Camera 6280

every time i go to use the camera on my 6280 it says camera on standby please help thank you

make sure that the battery is fully charged, if it is and the camera is still not initialising, then reset your phone to factory settings, remembering to backup all your data first. if this isn't working, then look for a firmware update online for your phone, if not possible none available, then all you can do is take your phone to your nearest Nokia Care Centre for them to take a closer look at it.
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Similar Messages

  • 6280 camera better than N80

    Has anyone else compared the N80 and 6280 cameras?
    Sis-in-law has just got a 6280 and the cam is alot better than the N80.
    I thought the N-Series was meant to be superior top other Nokias?
    I'm starting to wish I'd gone for the 6280 instead after having a look at her phone.
    Orange Handsets : Nokia 51 > NK702 (6130) > 6210 > 6310i (silver)> 7210i > 6230 > 6230i (silver) > N80 (silver) > N95-1
    T-Mobile: N96

    09:52 PM
    seatibiza8 wrote:
    Hi Getsurfers i used to have the 6280 and trust me you dont want that heap of junk!!! THe N80 is better in every way.If you plan on putting pics on the PC or printing the N80 is streets ahead.No contest N80 wins.
    OK, image quality is better when printed or on PC.
    But wouldn't you agree on my screen and blurring comments?
    Orange Handsets : Nokia 51 > NK702 (6130) > 6210 > 6310i (silver)> 7210i > 6230 > 6230i (silver) > N80 (silver) > N95-1
    T-Mobile: N96

  • Is The 6280 camera really this bad?

    6280: > k510: >
    Click to enlarge.
    My k510 with 1.3mp take better photos then the 6280 with 2mp.
    And swithcing from low quality to high quality in the options does absolutely nothing.
    So should i replace this phone, or all the 6280 have this poor camera quality?
    Thx in advance.

    i understand, it's just something about nokia's camera phones, the pictures are always not sharp or clear, but sony ericsson i think have the best quality, take the phone back if you don't like the quality of the images, though i don't really need crisp quality
    Nokia N95
    V 20.0.015

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    Thanks Gun for the answer,
    This transaction type shows the Organization tab in GUI environment (the settings related to org profile are correctly customized). The problem is in webclient. When I try to create this transaction type in webclient, the only sections which I can fill are:
    General Data
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    Javier Merino
    Message was edited by:
            Javier Merino Vivar

  • 6280 faulty camera

    I bought a phone on ebay, it was locked to 3 which wasn't stated.............Also the camera doesn't work and the seller says it will if it has the sim in? I think thats a lie as everything else works????? Help............

    I bought a phone on ebay
    Oh dear, here we go...
    it was locked to 3 which wasn't stated............Also the camera doesn't work and the seller says it will if it has the sim in?
    That's rubbish.
    The 6280 has an "offline" mode (flight profile) in which the media player and camera work.
    The phone you've purchase is essentially unusable to you. I'd report the fraud to eBay since that's the only way you'll have a chance of getting your money back.
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

  • 6280... camera on standby

    i hav a big problem with 6280..the camera is stuck on standby....and appears operation failed..Message Edited by wizzu on 24-Sep-2006
    09:50 PM

    No ....I have been on the phone to T Mobile today, to see what they can do as the 6280: 1. Crashes randomly when texting 2. Randomly loses numbers from it's memory 3. Has software which may have been cleverly designed by Nokia marketing people, so that you can only view your 'backed-up' personal contacts when you have a NOKIA PHONE connected! ie Viewing my contacts will be very very difficult if in future I decide not to upgrade to another Nokia phone.... 4. Has no camera function. T-Mobile have offered me a swap, but I know that I lose my rights if I take this. They have referred me to Nokia, Nokia, what can you do please? I'm a business user who wants a phone that works without problems, and can back up my contacts for now and the future should I choose a phone that is not a Nokia phone. If Nokia are not prepared to do anything (???Response awaited) then I will go to my local trading standards as I consider the phone to be unfit for the purpose for which it was sold to me....

  • Nokia 6280 camera

    Hi! everyone
    I have a nokia 6280 which has a 2 mega pixel camera.The camera works fine when there is enough light to take pictures or video,otherewise there are lot of spots or grains..i could say the quality is horrible.when you immedeatly turn the camera towards a light source the spots vanish.
    Is it a hardware or a software problem?.
    Appreciate your time...

    This pretty much happens with all digital cameras let alone phones which have a camera attached with them. I get this on my Canon SD550 digital camera (which has now become redundant I have the N95 !).
    I don't know the exact details of why it goes "grainy", but it happens to me as well - luckily on some of the N series phones (if not all) you get a flash so it isn't THAT bad .. but definitely off putting !

  • Camera Problem On 6280

    Got a problem thats really bugging me! Prob wont be that much of a problem but ive looked around and cant find owt. When i take a picture the camera just freezes and the little camera icon in the top left hand corner of the screen goes red. After about 2-3mins the picture finally takes! If i choose flash the flash comes on but is blinkered. Any ideas?

    It can be a software or hardware fault.I advise you to bring your phone to a Nokia Centre or Retailer and get it checked-up.

  • 6280 videos freeze camera operation failed camera ...

    Noticed a couple of other threads similar but does anyone have any fixing suggestions ?
    Phone has worked fine for a couple of months but now if I try to playback a video the phone freezes then sort of re-boots after about 10 secs. Also if I try to switch camera on, phone freezes again for a bout 10 secs, then 'operation failed' is displayed, then screen shows 'camera in standby' and the only next move is to exit.

    For Nokia to take a look into it they need to know about it.
    I would suggest going back to the repair centre and telling them that the FW update has not resolved it. Maybe there is a higher level repair centre they can send it to.
    (just editing my bad spelling)Message Edited by sosul on 23-Nov-2006
    01:46 PM

  • Review of 6280 on the UK Three Network - pitfalls,...

    Review of Nokia 6280 on the Three 3g network in the UK.
    This kind of got a bit longer than I was expecting, but I hope by chucking a few keywords in here and there, I can help other people to find solutions to things (like the phone root certificate problem) a little quicker, and all in one place. This mainly applies to the UK Three 3G network V5.92 software version of the 6280, but may apply to other phones and networks.
    Four main sections to this:
    Purchase (how I found the phone)
    The phone and its problems
    When Things Go Wrong
    Useful Links
    The Purchase
    I've blanked out the name of the store I bought it from as the netcops seem to have so a ready kneejerk reaction, I don't want this to turn into some kind of flame war accusing me of working for a mobile phone company - I've seen it happen before so many times. Anyway....
    My old Nokia 2600 was starting to die, and every time I went out, I would take the mobile phone, a camera, an mp3 player and a radio.
    I had a look on t'internet, but was rather wary of scams. And so it was that I found myself trawling the high street playing hardball with various tossy salesmen and girls.
    Then I went into *******. The usual patter, the "pretend friend" salesgirl who went all flirty and drew **bleep** like hearts and x's all over the "here's the deal I can offer you" bit of paper she was writing out. Actually, it wasn't a bad deal, but when I got to the "look, I'm going to think about it stage", she sent the manager over.
    I explained that my reluctance was not the deal, it was the way the refunds worked - having to remember to claim chequebacks in exactly the right way - the claim form must arrive between 9 and 9:30 on the third Tuesday after the last full moon, and be opened by a lady called Doris.
    As had been perfected at so many other stores, I stood and said "thanks, but I'm going to keep wandering, I might be back". At which point, the manager pulled £60 out of his pocket and said "would this help?".
    I sat back down.
    I'd already done the "what would it take" sums in my head. This tipped the balance.
    Here's how I worked it out (probably wrongly)
    Previously, I was averaging about £15 per month on PAYG.
    The texts were 5p, the calls were 10p with Tesco. If I compare it to the 18 month minimum contract, it would work out at: 18months * £15 = £270...and no new phone.
    With the extra £60, the contract worked out like this on paper:
    6months*£4.99 = £29.94
    6months*£17.50 = £105
    6months*£35 = £210
    Round to £345
    If we ignore the "wow factor" of the fact that I get more minutes and texts than I was using before, then we can look at it thus:
    I would be paying £75 more over the 18 months than if I stuck with Tesco.
    A "sim free" 6280 is about £185 from a "proper" shop (ie:not stolen!)
    So, £185 - £75 = £110. Therefore, the phone is "costing" me £110.
    However, in spite of being appallingly bad build quality, and riddled with bugs like "there's no way to make the backlight stay on > 10 seconds, even while playing a game", it's still not bad. It does all I want it to.
    The plan I went for is this:
    I get 400 minutes and 250 texts, 25 UK video call minutes, 25 UK picture or video messages and £5 of downloads/internet/TV/whatever.
    BUT if I look at it this way:
    400 minutes @ 10p = £40
    250 texts @ 5p/min £12.50
    so that's £52.50/month *18 = £945
    From what people tell me, an MMS message is about 35p and a video call is about 50p/min (trust me; it's not even worth it when it's free!)
    Oh, and you get £5 a month to spend on whatever... TV (50p/day), downloads, games (not worth it - tiny and unplayable) etc.
    So if I add that:
    £5*18 = £90
    25 MMS * 35p =£8.75 * 18 = £157.50
    25 video * 50p = £12.50 * 18 = £225
    If I add the WHOLE lot together (which I didn't do when factoring it
    all out as I'm not likely to use much of the last bits), for an 18
    month cost of £345 I'm getting a grand total of £1602.50 of product
    and phone!
    Which I declare to be an actual bargain!
    D'ya think I spent too much time working all this out?!?! Found a better plan?
    I checked my stats at the end of the first month
    I've managed to get to 5-and-a-half hours from the end of the month
    with the following left:
    Voice minutes 14
    Video minutes 0
    Text messages 6
    Downloads £0.05
    Inclusive video or photo messages 0
    Not bad timing! And the packet data log says I've downloaded 39.11Mb and uploaded 9.132Mb in the last month. That'll be the tv and stuff
    probably. Not going to surf the net much
    One bizarre thing - mobile phone insurance (wangled free from my bank to stop me leaving) takes 21 days to kick in. And a coded keylock is essential, then if someone nicks it, they can't even use the minutes up. Annoying to unlock each time, but infinitely less annoying than having a chav use your minutes!
    The phone itself.
    I don't need to tell you what it's got - the Nokia site can tell you that. But here's how I found it in practice.
    I once read someone asking "What is 3g"?
    The answer given was "It's an effective way of reducing your battery life by 40%".
    Yes, yes it is. That's all I'll say on that! If you like a battery life of under one day if you even think about doing anything remotely 3g-ish, even when the battery's fully conditioned, then 3g is for you!
    The build quality of the phone is quite poor - I found myself back in the store within 20 minutes as, the first time I tried to slide the back of the phone off, the tacky silver coloured bit of plastic that covers the camera pinged off.
    Also, the phone doesn't feel like it slides open properly, and doesn't leave enough room to press the top row of keys easily, so if you have large hands texting is no fun.
    It crashes. Lots. The screen blanks for a second, then it comes back asking for pin code.
    Nokia know about this - there's no fix.
    The backlight only stays on for 10 seconds. There's NO way to fix this, and Nokia say this is due to some bizarre EU law that they can't tell me about and
    no-one's ever heard of, about backlights being on for more than 10 seconds in case it's distracting in a car.
    This is daft - you're driving along, the radio's on, the dashboard lights are on, you've got your eyes open for bright yellow speed cameras, other cars with lights on are whizzing by, your brain's processing object and hazards...but somehow you're gonna crash because the backlight goes off after 30 seconds instead of 10!?!?
    Don't believe it for one moment - there's a bug they seemingly can't fix, and this is a weak cover-up.
    When you send an MMS to many people at once, each recipient can see the other recipients when they do a reply via "reply all".
    Potentially a security problem, or very embarrassing!
    There's no documentation to tell you this and apparently no way of stopping it.
    If you create an MMS and add a sound to a slide via "new sound" option, every other sound in that message will actually be the first sound. In other words, you have to record and save all your sounds first, and then add them to the message later. Definite bug.
    The video player doesn't have fast forward or rewind, even though there's a setting for fast forward and rewind interval.
    The Audio player has fast forward and rewind, even through there's no setting for the fast forward and rewind interval.
    I learnt that an MMS can contain as many object as will fit in 267k.
    I sent 6 pics and a sound clip to several people. Works fine.
    Although, one time when it fell back from 3g to "normal", it took nearly 3 hours sending the MMS as a series of texts! Of course, it doesn't use the text allowance, but it's annoying having the "me me-me me me-me me" sound that radios pick up, all that time!
    It seems totally random as to how much will arrive at the other end before it gets cropped - mostly, people get the first few pics, then something telling them to visit a website to see the rest.
    You can't save MMS messages to the PC.
    You can't save messages onto the memory card.
    You can't use a Three sim in any other type of phone, or those SIM copier/backup gadgets.
    The camera's not bad - for some examples of "second highest" quality see either
    or more here
    Video calls are shocking - one to my brother had the sound out of synch (late) by nearly 50 seconds! Waste of time. As is mobile TV. The novelty very, very quickly wears off.
    When Things Go Wrong:
    I was bluetoothing some stuff and the phone was starting to play up.
    So, I turned it off, left it a minute, and turned it back on. It asked me for the pin, then as soon as it got to saying "enter keypad security code" (or
    something) that was it. The phone became totally unresponsive. If I rang the phone from another phone, I could hear the "ring ring" down the line, but the phone did nothing. But it DID keep the time correctly. I turned it off, took everything out - sim, memory card, battery..left it out for 20 mins, put it back...just the same.
    It seemed to freeze right after the bluetooth symbol came on.
    And the battery drained from full to near empty in under 2 hours.
    So, I phoned up Three's customer service department.
    Shradeep in Bangalore diligently regurgitated a script and then I explained carefully that as soon as I'd entered the pin, the phone would freeze and the keypad did not work.
    "OK please sir please, if I can please ask you please to please enter *0000#".
    Deep breath. I tried so hard not be rude.
    Once I'd ever-so-slowly explained that frozen phone and non-working keypad made this tricky, he told me that I should get it couriered away for a firmware
    I said that this would be great as I didn't know there WAS a firmware upgrade, as I'd been told v5.92 was the latest.
    It was, he said, and then we went through a cyclical argument until I got bored and gave up.
    So then I phoned the place I bought it from.
    "Duh" reached a new level.
    I explained carefully that as soon as I'd entered the pin, the phone would freeze and the keypad did not work.
    I also explained that I'd contacted Three's customer services.
    "You need to dial 3333 from your handset to get the phone repaired".
    What, on the handset I'd just explained didn't work? Classy.
    Eventually, I ended up in a Nokia service centre.
    Apparently, it can take "up to 28 days".
    No, I don't get a replacement phone.
    No, the account isn't put on hold.
    I'm really not enjoying the experience so far!
    Useful links
    Top tip - synch your mobile with the internet and
    Google Calendar - VERY VERY useful:
    Links to forums:
    Reviewcentre Three forum:
    3g Forum's Nokia 6280 forum
    Nokia Support Forums phone forum
    Talk 3Gs 6280 forum
    I also found this comprehensive forum post listing more problems with the 6280
    How to convert movies onto a mobile
    Cheap memory cards: I got a 2gb miniSD card for £12:
    And cheap accessories come from these people:
    The gmail mobile app is great, but on the 6280 it just wasn't working. The error was:
    "Sorry, the Gmail mobile app will not work on your phone. Your phone doesn't have the appropriate certificate to communicate with Gmail. Try accessing Gmail on your mobile browser at"
    Eventually, I found this blog:
    which in turn told me to point my phone at
    And this made the gmail mobile app work
    Something I've not found yet is an nbu decoder - so I can actually make some use of the backup files!
    I've found and nfb decoder here: but Nokia decided to completely change the format and make it not backwards compatible (much to the annoyance of Nokia users upgrading their phones)
    Phew! I think that covers it - any questions?!?

    Yes, I agree - 10 seconds can be a bit short for a backlight, but it makes you read faster and act faster - and that is a skill you can use everywhere in live.
    In my next Nokia I hope they take it down to 9 seconds :-)

  • Things you need to know about 6280

    Hi everybody, I used to have a 6680 and I say this with regret. Why? I gave it to my girlfriend as a gift. Now that was a good sturdy functional phone. Now I bought a 6280 from Vodafone. I wanted a N70 but the Vodafone representative recommended this one. I chose to go with the 6280 because the N70 looked a little bit too fragile. She also said there are no significant differences. Well, she couldn’t be more wrong. Let me tell you why. The first thing I should mention is that 6280 is not a symbian phone! This, for who knows what it means, it is a lot. I wasn’t aware. You cannot switch between applications for one. So now since I bought it, I gave it a go, see what it is all about. Nice graphics, big screen, no problems (I read here somebody had some). The first annoying thing that hit me is the back light. Goes out in an instant. Or 10 seconds they say. Depends on how you measure time. The problem is you cannot adjust that. Neither the contrast. Nor the luminosity. Some people find these features useful. Nokia seems doesn’t. Some people said on this forum that the sliding front does not have a good grip. Mine seem to do. Navigating through folders is somewhat frustrating but this is subjective. Another thing you should know is that you cannot set the memory card as the default storage space and the phone memory is small. Just about 5MB free with … nothing on it. But I guess you can get around that and be happy with what you have. Now for the real problems. One big issue for me was synchronizing with Outlook. I got it working in the first try. No problems there. But when checking the contact list on the phone … well, disappointment. The 6280 does not record company name, job title and birthday. This is a huge problem for somebody well organized like me. Birthdates are saved in calendar but they do not show up in the contact details. Try finding a birthday through the entire calendar! Second thing that got me down is that the contact phones have no area codes. This you might say “well, it’s ok”. Not if you modify something and then you get your contact updated in Outlook with no area codes. Again BIG problem. My second frustration was with the email accounts. It was hell to figure out how to configure and then I realized. If you have multiple email accounts … you should get another phone. 6680 is good. I assume any symbian enabled phone will do. Not this one. You cannot have all the emails grouped or in separate folders at least as it is on s60 phones. No. here you have to go to “Menu – Settings – Configuration – Personal Config Settings – select other email account and activate it”. Then you go back and go into the email folder. Good job Nokia! I think they could have found a worst sequence to do it. Also, get this, I assume (99% I know) that the emails get stored in the phone memory. You have no way of moving to memory card and no way of reading office or pdf files. Note that on symbian there are applications to do it. As for the battery, I don’t know yet. It did not last one day anyway but I gave it a good run and I know it will improve after several recharges. The good things I know about this phone is that the video has a good quality. I cannot say for pictures because I do have a professional digital SLR camera and I cannot compare without being mean. It is still a phone. The radio is average. Good enough I say. Small note to end this. The phone should have predictive text input. Should, because it is not in the menu. A problem that a firmware update should resolve. I don’t know to what version since I might have the last one. It is: v 03.60 10-02-06. I would buy another model. If you are like me, pay attention to all I had to say. Cheers!

    Good posts a lot of information I needed or to know, or more so wish I'd known prior to purchasing the 6280. Came across this post while trying to find resolutions to a number of the 'problems' with this model that you've listed, or for accuracy's sake functional and features missing from this phone or poorly develop, in comparison to other models.
    Fact: One 'bug' that hasn't been raised in these posts is the management of a contact thumbnail's through PC Suite does work. Adding a thumbanil on the PC doesn't appear on the phone, and adding a thumbnail on the phone doesn't appear on the PC.
    Oppinion: The lack of management/handling of Company name & Birthday were the killer for me!
    Fact: Also I've only had the phone about 2 days now and I've had it just stop and mysteriously restart on me about 4 times. Admittly I've been using it a lot but not doing anything out of the ordinary to expect that.
    Oppinion: On the plus side the screens resolution great, and the photos very good for a phone. Neat little cropping tool, but nothing to rotate. Although the camera doesn't have a protector the case can be replace fixing and scratches! The phone is generally pretty responsive, boots and shuts down very quickly too.
    Oppinion: I'm probably being over critical here but the video call's camera at half arms length barely shows your whole face, at full arms length it's 'closer' to what you'd see on a passport. Although at this distance viewing the person your calling is more difficult. The phone has a good digital zoom in-out feature during a video call. But given the small portion of you shown under normal circumstances I don't imagine this would get used often. Admittly it was entertaining to keep the phone where it was and zoom in on my eye, but it's entertainment value will wear off (or maybe i could call me iridologist).

  • How do you get a 6280 to stop rebooting and switch...

    Just got 6280 off ebay - the phone was new as no scratches, no signs of wear and still had plastic covers on screen and camera lens. It was SIM free and I was using it on T mobile.
    All worked fine for a couple of days, then decided to download an mp3 to the phone from my PC. During the transfer the phone went off. Retried again. Same thing happend. Now the phone wont even start properly. After pressing the power on button, you see the Nokia logo, then it goes black - it does this 4 times then switches itself off.
    If I leave the memory card in it wont even start.What do I do now? There must be a reset code to bring the thing back to life again. I dont even know the version of software on it as I can't get far enough to enter any codes on the keypad. Help please.

    Try your nearest Nokia repair/service center (take or send your phone there):
    Perhaps the problem with this particular unit is why it was put on sale on eBay in the first place? (The original owner didn't get it replaced or fixed, but decided it was easier to pass it on to somebody else.)
    You might also want to try to return it to the eBay seller you bought it from, as it seems to be broken. Though, I imagine it would be easier if you had bought it from a shop/retailer instead.

  • Cable connection between 6280 and MacBook

    I'm using Mac OS X 10.4.9 and I've also got an Nokia 6280.
    As other users before, I've already tried to use the cable that came with the mobile, but it's not possible to copy files on the miniSD card.
    On my phone is listed and Nokia claims that it could be connected via bluetooth and USB, but USB doesn't work. :-(
    Can anybody help me? With the help of bluetooth it's often very difficult to sync new photos.
    I hope you can help me and: Please Nokia, improve the integration of the 6280!

    I have an update on this subject.
    Nokia told me that it is Apples responsibility to provide a USB diver :-(
    In the apple support forum I found the information that it worked with the Tiger OS.
    Here in the forum I found some infos how to use the old Tiger USB driver with the Leopard os.
    My only problem at the moment is; where to get the old Tiger driver from???
    If I get more I will keep this place up-to-date.

  • Camera in standby mode...

    Hello to anyone that reads this,
    Ive a nokia 6280 and have a problem with the camera stuck in standby mode..
    Anyone got advice on how to take it off ?..
    Ive upgraded the firmware and still no joy..

    The carbon or flex might have been damaged. As adamf mentioned, better take your phone to a Nokia Service Center.

  • Memory 6280

    I know there have already been a few posts on this subject, but none of them have been answered satisfactorily.
    I have had the 6280 for 2 months, and within days got message unable to receive texts, not enough memory, needed to delete stuff. Deleted all in/outbox, checked memory status, and of 5.7mb phone memory, only 2kb is free!!
    Been on phone to call centre twice-no joy, couldn't make anybody understand that there is nothing left to delete, and that I have no music, images, etc in gallery - it's all on my memory card. E-mailed nokia support, was told to try sim card in another phone (eh?!)
    I have the latest firmware v.05.92, 07.09.06, RM-78. There are no software updates available, and I'm out of my depth even trying to restore factory settings. I got the phone on contract from 3mobile, so am stuck with it.
    I took it to a nokia service centre, who say there is a 3-4 week delay on repairs - I can't be that long without my phone, and can't just put the sim in my old (samsung) phone.
    I'm appalled at all the posts and problems people are having with nokia phones - I thought they were a brand leader!
    I'm also appalled at the customer service so far from nokia.
    Any ideas?

    From the Data you gave me, it seems that there are still files in the gallery...
    check the size of the following Folders in the gallery (not in the memory card) and move any existing file to the Memory card ...
    Menu >> Gallery >>
    Images: ??
    Video clips: ??
    Music files: ??
    Themes: ??
    Graphics: ??
    Tones: ??
    Recordings: ??
    Received files: ?? (make sure to check this one !!)
    I'm sure that there are still some files in some of these folders that eating up your memory ...
    to avoid storing files in the phone ... First make sure you have a decent memory (your phone can hold up to 2GB miniSD) ... and didicate the phone memory for messages ... Select the memory card for the following :
    Camera >> Options >> Settings >> Image and Video Storage >> Memory Card..
    Media >> Voice Recorder >> Options >> Select Memory >> Memory Card ..
    and for the Received Files Folder (it stores files received by bluetooth, IR, etc) make sure to move the files after to the memory card ...

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