Camera acting strange?

I went to use my webcam and 1/4 of it at the bottom flashing different colors, & pictures etc..... it stops briefley and then not sure how to explain it.
I hope someone can help........thank you

Italian wrote:
I went to use my webcam and /4 of it at the bottom flashing different colors, & pictures etc..... it stops briefley and then not sure how to explain it.I hope someone can help........thank you
Try installing the latest directx available from microsoft.....

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    I don't see anything in your post regarding the Safari cache. BTW, a "reset" does not empty the cache.
    From your Safari menu bar click Safari / Empty Cache. Restart your Mac, try Safari.
    If that didn't help, quit Safari if it's open.
    Go to ~/Library/Caches/
    Move the Cache.db (or ApplicationCache.db) file from the folder to the Trash.
    Try Safari.
    If nothing above helped, make sure there's enough free space on the startup disk.    Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon. Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. Make sure you have a minimum of 15% free disk space.
    If nothing above has helped, try Safari in another user account. If you see the same issues there, log back into your admin account.
    Launch Disk Utility. Select the startup disk in the panel on the left then select the First Aid tab.
    Click:   Verify Disk  (not Verify Disk Permissions)
    If the disk needs repairing follow the instructions for Using Disk Utility to verify or repair disks.

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    If the unit has NEVER been jailbroke, first try a system reset.  It cures many ills and it's quick, easy and harmless...  Hold down the on/off switch and the Home button simultaneously until you see the Apple logo.  Ignore the "Slide to power off" text if it appears.  You will not lose any apps, data, music, movies, settings, etc.
    If the Reset doesn't work, try a Restore.  Note that it's nowhere near as quick as a Reset.  It could take well over an hour!  Connect via cable to the computer that you use for sync.  From iTunes, select the iPad/iPod and then select the Summary tab.  Follow the on-screen directions for Restore and be sure to say "yes" to the backup.  You will be warned that all data (apps, music, movies, etc.) will be erased but, as the Restore finishes, you will be asked if you wish the contents of the backup to be copied to the iPad/iPod.  Again, say "yes."
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    If you're unable to do the Restore, go into Recovery Mode per the instructions here.  You WILL lose all of your data (game scores, etc,) but, for the most part, you can redownload apps and music without being charged again.  Also, if you have IOS-7, read this.

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    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    You can ignore any permission repair that states "We are using special...". I'm not sure about Tiger but Panther has a few others that come up if the cron maintenance scripts have run.
    Other than the repeating permission repairs, is it running OK now?

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    You don't say which year you have, however...
    ...there are known problems with the mid-2010 models (see as well as early and late 15" 2011 models (see
    Apple has taken ownership of the problems with the 2010 model but, unfortunately, the free logic board replacement for that model has probably long expired for you - three years after date of purchase.
    One the 2011 models Apple has admitted no defect. You'll just have to skim the articles to get an overview of the problems that people are having (usually showing up as screen glitches at first and then going downhill from there).
    Good luck,

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    AND: You are running Mac Os 10.6.5 or 10.6.6.
    Solution: Update to Mac Os 10.6.7:  As explained in
    Apple had made a change in 10.6.5 in one of its APIs that affects other programs (Photoshop does not use it), and the result is that they interfere with Photoshop, that receives information that modifier keys (CTRL, Command, Option, Shift) are pressed, when they are not. Adobe reported the bug to Apple, but it was too late to be included in 10.6.6.
    The solutions are
    a) Upgrade to 10.6.7
    b) An Adobe Employee has made an unofficial interim fix for this bug. You can download it and have more information on this post: 72.
    This is one of those cases where Photoshop has the symptom of a bug, but the cause of that bug is not in its code.
    Note that the post to reset the preferences or reset the tools to their defaults when they are acting erratically is located here:
    One of my tools is behaving strangely. How do I reset it?

    Sounds to me like Adobe was probably relying on undocumented behavior in the CGEventPost routine. Apple is free, of course, to change undocumented behavior of any of their system APIs all they like, since you're not supposed to be using such things. Developers are supposed to stick to the documented behaviors in the APIs. If they don't, they can try to save face as Adobe is by blaming Apple, but the fact is, it's not Apple's fault, any more than it's my fault if someone picks up a flower pot from my front porch and misuses it by throwing through someone else's windshield.
    As Barbara has observed, sounds like a case of Blame-Displacement Syndrome.

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    Any suggestions?

    Thanks for the fast reply
    Already tried that. Didn't help

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    I know there are 3 issues but I've only had it for a couple of months at best.
    The first issue is the most disturbing.
    Mountain Lion 10.8.2, 8 gb memory, processor 3.06 ghz intel

    Again, please remove your auto-signature when replying by email.
    Let's try a couple of diagnostic experiments, please.
    First, create a new user account onthe mac and log in with that and tell us if there is a change in behavior in ID.
    Second, try starting in with extensions disabled by holding down the Shift key while booting the Mac. Does that make a difference?
    Do you run any sort of utilities -- anti-virus, Mac Keeper, etc.?

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    Is this just as simple as changing the batter most likely?  Or something else, other than this the phone works fine as far as i can tell

    Always try to charge iPhone when convenient for you. You can use iPhone right out of box, no problems, or you can charge it up if convenient. The best time for most users to charge iPhone is at night while they are sleeping so it is fully charged for the next day. The iPhone lithium battery is very versatile, so charge when convenient for you, it will not effect performance or life.

  • Dropdownmenu in infowindow of googlemaps act strange and doesn't work

    The problem occurs only in FF, not in IE or Chrome.
    Go to this page:<br />
    I tested it and I fill in a city in rideshare from and press enter and the icon of this city appears in the map, then I fill in a city in rideshare to and press enter and the icon of this city appears in the map as well. Then I click on one of the icons in the map and I can fill in a ride. Only the visible dropdown menu's act strange and choosing has no effect. That is the problem!?
    Any suggestions?

    Which drop down menu doesn't work?
    Don't you get a pop-up window if you click the start or end flag on the map?
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • New Socket() acting strangely under Windows

    First a little background:
    I have a client application that connects to a server application through a socket. The client first checks to see the server is 'reachable' using the .isReachable() method. If this return true, all is good. If it returns false, the application sets up to use a Microsoft Windows DUN connection and VPN to connect to the server. This is handled through a 3rd party .jar file called jdialup. Oh, one more thing, the client pc is connected to the network through a hub. In other words, the pc is connected to a hub. The hub is connected to the network using it's up-link port... Everything so far is pretty simple enough...
    Now the issue:
    If I disconnect the network cable from the back of the pc and run my client application, it says that the server is not reachable, which is fine. The application then dials out to our ISP and connects to our VPN. The client application connects to the server application through a socket and sends the request and receives the response. The client then disconnects. Everything is GOOD.
    Now, if I disconnect the network cable from the up-link on the hub, thus removing the client pc from the network, this is where the strangeness happens! I run my client application, it again says that the server is not reachable, which is fine. The application again dials out to our ISP and connects to our VPN. This is fine. Now though, when I attempt to make the socket connection to the server, it times out! The actual call to
    Socket socket = new Socket(ipaddress, port);times out...
    This seems very strange to me... Any ideas?
    PS: In both situations when I connect to the VPN, I can ping and telnet to the server. It is the Socket call that is acting strange...

    I've been following this and I'm baffled by the
    discussion so far. Has the thread been trimmed? I believe we got off on a tangent, but the problem is that in certain circumstances the client application tries to connect to the server application the call the 'new Socket()' times out... You will have to read my original post...
    Anyway, I believe that I have figured it out. It was related to the gateway option in the network setup on the client pc.
    Originally I had the gateway option set to be an ip address internal to our network. Our network guy said that in this situation, I needed to set the gateway to an ip address outside out network. When I did that, everything now work beautifully. Why? I have no real idea as I am not a network guy, but it work now and I am happy...
    Thanks for everyones help and sorry for all the confusion.

  • I Book G4 12 inch freezing up and acting strangely

    Recently we bought my wife a 12 inch I Book G4. It is a 1.2 megz processor. We have upgraded the ram, and recently replaced the keyboard. In the last few days it has started acting strangely.
    While using Pages, and Safari, it begins to "spin" and that application freezes up. Not only does that application freeze up, but when we click on the other applications, they just "bounce" on the dock, but never open up. It is interesting that when we turn off the airport extreem, and then turn it back on, everything goes back to normal.
    This is very strange behavior. Has anyone run in to this before? What should we do?

    Wow, it's good to know i'm not alone in this. I've never had any trouble with my Ibook before this. This morning (or yesterday?) I installed the recent security update, it's been doing that ever since. First it won't allow any NEW connections (already connected applications, AIM, work), when that starts it won't load other applications then the computer freezes with the beach ball. And it's not safari, because I use firefox with the same results. I would love to archive an install, but somewhere along the way my Tiger disk went missing. If any of you find a solution other than restarting and waiting for it to happen again, i'd love to hear it.

  • Last night Adobe PS CC updated and it's acting strange

    Adobe CC PS updated last night and so Adobe CC PS (2014) updated.  Now when I upload to Bridge and open ACR I have the old sliders, not the new ones and my ACR Presets are acting strange and not working like they were before.   Does anyone know why?  Should I try to delete one of the programs?  I work on an IMax .  Newest system updates.  Thanks in advance
    [email protected]

    I showed a screen shot of what happens when I open my photo in PS.
    So here are the other screen shots.  I select the Preset I've always used.
    Which changes my ACR to 2003:
    Then I have to click on the I icon thing at the bottom of the grey to convert back to present ACR. (see below)
    All of my images are taken with a Canon 6D just a few weeks ago.  Does that help?

  • DW acting strange - does not go to code view

    My Dreamweaver CS3 has started acting strangely since I
    upgraded to a new version of CS3 studio.
    I have been working with CS3 for a while now without needing
    too much of an adjustment from DW8.
    However, I just bought a new computer so I had to reinstall
    all my software.
    On the new box, DW is acting mighty strange:
    1) When I am in Layout view and click on an element to go to
    the corresponding line of code for the element it no longer goes to
    the line. However, it does when I r-click on it. It is a bit
    annoying since it also opens the contextual menu at the same time.
    2) When I am in code view (which is 99% of the time) and I
    click on an element, it no longer shows me the corresponding CSS
    rule in the CSS pane. Again, if I r-click sometiomes it works, but
    this one is not reliable either way. Sometimes it works if I double
    click, but most of the time it doesn't.
    3) The comment icon on the code toolbar is often grayed out.
    No reason I can see and just as often it wil work on the same line
    of code where it didn't work a minute before.
    I combed the preferences line by line without success.
    On my old computer I never had any issues like this. I find
    it very strange and it is crimping my workflow considerably. Is
    anyone familiar with theis behavior or how to fix it?

    The times I have seen others post things like this, it's been
    due to a bad
    installation - reinstalling fixes it.
    > What is the best way to transfer preferences, snippets,
    etc. from one
    > computer
    > to another?
    PREFERENCES? No way that I know of.
    SNIPPETS? Copy the Configuration/Snippets folder from the
    application folder and paste to a similar location on the new
    C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application
    (these folders are normally hidden - you may have to use
    Explorer > Tools >
    Folder Options to unhide them)
    or on Mac -
    Library/Application Support/Macromedia/Dreamweaver
    SITE DEFINITIONS? Export from DW on one computer to portable
    media, and
    Import to the other.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "corradoconti" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    >I also wanted to give an update on the exact behavior I
    am experiencing:
    > 1) I click on an element on the layout view and nothing
    happens - I
    > r-click
    > and it works as intended (but the contextual menu also
    pops up)
    > 2) I select code in the code view and instead of
    highlighting the
    > corresponding element in design view, nothing happens.
    > 3) When I r-click in design view on an element both the
    code and the CSS
    > rule
    > hightlights but when I select an element in code view
    the CSS pane does
    > not
    > respond at all. Other times it does show a rule but it
    always the last
    > rule in
    > my css, not the one I am selecting in code view.
    > 4) I click on a CSS rule in the CSS pane and I cannot go
    to the
    > corresponding
    > line of code in the CSS file about 70% of the time. When
    it does work half
    > the
    > time it takes me to the wrong place in the css file.
    > 5) In the code toolbar if I select a line of code all
    the "Comment" and
    > other
    > icons on the left may or may not be greyed out.
    Switching from one file to
    > another (any file) and then come back to the original
    file sometimes makes
    > those same icons active once again.
    > 6) On some files I cannot activate the "Visual Aids"
    toolbar icon. It
    > stays
    > grayed out for that page until I switrch to another page
    and come back.
    > My guess is there are scores of other features not
    working properly. I
    > just
    > haven't got to them yet.
    > What is the best way to transfer preferences, snippets,
    etc. from one
    > computer
    > to another? I want to try to capture my old preferences
    (code coloring,
    > file
    > extensions, etc.) and see if that makes a difference. At
    least, if I have
    > to
    > reinstall DW it would allow me to quickly set the new
    copy up with the
    > preferences that worked just fine on my other computer.

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