Calling a javamethod from asp

i've tried for days, not getting this to work.
I have written a java class as an IIS Extension, placed it in %winhome%/java/trustlib and called several methods. If a method only returns a string it all works, but when connecting to my database through my javaclass I get a NullPointer Exception.
ASP code: Please note that the asp connection to the database works. using odbc.
<%set sc = GetObject("java:CSSupplier")
'Response.Write(sc.getAline())     <--- this returns a string and works
set DBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")DBConn.Open "DSN=chunkstore;UID=chunkyBoy;PWD=********"          
sql = "SELECT * FROM supplier"
set rs_supp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rs_supp.Open sql,DBConn
While Not rs_supp.Eof      
Response.Write rs_supp("name") & "<br>"     
rs_supp.MoveNextWend'The above code works and lists results.%></body>I've tried to use a method sc.getSupplierInfo() but it returns a nullpointer exception.
public java.sql.Connection getConnection() {   
try {     
java.sql.Connection conn = null;     
conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:chunkstore", db_username,                                           db_password);      }}
public ResultSet getSupplierInfo() {   
Connection conn = null;   
Statement stmt = null;   
ResultSet rs = null;   
String sql = "SELECT * FROM supplier";   
/*if (supplier_id > 0) {      sql += " WHERE supplier_id = " + supplier_id;    }*/   
try {     
conn = this.getConnection();     
stmt = conn.createStatement();     
rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);    }   
catch (SQLException e) {      //throw new SQLException(e.getMessage());    }   
finally {     
try {       
if (conn != null) {         
conn = null;        }      }     
catch (SQLException e) {        //throw new SQLException(e.getMessage());      }    }   
return rs;  }It seems like the database is not accessed at all, there are two records in the table, and it works from pure ASP (ado).
How should a resultset be called and placed in an ADO.RecordSet?
What may the error be in this code?
Thanks for all help!

i get this errormessage:
try {
     Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver").newInstance(); // tried without the new instance also
     String url = "jdbc:odbc:chunkstore"; //members is my data source
     Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"",""); // tried with username and password too
     Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
     rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
     if ( == true) {
       answ = rs.getString("name"); //column name is IC
    catch (Exception e) {
      //throw new SQLException(e.getMessage());
      return "Feil1: " + e.getMessage() + ", conn:"+conn+",sql:"+sql+"rs:"+rs;
    }Object conn (Connection) is null
top of javacode page:
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver;
import sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver;
public class CSSupplier {
  public CSSupplier() {
  public static void main(String args[]) {

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    You need to use the syntax "{call <procedure_name>}".
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         'On Error Resume Next     
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         Response.Write "Created OraDatabase with the following parameters<br>"
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         Response.Write "UserId is " & RUUID & "<br><br>"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_location_rental_object_num", p_location_rental_object_num, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_available", p_available, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_start_date", p_start_date, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_end_date", p_end_date, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
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         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_quantity", p_quantity, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_cap_level", p_cap_level, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_rate_code", p_rate_code, ORAPARM_INPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_status_code", p_status_code, ORAPARM_OUTPUT, ORATYPE_NUMBER
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "p_error_code", p_error_code, ORAPARM_OUTPUT, ORATYPE_VARCHAR2
         Response.Write "Calling PL/SQL procedure cc_insert <br>"
         Set PlSqlStmt = OraDatabase.CreateSQL("Begin RATELINK_CAPACITY_CONTROL.cc_insert(:p_location_rental_object_num, :p_available, :p_start_date, :p_end_date, :p_free_sell, :p_quantity, :p_cap_level, :p_rate_code, :p_status_code, :p_error_code); end;", ORASQL_DEFAULT)
         Response.Write "PL/SQL procedure cc_insert has been called <br>"
         Response.Write "Status code from PL/SQL procedure cc_insert (" & OraDatabase.Parameters("p_status_code").value & ")<br>"
         Response.Write "Error code from PL/SQL procedure cc_insert (" & OraDatabase.Parameters("p_error_code").value & ")<br>"
         'Response.Write "Error code from PL/SQL procedure cc_insert (" & p_error_code & ")<br>"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_location_rental_object_num"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_available"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_start_date"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_end_date"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_free_sell"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_quantity"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_cap_level"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_rate_code"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_status_code"
         OraDatabase.Parameters.Remove "p_error_code"
         Set OraSession = Nothing
         Set OraDatabase = Nothing
    End Sub

    1 - Can I clear errors on the OraDatabase class. How do
    I do that?They store the last error, should clear itself.
    2. Is this a client side or server side error? If this
    is a client side error, how do I resolve it?Server side error only. Make sure the user you connect as can see 'RATELINK_CAPACITY_CONTROL.CC_INSERT' and has execute permissions on it. You may need to qualify it with a schema name if the connected user is not the schema owner.

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    RETURN resultcursor
    vres resultcursor;
    OPEN vres FOR
    SELECT *
    FROM tcountry;
    RETURN vres;
    END test_fun;

    Stored Procedures
    When executing an Oracle PL/SQL stored procedure using a command, use Oracle native syntax or the ODBC procedure call escape sequence in the command text:
    Oracle native syntax: BEGIN credit_account(123, 40); END;
    ODBC syntax: {CALL credit_account(123, 40)}
    Preparing Commands
    OraOLEDB validates and fetches the metadata only for SELECT SQL statements.
    Command Parameters
    When using Oracle ANSI SQL, parameters in the command text are preceded by a colon. In ODBC SQL, parameters are indicated by a question mark ("?").
    OraOLEDB supports input, output, and input/output parameters for PL/SQL stored procedures and stored functions. OraOLEDB supports input parameters for SQL statements.
    Joel P�rez

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    In that case, you might want to check He has a book called "Internet Applications in LabVIEW". The book was written before 6.0 introduced remote panels. There's also an application there available for download called LabVNC that might work for you. I haven't tried it but it sounds like it would do the trick.

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    yes, it's possible, we have done this, you will need MDX knowledge and you can use ADOMD, there is sample code in VB
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    OLE DB for OLAP
    Access SAP BW OLAP BAPI Using C-Sharp and SAP .NET Connector 2.0
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    Dear All,
    I need advises regarding to my problem below
    I have two database in same SQL 2005 SERVER for TEST01 and LIVE01 Environtment, and I've created more than 100 reports with Crystal Reports 11 and call it from ASP classic page.
    The problem is how can I change a database from TEST01 to LIVE01 at the run time from ASP code as I already using TEST01 database on Crystal Reports and I do not want to set a new database location inside crystal for each reports
    Thanks and wait for your reply soon.
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    Dim oADOConnection, oRptTable, oADORecordset, sql
    Dim struser, strpwd, strdriver, dblocation, dbname, strConnect
    struser = "sa"
    strpwd = ""     
    strdriver = "{SQL SERVER}" 
    dblocation = "SQL200501"     
    dbname = "LIVE01"    ' Changed from TEST01 to LIVE01
    strConnect = "User Id=" & strUser & ";"
    strConnect = strConnect & "PWD=" & strPwd & ";"
    strConnect = strConnect & "DRIVER=" & StrDriver & ";"
    strConnect = strConnect & "SERVER=" & DBLocation & ";"
    strConnect = strConnect & "DATABASE=" & dbName
    sql="Select * from Employee"
    Set session("oApp") = Server.CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application.11")
    Set session("oRpt") = session("oApp").OpenReport("C:\REPORTS\RPT01.RPT", 1) 'USING TEST01 DATABASE
    session("oRpt").MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = False
    session("oRpt").EnableParameterPrompting = False
    Set oADOConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    oADOConnection.Open (strConnect)
    Set oADORecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Set oRptTable = session("oRpt").Database.Tables.Item(1)
    oRptTable.SetDataSource oADORecordset, 3
    session("oRpt").SQLQueryString = CStr(sql)

    Did you ever find a solution to this problem?  I have the same problem when moving reports from development to Test to Production environments.  If the DBName is not the same the report ignores the name provided at runtime.

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    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
    [Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle]Syntax error or access violation
    the connection is ok and i had retrieved the parameters' value, it's ok too...
    any tricky or hint about using command object to call stored pro???????
    P.S. i am using oracle 8.0.5

    If you have account on Metalink.
    Please go there and do a search on ASP.
    There you can find, how to call SP from
    If you have problem finding this let
    me know.
    I will try to find it

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    If you have account on Metalink.
    Please go there and do a search on ASP.
    There you can find, how to call SP from
    If you have problem finding this let
    me know.
    I will try to find it

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    Please help.

    You have posted the question on wrong discussion form. This is Reports specific form. I suggest you repost the question on Forms related discussion form and it will help you get the answer quickly.

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    and I do not have any idea about this topic,
    any body can help me in this ??
    Thanks and best regards.

    I have for example this web service
    (, this link will return me xml as following
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <links>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/172.5">172.5</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/173.5">173.5</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/198.2">198.2</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/209.35">209.35</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/209.75">209.75</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/214.1">214.1</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/216.5">216.5</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/228.01">228.01</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/232.5">232.5</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/238.2">238.2</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/448.1">448.1</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/686.1">686.1</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/701.1">701.1</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/701.4">701.4</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/701.5">701.5</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/702.11">702.11</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/702.19">702.19</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/706.2">706.2</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/709.1">709.1</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/709.2">709.2</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/709.4">709.4</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/757.32">757.32</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/875.0">875.0</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/875.1">875.1</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/877.0">877.0</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/877.1">877.1</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/879.0">879.0</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/879.1">879.1</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/879.2">879.2</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/879.3">879.3</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/879.4">879.4</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/879.5">879.5</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/879.6">879.6</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/879.7">879.7</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/879.8">879.8</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/879.9">879.9</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/880.00">880.00</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/880.01">880.01</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/880.09">880.09</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/880.10">880.10</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/880.11">880.11</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/880.19">880.19</link>
    <link href="/ws/codetype/icd9v1/906.0">906.0</link>
    So now how can I call it in apex , and how can I return the results in report.??

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    Hi guest,
    the data definition is:
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    ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.INSERT_ISSUE_PROC", line 16
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    [Caused by: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SYSTEM"."ISSUES"."ISSUE_NAME")
    ORA-06512: at "SYSTEM.INSERT_ISSUE_PROC", line 16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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