Calling a pure C function from JNI method

Is it posible to call a pure C function from a JNI method.?
I am communicating with an external device whose API is written in C language.
Would it work this way
If I declare empty native methods in Java and those methods in C call pure C methods?
Thank You...

I have a similar problem and I posted it here If you can answer the question, it would greatly help me.

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    #include <jni.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "MyOldHello.h"
    #include "HelloWorld.h"
    Java_HelloWorld_print(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
    class HelloWorld
         private native void print();
         public static void main(String[] args)
              new HelloWorld().print();
    #include <jni.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "MyOldHello.h"
    void helloPrint()
         printf("\nHello World!\n");
    void helloPrint();
    Now i use the Visual C++ command prompt to compile this by saying:
    javah -jni HelloWorld
    cl -Ic:\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\include -Ic:\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\include\win32 -MD -LD HelloWorld.c -FeHelloWorld.dll
    and now it gives me the error saying that there is an unresolved external symbol, which is the call to helloPrint in the file HelloWorld.
    If anyone knows how to solve this, or how to call external C functions from a C file that is being called from a Java file using JNI, please respond.

    In your post on velocity review, you did not compile MyOldHello.c. You compiled a C file that included the header file for it and called a method defined in the header. The linker is never going to be able to find the code for this if you do not include the object file for this.
    Try this. You will also have to add in any JNI libraries you need to link against but I am sure you could work that out.
    cl /c MyOldHello.c
    cl /c -Ic:\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\include -Ic:\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\include\win32 -MD HelloWorld.c
    cl /LD MyOldHello.obj HelloWorld.obj /FeHelloWorld.dll

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    Hi ,
    Please check following thread on forum -
    Re: ADF: Calling OAF Page from ADF page
    Check this may also be useful-
    I have not tried yet but Steven Chan (Sr. Director OATG) suggest following methodolgy for this-

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    Documentation here:
    says JPublisher can publish records too.
    But when I change the example given at as following:
    type emp_rec is record (empno number, ename varchar2(10));
    type emp_list is varray(5) of emp_rec;
    type factory is record (
    name varchar(10),
    emps emp_list
    function get_factory(p_name varchar) return factory;
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    Is there a way to call Win32/64 based Dynamic-Link-Library functions from Java?

    In general, if you are trying to call functions in an existing dll, you will have to write a "wrapper" dll that meets the java jni interface requires. There are tools around wich purport to generate these for you. Do a google serach; among other tools, you should turn up JACE.

  • Calling a SP or Function from Java receiving a geometry(MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY)

    Hi there,
    What I want to do is: calling a stored procedure OR function from Java with a String-variable as input and receiving a geometry (SDO_GEOMETRY).
    I’m facing currently the problem of calling a stored function on oracle 11g from Java using JPA (EclipseLink), Spring 2.5.6 returning an MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY object.
    I’ve tried to call a stored procedure with MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY as an output parameter instead, but with no success.
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    sdo_geom    MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY := null;
    /* do some fancy stuff on the database side */
      SELECT sp_geom
        INTO sdo_geom
        FROM geo_brd WHERE id = p_geo_brd_id;
      RETURN sdo_geom;
    The calling code looks like this:
    MyClass extends JpaDaoSupport{
       /** logger */
       protected static final ILogger LOG = LogFactory.getLogger(MyClass.class);
        * {@inheritDoc}
        * @see com.example.MyClass#calculateGeometry(java.lang.String)
       public JGeometry calculateGeometry(final String id) {
           JGeometry geometry = null;
           final JpaCallback action = new JpaCallback() {
                public Object doInJpa(final EntityManager em) throws PersistenceException {
                   final Session session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getActiveSession();
                   final StoredFunctionCall functionCall = new StoredFunctionCall();
                   functionCall.setResult("sdo_geom", Oracle.sql.STRUCT.class);
                   final ValueReadQuery query = new ValueReadQuery();
                   final ArrayList args = new ArrayList();
                   args.add("2e531e62-2105-4522-978a-ab8baf19e273");// hardcoded for test
                   final Object result = session.executeQuery(query, args);
                   return result;
        final STRUCT result = (STRUCT) this.getJpaTemplate().execute(action);
        try {
           geometry = JGeometry.load(result);
        } catch (final SQLException e) {
           MyClass.LOG.error("Error loading JGeometry from STRUCT.", e);
           return null;
        return geometry;
    And when I execute the query I get the following error:
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: Row 1, Column 13:
    PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
    ORA-06550: Row 1, Column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Error Code: 6550
    Call: BEGIN ? := GET_GEO_BRD_FUNCTION(p_geo_brd_id=>?); END;
         bind => [=> sdo_geom, 2e531e62-2105-4522-978a-ab8baf19e273]
    Query: ValueReadQuery()
    So I thought may be let's try it with a stored procedure instead...
    The procedure looks like this:
    /* do some fancy stuff on the database side */
      SELECT sp_geom
        INTO sdo_geom
        from geo_brd where id = p_geo_brd_id;
    The calling Java code in case of the stored procedure looks like this (only the content of the JPACallback has changed):
    public Object doInJpa(final EntityManager em) throws PersistenceException {
        final Session session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getActiveSession();
        final StoredProcedureCall spCall = new StoredProcedureCall();
        spCall.addNamedArgument("p_geo_brd_id", "p_geo_brd_id", String.class);
        spCall.addNamedOutputArgument("sdo_geom", "sdo_geom", OracleTypes.STRUCT);
        final ValueReadQuery query = new ValueReadQuery();
        query.addArgument("p_geo_brd_id"); // input
        final List args = new ArrayList();
        args.add("2e531e62-2105-4522-978a-ab8baf19e273");// hardcoded for test
        final Object result = session.executeQuery(query, args);
        return result;
    And when I execute the query I get the following error:
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: Row 1, Column 13:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GET_GEO_BRD_PROCEDURE'
    ORA-06550: Row 1, Column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    So both exceptions look quite similar.
    I guess in both cases the exception description leads to the assumption, that the wrong type for the return value / output parameter is used…
    So - how can a receive a MDSYS_SDO_GEOMETRY object from a stored procedure or stored function in Java ?
    What is wrong in the Java code?
    Thank you in advance for any suggestions!
    Edited by: user3938161 on 20.12.2011 07:46
    Edited by: user3938161 on Dec 20, 2011 8:06 AM: added variable declaration of JGeometry geometry in source code

    Thanks, that did the trick! ;-)
    Here is now the code for stored procedure and function for anybody else encountering the same troubles... (be aware of the parameter order and/or naming!)
    Code for stored functions:
    final JpaCallback action = new JpaCallback() {
      public Object doInJpa(final EntityManager em) throws PersistenceException {
         final Session session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getActiveSession();
           * Using CallableStatement for stored functions
          STRUCT st = null;
          CallableStatement cs = null;
          final DatabaseLogin login = session.getLogin();
          final Connection _conn = (Connection) login.connectToDatasource(session.getDatasourceLogin().buildAccessor(), session);
          try {
             try {
                cs = _conn.prepareCall("{? = call GET_GEO_BRD_FUNCTION(?)}");
                cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.STRUCT, "MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY");
                cs.setString(2, "2e531e62-2105-4522-978a-ab8baf19e273");//TODO: hardcoded for test
             } catch (final SQLException e) {
                MyClass.LOG.error("An exception occured calling the stored procedure", e);
             if (cs != null) {
                //reading geometry from the database
                try {
                   st = (STRUCT) cs.getObject(1);
                } catch (final SQLException e) {
                   MyClass.LOG.error("An exception occured converting the query result to oracle.sql.STRUCT", e);
          } finally {
             try {
                if (_conn != null && !_conn.isClosed()) {
             } catch (final SQLException e) {
                MyClass.LOG.error("An exception occured on closing the database connection.", e);
          return st;
    final STRUCT result = (STRUCT) this.getJpaTemplate().execute(action);
    The code for stored procedure solution:
    final JpaCallback action = new JpaCallback() {
      public Object doInJpa(final EntityManager em) throws PersistenceException {
          final Session session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getActiveSession();
           * Using CallableStatement for stored procedure
          STRUCT st = null;
          CallableStatement cs = null;
          final DatabaseLogin login = session.getLogin();
          final Connection _conn = (Connection) login.connectToDatasource(session.getDatasourceLogin().buildAccessor(), session);
          try {
             try {
                cs = _conn.prepareCall("{call GET_GEO_BRD_PROCEDURE(?,?)}");
                cs.setString("p_geo_brd_id", "2e531e62-2105-4522-978a-ab8baf19e273");
                cs.registerOutParameter("sdo_geom", OracleTypes.STRUCT, "MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY");
              } catch (final SQLException e) {
                MyClass.LOG.error("An exception occured calling the stored procedure", e);
              if (cs != null) {
                //reading geometry from the database
                try {
                   st = (STRUCT) cs.getObject("sdo_geom");
                } catch (final SQLException e) {
                   MyClass.LOG.error("An exception occured converting the query result to oracle.sql.STRUCT", e);
           } finally {
              try {
                if (_conn != null && !_conn.isClosed()) {
              } catch (final SQLException e) {
                MyClass.LOG.error("An exception occured on closing the database connection.", e);
            return st;
    final STRUCT result = (STRUCT) this.getJpaTemplate().execute(action);

  • Calling a BOOLEAN returning function from SQL

    Hello All,
    I have created below function which return BOOLEAN value :
    P_EMPID IN emp.empno%type
    IF L_VAR = 1 THEN
    END IF;
    END;Now I want to call this function from SELECT but I know that SQL does not support BOOLEAN value so I tried in other way i.e. via CASE
    SELECT CASE FUNC_1(7788)
           WHEN TRUE THEN 'TRUE'
           ELSE 'NULL'
           END CASE
    FROM DUALBut it is giving me error "ORA-00904: "FALSE": invalid identifier'
    How can I achieve this ?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Rakesh,
    Why cant you try something like this, When BOOLEAN type is not supported in SQL.
    Here I have made the return value a number. And, at case comparison, we get the BOOLEAN
    result as TRUE of FALSE.
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func_1 (p_empid IN emp.empno%TYPE)
       l_var   NUMBER;
       SELECT count(*)
         INTO l_var
         FROM emp
        WHERE empno = p_empid;
       IF l_var = 1
          RETURN 1;
          RETURN 0;
       END IF;
    SELECT CASE func_1 (55656)
              WHEN 1
                 THEN 'TRUE'
              WHEN 0
                 THEN 'FALSE'
      FROM DUAL;Which return TRUE if the Employee Number Exists and FALSE if doesnot.

  • Call a pl/sql function froma jsp

    I need to call an pl/sql function which basically returns true or false depending on the count. based on the return value I have to alert a message. how can i call the pl/sql fucntion in a jsp?
    thanks for ur help.

    You call the function the same way you would from anywhere, although i don't recommend you call database functions directly from a JSP page as it's bad form.

  • Call to Operative System function from DB procedure stored

    I need to call some unix's function just like copy and delete files, but these, in a DB procedure stored...
    there are some package or function (like 'Host()' in sqlplus), for make a call a OS funtions from a DB procedure stored???
    I'm using a Oracle 8.1.5...
    thanks for your help

    If you only need to do file i/o, then use the utl_file package. Otherwise, you might need to use the dbms_pipe package and have a little server program sitting on the other end of the pipe waiting to do operating system tasks. There are many new packages with 8i, look over them before trying the dbms_pipe option.

  • Trying to call a root level function from within a loaded swf

    I'm not very familiar with AS3... I'm trying to have a loaded swf file call a function from the parent to unload itself when it comes to the end (on the timeline, not as a button). I'm assuming I need to be calling the function (that is used for the close button) from the loaded swf (perhaps I'm mistaken though?).
    Here's the code from one of my buttons that loads an swf. I'm guessing I need to call the closeSWF function from the timeline of my loaded movie but having no luck figuring out how to do that.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    // 01 ------------------------------------------------------
    function loadWeaving(ev:MouseEvent):void {
      // load SWF
      var movieClip:MovieClip = new holder_mc;
      //add it to the stage
      var requestEN:URLRequest = new URLRequest("WhatIsWeaving_Eng.swf"); // english
      close_bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeSWF);
      function closeSWF(infoObject:Object):void {
      trace("close SWF");
      // reset switch
      close_bt.visible = false;
      infoObject.currentTarget.removeEventListener(infoObject.type, closeSWF);
      setChildIndex(close_bt,numChildren - 1);
      close_bt.visible = true;
      // - start timer last
      myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, closeSWF);

    You're exactly right. If you attach an event listener to the Loader before you add it to the stage, you can then use event.currentTarget to refer to the loader. And this is definitely the better way to do it if you're planning to use the loaded swf from multiple places or could ever need to do this in the future.
    protected function initLoader():void {
         var loader:Loader = new Loader();
         loader.addEventListener('closeMe', closeLoader);
         loader.load(new URLRequest(...));
    protected function closeLoader(e:Event):void {
         var loader:Loader = e.currentTarget as Loader;
         if (loader) {
              loader.removeEventListener('closeMe', closeLoader);

  • Calling a third-party library from JNI-enabled C++ code

    Hi everyone,
    I have some existing C++ application code that extracts data from a file in a special format (HDF5). This code uses a static library (third party) to decode the file format. I would like to wrap this application code in a JNI wrapper so that I can call the code from Java. So I have a situation like this:
    Java front end -> application code (C++) -> static library (C++)
    I have compiled JNI headers and modified the application code accordingly. I created a shared library by bundling the application code together with the static library (using gcc 3.2.2 on Red Hat Linux 9):
    g++ -shared -o -I<include path> -L<static library path> -lhdf5
    (the <static library path> contains the static library libhdf5.a). This creates a shared library which contains the application code and the relevant bits of the static library.
    When I call the Java front end, the shared library ( is correctly found and accessed. However, I get an UnsatisfiedLinkError which I don't understand:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: <blah>/lib/ <blah>/lib/ undefined symbol: _Z4formPKcz
    at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
    ... etc
    I have no idea what the undefined symbol "_Z4formPKcz" represents. It's not part of the application code or the static library.
    Here's some more info that might help diagnosis:
    1) The problem seems to be due to the approach of having a three-step process (Java code calling bespoke shared library which includes unmodified 3rd-party code). I get an identical error (including the mysterious "_Z4formPKcz" symbol) when trying to do something similar with a different 3rd-party static library.
    2) When I simply have Java code calling C++ code which I have written myself (no calls to static library methods), I have no problems, i.e. there doesn't seem to be a problem with the way I set up the JNI wrappers or the application code, or in the way I create the shared library.
    3) When I simply have C++ code calling the static libraries (i.e. no Java wrapper) I have no problems, i.e. there doesn't seem to be a problem with the application code or the static libraries.
    4) The static libraries were compiled from source using the same compiler that I used to compile the application code.
    5) I'm using J2SDK 1.4.2 on Red Hat Linux 9, although I've tried other versions of the SDK and had the same problem.
    I've done a lot of web searches on the "_Z4formPKcz" symbol and have turned up absolutely nothing (zero Google hits!).
    Any help would be very much appreciated.
    Thanks, Jon

    Thanks chrisswhite,
    I should have mentioned that I tried this too and it didn't solve the problem. You're right though, I should be compiling with -fPIC anyway.

  • Need Code Example to Call a SAP Remote Function from C#

    I'm looking for an example of how to call a SAP RFC from within a C#
    program.  I've tried numerous searches and have come up empty handed. If I have a function called "MyFunction" and it takes 1 input parameter and returns one output parameter (a table) how would it be coded.  I have been able to code the connection and it works so once the connection is established I need to call the funcation. Any pointers are really appreciated.   Environment is MS VS Developer 2003, Frameworks 1.1, SAP 4.6C  Here is the code so far.
    using System;
    using SAP.Connector;
    using SAP.Connector.Rfc;
    using SAP.Connector.Internal;
    namespace ConsoleApplication2
            /// <summary>
            /// Summary description for Class1.
            /// </summary>
            class Class1
            static void Main(string[] args)
                            SAP.Connector.Destination dest = new SAP.Connector.Destination();
                            dest.AppServerHost = "NAFTATEST01.SAP.INTRA";
                            dest.Client = 300;
                            dest.SystemNumber = 0;
                            dest.Username = "myusername";
                            dest.Password = "mypassword";
                            SAP.Connector.SAPConnection connSAP = new
                                            Console.WriteLine("SAP Connection was opened...");
                                    catch(SAP.Connector.RfcException rfcEx)
                                            Console.WriteLine("SAP Connection was failed...");
                                            Console.WriteLine( rfcEx.Message
                                                    + rfcEx.StackTrace);

    Create a “Windows Forms” application.
    Add an empty SAP Connection class with the ABAP functions
    Leave the proxy designer open. Go to the SAP Proxy toolbox and drag the “Proxy field” icon to the designer.
    Rename the new “Field1” to “Tab”. Change the “Type” property to BRFCKNA1Table. To do this, use the drop down icon.
    Note that the ReadOnly property automatically changes to ”true” and the default value changes to “new BRFCKNA1Table()”.
    Add a second Proxy Field with the name “Filter”, the type “String” and the default value “A*”.
    Select the “Rfc_Customer_Get” function and click on the “…” button of the “Parameters” property.
    Set the default values of the three parameters with the drop-down icon as follows:
    Name1: Filter
    Kunnr: “” Customer_T: _Tab
    Save the proxy designer and switch to your Windows form. Add a TextBox, a Button and a DataGrid.
    Add an instance of your SAP proxy to your Windows form, add a “Destination” and set the “Connection” property as described in “A4”.
    Set the DataSource property of the datagrid to “sapProxy11”. Set the DataMember property of the datagrid to “Tab”. Alternatively you can set the DataSource to “sapProxy11.Tab” and leave the DataMember empty.
    For “textBox1” use the DataBinding feature to bind the “Text property” of the textbox to “sapProxy11.Filter”.
    Double-click the button to create an event handler and add a single line:
    You are using “sapProxy11” as a smart DataSet that contains the necessary state. You bind the state to the corresponding controls. The overload method Rfc_Customer_Get_() does not have any parameters, as the required state is already in the bound Proxy Fields.
    above statments from standard helpfile,and
    in my opinion you need
    datagrid1.datasource = yourtable

  • How to call a servlets specific function from a link?

    hi all ! Im trying to call a function callled A from a link in my JSP. Im not using any buttons. How do I make this work?
    Thanks in advance.

    A solution to call A might include a custom JSP element. Inside the code for the
    element, you can get a reference to whatever object that "does an A", and make a call on the respective method/function/behavior. You need to extend the standard tag handler classes.
    Good luck!

  • How to call the built in functions from flex?

    I want to use some of the Built in functions like the twelvesprints.getActivityOwnerId() in flex. From the java example i could make out that we needed to import some classes to do this but was unable to find them for flex.

    You can download the SWC file for Flex Method app here:
    Java samples are located at
    Method exaples are available at:

Maybe you are looking for