Camera Audio problem

So I have a cannon t3i which I love its my first DSLR had for a year now and I was recording video when I noticed I couldn't hear anything when I played back audio. I checked to see if my mic was turned on and It shows this. And the green bar doesn't responded to sound, I plugged up my friends external mic and it worked fine audio came through clear as day. Unplug the external mic and nothing, any idea of whats going on and how to fix?

Your camera's microphone may not be working but you can try these things;
1) Make sure the microphone opeing on the camera body is not covered by something. 
2) Try using the microphone in Auto. The recording level may be too low.  
Mike Sowsun
S110, SL1, 5D Mk III

Similar Messages

  • Getting Around MPEG Streamclip "No Audio" Problem

    (Long post; apologies in advance.)
    I needed to get around the MPEG Streamclip "no audio" problem that other people here have had. I just found a workaround that more-or-less works for my specific situation ... and it's free to boot.
    Since other people are having this problem, I thought I'd let you know what happened to me, so you can decide if this is something you want to try. If you do, I suggest posting replies here so we all can learn (if that's okay with the board moderators here).
    QTAmateur for MacOS X is available at . The developer has a somewhat full explanation of what it does at the site, so I won't repeat it here (and I don't get anything for talking about it here; I just want to share the good news).
    Right now I'm field recording with a Flip Mino camera (non-HD), which saves video/audio to an AVI file (3ivx MPEG-4, 640x480) at 30 fps, with 44.1 kHz audio (Microsoft ADPCM). Funny thing is the files from my Flip actually imported into FCE without any conversion, but I had to render everything. And the video looked like crap. Hated the rendering and the look, so I searched for other solutions.
    After paying for a couple of things that didn't work (lessons learned there), I finally found MPEG Streamclip. Since I'm using Snow Leopard, I sunk the additional $20 into the dang MPEG-2 playback component after my initial export try didn't produce any audio. After the component install, I still didn't have audio. Grrrrr.
    So I Googled a bunch of keywords, and I somehow stumbled across this QTA package. Snow Leopard users should note a minor drawback here: QTA needs QuickTime 7, which gets blown away in a Snow Leopard upgrade and is not included in new Macs with Snow Leopard. Users can get off of their Install DVD, though, so it's not a huge deal.
    When exporting from QTA, I matched its settings (audio and video) with the ones I found in this document: . QTA's export interface is actually QT7s, so at least that's familiar.
    The only problem I'm having is that even though I set QTA to export at 29.97 fps, the exported files are still at 30 fps. A quick change in FCE upon import is the only thing I needed to use the file without rendering. I also had to change the fps setting on my LiveType files.
    The only thing I need to figure out is to how to match up some studio-recorded audio with all of the above, so I don't have to render the studio audio and so it comes out at the equivalent of 30 fps. I think all I need to do is record at 44.1 KHz and I'm okay.
    Of course, this is all my experience, and I realize others may not be able to work with this kind of setup. But I think this is an interesting workaround .. I wouldn't really call it a full solution, though, mainly because of the 29.97 fps versus 30 fps aspect.
    One other quick thing: I'm not sure if this works without that $20 MPEG-2 playback component from Apple (thanks for that charge, Apple!), since I already had the component installed when I discovered QTA. Someone without the component, though, can download this and see if it works. If it does, then we all know that we don't need to spend the extra $20 for it to work.
    If you decide to take the plunge, please let us know here. Thanks for reading.

    @Tom and @Meg:
    Thanks so much for your replies (speedy, too!). I especially want to thank Meg, who took the time to replicate the problem (which confirms to myself that I'm not nuts ). At least I know I have an ultimate "savior" in QT7 Pro.
    Before I spend that final $30, though, I want to see if Tom can help, based on what the QT Inspector says about my .avi files from the Flip. Here's what it says:
    Format: Generic MPEG-4, 640 x 480, Millions
    Microsoft ADPCM, Mono, 44.100 kHz
    FPS: 30
    Data Rate: 3408.53 kbits/s
    Normal Size: 640 x 480 pixels
    Current Size: 640 x 480 pixels (Actual)
    (that's word for word, except for the source [file location]; wish I could figure out how to paste in the window from my Grab of it.)
    I've already done the exports in the same way Meg indicated in her reply, trying all kinds of combinations. When exporting, though, I've always used DV/DVCPRO w/audio @ uncompressed 48k, and frame size @ 720x480 @ 29.97fps settings (saw those in another post here at the forum). I'm thinking those aren't contributing to my situation.
    Whaddya think, Tom?
    BTW, the biggest reason why I want to have the audio is to easily sync the audio off the digital recorder (I hook myself up with a lav mic) to the audio coming off of the Flip. I do the ol' "triple clap" trick to sync audio, so that helps -- thank goodness for audio waveforms in FCE.
    Once synced, I then delete the Flip audio and move the digital recorder audio up to A1/A2 (although I delete the A2 audio channel). Sounds 1000% better than the Flip audio, as I record outside and the Flip mic picks up wind big-time.
    BTW, Tom: I bought your book earlier this week. It's really, really good. You could teach an entire college semester class off of this book, and do it well. I'm getting to more of the lessons this week.

  • Audio problems and can't open project to another computer.

    I'd like some help with moving a project from my G4 powerbook (10.4.3 1Gb RAM) to my G5 iMac (10.4.4 1.5Gb RAM) both with ilfe 06 installed. I copied the project file across and it won't start up on my iMac. The reason I'm trying to move the project over is that the audio quality on the entire (powerbook) project is absolutely u.s. (created on my brand new powerbook with factory settings intact). I have already used iMovie on my iMac with the same camera and it worked just fine and was kinda hoping that 'porting it over might cure the problem, although I'm not at all sure it will. I think the fault is probably embedded in the original. (incidentally, I CAN open the moved project when I connect my powerbook to my iMac)
    Audio problem:
    I noticed, while importing the clips, that my powerbook started sporadically cutting out the audio (unusual I thought!) but I was under a bit of pressure to complete and thought it was just a temporary glitch.
    I'd appreciate some help with that also, if anyone has a suggestion.
    Anyway, as I said, the project simply won't open on my iMac (I've checked permissions they seem OK) iMovie starts up when I click the project, but stalls until I click iMovie's icon in the dock, where upon the previous project I worked on loads up fine.
    Most frustration overall, I thought if I had 2 machines I would have ultimate flexibility - It's not woking out like that at all.
    I'm apprehensive about upgrading my powerbook to 10.4.4 at the moment - frightened I'll loose the whole thing!!
    I've used iMovie 2, 3 and 5, never had any issues like this before.
    iMac G5 + Powerbook G4 (10.4.3)   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    Same here. I don't have a solution, but I understand exactly your problem. This is what I did.
    Imported movies into iPhoto from stills camera.
    Opened iMovie, new project bla bla, dragged from event library (iphoto videos).
    Made/edited movie etc.
    All gone well. Exported to iTunes/iDVD etc no problem.
    Now, I don't need to keep all the original video clips in iPhoto so can I delete them?
    Yeah sure, I'll just drag the iMovie project to my ext HD as per the iMovie help files.(in iMovie)
    Opened project that is now on ext HD.
    File/Consolidate/Copy clips & Move events.
    But.... it doesn't. The 'Copy clips' box even says '2.2gb' which is the right amount for the movie clips. But they never go to the iMovie project file on my ext HD.???

  • Audio Problems and Webcam Stuff

    See my name is Josiah Blodget and  I'm 17 years old I wanted to tell you guys this. So yesterday I was moving icons around and I keep deleting mutiple copies of icons and I keep the originals. Then when I got on today my audio was acting all werid like for example when I'm on You Tube even when the volume is not on mute you can't hear it. I think it had something to do with me moving the icons. So that's my first problem.
       My second problem is that when I'm on Internet Exopler the web cam is not on there but when it's Google Chorme it's works. I remeber months ago I remeber I accidently deleted my You Cam Icon and that is the second probem I wanted to confrim with you. Thank you for reading this.

    Quote from: Stu on 07-May-07, 20:41:21
    Basically if you're having audio problems in Vista, you should look for latest Vista drivers from your chipset manufacturers website (links can be found in the Download forum here), and if you cannot obtain Vista drivers then you should look to buying a new sound card which does have Vista support
    Wait and buy a new sound card. Test this first!  Install lets say XP and then after your normal soundcard installation "copy" the installed sounddrivers folder for you specific card. Then you paste that folder on a usb drive/cd or another harddrive that you again c/p inside to Vista when thats installed. Check in the device manager for audio and Update that with the drivers from your copied drivers folder from XP if you dont get an automatic driverinstallation. If you do use that guide. Vista will prolly scream that the drivers where'nt checked etc. Skip that mess and just install anyway (on your own risk ofcourse!  ) and then reboot the pc. If all goes well as it did for me the sound will now work flawless even if not a specific software that came with the card might do. If this tip didnt work well then its probably time for a total new soundcard that does support Vista 100%. Good Luck!   

  • Solve my corrupted audio problem for $$ and eternal gratitude

    My video project has corrupted audio suddenly. I've read about other audio problems when exporting, but all I did was save the project while editing, no export. I have the prefs set to extract audio at pasteover, which I've done a lot of for this 2-camera wedding shoot. I also have the second audio track occasionally used for background music. All three tracks (video, audio 1, audio 2) on the timeline have corrupted audio for the entire length of the project. It sounds like a helicopter whirr was added, it's very choppy. Also, both cpus are maxxed out and the process monitor shows iMovie utilizing 180%+ consistently. When iMovie isn't running, it's in the single digits. As soon as I load iMovie the cpus max out. This hasn't happened the whole project, just recently. So what changed? I don't know. I've been doing the same thing the whole time, the pasteovers, the add titles, the add background track, saving the project every couple of minutes. Each time I've saved, it looks like it's listing off different files or clips, not just the changed clips. I've tried deleting the QT movie it created in the cache and let it recreate to see if that would help, but it didn't. Would deleting the files in the waveform cache help? I've got about 30 hours into this project already and would love to resurrect this audio if possible. Either that or it's Jim Beam and call it a day. I thought this was non-destructive editing, but apparently that's just the originals? That doesn't help much when the whole project audio goes in the toilet and I'm looking at redoing this whole project. Anyone who can fix this is getting a big ol' sloppy kiss on the mouth and an iTunes gift certificate.

    I've never personally seen the audio problems you describe, but there's some things I'd try before giving up. As you've probably read, it's not unusual to have playback problems in projects containing complex audio. The odds for it seem to increased in QuickTime 7.
    1. Try opening the "TimeLine" that's inside the Cache folder of the project in QuickTime Player. If the audio plays okay there, the audio data is intact and you're seeing a playback anomaly in iMovie. (QuickTime Player may choke too, but don't conclude anything from that.)
    To access the movie, Control-click on the project icon and choose "Show Package Contents".
    2. Try exporting ONLY the project audio to an AIFF file, then import THAT back into the project and replace the audio you have. That will "flatten" the audio and make it much easier to play. (To be safe, on a copy of the project.)
    Or if you have QuickTime Pro, you might try extracting all the audio from the Timeline movie.
    To export to an AIFF file, choose File > Export, click on QuickTime, set the popUp menu to "Expert Settings", press Share, then from the top popUp menu, choose "Sound to AIFF". Choose the level of quality you want from the bottom popUp menu, then Save.
    What may be going on here is that extracting audio has created MANY audio files in the project, some possibly very large. (Each time we extract audio from a clip that is part of a Media file shared with other clips, iMovie extracts ALL the audio from that Media file, not just the audio of the selected clip.) To see what audio files the project contains, look in the Media folder of the project.
    If you get this solved, please say how.
    Oh, and if you haven't updated to iMovie 7.1, you might try that. There were improvements in handling multiple audio tracks, I read somewhere.
    BTW, it's usually not a good idea to change things inside the project package. iMovie can get pretty confused. The Timeline movie is replaced each time we save, so that's not a big deal.

  • IMovie HD - Urgent Audio Problem!

    I've been working on a video for my Chinese final and iMovie HD 5.0.2 has been working until now. No matter what I do, all of the audio is skipping. The audio I'm using is either embedded audio imported from my HD Video Camera, a music file, or a sound effect clip. The music and sounds are all .mp3.
    The sound gradually started getting worse and now nothing I'm doing is making a difference. I can't find an update that will fix my problem. I've already ordered iLife 09 so I can use the newest version of iMovie, but I need this to work right now. This project is due tomorrow and it would have been done if not for the audio problems. Again, I have iMovie HD 5.0.2
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you again for your help.  I didn't realize I was so far behind on the iMovie series.  I downloaded the newest one and it worked great as far as importing the video without bars.  The video was from a Sony widescreen SD video camera and I used MPEG Streamclip to confirm the video was true 16:9 but for some reason iMovie HD just squished it to the right.  Anyway, I noticed on the new iMovie it only has the option for 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio.  So is it not as good as iMovie HD even thought it's newer?  Oh well, guess I'll cross that bridge when I get an HD camcorder.

  • Premier Elements 8 Audio Problem

    I just got a new Dell laptop last week that came with the Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 and Premier Elements 8 bundle pre-installed.   I’ve never worked with Premier Elements before and thought I’d try my luck with it yesterday. I edited several movie clips that were taken with my Sony camera in MP4 format, joined the clips into one movie with transitions between them, and rendered the finished product in .mpg format.
    The video plays fine in all programs, but the audio is a different story.  It is silent in Windows Media Player and Real Player, yet plays well in Windows Media Center and Windows Movie Maker.  It also plays on my Dell PC in Windows Media Player (the same program that silences it on my Dell laptop). 
    I'm a senior citizen and have worked a little bit with Windows Movie Maker but that is all - nothing more intricate than that program.  I’d like to burn my new movie file to DVD but would first like to know what is causing the audio problem.  I'm hoping it's something simple and that this aged brain can understand the "fix".   Any suggestions?
    Thank you for any help you can offer me.

    Hello Hunt, and thank you for helping me.
    Yes, you have described the problem correctly.  In PrElements, all was 
    well with video and audio - and still is OK in two of the  video players I have
    on this new laptop.   However, there  is no audio in the other two programs
    - but only on  this Dell laptop in Windows Media Player.  There IS audio in
    Windows Media Player on my Dell PC.  That's what really confuses me.
    Yes, the original file from the camera was mp4 and was exported as mpg 
    (MPEG).  I don't remember the settings I used; I think the only thing I 
    changed was a quality setting.  Is there a way of going back and looking at  the
    original settings to jot down what they were? 
    I think that the free version of Real Player has improved over the  years
    and has a few more "goodies" now than it did in previous editions.   For one,
    I was able to capture an internet video in its entirety last year, and 
    very easily.  I wanted this video (a show trailer) for a slideshow I  was
    creating and couldn't figure out how to get it with any other  application. 
    That's the main reason I installed Real Player last  week on this new laptop  -
    "just in case" I want to do this  again.
    I will take your advice and look into the two free players...
    And, in response to your second post, WMM has given me a good start but, 
    unless I'm missing something, it does not have the capability of burning a 
    DVD.  I will check out the resources link and the Training  Series that you
    describe, and thank you so much for your help!
    In a message dated 7/1/2011 11:23:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Welcome to the forum.
    Just to make  sure that I am following you, I will restate what I think you
    are  experiencing, and then please correct me. Along the way will be a few 
    questions too.
    You have created a Project in PrElements, and have  Imported Video (with
    Audio) into the PrE Project. The files from your Sony are  in MP4 format.
    In PrE you have your Audio,  correct?
    You have then Exported/Shared that Project to an AV file  as an MPEG. Do
    you recall the settings chosen for that MPEG?
    That  Exported/Shared file plays with Audio in some players, but in others
    it only  plays the Video, but not the Audio. Is that correct?
    Knowing the  settings used to create that MPEG file might explain why some
    player software  does a good job, where other players have an issue.
    This is an  aside comment - I find that WMP, especially the later versions,
    is not a good  choice for a player. It seems that MicroSooft has done as
    much as possible to  strip it of most capabilities. Instead, I recommend two
    free players, odO3L2Xg  and Both are excellent, and will play files,  that some other players struggle
    with. Again, both are free. Because all  players are not created equal, I
    just go with what works. If you were  distributing these files to a client,
    that was locked into WMP, especially the  newer versions, then addressing the
    issue would be worth the detective work.  If that was the case, then I
    would explore Exporting/Sharing to WMV format,  rather than the MPEG.
    I have not used RealPlayer in about a  decade. I found it to be nearly
    useless then, and rather ill-behaved. I will  not let it near my computers,
    though it has possibly been improved over the  years. If you have any RealMedia,
    MediaPlayer Classic HC, can be modified with  a free plug-in, to allow
    that. If you do not have RealMedia files (usually  designated by .RM), then I
    would not worry about taht. Only install what you  need, when you need it. I
    would just ignore RealPlayer, since it is  installed.
    Good luck, and hope that this was helpful. Let us know  a bit more about
    the MPEG settings,  please.

  • My audio problem is opposite to one of your bullet points. I have a new operating system, sound was

    My audio problem is opposite to one of your bullet points. I have a new operating system, sound was working fine, now on skype cannot be heard, iTunes will not load. All were fine before the change over. Over the past few days have gone through every type of troubleshooting offered online, my HP dv1000 came with the problem and I fixed it on the old os, just forget what I did. Recorder not working, etc.

    First off, try downloading the latest Safari. I believe it's 5.1.9.  While you're there download the combo updater for Slow Leopard 10.6.8 to get your system up to the final release.
    If your system generally runs well then it's unlikely that it will be necessary. In any case, it's usually a last resort.
    A lot of odd problems can be remedied by repairing your permissions.
    About Disk Utility's Repair Disk Permissions feature
    Beyond that, some problems respond to a File System Check.
    How to Repair a Mac Disk with fsck from Single User Mode
    Although there's nothing wrong with Adobe Acrobat 7 (to the best of my knowledge) you should be aware that OS X may be using Preview instead unless you've specifically designated Acrobat as the default PDF app. I actually prefer it in most cases.
    good luck

  • USB audio problems with 2013 iMac

    I'm having a strange audio problem with USB microphones and headsets. The issue with my Logitech H650e is shown in this screencast I recorded. In the first part of the screencast, I am not speaking into the mic—yet you can see the levels fluctuating as if there is static playing (not in a natural pattern that you'd see when someone is speaking). In the next part of the video I demonstrate that selecting the built-in iMac mic for input, and then re-selecting the Logitech headset temporarily solves the problem. You can see the input start to fluctuate normally as it should when I am speaking. But at 0:31 in the screencast, you can see the input levels freeze and stop registering anything. I continued to speak until the end of the screencast, but no input was detected. For this screencast, I was on a Go To Webinar call, but the problem occurs regardless of whether I'm using Skype, Go To Webinar, GarageBand or any other software.
    The problem with my Blue Yeti USB microphone is also different. In that case, the input does not freeze as it does with the Logitech headset. The levels appear as you would expect, and it seems to work. However, the person on the other end can hear static in the background, even though I don't hear it in my own headphones. I learned this because I just tried to do a Skype interview with the Blue Yeti, and the interviewer told me they could hear static. We closed Skype and called each other back twice, but the problem persisted. Then, suspecting the problem was related to what I described above with the Logitech, I unplugged the Yeti and then plugged it into my Macbook Air 2013 (also running Mavericks). Lo and behold the static completely disappeared.
    My Griffin iMic and Audio Technica lavalier mic (attached to the iMic) behaves similarly to the Yeti, except in this case I can hear the static when I speak with my monitoring headphones. The input works but I get a lot of cracking and static in the background. This was confirmed by calling the Skype Test Call number and recording a message, which is then played back.
    Here are the facts:
    All 3 of my USB audio microphones/headsets do not work with my 2013 iMac running Mavericks
    All 3 of these microphones/headsets worked fine with my 2008 Mac Pro running Mountain Lion
    All 3 of these microphones/headsets work fine with my 2013 Macbook Air running Mavericks
    In this other thread, several people are reporting similar issues with the iMac 2013 and Mavericks. At least two people did not have the issue when the iMac 2013 was running Mountain Lion. This of course suggests the issue is the combination of the iMac 2013 and Mavericks. 

    Apple>About This Mac>More Info>Service
    Please read the warranty paperwork that came w/your computer.
    You have 14 days to return the computer w/no questions asked. 
    You have 90 days of FREE phone tech support on top of your standard 1 year warranty unless you also purchased AppleCare which gives you an additional 2 years of coverage plus FREE phone support.
    Strongly suggest that you take FULL advantage of the above before it runs out.  Let Apple deal w/the problems.

  • Audio problem when flattening multicam

    To sum up:
    When flattening multicam sequences the audio is selected from audio track one, which is not the track with good audio. I have all bad audio muted in the source sequence, so prior to flattening it sounds right. Loading the multicam clip to the source monitor then right click switch camera audio makes no difference. The only way I find to fix this is to move the good audio to track 1. This would be very time consuming as I have a large number of multicam source clips. Any ideas on an efficient fix? Am I missing something?
    Here's a long detailed step by step explanation of what I'm doing if you want more information:
    I have a series CC2014 sequences (I'll call them "master sequences") composed of many multicam clips. These mulitcam clips were created by Premiere from the project panel. I have a total of 7 of these "master sequences". Within each master sequence, all mulitcam editing is done (camera cuts made within each multicam clip). I selected the proper audio for each mulitcam clip. All good so far. Now I want to flatten the master sequences to simplify the project. For the first 3 sequences I selected all clips/multicam/flatten. Everything worked normally, no problems. For the next 4, when I flatten, the audio source changes in every multicam clip to a bad camera audio track which cannot be used. This bad track is muted in the individual multicam sequences and was not heard prior to flattening. The difference between the sequences that worked right and the ones that didn't is that the order of the cameras on the tracks is reversed. When it worked properly, the camera with the good audio was on video/audio track 1, when it didn't work the camera with the bad audio was on track 1. I understand I can copy and paste the audio from the original sequence but each of my main sequences contains many individual multicam sequences as created by Premiere, so I would have to reveal in project each source multicam sequence, open in timeline, and select the audio to copy and paste. This would be very time consuming.
    Thanks in advance for wisdom proffered.

    We tried flattening in the new 8.1 also, what happend there was some audio disappeared and the audio adjustment also disappeared.
    This was done on the same machine but with Adobe Premiere 2014.1 8.1.0 (81) build

  • Audio problem when importing video files.

    Hello everyone,
    I just started using FCP X a few days ago for a university project and I seem to encounter an audio problem when importing videos in .mp4, .mov format or via the import from camera option.
    Indeed I need to import videos in .mp4 and .mov format into FCP X. The import in itself is normal I can see my videos into the events/clips library and if I play them from the library I can hear the sound quite perfectly.
    However, when I want to edit my videos and put it in the timeline, there is no audio. As a result I started to think that my videos could be the problem so I tried the option "import from camera" option using the Isight camera of my macbook pro but the same things happened. I could hear the sound from the events/clips library but not from the timeline (I can't see any audiowaves in the timeline).
    I found a solution using quicktime and extracting the audio of the video in .m4a then importing the videos files and the audi files corresponding but it's a long process and a waste of time  as FCP X should be able to import the audio of my video into the timeline directly. Especially if it can read it from events/clips library.
    I hope I explained myself clearly and you could help me resolve my problem.
    PS: I'm using FCP X version 10.0

    Update to 10.0.5.
    You have an incorrect setting when you edit. Try trashing your preferences. Post screen shots of your timeline and toolbar.

  • Audio Problem (Quicktime) in Snow Leopard

    Audio Problem in Snow Leopard
    After a install of Snow Leopard over the weekend, I have gotten everything smoothed out except for 1 item.
    I can not get Quicktime to install.
    I did the additional software instals that came on the DVD with SL.
    I now do not have Quicktime and can not get the new one to install.
    Here is the error I receive when I try to install it.
    "System extension can not be used /system/Library/Extensions/CDSDAudioCaptureSupport.kext was installed impropeerly and can not be used. Please try reinstalling it or contact products vendor for an update.
    I have tried to do a complete reinstall of SL and no fix.
    I did a verify permissions and a repair permissions.
    The results are below. But I do not know what they mean.
    I have also included my system info.
    Verify permissions for "Macintosh HD"
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ ent" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    Permissions verification complete
    Repairing permissions for "Macintosh HD"
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ ent" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    Permissions repair complete
    Hardware Overview:
    Model Name: iMac
    Model Identifier: iMac9,1
    Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
    Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Total Number Of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache: 6 MB
    Memory: 4 GB
    Bus Speed: 1.07 GHz
    Boot ROM Version: IM91.008D.B08
    SMC Version (system): 1.37f3
    Thanks for any help.
    Herb Jones
    TheOnlyOblong Illinois

    Thanks for the reply. What I mean is in 10.5, leopard, the page set up and print settings would not keep after printing the first file. Like say I'm in Preview with a .jpg open and I set the print setup to 4x6 borderless, which is a setting my wife uses a lot. If I print the file, which isn't a problem, save the settings for both page set up and printing preferences, close the file and open a different one, the preferences reset to whatever the default is.
    I've tried going into System Preferences and tooling with the Printer set up there, but there's no setting for 4x6 borderless that I can select for a default, not in 10.5.x at least.
    There were numerous threads in the 10.5 Leopard printing forum concerning this and it was an issue I hope is fixed in 10.6.

  • MXF export with audio problems

    At the brodcast station that I work we recently upgrade to premiere CC. Our workflow are almost XDCAM files (MXF) and whe an edition is finished we export to MXF to play out or copy to XDCAM disc.
    Recently I have a multi camera project and everything works perfect but when I export to an MXF file the sound as a "blank frame" in sound. The concert as an hour and twenty minutes and at the fisrt second
    theres is that little "cut" in sound that doesn't exist in timeline.
    I tryed various ways to export and everytime I got this frame in the same place. I also export timelines with 2 minutes from other projects, more simple, and always I got a "blank frame" somewhere in audio.
    Tryed to export with 2 channels, 8 channels, stereo timeline multichannel timeline and everything result in a MXF in this audio issue.
    Anyone already detect this exporting to MXFs, any sugestion to resolve this problem?

    Thank you norok65 for replying this post.
    I searched for some post with my problem and I didn't find so I post this one. I'm "glad" that I'm not the only one having this Kind of problem.
    Like you said the problem cames with some updates. We used Premiere CS5 and no problem with MXF. We tryed the CS6 to possible update and
    at the begining no problem but after some updates this problem appears and we abandoned the CS6 and we tested the CC. No problem with CC
    and we did the migration. So, CC export MXFs with no problem but after some updates the audio problems came up again.
    I think the problem is the updates and Adobe must fix this.
    Jim, I already did some tests and exported only audio to WAV and no problem. Other formats like quictime no problem too.
    This kind of problem only appears with MXF.
    Like I said our workflow are almost everything in MXF (XDCAM) and we wish this issue can be solved.

  • Audio problems. SOS. Please. Desert Island

    Calling all FCE masters.
    I am up against a deadline and really need help, so thank you for your time.
    To make matters worse, I'm a new transfer from Adobe P. Pro, so I thank all for the help and patience.
    After capturing a segement of tape, I get this message:
    The audio sample rate of one or more of your captured media files does not match the sample rate on your source tape. This may cause the video and audio of these media files to be out of sync. Make sure the audio sample rate of your capture preset matches the sample rate of your tape.
    What's the deal with this, and what should I do to correct the problem?
    When I drag clips into my timeline, I need to render the audio. Is this common?
    And then sometimes during playback I get the terrible:
    One or more frames were dropped during playback.
    But I'm in Safe RT mode, my hard drive is 1/3 full, and it's a brand new comp.
    How do I change compression rate? preference for real-time audio tracks?
    I'm marooned on a strange island and I need some help. Thanks again.

    In the Browser (List View) each clip has a list of specs associated with it, scroll to "Aud Rate".
    If you are not currently in List View, right click in the Browser>Name column and choose View as List.
    Right click in the Timeline, Item Properties will do a similar job.
    A Sequence must be set before you start a new project.
    This is done through Final Cut Express>Easy Setup. Make a selection here from the Pre-sets that match the camera's audio rate.
    Regarding the camera audio rate:
    That is determined by the camera that shot the tape and what it was set to. A 12 or 16 bit audio info should display in the View Finder or LCD during playback. You may have to call up the display overlay to see the info.

  • Audio problems with import

    I am using a jvc gz-mg 155u camera and have made 2 previous movies with no audio problems.
    I have about 1 hour of video in many different clips that i am trying to import.
    1) Not all of the clips "thumbnail" when the import window opens. when i click on any clip in the import window, the audio plays.
    2) When i play the video on the camcorder, the audio plays
    3) When i import the video clips, some of the initial clips have audio associated with them, but the latter clips do not.
    In summary, it has worked fine before. Only some of the clips work now when imported and audio works fine in playback on the vid cam.
    I just returned from costa rica and i am very anxious to build my trip movie.
    any suggestions??

    Thanks for the fast reply. Much appreciated - I have found other reference to this since reading your reply, and I can see this should fix my problem.

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