Calling ITS from iframes

I'm trying to call an ITS service towards ISU from within
a nested iframe:
the application is build in a doublebuffered view,
in the iframe i load a main header that is used throughout
the entire session, below there is an iframe that contains
the changing views depending on the actions taken.
In that iframe i try to link a button to the ITS, but the
problem is that i receive a javascript error 'invalid pointer'
when i put that same link outside the iframe it works fine.
Is there a way to work around the nested iframe?
my sapevent is coded like this:
w_event = model->get_sapevent_string(
  action  = 'BOR'
  name    = zappl_model=>co_objtype_cfs_creditrating
  system  = 'isu'
  key     = model->partner
  method  = 'Display' ).
  '''' w_event '''' ';'
  into w_event.
  concatenate w_event
  'parent.subFrame6435645.document.forms[0].submit();' into w_event.

Got the solution:
In the specific services there is an option gui-configuration disconnectonclose which must be 0.

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    v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
    rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
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    You have to have the report server
    a. Installed and configured
    b. Running.
    If you are using rwservlet then you will find the name from the Configuration file referred to in the last link.

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    Spool Attributes
    Output Device    ZEB10
    Format           ZTT               Format
    Doc. Category    SMART
    Deleted On       19.01.2011
    Output Attributes
    No. of Copies   1
    Priority              5
    SAP Cover Page Do not print SAP cover page
    OS Cover Sheet  Print as set at printer
    Requested           0
    Processed           0   With Problem                             0
                            With Error (Not Printed)                 0
    Storage Mode Print
    TemSe Attributes
    Object name           SPOOL0000013836
    Data type             ????????????
    Character set         0 -
    > Character set of dev type = 1162
    Number of parts       0
    Record format
    Size in bytes         0
    Storage location
    On seeing SP01
          Spool no.              Type                 Date        Time   Status   Pages               Title
           13836      Smartforms(OTF) 11.01.2011  07:32       +          0      SMART LP01 USERID
    I hope this data helps you help me. Please ask for more data if you wish. Also, I have searched vastly for this error on the net  have already come across the link but to no use. On the SDN, I have not found a similar thread and that is why I decided to post this problem here, hoping to find a solution. Kindly help.

    Hi Manas,
    I am facing the same issue for one of my clients.
    Can you please share the solution with me if you have come out with it.

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    hi all,
    i am writing stored procedures and calling these from vc++. I have one stored procedure in that all
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    thanks in advance,
    with regards

    We recently changed our load balancer to a new load balancer. we get this error only after the load balancer change.
    When the error occurs, I could see ORA-12571 error message only in the application error log. The listener.log has only the following message about TNS 12502. It does not have any message about ORA -12571.
    TNS-12502: TNS:listener received no CONNECT_DATA from client
    12-MAR-2010 12:23:26 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=AppName)(CID=(PROGRAM=c:\wind ows\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe)(HOST=WEB02)(USER=NETWORK?SERVICE))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=172.x.x.x.x)(PORT=2202)) * establish * AppName * 0
    12-MAR-2010 12:23:26 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=AppName)(CID=(PROGRAM=c:\wind ows\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe)(HOST=WEB02)(USER=NETWORK?SERVICE))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=172.x.x.x.x)(PORT=2203)) * establish * AppName * 0
    12-MAR-2010 12:23:26 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=AppName)(CID=(PROGRAM=c:\wind ows\system32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe)(HOST=WEB02)(USER=NETWORK?SERVICE))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=172.x.x.x.x)(PORT=2204)) * establish * AppName * 0
    12-MAR-2010 12:24:09 * 12502
    TNS-12502: TNS:listener received no CONNECT_DATA from client

  • ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure while calling procedure from VC++

    hi all,
    i am writing stored procedures and calling these from vc++. I have one stored procedure in that all
    in and out perameters are numeric. When i am calling these procedure i am able to get the values properly. But in another procedure one in perameter is varchar and one out perameter is varchar. When i am calling these procedure from vc++ the error i am getting is "ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure". I test my vc++ code on different computers but its giving the same errors. I think ora-12571 error is when i can't communicate with oracle. But other stored procedures(in and out perameters are numbers) and sql statements are running properly. Only these stored procedure which has in and out perameters as varchar is giving me the above said problem. My out perameter in this procedure strtax is of type varchar and the length 100. Is it the problem. Please suggest me how to over come this problem.
    thanks in advance,
    with regards

    thanks for reply,
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    The only thing is that i am not able access the database through TOAD or SQL*Plus. the same error i am facing in both.
    shud i uninstall the antivirus on this And this is the only solution to it ?
    If yes, then how do i fix it again when i'll reinstall it Bcoz i need Antivirus as well.
    kindly suggest.

  • Calling BSP from EBP

    Hi ,
    Has anybody called BSP page from EBP/ITS application ?
    How can I call BSP from ITS ?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sachin S M

    Hi Sachin,
    the easiest way is to call the BSP as a "catalog"
    Just publish your BSP, then you may find under tab properties the copmplete URL for your BSP Application.
    Then just define a catalog in spro
    "Enterprise Buyer->Master Data->Define Catalogs"
    where you define a "catalog" with the URL under catalog application call structure.
    You should find an entry under your tab caltalogs with  the description from your entry made in the customizing.

  • Error when call fmx from browser

    I have used OAS 4.0.7 with yt40.dll upgraded, NT 4.0
    SP4 and Developer 6.
    I have configured application cartridge according Developer6
    Server doc instructions.
    When I call fmx from browser Netscape 4.6
    (http://hostname/webforms?module=fmx_name) the error "Applet
    oracle.forms.engine.Main class oracle.forms.engine.Main could not
    be loaded".
    OAS inserts in file \orant\ows\website40\log the message
    "Parameter module is missing from URL and cartridge settings"
    Can anybody help me please?.
    Ruy Chicaco

    Hi Adnan
    I have configured my apps similary the example in
    \orant\tools\devdem60\web then it rans fine.
    Ruy Chicaco.
    Adnan Imtiaz (guest) wrote:
    : Hi there,
    : I'm facing the same problem myself...but mine goes into doing
    : something & returns an "Internal Error" message in the
    : browser....
    : Try running the static HTML file from its directory & see
    : that even runs or not....
    : Any helpp would be greatly appreciated.....
    : Thanks.
    : Ruy chicaco (guest) wrote:
    : : I have used OAS 4.0.7 with yt40.dll upgraded, NT 4.0
    : : SP4 and Developer 6.
    : : I have configured application cartridge according Developer6
    : : Server doc instructions.
    : : When I call fmx from browser Netscape 4.6
    : : (http://hostname/webforms?module=fmx_name) the error "Applet
    : : oracle.forms.engine.Main class oracle.forms.engine.Main could
    : not
    : : be loaded".
    : : OAS inserts in file \orant\ows\website40\log the message
    : : "Parameter module is missing from URL and cartridge settings"
    : : Can anybody help me please?.
    : : Ruy Chicaco

  • Calling GuidedProcess from WebDynpro ABAP

    Hi all
    can anybody tell me that how to call GP from webdynpro ABAP.
    and what are the advantages and disadvantages in this scenario??
    if anyone reply then it would be the great help to me
    Suresh babu

    You can call a GP from WD ABAP through by implementing a service call from a method that is embedded in your WD. You can refer this link for the same.
    But you should note here that Data exchange between ABAP WD and GP is not two way but its only one way.

Maybe you are looking for