2>3 voor 2</top:kassabonOmschrijving2>
    <top:mixMatchGroepOmschrijving>WK 200912 Mix matchess</top:mixMatchGroepOmschrijving>
    <top:omschrijving>C1000 Tandenborstels</top:omschrijving>
    Anybody any idea what could be wrong?
    Any ideas for a workaround/solution?

    I encountered this error while trying ADF tutorial CH10 - Developing an Edit Page, after changing some data on the Edit page and click on Save, the error appears on top of the page. The roll back was called implicatly by ADF, per stack trace msg it seems to come from failing to commit and then failing to roll back. Not sure why this is happening, please advise.
    WARNING: The method 'commit' cant be called when a global transaction is active. [TopLink Warning]: 2006.12.27 12:14:39.963--ClientSession(29795927)--Thread(Thread[HTTPThreadGroup-6,5,HTTPThreadGroup])--Local Exception Stack:
    Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink - 10g Release 3 ( (Build 061004)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: The method 'commit' cant be called when a global transaction is active.Error Code: 0....
    at QPPublicFacade_LocalProxy_4ogao92.mergeEntity(Unknown Source)<----------> WHAT may cause mergeEntity failed??

  • Transaction executing slow and database undo log increasing soon.

    I developed a transaction which query database many times in a repeater loop and finally generate a SAP MII XML Output Document which I want to display in a html hyper link in MII Navigation.  (Using XacuteQuery and iGrid)
    I found that
    1. if I execute in SAP MII Workbench, the transaction executing very slow, and also the database undo log in D:\oracle\TMI\sapdata2\undo_1\UNDO.DATA1 increasing soon.
    2. If I use MII Schedule Edit to run the transaction, it executing fast.
    Does any one know why?
    Is there any setting can make it executing fast in a MII Workbench?
    Many thanks!

    Can you explain why it's different by using MII Workbench and Scheduler depending on sql  joining and logic?
    My transaction logical is basically as below,
    1. query qualified sfc in SAPME tables
    SELECT *
      FROM (SELECT, s.sfc, ss.operation_bo, ss.qty_in_queue,
                     ss.qty_in_work, s.priority, s.item_bo, s.shop_order_bo,
                     s.status_bo, ss.sfc_router_bo, ss.step_id, ss.step_sequence,
                     st.status_description, cf.ATTRIBUTE, cf.VALUE
                FROM sfc_step ss,
                     sfc s,
                     sfc_router sr,
                     sfc_routing srt,
                     status st,
                     custom_fields cf
               WHERE sr.handle = ss.sfc_router_bo
                 AND srt.handle = sr.sfc_routing_bo
                 AND s.handle = srt.sfc_bo
                 AND st.handle = s.status_bo
                 AND SUBSTR (s.status_bo, -3) IN ('402', '403', '404')
                 AND sr.handle = ss.sfc_router_bo
                 AND sr.in_use = 'true'
                 AND ((ss.qty_in_queue > 0) OR (ss.qty_in_work > 0))
                 AND = '[Param.1]'
                 AND cf.handle(+) = s.handle
                 AND cf.ATTRIBUTE(+) = 'QTIMECONTROL'
            ORDER BY s.priority DESC, s.sfc)
    2. use Repeater to query sfc's activity_log table
    SELECT, al.sfc, al.operation, al.operation_revision, op.description,
                TO_CHAR (NEW_TIME (date_time, 'PST', 'GMT'),
             || 'T'
             || TO_CHAR (NEW_TIME (date_time, 'PST', 'GMT'), 'HH24:MI:SS')
                                                                     AS date_time,
             TO_CHAR (NEW_TIME (date_time, 'PST', 'GMT'),
                      'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS'
                     ) AS complete_date,
             cf.VALUE AS qtime, action_code, ss.operation_bo AS current_op,
             ss.step_id AS current_step_id,
             ss.step_sequence AS current_setp_sequence,
             al.item || ',' || al.item_revision AS item,
             TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') AS check_time,
             (sysdate-NEW_TIME (date_time, 'PST', 'GMT'))2460 as difference
        FROM activity_log al,
             custom_fields cf,
             sfc s,
             sfc_routing srg,
             sfc_router sr,
             sfc_step ss,
             operation op
       WHERE = '[Param.1]'
         AND (action_code IN( 'COMPLETE' , 'START' , 'SIGNOFF'))
         AND al.sfc = '[Param.2]'
         AND cf.handle(+) =
                || ','
                || al.operation
                || ','
                || al.operation_revision
         AND cf.ATTRIBUTE(+) = 'QTIME'
         AND s.handle = srg.sfc_bo
         AND srg.handle = sr.sfc_routing_bo
         AND 'true' = sr.in_use
         AND sr.handle = ss.sfc_router_bo
         AND 0 < ss.qty_in_queue + ss.qty_in_work
         AND s.sfc = al.sfc
         AND al.operation = op.operation
         AND al.operation_revision = op.revision
         AND '[Param.1]'
         AND al.operation NOT LIKE '%-W'
    ORDER BY date_time DESC
    3. call another transaction to parse  input data and get output data
    4. parse get back data to form a MII xml output Document.

  • Old tRFC entries in status "Transaction executing"

    Question is related to tRFC processing.
    I see in SM58 very old entries (older than a year) in status "Transaction executing" (ARFCSSTATE-ARFCSTATE = SENDED). I will ask basis team to clean them up, but my question is can this cause performance problems? How are the recorded tRFC entries executed? Does the system check the number of records being executed from ARFCSSTATE, like those old ones, so it blocks that many otherwise available work process/slot/whatever from being used by the other recorded tRFC calls? Or these 'stuck' entries should cause no problems other then requiring attention to clean them up?
    Krisztian Klausz

    If you delete those tRFC It won't impact on system performance.
    To do this task please go through below steps.
    To delete old tRFC records, follow menu path "Log File --> Reorganize" and set the date ranges.  Leave the User Name fields blank and select all Status values and then Execute.
    I hope it will help you.
    Kiran .V

  • Writing a Batch Input or Call Transaction program for transaction code MMAM

    Hi All,
    I'm writing a Batch Input or Call Transaction program for transaction code MMAM (Changing Material Type). The program was able to run but somehow I was not able to capture the log of the output after running MMAM. The log was not part of the SY-MESSAGE so adding in MESSTAB into call transaction doesn't help while BDC session logs shows only the transaction was processed.
    Anyone has encounter such problems before?

    Overview of Batch Input Session
    The first batch input method is to create a batch input session. It is the processing of this batch input session that updates the database, not the execution of the batch input program. i am giving you example for Change Vendor you practice for ur tcode
    For our example, we will use the “Change Vendor” transaction (“FK02”) to add a street address to an already existing vendor.
    Step #1
    Use “System&#61664;Status” menu path to determine online program name (SAPMF02K), screen number (0110)
    Step #2
    Use “F1” key and “Technical Info” pushbutton in each screen field to be filled to determine the field name.
    Step #3
    Determine how to proceed in the transaction
    (save the record by clicking on the ‘Save’ pushbutton or pressing the ‘F11’ key).
    The process flow of CALL TRANSACTION
    A program that uses CALL TRANSACTION USING to process legacy data should execute thefollowing steps:
    Prepare a BDCDATA structure for the transaction that you wish to run.
    Prepare a internal table to store error messages Tab_Mess like structure of BDCMSGCOLL.
    With a CALL TRANSACTION USING statement, call the transaction and prepare the BDCDATA structure. For example:
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    Overview of Batch Input Session
    The first batch input method is to create a batch input session. It is the processing of this batch input session that updates the database, not the execution of the batch input program

  • Error while executing the transaction QC22 (Quality Certificate for Batch)

    Hello Friends,
    While executing the transaction QC22(Quality Certificate for Batch), after giving the Batch Number and Customer Number, when i am executing it , system is throwing the error message as "Not all data was found for characteristic 90139982 in profile D80D8".
    Message no. ZQ010
    Not all data was found for characteristic 90139982, referenced as number 0030 in certificate profile D80D8. The missing data could be the short text, specifications, or results.
    System Response
    The missing charactertistic will not be printed on the certificate,
    Review the settings for data orgin of the short text, specifications, and results, and adjust accordingly.
    One more thing i would like to add here as against the same batch in april we had taken the print of COA (Quality Certificate) through the transaction QC22. But now we are trying to do that than system is thrown above mentioned error.
    As i am new in QM, kindly explain we were to maintain the certificate profile.
    Waiting for the experts inputs.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Jitendra Chauhan

    Try with QA33 you may have display authorization,  or check in MB51 on the base of material and batch you can find the lot number generated, then go to QA03 and check the result, if you want to validate the characters check with the inspection plan, the characters entered in the inspection plan and the characters in the concerned certificate profile.
    Edited by: vaddapalli naveen on Jul 1, 2010 1:57 PM

  • Calling a Standard SAP transaction VA03 from another web dynpro application

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement wherein I need to call the standard SAP transaction VA03 whenever a sales order is selected in some other we dynpro application so that the sales order gets displayed.
    No regarding usage of OBN for the above functionality I have certain queries:
    1. In order to call VA03 do I need to create a transactional iview for it or is there any direct method.Also how to pass this sales order number as parameter to the T.Code.
    2. Can we use standard business object BUS2032 for OBN or a new Business object is created.What exactly is the purpose of these standard business objects in portal and when should they be used.
    Thanks in advance
    Aman Gupta

    Hi Aman - Do you have a portal team in your project or you have to create the IVIEWS yourself?
    I do have a portal team and I dont know how they create the IVIEWs but for example, I will go to my portal team and I will ask them to create an IVIEW for TCODE VA03, they will created and they will tell me the input parameters they entered for the IVIEW so I can call OBN and display in webdynpro.
    SAP in SRM has webdynpro e.g. for BUS2121 and they have an IVIEW already implemented in the portal context pointing to the webdynpro of BUS2121 so we can used the IVIEW by calling OBN and passing the parameters; in my case the object_type will be 'shc' and the operation will be 'display' and the paremeters itab will be the GUID of my shopping cart, that way the OBN can understand which Shopping cart open and in which operation mode.
    I also did something like your requirement, I need it to display a specific case in Records Management but SAP has a standard IVIEW for records management 'RMREGEDIT' that didn't work for my requirement so I went to SE38 created a program that displayed the case based on GUID and I created a TCODE of my custom program. Portal team created a custom IVIEW of my custom TCODE and they told me the input parameters to call the TCODE in OBN and I pass in the itab parameter the GUID of the case using the FM that I post before.
    The action to call the OBN is in the event handler ON_CLICK of my ALV and the action is getting trigger when the user actually clicks a HYPERLINK in the ALV.
    Hope this helps you!
    Please feel free to ask me more details if you need.
    Jason PV

  • Problem in executing FS10N transaction code -

    Hi All,
    I am executing FS10N transaction code, in selection criteria for company code, I have selected multiple selection tab. Here in ranges tab, I have entered " 01 to 32" Company codes range. Then I am receiving the following message "ONLY SELECT COMPANY CODES WITH SAME FISCAL YEAR".
    I am sure that all the selected comapny codes are having same fiscal year variant.
    Please advise me what is the problem and what should I do to rectify it.

    Hi chandra,
    This problem occur because you had been posted documents for some company code with another fiscal year variant and changed afterwards.
    Enter in OBY6: Utilities - Changed logs - Display status.
    You can display companies codes balances with same document posting period.

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    hi i'm a new baby here how can i copy my present contact from pc (in format vCard file) to iphone 4s? my old sim is not micro sim so cannot copy (not support) from prev phone to sim

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    Ayer a las mil me fui a la cama dejando un trabajo casi liquidado en Illustrator. Hoy, cuando lo intento abrir, me dice "No se puede abrir la ilustración. No se puede completar la operación solicitada". Lo he probado en otro equipo y ocurre lo mismo,

  • Apple TV not working with Sony Bravia KDL-32BX320

    Not sure if this is because the Sony model is only labelled 'HD ready'- would I have to get a new TV? Anyway, connected Apple TV via HDMI cable and going into TV setup the Sony TV says there are no devices connected. The TV has two HDMI ports