Can anyone one tell me some about Serializable?

i don't know this interface very much
pls help me

Objects in Java can be written to persistent media (disk) for long term storage or transmission. For an object to be able to saved, it must implement the Serializable interface.

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    Hi Gowri,
    Master data is backbone of any business software.It helps us to do transaction.
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    Message was edited by:
            Nishant Rajan

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    Make sure you are dealing with the correct product for the serial number.  If the serial number is for a full creative suite then you need to get the suite, not the individual application, and vice versa.
    Unrelated to that, in case it helps, here is a link to another site.  You can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site and have cookies enabled in your browser or else the download will not work properly.

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    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

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    Look at this technical specs document, your system should be fine with the possible exception of Color.
    As for managing your preference files, use Digital Rebellion's tool.
    Good luck.

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    This may indicate a hardware issue with your device. Follow Troubleshooting security software issues, and restore your device on a different known-good computer. If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.

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    After running LabVIEW 5.1 I found in the Search Examples help file a link titled Instrument I/O. Under there I see several examples, one of which contains many attribute nodes. It is difficult for me to tell you pecifically what the purpose of each and every attribute node in this forum.
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    Thank you, and have a great day
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Forgotten Security Questions/Answers
    You need to contact Apple by:
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    then click More Products and Services>Apple ID>Other Apple ID Topics>Forgotten Apple ID security questions.
    Apple - Support -form iTunes Store - Contact Us
    2 - Call Apple in your country by getting the number from here:
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    3 - Use your rescue email address if you set one up
    Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
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    Can anyone please tell me how to solve this problem. I have herewith attached my 2 vi's which i am working with.
    Thankful regards,
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏27 KB ‏11 KB

    Hi Nitzy,
    gaa, I'm color blind now
    Well, in your you call a subVI (inputmodule2), which you didn't attach... There's no direct connection between vi1 and vi2...
    -You also have a big race condition in your vi1 because of all those colorbox locals - when more than one condition is true you can't predict which color is used...
    - Why don't you use UnbundleByName?
    - VI2 shows no wiring error...
    - Why don't you use a cluster in VI for all your inputs? You can hide the border and place the cluster elements in the same way. No need for several locals for initialisation and no need for a bundle node...
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Can any one tell whether the concept which i understood is correct or not

    hai everyone
    iam studying jdbc and this is what i understood about the basic concept .can any one tell whether the concept which i understood is correct or not
    whenever the statement class.forName("driver class") is executed driver class is loaded and registered with drivermanager.Internally drivr class contains a static bloc which contains the following code
    Driver drv=new name of driver class();
    whenever the statement class.forName("driver class") is executed,static bloc is executed first and driver class is registerd.
    concept as i understood about DriverManager:
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    help me to clear my confusion
    thanks in advance

    hai everyone
    iam studying jdbc and this is what i understood about
    the basic concept .can any one tell whether the
    concept which i understood is correct or not
    whenever the statement class.forName("driver class")
    is executed driver class is loaded and registered
    with drivermanager.Internally drivr class contains a
    static bloc which contains the following code
    Driver drv=new name of driver class();
    }That's supposed to be the case, but there's no way to guarantee that every driver actually has that static init. I don't think I've ever run across one that doesn't, though, so, yes, you're basically correct.
    whenever the statement class.forName("driver class")
    is executed,static bloc is executed first and driver
    class is registerd.When you do Class.forName(), the class is loaded and initialized. Whenever you initialize a class, its static init blocks are executed, yes.
    concept as i understood about
    suppose there may be situations where an application
    developed in java has to deal with one or several
    databases and this is accomplished with one or
    different driver all these driver classes
    are to be managed and this is done by DriverManager
    class and in order to make the driver class itself
    known to the driver manager we have to register the
    driver classes with the help of registerDriver()
    method of DriverManager class because
    DriverManager is the class which will attempt
    to load the driver classes into memory..Except for that last part, yes.
    DM keeps track of loaded drivers, and gives them a chance to parse the connection URL when you call getConnection. DM does NOT load the driver classes into memory, however. That's done when you call Class.forName.
    what i understood is since the responsibility of
    loading the class is done by class.forName("driver
    class") only registering of the driver class is done
    as the class is alredy loaded.Right.

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