Campaign for mixed private and business addresses

Hello all,
I have a question concerning the execution of campaign.
Our requirement is, that we have a targetgroup with contact persons who want to receive the mailing to their private address and persons who want to receive the mailing to their business address. Is there any possibilty to maintain a flag on the customer which address should be used in campaign execution?
In the export we always need data of the business adress (function of the contact person), so working with/wtihout the B2B Flag is unfortunately not possible.
Thanks for your help in advance!

You can try doing this.
In CRM WebUI, you have the option of maintaining different addresses for an account.
while creating a new account, you have to fill in the fields under heading "Main Address and Communication Data". After you save the document, this address will be considered as Main Address.
Scroll down, and you will see some new tabs out of which the tabs, "Address and Address type" are of interest. Maintain new addresses in the tab "Address" wherein you can mention the email id also and mark the email id what you want as Standard.
Under the tab "Address type", you can assign the addresses as main address, billing address etc.
I hope this will help you.

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    Hi Tomasz
    Contact Person Info is maintained in the table KNVK.
    It is maintained through VAP2 transaction.
    When you assign a contact person to a Customer in XD02/01 the home and business addresses get copied from VAP1 (KNVK table).

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    Try the computer apps PhoneView (Mac) or TouchCopy (Mac & PC):
    Best of luck.

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    i check the Note:283684.1 you give me, but it didn't give all the answers to my problem.
    I finally found a recipe to make the job. I would like to tell you it's not supported be Oracle, but it work very well
    Don't forget to take a good backup of the ocrcfg and vote disk before you start.
    Here we go:
    Stop all Oracle service on all nodes before the change of the address, the low format of the ocrcfg and vote disk
    change the address in the file host in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc with the new address
    change the ip address in the window network definition connection with the new address
    ocopy \\.\ocrcfg d:\backup\ocrcfg.dmp
    ocopy \\.\votedsk1 d:\backup\votedsk1.dmp
    rem go to directory of the cluster binary crs\bin
    cd /D D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs/bin
    rem Format raw ocrcfg and vote disk
    LogPartFormat.exe \\.\ocrcfg /q
    LogPartFormat.exe \\.\votedsk1 /q
    rem Run in prompt mode the cluster setup
    rem crssetup.exe config -nn %s_nodenumberlist% -pn %s_privatenamelist% -ch %ORA_CRS_HOME% -oh %s_OracleHome% -c %s_clustername% -l "%s_languageid%" -q %s_votedisklist% -g %s_usergroup%
    rem example for 2 node
    crssetup.exe config -nn host_name_node_1 ,1,host_name_node_2,2 -pn host_name_node_1-priv,1,host_name_node_2-priv,2 -ch D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs -oh D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs -c crs_lab -l "CANADIAN FRENCH_CANADA.WE8MSWIN1252"; -q "\\.\votedsk1"
    rem ensures that all nodes are configured with the same port for the ONS
    racgons.exe add_config host_name_node_1:6200 host_name_node_2:6200
    rem oifcfg to direct components to use specific network interfaces
    oifcfg.exe setif -global "Public"/ "Prive"/
    rem to rebuild the vip address vipca in wondow componant and make the incription in the cluster (in prompt mode or online)
    rem at the same time it will create the gsd and ons service
    vipca.bat -silent -nodelist "host_name_node_1,host_name_node_2" -nodevips "host_name_node_1/host_name_node_1-vip/,host_name_node_2/host_name_node_2-vip/";
    rem vipca
    rem check the state of the crs services (inscription)
    crs_stat -t
    rem now make the registration of the listener in the cluster.
    rem important don't use the prompt command below, it will give you a crs-0223 error at the startup service
    Rem to solve this problem use netca on line
    rem crs_register ora.host_name_node_1.LISTENER_host_name_node_1.lsnr -dir D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs\crs\profile
    rem crs_register ora.host_name_node_2.LISTENER_host_name_node_2.lsnr -dir D:\Oracle\Ora10g\crs\crs\profile
    rem srvctl start nodeapps -n host_name_node_1
    ren srvctl start nodeapps -n host_name_node_2
    rem check the state of the crs services (inscription)
    crs_stat -t
    rem start oracle object service and cluster volume before registering and accessing to asm services
    sc \\host_name_node_1 start ”Oracle Object Service”
    sc \\host_name_node_1 start OracleClusterVolumeService
    sc \\host_name_node_2 start ”Oracle Object Service”
    sc \\host_name_node_2 start OracleClusterVolumeService
    rem go the the rdbms directory to make the registration of asm and the database
    set ORACLE_HOME=D:\Oracle\Ora10g\rdbms
    rem add the service asm in the cluster in my case asm1 and asm2 for my 2 nodes
    srvctl add asm -n host_name_node_1 -i +ASM1 -o %ORACLE_HOME%
    srvctl add asm -n host_name_node_2 -i +ASM2 -o %ORACLE_HOME%
    rem start the asm service on each node
    srvctl start asm -n host_name_node_1
    srvctl start asm -n host_name_node_2
    rem check the state of the crs services (inscription)
    crs_stat -t
    rem go to the bin directory of rdbms directory to make the registration of the database
    cd /D D:\Logiciels\Oracle\Ora10g\rdbms/bin
    rem register the database (in my case labotary lab) and the to database service (lab1 and lab2) of each node
    srvctl add database -d lab -o %ORACLE_HOME%
    srvctl add instance -d lab -i lab1 -n host_name_node_1
    srvctl add instance -d lab -i lab2 -n host_name_node_2
    rem finally start the database
    srvctl start database -d lab
    rem go to directory of the cluster binary crs\bin
    rem all the services
    cd /D D:\Logiciels\Oracle\Ora10g\crs/bin
    rem you can go in the database with sqlplus and check all your components
    crs_stat -t
    I hope this will help someone who are in the same situation
    Edited by: ron_berube on 2008-12-12 09:21
    Edited by: ron_berube on 2008-12-12 10:08
    Edited by: ron_berube on 2008-12-13 08:25
    Edited by: ron_berube on 2008-12-18 10:49

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    I've seen other users around this forum mentioning the same thing, but it's unclear to me whether this was done intentionally or not. Are there any chances for these statuses to be added back? And if not what has been reasoning behind the decision of taking them out?
    - Adriano

    There is another topic, addressing this issue and also explaining it pretty good:
    Unfortunately it doesn’t have much kudos either, even though it is pretty old.
    The worst about it is, that you aren’t even able to see the real status of your contacts:
                    Contacts who have their status set to “away” are shown as online.
                    Contacts who have it set to “busy” are shown as offline. (Which is even worse…)
    This simply can’t be intentional.
    Also.. It's been possible in older skype versions for android, it's also possible on ios.. So where is the need to get rid of the busy/away status in the new android version?

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    Best regards,
    Shahaf Yaari

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    As for the comment earlier on about background rendering - here (after a day or so) it seems to be not a very useful thing.  Much grinding by the CPU for a very slow result.  To get the timeline to play smoothly it's much quicker to position the work area bar as required and hit "enter".  Also, one has to watch for the new analysis process, which once started seems to create an everlasting CPU intensive process even if you cancel it.  You have to keep a sharp eye on the process manager and see what's consuming CPU cycles (if you don't know already) and kill any apparently rouge Adobe-related processes by hand.  "Bmem" is your friend here, which is about the first thing I install on any PC of mine - is the site for this excellent freeware app.

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    What is my simplest option without replacing the exiting NAS and Wireless Network and Router - can I attach a Timecapusle to the existing router and just use it with wireless off to do mac backups?  How do I set that up if it is advised?
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    Thanks for the help -

    Ok.. much more complicated.
    There is several things that add to the background of the story.
    1. That you are trying to backup a USB drive drive already.. I strongly recommend CCC to do this.. as you cannot setup a separate task in TM to separate the backups. I can understand not wanting to add another USB and it is older iMac so usb2 only.
    2. Your Express do add complexity.. yes they work better if using the TC..
    Will replacing the ASUS with a TC improve my music streaming through the AE's given that it will all be apple then?
    More than likely although hard to say.
    Is the wireless range of the TC as good as the ASU in your opinion?
    No, i have both and the Asus is very good.. but with the Express you can do more than you are doing.
    What model Express and what model Asus we need to know to give a straight answer??
    3. I assume that if I simply replace the ASUS with a TC and use same SSID and PW it should be an easy swap since we have many mobile and networked devices in the house?
    I strongly recommend you start over with new names..
    Problems in wireless networks are common.. and part of the problem is trying to make one wireless router pretend to be another .. you don't fool the clients that rely on MAC address, BSSID not SSID. And you don't fool the main router.. which now is lost as to the clients expecting one MAC address and getting another.
    It doesn't take that long.. use a slightly different name but the same password is fine.. I have several wireless routers.. all use the same password but different SSID.

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