Calling table without schema prefix.

I have a task to upgrade a form 6 and oracle 8 based system to form 6i and database 9ii.
I notice in legacy Forms that other schema objects has been called in Select and Update statements without schema prefix.. like select * from tablename instead of select * from schemaName.tbalename
Forms are not able to compile without schema prefix before table name.
Is it happened in 6i or some thing is missing at database side

ORA-600 are internal errors; you'd need to contact oracle support for it. Before you log a SR with support you might give the Ora-600 lookup tool a chance (metalink note 153788.1).
But as Forms 6i and database 9i are rather outdated you might have a good chance that "update to a supported version" is the answer you get from support.

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    StaffCodeTo, TransferType, TransferDate)
    values (:New.DocumentNumber, :New.DocumentTypeID, :New.StaffCode,
    :New.StaffCode, :New.LastOperation, :New.DocumentDate);
    I get the following error :
    Line # = 2 Column # = 4 Error Text = PLS-00201: identifier 'DOCUMENTTRANSFERS' must be declared
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    I am missing something ?
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    Public synonyms have their place, but are not generally a good idea as they will cause conflicts with other schemas and applications. Another think that you can do is issue the
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    This setting offers a convenient way to perform operations on objects in a schema other than that of the current user without having to qualify the objects with the schema name. This setting changes the current schema, but it does not change the session user or the current user, nor does it give you any additional system or object privileges for the session.

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    //Xml begins
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <Statemessages xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
    - <FileControl>
    - <Source>
    - <Destination>
    - <Message>
    - <PartyRegistrationID>
    <Subname>Hans Bruno Michel</Subname>
    - <DefaultOfPayment>
    - <ContractsWithDefaultOfPayment>
    - <Messagedetails>
    - <ReturnDebitNote>
    //XML end
    I am using the following stored procedure to try this;
    create or replace PROCEDURE CompleteSaveXML_1 AS
    XMLMessage2 XMLTYPE;
    v_parser dbms_xmlparser.Parser;
    v_clob CLOB;
    v_sent DATE;
    v_doc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    v_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    v_nFCL xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    v_nFCN xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_nFCSourceL xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    v_nFCSourceN xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_nFCDestinationL xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    v_nFCDestinationN xmldom.DOMNode;
    m_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    m_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_n3 xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    v_n4 xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_b xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_d xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_a xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    v_c xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    m_prg xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    m_pr xmldom.DOMNode;
    condf_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    condf_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    msgdtl_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    msgdtl_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    rtndbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    rtndbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    dnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    dnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    cancl_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    cancl_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    conid_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    conid_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    canclid_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    canclid_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    par_ref number(10) :=0;
    msgnum number(20):=0;
    var1 number(30):=0;
    rtnnum number(20):=0;
    dnnum number(20):=0;
    tpmsg number(20):=0;
    condfpmt number(20):=0;
    canclnum number(20):=0;
    --Added the next variable
    sequence_no     number(20):=0;
    --These are the new variables
    condfpmt1 number(20):=0;
    rtnnum1 number(20):=0;
    dnnum1 number(20):=0;
    tpmsg1 number(20):=0;
    canclnum1 number(20):=0;
    part_refid_value number(20);
    parid_typ_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    parid_typ_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    parid_id_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    parid_id_n     xmldom.DOMNode;
    party_ref_node xmldom.DOMNode;
    var_pr_reg_typ VARCHAR2(2);
    msgrtdbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    msgrtdbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    kndrtdbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    kndrtdbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    rsnrtdbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    rsnrtdbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    datrtdbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    datrtdbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    grssrtdbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    grssrtdbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    currtdbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    currtdbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    rtnnum2 number(20):=0;
    msgdnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    msgdnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    lvdnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    lvdnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    datdnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    datdnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    grsdnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    grsdnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    curdnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    curdnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    limdnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    limdnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    lvimp number(20);
    nullchk varchar2(30) ;
    chk_flseq number(10);
    fl_seq number(30);
    --these are the new variables
    TYPE tab_type IS TABLE OF FileControl%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab_FC tab_type := tab_type();
    TYPE tab_type1 IS TABLE OF MessageTab%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab1 tab_type1 := tab_type1();
    TYPE tab_type2 IS TABLE OF ContractsWithDefaultOfPayment%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab2 tab_type2 := tab_type2();
    TYPE tab_type3 IS TABLE OF CancellationTab%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab3 tab_type3 := tab_type3();
    TYPE tab_type4 IS TABLE OF ReturnDebitNoteTab%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab4 tab_type4 := tab_type4();
    TYPE tab_type5 IS TABLE OF DunningLettersTab%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab5 tab_type5 := tab_type5();
    cursor MessageCursor is
    select * from OM_BSN_STATEMSGS
    where PROCESSED is null AND SENT in(Select min(SENT) from OM_BSN_STATEMSGS
    where PROCESSED is null)
    order by sent asc;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('creating parser');
    -- v_parser := DBMS_XMLPARSER.NEWPARSER;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('done creating');
    DBMS_XMLPARSER.setValidationMode(v_parser, true);
    DBMS_XMLPARSER.showWarnings(v_parser, true);
    open MessageCursor;
    fetch MessageCursor into v_statemsgs;
    exit when MessageCursor%NOTFOUND;
    DBMS_XMLPARSER.PARSECLOB(P => v_parser, DOC => v_statemsgs.MESSAGE);
    -- xmlparser.parse(v_parser, File_Location);
    v_doc := xmlparser.getDocument(v_parser);
    dbms_xmlparser.freeParser(v_parser); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 1');
    v_nFCL := xslprocessor.selectNodes(xmldom.makeNode(v_doc),'/Statemessages/FileControl');
    v_nFCN := xmldom.item(v_nFCL,0);
    v_nFCSourceL := xslprocessor.selectNodes(xmldom.makeNode(v_doc),'/Statemessages/FileControl/Source');
    v_nFCSourceN := xmldom.item(v_nFCSourceL,0);
    v_nFCDestinationL := xslprocessor.selectNodes(xmldom.makeNode(v_doc),'/Statemessages/FileControl/Destination');
    v_nFCDestinationN := xmldom.item(v_nFCDestinationL,0);
    -- Populate tab type for ORFC
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).creation_date := to_date(xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCN,'CreationDate'),'YYYY-MM-DD');
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).src_sys_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCSourceN,'SystemID');
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).src_mandant_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCSourceN,'MandantID');
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).dest_sys_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCDestinationN,'SystemID');
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).dest_mandant_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCDestinationN,'MandantID');
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).seq_no := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCN,'SequenceNumber');
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).counter := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCN,'Counter');
    --Saving the value of this seq_no so that it can be inserted in the message tab.
    sequence_no:= xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCN,'SequenceNumber');
    --Insert into ORFC TAB
    fl_seq := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCN,'SequenceNumber');
    select count(*) into chk_flseq from FileControl where SEQ_NO =fl_seq;
    if (chk_flseq =0) then
    FOR each_FC IN t_tab_FC.first .. t_tab_FC.last LOOP
    INSERT INTO FileControl
    t_tab_FC(each_FC).src_sys_id ,
    end if;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 2');
    if (chk_flseq =0) then /* chk the xml's filecontrol seq exists in filecontrltab */
    -- Use XPATH syntax to assign values to he elements of the collection.
    v_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(xmldom.makeNode(v_doc),'/Statemessages/Message');
    tpmsg := xmldom.getLength(v_nl);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Message node length'||tpmsg);
    if (tpmsg>0) then
    FOR cur_emp IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(v_nl) - 1 LOOP
    v_n := xmldom.item(v_nl, cur_emp);
    select (BISON_OM_MessageID.NEXTVAL) into var1 from dual;
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).message_id := var1;
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).seq_no     := sequence_no;
    ---party reg
    m_prg := xslprocessor.selectNodes(v_n,'PartyRegistrationID');
    FOR Ref_Id_Loop IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(m_prg) - 1 LOOP
    party_ref_node := xmldom.item(m_prg,0);
    part_refid_value := xslprocessor.valueOf(party_ref_node,'.');
    end loop;
    m_pr := xmldom.item(m_prg, 0);
    --chang id
    parid_id_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(m_pr,'ID');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Going to read PartyRegistrationID');
    FOR cur_parid_id IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(parid_id_nl) - 1 LOOP
    parid_id_n := xmldom.item(parid_id_nl,cur_parid_id);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Value of id:'|| xslprocessor.valueOf(parid_id_n,'.'));
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).party_ref_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(parid_id_n,'.');
    end loop ;
    ---- change id
    parid_typ_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(m_pr,'Type');
    FOR cur_parid_typ IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(parid_typ_nl) - 1 LOOP
    parid_typ_n := xmldom.item(parid_typ_nl,cur_parid_typ);
    var_pr_reg_typ := xslprocessor.valueOf(parid_typ_n,'.');
    if var_pr_reg_typ='RG' then
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).PARTY_REG_TYPE_RG := var_pr_reg_typ;
    elsif var_pr_reg_typ='AG' then
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).PARTY_REG_TYPE_AG := var_pr_reg_typ;
    end if;
    end loop;
    -- t_tab1(t_tab1.last).PARTY_REG_TYPE_AG := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_pr,'Type');
    par_ref :=xslprocessor.valueOf(m_pr,'ID');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).customer_grp_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_n,'CustomerGroupID');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).name := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_n,'Name');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).subname := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_n,'Subname');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).datetime := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_n,'DateTime');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 3 ContractsWithDefaultOfPayment');
    m_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(v_n,'DefaultOfPayment');
    m_n := xmldom.item(m_nl, 0);
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).payment_msg_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_n,'MessageID');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).gross_amt_before := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_n,'GrossAmountBefore');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).gross_amt_current := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_n,'GrossAmountCurrent');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).currency := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_n,'Currency');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).settlemen_of_balance := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_n,'SettlementOfBalance');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).including_subsidiary_claim := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_n,'IncludingSubsidiaryClaim');
    condf_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(v_n,'ContractsWithDefaultOfPayment');
    condf_n := xmldom.item(condf_nl,0);
    condfpmt := xmldom.getLength(condf_nl);
    if (condfpmt > 0) then
    conid_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(condf_n,'ContractID');
    FOR cur_conid IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(conid_nl) - 1 LOOP
    conid_n := xmldom.item(conid_nl,cur_conid);
    t_tab2(t_tab2.last).message_id := var1;
    t_tab2(t_tab2.last).contract_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(conid_n,'.');
    end loop;
    condfpmt1 := 1;
    end if;
    cancl_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(v_n,'Cancellation');
    cancl_n := xmldom.item(cancl_nl,0);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('No of cancellations'||xmldom.getLength(cancl_nl) );
    canclnum := xmldom.getLength(cancl_nl) ;
    if (canclnum > 0) then
    canclid_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(cancl_n,'MessageID');
    FOR cur_canclid IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(canclid_nl) - 1 LOOP
    canclid_n := xmldom.item(canclid_nl,cur_canclid);
    t_tab3(t_tab3.last).message_id := var1;
    t_tab3(t_tab3.last).cancellation_msg_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(canclid_n,'.');
    end loop;
    canclnum1 :=1;
    end if; -- canclnum
    msgdtl_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(v_n,'Messagedetails');
    msgnum := xmldom.getLength(msgdtl_nl) ;
    if (msgnum >0) then
    msgdtl_n := xmldom.item(msgdtl_nl,0);
    rtndbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(msgdtl_n,'ReturnDebitNote');
    rtndbt_n := xmldom.item(rtndbt_nl,0);
    rtnnum := xmldom.getLength(rtndbt_nl) ;
    if (rtnnum >0) then
    --return debit note
    msgrtdbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(rtndbt_n,'MessageID');
    kndrtdbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(rtndbt_n,'KindOf');
    rsnrtdbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(rtndbt_n,'Reason');
    datrtdbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(rtndbt_n,'Date');
    grssrtdbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(rtndbt_n,'GrossAmount');
    currtdbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(rtndbt_n,'Currency');
    rtnnum2 :=0;
    FOR cur_msgrtndbt IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(msgrtdbt_nl) - 1 LOOP
    msgrtdbt_n := xmldom.item(msgrtdbt_nl,cur_msgrtndbt);
    kndrtdbt_n := xmldom.item(kndrtdbt_nl,cur_msgrtndbt);
    rsnrtdbt_n := xmldom.item(rsnrtdbt_nl,cur_msgrtndbt);
    datrtdbt_n := xmldom.item(datrtdbt_nl,cur_msgrtndbt);
    grssrtdbt_n := xmldom.item(grssrtdbt_nl,cur_msgrtndbt);
    currtdbt_n := xmldom.item(currtdbt_nl,cur_msgrtndbt);
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).message_id := var1;
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).ret_debitnote_msg_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(msgrtdbt_n,'.');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).kind_of := xslprocessor.valueOf(kndrtdbt_n,'.');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).Reason := xslprocessor.valueOf(rsnrtdbt_n,'.');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).debit_note_date := to_date(xslprocessor.valueOf(datrtdbt_n,'.'),'YYYY-MM-DD');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).gross_amt := xslprocessor.valueOf(grssrtdbt_n,'.');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).currency := xslprocessor.valueOf(currtdbt_n,'.');
    rtnnum1 :=rtnnum1 + 1;
    rtnnum2 := rtnnum2 + 1;
    end loop;
    ----return debit note
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).message_id := var1 ;
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).ret_debitnote_msg_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(rtndbt_n,'MessageID');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).kind_of := xslprocessor.valueOf(rtndbt_n,'KindOf');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).reason := xslprocessor.valueOf(rtndbt_n,'Reason');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).debit_note_date := to_date(xslprocessor.valueOf(rtndbt_n,'Date'),'YYYY-MM-DD');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).gross_amt := xslprocessor.valueOf(rtndbt_n,'GrossAmount');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).currency := xslprocessor.valueOf(rtndbt_n,'Currency');
    rtnnum1 :=1;
    end if;
    dnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(msgdtl_n,'DunningLetter');
    dnlt_n := xmldom.item(dnlt_nl, 0);
    dnnum := xmldom.getLength(dnlt_nl) ;
    if (dnnum >0) then
    -- t_tab5.extend;
    --dunning letter
    msgdnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(dnlt_n,'MessageID');
    lvdnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(dnlt_n,'Level');
    datdnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(dnlt_n,'Date');
    grsdnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(dnlt_n,'GrossAmount');
    curdnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(dnlt_n,'Currency');
    limdnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(dnlt_n,'LevelImprovement');
    FOR cur_msgdnlt IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(msgdnlt_nl) - 1 LOOP
    msgdnlt_n := xmldom.item(msgdnlt_nl,cur_msgdnlt);
    lvdnlt_n := xmldom.item(lvdnlt_nl,cur_msgdnlt);
    datdnlt_n := xmldom.item(datdnlt_nl,cur_msgdnlt);
    grsdnlt_n := xmldom.item(grsdnlt_nl,cur_msgdnlt);
    curdnlt_n := xmldom.item(curdnlt_nl,cur_msgdnlt);
    limdnlt_n := xmldom.item(limdnlt_nl,cur_msgdnlt);
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).message_id := var1;
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).dunning_msg_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(msgdnlt_n,'.');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).d_level := xslprocessor.valueOf(lvdnlt_n,'.');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).dunning_date := to_date(xslprocessor.valueOf(datdnlt_n,'.'),'YYYY-MM-DD');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).gross_amt := xslprocessor.valueOf(grsdnlt_n,'.');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).currency := xslprocessor.valueOf(curdnlt_n,'.');
    lvimp := xmldom.getLength(limdnlt_nl);
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).level_improvement := xslprocessor.valueOf(limdnlt_n,'.');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).level_improvement := null;
    dnnum1 :=dnnum1 + 1;
    -- dnnum2 := dnnum2 + 1;
    end loop;
    ----dunning letter
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).message_id := var1;
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).dunning_msg_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(dnlt_n,'MessageID');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).d_level := xslprocessor.valueOf(dnlt_n,'Level');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).dunning_date := to_date(xslprocessor.valueOf(dnlt_n,'Date'),'YYYY-MM-DD');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).gross_amt := xslprocessor.valueOf(dnlt_n,'GrossAmount');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).currency := xslprocessor.valueOf(dnlt_n,'Currency');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).level_improvement := xslprocessor.valueOf(dnlt_n,'LevelImprovement');
    dnnum1 :=1; */
    end if;
    end if;
    -- Insert data into the real EMP table from the table collection.
    -- Form better performance multiple collections should be used to allow
    -- bulk binding using the FORALL construct but this would make the code
    -- too long-winded for this example.
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 5');
    FOR cur_emp IN t_tab1.first .. t_tab1.last LOOP
    INSERT INTO MessageTab
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 6');
    if (condfpmt1 > 0) then
    FOR cur_cnf IN t_tab2.first .. t_tab2.last LOOP
    INSERT INTO ContractsWithDefaultOfPayment
    (t_tab2(cur_cnf).message_id,t_tab2(cur_cnf).contract_id );
    end loop;
    end if; -- condfpmt
    if (canclnum1 > 0) then
    FOR cur_cancl IN t_tab3.first .. t_tab3.last LOOP
    INSERT INTO CancellationTab
    end if;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 7');
    if (rtnnum1 >0) then
    FOR cur_rtndb IN t_tab4.first .. t_tab4.last LOOP
    INSERT INTO ReturnDebitNoteTab
    end if;
    if (dnnum1 >0) then
    FOR cur_dnl IN t_tab5.first .. t_tab5.last LOOP
    INSERT INTO DunningLettersTab
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 8');
    end if; -- dnn
    end if; -- top msg
    end if; --- fl_seq chk
    -- Free any resources associated with the document now it
    -- is no longer needed.
    /* refresh array */
    /* refsh */
    end loop;
    close MessageCursor;
    END ;

    Errors thrown by Oracle always show a line number (even if it points to the FOR loop that the error occurred within). When you run it, what is the error stack that is being returned. Copy and paste that, don't summarize it.
    If you are still uncertain, add a final
         dbms_output.put_line(DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE);to have it written out where your normal dbms_output goes. This is your friend in 10g for tracking down errors.
    "But as soon as i add a prefix in the header everything works fine."
    Is that header in the sample XML you provided? Regardless what are you adding? Your data is a clob so you can always tweak it before converting it to a DOMDocument just by doing simple string manipulation.
    Since you are in 10g, you should be using dbms_xmldom instead of xmldom. I think xmldom is just a synonym for dbms_xmldom though. Review the dbms_xmldom documentation. You can go straight from a clob to a DOMDocument via DBMS_XMLDOM.NEWDOMDOCUMENT. You can also parse the document completely using dbms_xmldom calls instead of xslprocessor calls.
    Other random things to evaluate:
    Consider turning
             FOR each_FC IN t_tab_FC.first .. t_tab_FC.last LOOP
                INSERT INTO FileControl
    into a
             FORALL i IN t_tab_FC.first .. t_tab_FC.last LOOP
                INSERT INTO FileControl
                 ...Better performance because one two context switches (PL/SQL -> SQL -> PL/SQL) instead of 2*n switches.
    I like this construct better
       t_tab_FC tab_type := tab_type;because then you don't have to       t_tab_FC.extend;you can just do something like     index := 1;
            t_tab_FC(index).creation_date := <whatever>;
            index := index + 1;
         END LOOPYou also have the option of parsing your XML as a XMLType, including purely in SQL, but you can research that avenue at a later date.
    Forgot to mention, wrap any code examples in [ pre ] [ pre ] (without the spaces) to retain your formatting.

  • Table without table name

    Is it possible to create a table without table name and retrieve the information from that table?
    Edited by: Kamesh on Sep 20, 2010 11:05 AM

    Kamesh wrote:
    Is it possible to create a table without table name and retrieve the information from that table?
    Edited by: Kamesh on Sep 20, 2010 11:05 AMNo, every table in a schema has to have a unique name. Any string will do.
    If the name does not conform to the standard rules for identifiers (including the rule about no special characters, such as spaces) then the name must be enclosed in double-quotes. As William pointed out, " " (with a single space between the quotes) is a name; it has a length of 1.
    This reminds me of a great story. It's so good, it probably didn't really happen, but it's so good, I'm going to repeat it anyway.
    IBM once had an "executive apptitude test" that they would give to job applicants. There were some questions you might call general knowlege or trivia questions, and each question had a weight (for example, answering an unimportant queestion might score one point, an important question might be 5 points.) One of the questions was "What is the standard width of a mobile home?", and the weight of the question was -20: answering the question correctly did serious harm to your score. The reasoning was that the more you knew about mobile homes, the less likely you were to be their kind of executive.
    I wonder if this was the same kind of trick question.
    I agree with Mtefft; the correct answer is something like "Why would you want to?"

  • Removing schema prefix from DDL statements

    When I do a change via sql developer, such as adding/dropping a field or table, etc... I need to send the change as a SQL script to my DBA (so it could be sent with our next upgrade to customers, etc).
    But, the changes are always prefixed by the schema owner. How can I remove this? For example, if I add a field called: B to table: A, which is under schema O, the sql will look like this:
    alter table O.A add (B);
    I don't want the "O." to be in there by default. IMO, it is "stupid" for SQL Developer to do this.
    My connection profile is to login as user "O".
    I do see an option:
    Preferences, Database, ObjectViewer Parameters: Show Schema
    I un-check this box, because it does make one thing better: it makes it if I goto the "SQL" tab of a table i'm looking at, the sql to create the table won't have the schema prefix, which I think is the "correct" behaviour.
    Is there anyway to "turn off schema prefix" for my "alters" ?

    On the connections tab...
    I expand TAbles
    I highlight the table i want to add to.
    I click Actions
    I click Columns, Add
    I proceed with entering the column via the GUI.
    There's a tab called "SQL" that writes the SQL for whatever i'm doing. I want to be able to take this sql and send to my DBA, but I don't want it to be prefixed by the schema owner.

  • Access function without schema defination

    i wrote a function like emofn in schema and give grant to all schemas like this
      grant execute on empfn to public;
    but when i log-in to schema2 or schema3 i tried to execute that function like
    select empfn() function from dual; it's wont work and if try like this
    select schem1.empfun() from dual it's working. but i want without schema defination any help.....

    Permissions and name resolution are two different things. To call a function in another schema without specifying the schema you'll need to do one of the following
    1. Create a private synonym in the calling schema
    2. Create a public synonym (this is how things like DBMS_OUTPUT can work without being prefixed by 'SYS')
    3. Have the caller alter session set current schema to the function owning schema.
    None of these have any effect on your permission to actually use the function.

  • Deploy without OWBSYS prefix

    When I deploy mappings from OWB 11, all system tables are prefixed with "OWBSYS". The call to system tables is made via synonyms (same name as the system tables) so I don't want to deploy mappings using "OWBSYS" prefix, do you know where I can modify this parameter ?
    Thank you !

    First, is your synonym in the same module (scheme) as your mapping?
    Second, check under mapping configuration --> Table operators --> Schema (it should be empty)?

  • Error: itab is a table without a header....

    Hi everybody,
    i get the following error after activation:
    "ITAB" is a table without a header line and therefore has no component called "NUM"..
    How can i solve this problem?
      TYPES: BEGIN OF i_itab,
               NUM TYPE I,
             END OF i_itab.
      DATA: itab TYPE TABLE OF i_tab.
      LOOP AT myTable INTO ls_mytable.
        itab-num = ls_mytable-nr.
        APPEND itab.
    Edited by: Sid on Jul 7, 2009 7:39 PM

    Sid wrote:>
    > Hi everybody,
    > i get the following error after activation:
    >  "ITAB" is a table without a header line and therefore has no component called "NUM"..
    > How can i solve this problem?
    >   TYPES: BEGIN OF i_itab,
    >            NUM TYPE I,
    >          END OF i_itab.
    >   DATA: itab TYPE TABLE OF i_tab.

    >   LOOP AT myTable INTO ls_mytable.
    >     itab-num = ls_mytable-nr.
    >     APPEND itab.
    >   ENDLOOP.
    Have a work area for the internal table itab. Code modified below :
       TYPES: BEGIN OF i_itab,
                NUM TYPE I,
              END OF i_itab.
       DATA: itab TYPE TABLE OF i_tab,
                  wa TYPE i_tab.
       LOOP AT myTable INTO ls_mytable.
         wa-num = ls_mytable-nr.
         APPEND wa to itab.
    Hope this helps.
    Anand Patil

  • Training an SVM on table with schema flexibility fails

    Dear colleagues,
    I'm trying to train a Support Vector Machine on a table with schema flexibility.
    On a small test table with only a couple of columns both the training and the prediction using the PAL libraries work fine. However, on my large sparse table with more than 1000 columns and "schema flexibility" set at creation time, I constantly run into the following error:
    Could not execute 'CALL SYSTEM.AFL_WRAPPER_GENERATOR ('PAL_SV', 'AFLPAL', 'SVMTRAIN', PAL_SV_SIGNATURE)' in 30 ms 529 µs .
    SAP DBTech JDBC: [423]: AFL error:  [423] "SYSTEM"."AFL_WRAPPER_GENERATOR": line 32 col 1 (at pos 1346): [423] (range 3) AFL error exception: AFL error: registration finished with errors, see indexserver trace
    The indexserver trace gives me something strange like:
    AFLPM_SQLDriverObj.cpp(02439) : aflpm_creator : direction must be in or out
    As far as I see it, all parameters are fine, though.
    Is there a limitation that does not allow PAL functions to be executed on tables with schema flexibility? I suspect so, because I'm running into similar problems with the SUBSTITUTE_MISSING_VALUES function.
    Thanks for any help,

    Hey there,
    isn't there anyone who came across this issue? I'd love to know if this is a known technical limitation with tables that use the "schema flexibility" or rather a bug. In the former case, can anyone suggest a workaround?
    I'd be grateful for any help or any pointer to further documentation.

  • Data fetch from two table without refresh

    hi Friends,
    I have a problem i want to extract data from two table without refresh into text field when i'll enter any value in a text field then corressponding value should come in to corressponding textfield.
    eg. there two table A and B.
    Table A has Colunm
    s_id Number;
    c_id Varchar2(30);
    sec varchar2(4);
    Second Table B Colunm Name
    s_id Number;
    f_name varchar(30);
    l_name varchar(20);
    when i enter s_id 101 in a text field then the c_id ,sec,first_name and last_name should come in to corressponding text fields without refresh.
    How Can I do this.

    Hi Manoj,
    You have to make an Ajax call to display data without refreshing the page. Search this forum for Ajax and you can find lots of related posts. This link might help too.

  • Is the MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE FM called even without a Custo Distri. Model.

    Hi all
    In have a question dealing with ALE.
    I am trying to send a BOM Change and create IDoc to a XI system.
    My question is :
    Is the MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE FM called even without a Customer Distribution Model?
    Or to test my scenario do I HAVE to create a CDM, using BD64.
    Please advise.
    specific answers will be appriciated.

    It is required to create a model view..otherwise who is distributing the message to whom can't be rocognised..Hence it is required..
    check the sample code ..
    *& Report ZZ_Program_To_Create_Idoc
    report zz_program_to_create_idoc .
    tables: ekko,ekpo.
    selection-screen skip 3.
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title titl.
    selection-screen skip.
    select-options s_ebeln for ekko-ebeln.
    selection-screen skip.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    data: header_segment_name like edidd-segnam value 'Z1EKKO',
    item_segment_name like edidd-segnam value 'Z1EKPO',
    idoc_name like edidc-idoctp value 'Z19838IDOC1'.
    data: header_segment_data like z1ekko,
    item_segment_data like z1ekpo.
    data: control_record like edidc.
    data: messagetyp like edmsg-msgtyp value 'ZZ9838MESG1'.
    data: i_communication like edidc occurs 0 with header line,
    i_data like edidd occurs 0 with header line.
    data: begin of i_ekko occurs 0,
    ebeln like ekko-ebeln,
    aedat like ekko-aedat,
    bukrs like ekko-bukrs,
    bsart like ekko-bsart,
    lifnr like ekko-lifnr,
    end of i_ekko.
    data: begin of i_ekpo occurs 0,
    ebelp like ekpo-ebelp,
    matnr like ekpo-matnr,
    menge like ekpo-menge,
    meins like ekpo-meins,
    netpr like ekpo-netpr,
    end of i_ekpo.
    select ebeln aedat bukrs bsart lifnr from ekko
    into table i_ekko where ebeln in s_ebeln.
    select ebelp
    from ekpo
    into table i_ekpo
    where ebeln in s_ebeln.
    control_record-mestyp = messagetyp.
    control_record-rcvprt = 'LS'.
    control_record-idoctp = idoc_name.
    control_record-rcvprn = '0MART800'.
    loop at i_ekko.
    header_segment_data-ebeln = i_ekko-ebeln.
    header_segment_data-aedat = i_ekko-aedat.
    header_segment_data-bukrs = i_ekko-bukrs.
    header_segment_data-bsart = i_ekko-bsart.
    header_segment_data-lifnr = i_ekko-lifnr.
    i_data-segnam = header_segment_name.
    i_data-sdata = header_segment_data.
    append i_data.
    select ebelp
    from ekpo
    into table i_ekpo
    where ebeln = i_ekko-ebeln.
    loop at i_ekpo.
    item_segment_data-ebelp = i_ekpo-ebelp.
    item_segment_data-matnr = i_ekpo-matnr.
    item_segment_data-menge = i_ekpo-menge.
    item_segment_data-meins = i_ekpo-meins.
    item_segment_data-netpr = i_ekpo-netpr.
    i_data-segnam = item_segment_name.
    i_data-sdata = item_segment_data.
    append i_data.
    clear i_ekpo.
    refresh i_ekpo.
    call function 'MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE'
    master_idoc_control = control_record
    OBJ_TYPE = ''
    CHNUM = ''
    communication_idoc_control = i_communication
    master_idoc_data = i_data
    error_in_idoc_control = 1
    error_writing_idoc_status = 2
    error_in_idoc_data = 3
    sending_logical_system_unknown = 4
    others = 5
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
    with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    loop at i_communication.
    write: 'IDOC GENERATED', i_communication-docnum.
    commit work.
    reward  if helpful

  • OMWB schema prefix (MS SQL Server to Oracle database migration)

    I made automatical migration + some manual changes (pipelined functions) to migrate MS SQL 2000 database to Oracle 9i. Still one issue remains which requires lot of manual conversion : Names of the tables in views after automatic migration doesn't contain schema prefix and it doesn't compile on destination database.
    My question is: Is there any way to add schema prefix to table names in views automatically during migration process ?

    Two things here.
    The omwb will login to Oracle and create the views in the schema where they will be stored, hence not needing the schema appended.
    If the views are on other schemas than the one being installed into, then yes, there may be some manual edits to do to the table names in the views. This is not configurable today.

  • OMWB schema prefix (MS SQL Server to Oracle database conversion)

    I made automatical conversion + some manual changes (pipelined functions) to migrate MS SQL 2000 database to Oracle 9i. Still one issue remains which requires lot of manual conversion : Names of the tables in views after automatic conversion doesn't contain schema prefix and it doesn't compile on destination database.
    My question is: Is there any way to add schema prefix to table names in views automatically during migration process ?

    Hi Marcin,
    See my post in the OMWB forum

  • How to exclude tables from Schema level replication

    Hi All,
    I am currently trying to setup Oracle Streams (Oracle on RHEL5) to replicate a schema from one instance to another.
    The basic schema level replication is working well, and copying DDL and DML changes without any problems. However there are a couple of tables that I need to exclude from the stream, due to incompatible datatypes.
    Does anybody have any ideas or notes on how I could achieve this?? I have been reading the Oracle documentation and find it difficult to follow and confusing, and I have not found any examples in the internet.
    Thanks heaps.

    When you use SCHEMA level rules for capture and need to skip the replication of a few tables, you create rules in the negative rule set for the table.
    Here is an example of creating table rules in the negative rule set for the capture process.
    table_name => 'schema.table_to_be_skipped',
    streams_type => 'CAPTURE',
    streams_name => 'your_capture_name',
    queue_name => 'strmadmin.capture_queue_name',
    include_dml => true,
    include_ddl => true,
    inclusion_rule => false
    table_name parameter identifies the fully qualified table name (schema.table)
    streams_name identifies the capture process for which the rules are to be added
    queue_name specifies the name of the queue associated with the capture process.
    Inclusion_rule=> false indicates that the create rules are to be placed in the negative rule set (ie, skip this table)
    include_dml=> true indicates DML changes for the table (ie, skip DML changes for this table)
    include_ddl=> true indicates DDL changes for the table (ie, skip DDL changes for this table)

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    Experts, Can anyone let me details on this error and how it can be resolved? I am getting this dump in the BW system when an ODS is doing a self load (Repair full) ITAB_ILLEGAL_SORT_ORDER Regards, Nayan