Deploy without OWBSYS prefix

When I deploy mappings from OWB 11, all system tables are prefixed with "OWBSYS". The call to system tables is made via synonyms (same name as the system tables) so I don't want to deploy mappings using "OWBSYS" prefix, do you know where I can modify this parameter ?
Thank you !

First, is your synonym in the same module (scheme) as your mapping?
Second, check under mapping configuration --> Table operators --> Schema (it should be empty)?

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  • How to parse an XMl without using prefix in the namespace and elements?

    The following is a sample of the xml that I need to parse.
    Without the prefix in the namespace section I am getting an error but when i just put in the prefix it works fine. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
    I think i need to change something in the parser set up...may be the somewhere in the bolded lines....but i am clueless...
    //Xml begins
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <Statemessages xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
    - <FileControl>
    - <Source>
    - <Destination>
    - <Message>
    - <PartyRegistrationID>
    <Subname>Hans Bruno Michel</Subname>
    - <DefaultOfPayment>
    - <ContractsWithDefaultOfPayment>
    - <Messagedetails>
    - <ReturnDebitNote>
    //XML end
    I am using the following stored procedure to try this;
    create or replace PROCEDURE CompleteSaveXML_1 AS
    XMLMessage2 XMLTYPE;
    v_parser dbms_xmlparser.Parser;
    v_clob CLOB;
    v_sent DATE;
    v_doc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    v_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    v_nFCL xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    v_nFCN xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_nFCSourceL xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    v_nFCSourceN xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_nFCDestinationL xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    v_nFCDestinationN xmldom.DOMNode;
    m_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    m_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_n3 xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    v_n4 xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_b xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_d xmldom.DOMNode;
    v_a xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    v_c xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    m_prg xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    m_pr xmldom.DOMNode;
    condf_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    condf_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    msgdtl_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    msgdtl_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    rtndbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    rtndbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    dnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    dnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    cancl_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    cancl_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    conid_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    conid_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    canclid_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    canclid_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    par_ref number(10) :=0;
    msgnum number(20):=0;
    var1 number(30):=0;
    rtnnum number(20):=0;
    dnnum number(20):=0;
    tpmsg number(20):=0;
    condfpmt number(20):=0;
    canclnum number(20):=0;
    --Added the next variable
    sequence_no     number(20):=0;
    --These are the new variables
    condfpmt1 number(20):=0;
    rtnnum1 number(20):=0;
    dnnum1 number(20):=0;
    tpmsg1 number(20):=0;
    canclnum1 number(20):=0;
    part_refid_value number(20);
    parid_typ_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    parid_typ_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    parid_id_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    parid_id_n     xmldom.DOMNode;
    party_ref_node xmldom.DOMNode;
    var_pr_reg_typ VARCHAR2(2);
    msgrtdbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    msgrtdbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    kndrtdbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    kndrtdbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    rsnrtdbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    rsnrtdbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    datrtdbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    datrtdbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    grssrtdbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    grssrtdbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    currtdbt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    currtdbt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    rtnnum2 number(20):=0;
    msgdnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    msgdnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    lvdnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    lvdnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    datdnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    datdnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    grsdnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    grsdnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    curdnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    curdnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    limdnlt_nl xmldom.DOMNodeList;
    limdnlt_n xmldom.DOMNode;
    lvimp number(20);
    nullchk varchar2(30) ;
    chk_flseq number(10);
    fl_seq number(30);
    --these are the new variables
    TYPE tab_type IS TABLE OF FileControl%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab_FC tab_type := tab_type();
    TYPE tab_type1 IS TABLE OF MessageTab%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab1 tab_type1 := tab_type1();
    TYPE tab_type2 IS TABLE OF ContractsWithDefaultOfPayment%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab2 tab_type2 := tab_type2();
    TYPE tab_type3 IS TABLE OF CancellationTab%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab3 tab_type3 := tab_type3();
    TYPE tab_type4 IS TABLE OF ReturnDebitNoteTab%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab4 tab_type4 := tab_type4();
    TYPE tab_type5 IS TABLE OF DunningLettersTab%ROWTYPE;
    t_tab5 tab_type5 := tab_type5();
    cursor MessageCursor is
    select * from OM_BSN_STATEMSGS
    where PROCESSED is null AND SENT in(Select min(SENT) from OM_BSN_STATEMSGS
    where PROCESSED is null)
    order by sent asc;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('creating parser');
    -- v_parser := DBMS_XMLPARSER.NEWPARSER;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('done creating');
    DBMS_XMLPARSER.setValidationMode(v_parser, true);
    DBMS_XMLPARSER.showWarnings(v_parser, true);
    open MessageCursor;
    fetch MessageCursor into v_statemsgs;
    exit when MessageCursor%NOTFOUND;
    DBMS_XMLPARSER.PARSECLOB(P => v_parser, DOC => v_statemsgs.MESSAGE);
    -- xmlparser.parse(v_parser, File_Location);
    v_doc := xmlparser.getDocument(v_parser);
    dbms_xmlparser.freeParser(v_parser); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 1');
    v_nFCL := xslprocessor.selectNodes(xmldom.makeNode(v_doc),'/Statemessages/FileControl');
    v_nFCN := xmldom.item(v_nFCL,0);
    v_nFCSourceL := xslprocessor.selectNodes(xmldom.makeNode(v_doc),'/Statemessages/FileControl/Source');
    v_nFCSourceN := xmldom.item(v_nFCSourceL,0);
    v_nFCDestinationL := xslprocessor.selectNodes(xmldom.makeNode(v_doc),'/Statemessages/FileControl/Destination');
    v_nFCDestinationN := xmldom.item(v_nFCDestinationL,0);
    -- Populate tab type for ORFC
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).creation_date := to_date(xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCN,'CreationDate'),'YYYY-MM-DD');
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).src_sys_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCSourceN,'SystemID');
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).src_mandant_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCSourceN,'MandantID');
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).dest_sys_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCDestinationN,'SystemID');
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).dest_mandant_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCDestinationN,'MandantID');
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).seq_no := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCN,'SequenceNumber');
    t_tab_FC(t_tab_FC.last).counter := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCN,'Counter');
    --Saving the value of this seq_no so that it can be inserted in the message tab.
    sequence_no:= xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCN,'SequenceNumber');
    --Insert into ORFC TAB
    fl_seq := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_nFCN,'SequenceNumber');
    select count(*) into chk_flseq from FileControl where SEQ_NO =fl_seq;
    if (chk_flseq =0) then
    FOR each_FC IN t_tab_FC.first .. t_tab_FC.last LOOP
    INSERT INTO FileControl
    t_tab_FC(each_FC).src_sys_id ,
    end if;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 2');
    if (chk_flseq =0) then /* chk the xml's filecontrol seq exists in filecontrltab */
    -- Use XPATH syntax to assign values to he elements of the collection.
    v_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(xmldom.makeNode(v_doc),'/Statemessages/Message');
    tpmsg := xmldom.getLength(v_nl);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Message node length'||tpmsg);
    if (tpmsg>0) then
    FOR cur_emp IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(v_nl) - 1 LOOP
    v_n := xmldom.item(v_nl, cur_emp);
    select (BISON_OM_MessageID.NEXTVAL) into var1 from dual;
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).message_id := var1;
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).seq_no     := sequence_no;
    ---party reg
    m_prg := xslprocessor.selectNodes(v_n,'PartyRegistrationID');
    FOR Ref_Id_Loop IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(m_prg) - 1 LOOP
    party_ref_node := xmldom.item(m_prg,0);
    part_refid_value := xslprocessor.valueOf(party_ref_node,'.');
    end loop;
    m_pr := xmldom.item(m_prg, 0);
    --chang id
    parid_id_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(m_pr,'ID');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Going to read PartyRegistrationID');
    FOR cur_parid_id IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(parid_id_nl) - 1 LOOP
    parid_id_n := xmldom.item(parid_id_nl,cur_parid_id);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Value of id:'|| xslprocessor.valueOf(parid_id_n,'.'));
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).party_ref_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(parid_id_n,'.');
    end loop ;
    ---- change id
    parid_typ_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(m_pr,'Type');
    FOR cur_parid_typ IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(parid_typ_nl) - 1 LOOP
    parid_typ_n := xmldom.item(parid_typ_nl,cur_parid_typ);
    var_pr_reg_typ := xslprocessor.valueOf(parid_typ_n,'.');
    if var_pr_reg_typ='RG' then
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).PARTY_REG_TYPE_RG := var_pr_reg_typ;
    elsif var_pr_reg_typ='AG' then
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).PARTY_REG_TYPE_AG := var_pr_reg_typ;
    end if;
    end loop;
    -- t_tab1(t_tab1.last).PARTY_REG_TYPE_AG := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_pr,'Type');
    par_ref :=xslprocessor.valueOf(m_pr,'ID');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).customer_grp_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_n,'CustomerGroupID');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).name := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_n,'Name');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).subname := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_n,'Subname');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).datetime := xslprocessor.valueOf(v_n,'DateTime');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 3 ContractsWithDefaultOfPayment');
    m_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(v_n,'DefaultOfPayment');
    m_n := xmldom.item(m_nl, 0);
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).payment_msg_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_n,'MessageID');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).gross_amt_before := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_n,'GrossAmountBefore');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).gross_amt_current := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_n,'GrossAmountCurrent');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).currency := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_n,'Currency');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).settlemen_of_balance := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_n,'SettlementOfBalance');
    t_tab1(t_tab1.last).including_subsidiary_claim := xslprocessor.valueOf(m_n,'IncludingSubsidiaryClaim');
    condf_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(v_n,'ContractsWithDefaultOfPayment');
    condf_n := xmldom.item(condf_nl,0);
    condfpmt := xmldom.getLength(condf_nl);
    if (condfpmt > 0) then
    conid_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(condf_n,'ContractID');
    FOR cur_conid IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(conid_nl) - 1 LOOP
    conid_n := xmldom.item(conid_nl,cur_conid);
    t_tab2(t_tab2.last).message_id := var1;
    t_tab2(t_tab2.last).contract_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(conid_n,'.');
    end loop;
    condfpmt1 := 1;
    end if;
    cancl_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(v_n,'Cancellation');
    cancl_n := xmldom.item(cancl_nl,0);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('No of cancellations'||xmldom.getLength(cancl_nl) );
    canclnum := xmldom.getLength(cancl_nl) ;
    if (canclnum > 0) then
    canclid_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(cancl_n,'MessageID');
    FOR cur_canclid IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(canclid_nl) - 1 LOOP
    canclid_n := xmldom.item(canclid_nl,cur_canclid);
    t_tab3(t_tab3.last).message_id := var1;
    t_tab3(t_tab3.last).cancellation_msg_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(canclid_n,'.');
    end loop;
    canclnum1 :=1;
    end if; -- canclnum
    msgdtl_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(v_n,'Messagedetails');
    msgnum := xmldom.getLength(msgdtl_nl) ;
    if (msgnum >0) then
    msgdtl_n := xmldom.item(msgdtl_nl,0);
    rtndbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(msgdtl_n,'ReturnDebitNote');
    rtndbt_n := xmldom.item(rtndbt_nl,0);
    rtnnum := xmldom.getLength(rtndbt_nl) ;
    if (rtnnum >0) then
    --return debit note
    msgrtdbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(rtndbt_n,'MessageID');
    kndrtdbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(rtndbt_n,'KindOf');
    rsnrtdbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(rtndbt_n,'Reason');
    datrtdbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(rtndbt_n,'Date');
    grssrtdbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(rtndbt_n,'GrossAmount');
    currtdbt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(rtndbt_n,'Currency');
    rtnnum2 :=0;
    FOR cur_msgrtndbt IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(msgrtdbt_nl) - 1 LOOP
    msgrtdbt_n := xmldom.item(msgrtdbt_nl,cur_msgrtndbt);
    kndrtdbt_n := xmldom.item(kndrtdbt_nl,cur_msgrtndbt);
    rsnrtdbt_n := xmldom.item(rsnrtdbt_nl,cur_msgrtndbt);
    datrtdbt_n := xmldom.item(datrtdbt_nl,cur_msgrtndbt);
    grssrtdbt_n := xmldom.item(grssrtdbt_nl,cur_msgrtndbt);
    currtdbt_n := xmldom.item(currtdbt_nl,cur_msgrtndbt);
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).message_id := var1;
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).ret_debitnote_msg_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(msgrtdbt_n,'.');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).kind_of := xslprocessor.valueOf(kndrtdbt_n,'.');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).Reason := xslprocessor.valueOf(rsnrtdbt_n,'.');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).debit_note_date := to_date(xslprocessor.valueOf(datrtdbt_n,'.'),'YYYY-MM-DD');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).gross_amt := xslprocessor.valueOf(grssrtdbt_n,'.');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).currency := xslprocessor.valueOf(currtdbt_n,'.');
    rtnnum1 :=rtnnum1 + 1;
    rtnnum2 := rtnnum2 + 1;
    end loop;
    ----return debit note
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).message_id := var1 ;
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).ret_debitnote_msg_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(rtndbt_n,'MessageID');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).kind_of := xslprocessor.valueOf(rtndbt_n,'KindOf');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).reason := xslprocessor.valueOf(rtndbt_n,'Reason');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).debit_note_date := to_date(xslprocessor.valueOf(rtndbt_n,'Date'),'YYYY-MM-DD');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).gross_amt := xslprocessor.valueOf(rtndbt_n,'GrossAmount');
    t_tab4(t_tab4.last).currency := xslprocessor.valueOf(rtndbt_n,'Currency');
    rtnnum1 :=1;
    end if;
    dnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(msgdtl_n,'DunningLetter');
    dnlt_n := xmldom.item(dnlt_nl, 0);
    dnnum := xmldom.getLength(dnlt_nl) ;
    if (dnnum >0) then
    -- t_tab5.extend;
    --dunning letter
    msgdnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(dnlt_n,'MessageID');
    lvdnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(dnlt_n,'Level');
    datdnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(dnlt_n,'Date');
    grsdnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(dnlt_n,'GrossAmount');
    curdnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(dnlt_n,'Currency');
    limdnlt_nl := xslprocessor.selectNodes(dnlt_n,'LevelImprovement');
    FOR cur_msgdnlt IN 0 .. xmldom.getLength(msgdnlt_nl) - 1 LOOP
    msgdnlt_n := xmldom.item(msgdnlt_nl,cur_msgdnlt);
    lvdnlt_n := xmldom.item(lvdnlt_nl,cur_msgdnlt);
    datdnlt_n := xmldom.item(datdnlt_nl,cur_msgdnlt);
    grsdnlt_n := xmldom.item(grsdnlt_nl,cur_msgdnlt);
    curdnlt_n := xmldom.item(curdnlt_nl,cur_msgdnlt);
    limdnlt_n := xmldom.item(limdnlt_nl,cur_msgdnlt);
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).message_id := var1;
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).dunning_msg_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(msgdnlt_n,'.');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).d_level := xslprocessor.valueOf(lvdnlt_n,'.');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).dunning_date := to_date(xslprocessor.valueOf(datdnlt_n,'.'),'YYYY-MM-DD');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).gross_amt := xslprocessor.valueOf(grsdnlt_n,'.');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).currency := xslprocessor.valueOf(curdnlt_n,'.');
    lvimp := xmldom.getLength(limdnlt_nl);
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).level_improvement := xslprocessor.valueOf(limdnlt_n,'.');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).level_improvement := null;
    dnnum1 :=dnnum1 + 1;
    -- dnnum2 := dnnum2 + 1;
    end loop;
    ----dunning letter
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).message_id := var1;
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).dunning_msg_id := xslprocessor.valueOf(dnlt_n,'MessageID');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).d_level := xslprocessor.valueOf(dnlt_n,'Level');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).dunning_date := to_date(xslprocessor.valueOf(dnlt_n,'Date'),'YYYY-MM-DD');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).gross_amt := xslprocessor.valueOf(dnlt_n,'GrossAmount');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).currency := xslprocessor.valueOf(dnlt_n,'Currency');
    t_tab5(t_tab5.last).level_improvement := xslprocessor.valueOf(dnlt_n,'LevelImprovement');
    dnnum1 :=1; */
    end if;
    end if;
    -- Insert data into the real EMP table from the table collection.
    -- Form better performance multiple collections should be used to allow
    -- bulk binding using the FORALL construct but this would make the code
    -- too long-winded for this example.
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 5');
    FOR cur_emp IN t_tab1.first .. t_tab1.last LOOP
    INSERT INTO MessageTab
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 6');
    if (condfpmt1 > 0) then
    FOR cur_cnf IN t_tab2.first .. t_tab2.last LOOP
    INSERT INTO ContractsWithDefaultOfPayment
    (t_tab2(cur_cnf).message_id,t_tab2(cur_cnf).contract_id );
    end loop;
    end if; -- condfpmt
    if (canclnum1 > 0) then
    FOR cur_cancl IN t_tab3.first .. t_tab3.last LOOP
    INSERT INTO CancellationTab
    end if;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 7');
    if (rtnnum1 >0) then
    FOR cur_rtndb IN t_tab4.first .. t_tab4.last LOOP
    INSERT INTO ReturnDebitNoteTab
    end if;
    if (dnnum1 >0) then
    FOR cur_dnl IN t_tab5.first .. t_tab5.last LOOP
    INSERT INTO DunningLettersTab
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Step 8');
    end if; -- dnn
    end if; -- top msg
    end if; --- fl_seq chk
    -- Free any resources associated with the document now it
    -- is no longer needed.
    /* refresh array */
    /* refsh */
    end loop;
    close MessageCursor;
    END ;

    Errors thrown by Oracle always show a line number (even if it points to the FOR loop that the error occurred within). When you run it, what is the error stack that is being returned. Copy and paste that, don't summarize it.
    If you are still uncertain, add a final
         dbms_output.put_line(DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE);to have it written out where your normal dbms_output goes. This is your friend in 10g for tracking down errors.
    "But as soon as i add a prefix in the header everything works fine."
    Is that header in the sample XML you provided? Regardless what are you adding? Your data is a clob so you can always tweak it before converting it to a DOMDocument just by doing simple string manipulation.
    Since you are in 10g, you should be using dbms_xmldom instead of xmldom. I think xmldom is just a synonym for dbms_xmldom though. Review the dbms_xmldom documentation. You can go straight from a clob to a DOMDocument via DBMS_XMLDOM.NEWDOMDOCUMENT. You can also parse the document completely using dbms_xmldom calls instead of xslprocessor calls.
    Other random things to evaluate:
    Consider turning
             FOR each_FC IN t_tab_FC.first .. t_tab_FC.last LOOP
                INSERT INTO FileControl
    into a
             FORALL i IN t_tab_FC.first .. t_tab_FC.last LOOP
                INSERT INTO FileControl
                 ...Better performance because one two context switches (PL/SQL -> SQL -> PL/SQL) instead of 2*n switches.
    I like this construct better
       t_tab_FC tab_type := tab_type;because then you don't have to       t_tab_FC.extend;you can just do something like     index := 1;
            t_tab_FC(index).creation_date := <whatever>;
            index := index + 1;
         END LOOPYou also have the option of parsing your XML as a XMLType, including purely in SQL, but you can research that avenue at a later date.
    Forgot to mention, wrap any code examples in [ pre ] [ pre ] (without the spaces) to retain your formatting.

  • Calling table without schema prefix.

    I have a task to upgrade a form 6 and oracle 8 based system to form 6i and database 9ii.
    I notice in legacy Forms that other schema objects has been called in Select and Update statements without schema prefix.. like select * from tablename instead of select * from schemaName.tbalename
    Forms are not able to compile without schema prefix before table name.
    Is it happened in 6i or some thing is missing at database side

    ORA-600 are internal errors; you'd need to contact oracle support for it. Before you log a SR with support you might give the Ora-600 lookup tool a chance (metalink note 153788.1).
    But as Forms 6i and database 9i are rather outdated you might have a good chance that "update to a supported version" is the answer you get from support.

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    How it can start in BCC production?
    Can it cause catalogue sku deletion?

    What is a BCC deployment without name and project id?
    It has only deployment id in it and it hangs indefinitely.
    How it can start in BCC production?
    Can it cause catalogue sku deletion?

  • IPhone doesn't recognise contact calling without country prefix

    All my contacts are saved with the country code prefix so that when I travel internationally I can dial my contacts directly. However, when I receive a call from one of my contacts calling without the country code prefix, the iPhone doesn't recognise the contact as the number calling. The only way it works is when I save the contact twice - once with and then without the country code prefix. Is there a fix for this?

    You need to change your region settings accordingly in order to make this work. Numbers that do not work within the set region without the country code will be a headache. Why not put everyone with the right prefix? That way you won't have to worry about any of this ever again...
    Here's what happens when you change region on a number that's not prefixed correctly:
    For example, Austria is +43
    05-1717 is the customer service hotline for the train network.
    Now, if you have some other region set, like America for example, calling 05-1717 will go out as +1 057 171 7 and will error out accordingly.
    For contacts and messaging:
    Lets say their number is  +41 76 593 65 00
    But you have it saved as 076 593 65 00
    The region set is America:
    So +1 is implied, and being that that number is Swiss, your phone will not recognize it as the same person.
    Because it sees the number as +1 076 593 6500.

  • OS deployment without DHCP in place. WinPE Needs DHCP?

    We have config manager 2012 R2 integrated with MDT 2013. We have few locations that doesn't have DHCP servers and have static IPs. Does it possible to refresh (TS Will run from within the OS, capture user state, stage the winPE  and reboot
    the same machine, start deploying image) the machine without DHCP in place? just wondering if refresh actually maintains the static IP address in memory (variable) and can use it throughtout the deployment even when system is running in WInPE or is it mandatory
    to have DHCP to assign automatic Ips to machine when its running in WinPE. Aim here is to achieve Zero touch refresh deployment.
    Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks

    I never had to do it but it looks like it can be done with a little trickery
    Gerry Hampson | Blog: | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

  • Regarding ESB Deployment without using JDeveloper

    I would like to deploy my ESB application without using JDeveloper. BPEL Designer automatically creating the build script to deploy the BPEL application. Is there any ant script available to deploy the ESB application in to Oracle integration server.? Please let us know.
    Niraimathi R

    I had the same question - see Re: Registering ESB Services without JDeveloper
    Dave Berry from Oracle kindly gave me a sneak preview of the jars and tags required in order to register ESB services from ANT.
    I now have a continuous build environment (using Cruise Control), linked into Subversion which deploys all my BPEL Processes and registers my ESB services.
    I believe that the JARs and instructions on how to register ESB services using ANT will be available on OTN soon.
    Kind Regards,

  • Cisco NAC deployment without Internet in infrastructure

    My Infrastructure dont have internet and no chance in future too due to security restrictions. Can i deploy NAC without internet in my infrastructure. We have Symantec Centeral AV Server (updated manually after downloading definitions from differenet infrastructure having internet) and Clients are updated from this server.
    In NAC i can not see Vendors list of AV. How to do all this.

    IF the APs are outside the freezer and the antennas are inside, then it should be fine.

  • Can JDE BSSV on 11g be deployed without SSL

    I am integrating JDE E1 with FMW SOA 11g. I want to know if BSSVs can be deployed on WLS without SSL. I understand that WLS 10.3.2 had a product limitation.
    Any help or pointers will be appreciated.

    Your application is trying to use a OCI with a version not supported by your application referenced ODP.Net data provider.
    If you are using ISS, and you have two different Oracle Client installation, you can define the provider path for you application. In the web.config file (at web application root directory) you can define it
    You can get the information in the ODP.Net Manual
    for example, in the web.config you can define the provider and the path for it
    <add name="Oracle Data Provider for .NET Version"
    invariant="Oracle.DataAccess.Client Version"
    description="Oracle Data Provider for .NET Version"
    type="Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory, Oracle.DataAccess,
    Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" />
    <add name="DllPath" value="D:\oracle\OraOdac11g\product\11.1.0\client_1\BIN"/>
    <add name="FetchSize" value="65536"/>
    <add name="PromotableTransaction" value="promotable"/>
    <add name="StatementCacheSize" value="10"/>
    <add name="TraceFileName" value="c:\odpnet2.trc"/>
    <add name="TraceLevel" value="0"/>
    <add name="TraceOption" value="0"/>
    Also, you maybe can try with an instant ODP.Net installation with your application
    If you are using IIS, you must use a different application pool because your DLL files (i.e. OCIW32.DLL) must be different than used by other web applications.

  • ESB Deployment without JDeveloper

    Can any one let me know how to deploy ESB Project (SOA Suite 10.1.3)
    without using JDeveloper.
    Essentially i am looking for 'ant' or 'obant' kind of utility for ESB deployment.
    I have used obant for BPEL deployment but can't find anywhere how to use it for ESB deployment.
    Vikas Sharma

    ESB has an export/import facility. You can export from your dev environment, which will give you a zipfile.
    This zip can be moved and imported into another ESB environment.
    the export and import utilities are shipped with the ESB product.

  • AIR direct deployment (without iTunes)

    "Deploy an AIR application on iOS devices without having to use iTunes or the iPhone configuration utility."
    Can someone explain how this is done ?

    This article -on-ios-devices-using-adt/ should help you out!

  • License Usage on CWMS Version1.5 - 50 Port Deployment without IRP

    I am not able to understand how the license usage is being accounted in CWMS 1.5.
    Currently  I have deployed CWMS - 50 Port without IRP. The CWMS 1.5 is integrated  with CUCM 7.X. There are 3 hosts configured on the system and the  license count is increasing for every meeting that is scheduled. The  license count increases only when the first participants joins the  meeting.
    I have tested a few scenarios -
    1.  I have hosted a meeting and I joined only the teleconference, Other  participants joined the meeting and the license count increased by '1'
    2.  I have hosted another meeting at a different time and did not join the  meeting. Other participants joined the meeting and the license count  increased by '1'
    Please Note - In both scenarios the Atendees Join before host option was checked.
    I am currently refering the licenses usage scenarios posted on Cisco and has not found any resemblance.
    Request your help in clarifying how the license usage counts increment.
    Thank you.

    Hi Joseph and Benjamin,
    I am not sure whether you have got the answer for this already, anyway, here is the explanation.
    There is a defect opened for incorrect license count shown in the CWMS dashboard. You can check the defect details in the link below,
    Our development team analyzed the above defect and identified the root cause of this issue as another defect. The defect details can be seen in the link below,
    To summarize the above two defects, sometimes, the telephonic session in CWMS doesn't end correctly and stays active through out. Hence, all the meeting initiated by this user will have one simultaenous meeting always. This is the reason, for licensing count getting increased even the meeting is scheduled in different date and time.
    Let me know if you need any further details.

  • Jdeveloper deploy without ascontrol_admin role

    Can anyone suggest how I can enable the deployment of code via JDeveloper among various project groups without giving them an Id that has the ascontrol_admin role?
    I want to used the capability of packaging, deployment etc.. of applications via JDev. but not enable them to login to enterprise manager (for example).
    Thank you for any comments or suggestions.

    Option 1 for less frequent deployments:
    why don't you let them create EAR files, upload them to a specific directory for which you set up a scheduled job that deploys the EAR files using the OC4J command line?
    Option 2 for frequent deployments:
    If you need them to deploy directly then an option would be to provide a connection profile to import.
    - Go to View --> Connection Navigator
    - Select Application Server node and choose export Connections
    - Select the connections to export
    Have the developers doing the same except for that they import the exported connection. The password is encrypted and so tehy can't connect to OC4J directly

  • Deployment without using enterprise etl options

    I've been burnt by Oracle again! After happily upgrading to 10.2 and shooting off "several toes" creating multiple control centers and configurations, I'm now ready to start deploying from dev to test to qa to prod.
    While fighting several bugs in OWB regarding deployment, I see in the fine, fine print that multiple configurations are licensed as part of the enterprise etl option. Translation: another 100k plus to Oracle for something that I thought came out of the box for free. After all, we could deploy to various location using version 10.1.
    So now I have to figure out how to move all these mappings and process flows we've created without a key component or pay Larry more money.
    I need help! Other than using multiple configuration, control centers, and, I guess, a unified repository, what are my options?
    Multiple OWB development repositories?
    OMBPlus to hand write everything that the multiple configuration option would do? (I suppose that is a violation of the license agreement too)
    Multiple control centers and tweaking the default_configuration every time we change something? (Again, I suppose I could do that with OMB)
    SQL Script Exports and code hacks?
    Any ideas or links would be appreciated!

    Interesting problem eh?
    I myself am going down this path, we have the Database licence so I am simply building a design repository in each region in my SDLC so one in DEV, TEST, QA, PROD. etc
    I create a corresponding Runtime in each Region to match the Design Client. I do not use multi configuration in the Design Client!
    For Release I migrate an MDL file and an XML deployment file. The MDL is simply for meta data publishing into next region, and if the needs arise it can be used for a hot fix and backward porting to DEV etc.
    Using OMBPLUS i generate the MDL file and XML file in DEV region. Using OMBPLus I import MDL file into next region, and deploy XML file(DEV version) straight into Target runtime. Use OMBPLUS to sort out runtime connection details etc.
    I Source Code control the XML and MDL files. So i have multiple layers of recovery points.
    The concept is static XML file generated in DEV thats deployed into Each region up the chain. The DDL are being done in straight sql.
    Using the Database wrapper proc I call the runtime and execute the mappings from dbms scheduler.
    So the release process goes:
    sqlplus DDL changes
    OMBPLUS MDL import and XML deployment
    sqlplus run schedules
    So with consitent naming standards and development processes, its just the same release cycle with a bit in the middle to handle mdl and xml files via ombplus.
    You get your transfer of responsibility from dev team to support team, dev team using ombplus to create the release plcode objects, the support team using the same ombplus programmes deploy the xml file into the target region and import the metadata.
    You can mix and match how much, how little you want to use OWB.
    Give us an update on how you proceed. As its an interesting topic.

  • Using Packager to deploy without a Mac

    Will the Packager for iPhone be updated so that I can deploy to the app store without a Mac?
    As far as I can tell, this used to be possible until the iOS SDK was updated earlier this year to include an application uploader tool. Is that the only obstacle? (obviously I will need an apple developer account etc.)
    There are a few threads around which suggest using virtual apple mac environments, but I'd rather not bother if the Packager will be updated to allow a mac-free way of publishing.

    I don't think that this is something that Adobe can fix.  The Application Loader is an Apple Store Tool that only runs on a Mac.

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