Dynamic tree UI element in the view

Dear All,
     Can anyone provide me with the code snippet for Dynamic Tree UI element in the view. I need to show the tree which should be generated dynamically.
Thanks alot in advance!
Points will be rewarded, Please its urgent!

Hi ,
sorry for the late reply... here is the code for onActionLoadchildren .. i am sure you wont understand this.. but lets try...
    element_parent  TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
    lv_object_key1   type string,
    lv_object_type  type string.
       node_root_entry                     TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
       elem_root_entry                     TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
       stru_root_entry                     TYPE if_structure_view_new=>element_root_entry ,
       item_valid_from                     LIKE stru_root_entry-valid_from,
       item_plant                          LIKE stru_root_entry-plant,
       item_equi_key                       LIKE stru_root_entry-equi_key,
       item_object_key                     LIKE stru_root_entry-object_key,
       item_object_type                    TYPE string,
       item_path                           TYPE string,
       item_parent_path                    TYPE string,
      context_node                        TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
       root_entry                          TYPE if_structure_view_new=>element_selected_entry.
      l_ref_componentcontroller           TYPE REF TO ig_componentcontroller.
     node_root_info                    TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
     elem_root_info                    TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
      stru_root_info                    TYPE if_structure_view_new=>element_root_info .
      element                            TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
      node_selected_entry                TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
      elem_selected_entry                TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
      ls_hier_return      TYPE rplm_ts_struc_elements,
      lt_hier_return      TYPE TABLE OF rplm_ts_struc_elements,
      ls_hier_return_temp TYPE rplm_ts_struc_elements,
      lt_hier_return_temp TYPE TABLE OF rplm_ts_struc_elements,
      ls_hier_level       TYPE rplm_ts_hier_level,
      lt_hier_level       TYPE TABLE OF rplm_ts_hier_level,
      ls_hier_return_sort TYPE rplm_mt_ts_hier,
      lt_hier_return_sort TYPE TABLE OF rplm_mt_ts_hier.
       temp_hier_level TYPE if_structure_view_new=>element_hier_level,
       lt_hier_temp    TYPE TABLE OF if_structure_view_new=>element_hier_level,
       lt_temp         TYPE TABLE OF if_structure_view_new=>element_hier_level.
       lc_path       TYPE string,
       lv_object_key TYPE string.
       lv_hier_lines TYPE i.
      node_entries                        TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
       node_sub_entries                    TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
      elem_sub_entries                    TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
       stru_sub_entries                    TYPE if_structure_view_new=>element_sub_entries .
  TYPES: BEGIN OF ls_hier_type,             "structure for Hierarchy table
      object(31)      TYPE c,         "Objectkey
      predecessor(31) TYPE c,         "Objectkey Predecessor
      data(2000)      TYPE c,         "Data container
      level           TYPE i,         "level of object in tree
      successors(1)   TYPE c,         "Object has successors: YES/NO/U
      display(1)      TYPE c,         "Object is displayed: YES/NO
      selected(1)     TYPE c,         "Object is selected/marked: YES/NO
      index_predec    LIKE sy-tabix,  "Index predecessor
      strno           TYPE ilom_strno,"External number for func. loc.
                                     "in BOMs used for top object
   END OF ls_hier_type.
       ls_hier     TYPE ls_hier_type,
       lt_hier     TYPE TABLE OF ls_hier_type WITH DEFAULT KEY,
       lt_mat_hier TYPE TABLE OF ls_hier_type WITH DEFAULT KEY.
  " For retrieving Material Data Heirarchy
       lh_stpo_tab     TYPE TABLE OF rihstpx ,
       lwa_stpo_tab    LIKE LINE OF lh_stpo_tab,
       check_menge     TYPE string ,
       check_meins     TYPE string ,
       lwa_mat_hier    LIKE LINE OF  lt_mat_hier ,
       lt_dup_mat_hier LIKE lt_mat_hier,
       lv_len          TYPE i,
       lv_len_temp     TYPE i .
       lv_equnr TYPE equi-equnr,
       lv_tplnr TYPE iflo-tplnr,
       lv_matnr TYPE mast-matnr.
       lv_cnt   TYPE i,
       lv_index TYPE i.
       lv_path        TYPE string,
       lv_parent_path TYPE string,
       pos            TYPE string,
       separator      TYPE c VALUE '.',
       max_level      TYPE i,
       temp_level     TYPE i,
       counter        TYPE i VALUE 1.
  TYPES: BEGIN OF ls_pred_type,             "structure for Hierarchy table
     parent(31)      TYPE c,         "Objectkey Predecessor
     path(2000)      TYPE c,         "Data container
     index_predec    LIKE sy-tabix,  "Index predecessor
  END OF ls_pred_type.
      ls_pred TYPE ls_pred_type,
      lt_pred TYPE TABLE OF ls_pred_type WITH DEFAULT KEY.
      lv_int_obj_key TYPE string,
      obj_len        TYPE i,
      lv_funcloc_ext TYPE ilom_strno,
      lv_funcloc     TYPE itob-tplnr.
      lv_level        TYPE i,
      lv_temp         TYPE i,
      lt_path_entries TYPE string_table.
      node_general                        TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
      elem_general                        TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
      stru_general                        TYPE if_structure_view_new=>element_general ,
      item_collapse_visibility            LIKE stru_general-collapse_visibility.
      elem_context                        TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
      stru_context                        TYPE if_structure_view_new=>element_context ,
      item_expand_all                     LIKE stru_context-expand_all.
lv_path = path.
Get Element whose children shall be loaded
  element_parent = wd_context->path_get_element( lv_path ).
        name =  `OBJECT_KEY`
        value = LV_object_key ).
        name =  `OBJECT_TYPE`
        value = lv_object_type ).
node_root_entry = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_root_entry ).
get element via lead selection
  elem_root_entry = node_root_entry->get_element(  ).
get single attribute
      name =  `VALID_FROM`
      value = item_valid_from ).
        name =  `PLANT`
        value = item_plant ).
item_object_type = lv_object_type.
if lv_object_type eq 'EQUI'.
  item_object_key = ''.
  item_equi_key = lv_object_key.
elseif lv_object_type eq 'FUNCLOC'.
  item_object_key = lv_object_key.
  item_equi_key = ''.
  lv_matnr = lv_object_key.
For BOM, material and Assembly
  IF item_object_type EQ 'EQUI'.
    lv_equnr = lv_object_key.
  ELSEif item_object_type eq 'FUNCLOC'.
    lv_tplnr = lv_object_key.
    LV_MATNR = lv_object_key.
      datum             = item_valid_from
      equnr             = lv_equnr
      tplnr             = lv_tplnr
      matnr             = lv_matnr
      levdo             = '99'
      levup             = '00'
      sanin             = 'X'
      select_equi       = 'X'
      select_iflo       = 'X'
      select_stpo       = 'X'
      selmod            = 'D'
      stkkz             = ''
      werks             = item_plant
      with_equi         = 'X'
      with_equi_hier    = 'X'
      with_iflo_hier    = 'X'
      with_btyp         = 'X'
      with_mara         = 'X'
      with_ibase_hier   = ''
      capid             = ''
      emeng             = 0
      et_hier           = lt_hier
      no_hierarchy      = 1
      no_object_defined = 2
      no_selection      = 3
      no_valid_equnr    = 4
      no_valid_matnr    = 5
      no_valid_selmod   = 6
      no_valid_tplnr    = 7
      OTHERS            = 8.
  LOOP AT lt_hier INTO ls_hier.
    ls_hier_return-object_key = ls_hier-object.
    ls_hier_level-object_key = ls_hier-object.
    ls_hier_level-predecessor = ls_hier-predecessor.
    lv_len = strlen( ls_hier-object ).
    IF lv_len GT 1.
      lv_len_temp = lv_len - 1.
    lv_len_temp = lv_len.
    ls_hier_level-level = ls_hier-level.
    IF ls_hier-object(1) = 'T'.
      ls_hier_return-icon = 'ICON_TECHNICAL_PLACE'.
      ls_hier_return-object_type = 'FUNCLOC'.
      IF ls_hier-successors = 'Y'.
        ls_hier_return-is_leaf = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-is_expanded = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-children_loaded = abap_true.
        ls_hier_return-is_leaf = abap_true.
        ls_hier_return-is_expanded = abap_true.
        ls_hier_return-children_loaded = abap_true.
    ELSEIF ls_hier-object(1) = 'E'.
      ls_hier_return-icon = 'ICON_EQUIPMENT'.
      ls_hier_return-object_type = 'EQUI'.
      IF ls_hier-successors = 'Y'.
        ls_hier_return-is_leaf = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-is_expanded = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-children_loaded = abap_true.
        ls_hier_return-is_leaf = abap_true.
        ls_hier_return-is_expanded = abap_true.
        ls_hier_return-children_loaded = abap_true.
    ELSEIF ls_hier-object+lv_len_temp(1) = 'M'.
      ls_hier_return-icon = 'ICON_MATERIAL'.
      ls_hier_return-object_type = 'MATERIAL'.
      IF ls_hier-successors = 'Y'.
        ls_hier_return-is_leaf = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-is_expanded = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-children_loaded = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-is_leaf = abap_true.
        ls_hier_return-is_expanded = abap_true.
        ls_hier_return-children_loaded = abap_true.
    ELSEIF ls_hier-object+lv_len_temp(1) = 'X'.
      ls_hier_return-icon = 'ICON_SUPPLY_AREA'.
      ls_hier_return-object_type = 'MATBOM'.
      IF ls_hier-successors = 'Y'.
        ls_hier_return-is_leaf = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-is_expanded = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-children_loaded = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-is_leaf = abap_true.
        ls_hier_return-is_expanded = abap_true.
        ls_hier_return-children_loaded = abap_true.
    ELSEIF ls_hier-object+lv_len_temp(1) = 'A'.
      ls_hier_return-icon = 'ICON_MATERIAL_REVISION'.
      ls_hier_return-object_type = 'MATERIAL'.
      IF ls_hier-successors = 'Y'.
        ls_hier_return-is_leaf = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-is_expanded = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-children_loaded = abap_false.
        ls_hier_return-is_leaf = abap_true.
        ls_hier_return-is_expanded = abap_true.
        ls_hier_return-children_loaded = abap_true.
*IF ls_hier-predecessor EQ item_object_key OR ls_hier-object EQ item_object_key.
    APPEND ls_hier_return TO lt_hier_return.
    APPEND ls_hier_level TO lt_hier_level.
    CLEAR lv_len.
    CLEAR lv_len_temp.
lt_hier_return_temp = lt_hier_return.
  DESCRIBE TABLE lt_hier LINES lv_hier_lines.
  IF lv_hier_lines EQ 0.
    elem_selected_entry = wd_context->path_get_element( '1.ENTRIES.1' ).
Get children node
    value = abap_true
    name = 'IS_LEAF' ).
*************************************Deleting Now***********
SORT lt_hier_level BY level DESCENDING.
  LOOP AT lt_hier_level INTO ls_hier_level.
    max_level = ls_hier_level-level.
  SORT lt_hier_level BY level ASCENDING.
  LOOP AT lt_hier_level INTO ls_hier_level WHERE level EQ 0.
    ls_hier_level-path = '1.ENTRIES.1'.
    ls_hier_level-parent_path = '1.ENTRIES.1'.
    MODIFY lt_hier_level FROM ls_hier_level.
************************New design to Generate Path and Parent path
lv_cnt = 0.
temp_level = 1.
SORT lt_hier_level BY object_key ASCENDING.
LOOP AT lt_hier_level INTO ls_hier_level WHERE level EQ 1.
   lv_cnt = lv_cnt + 1.
   lv_parent_path = '1.ENTRIES.1'.
   ls_hier_level-parent_path = lv_parent_path.
   pos = lv_cnt.
   CONCATENATE lv_parent_path separator 'SUB_ENTRIES' separator pos INTO lv_path.
   ls_hier_level-path = lv_path.
   MODIFY lt_hier_level FROM ls_hier_level.
temp_level = 1.
lv_cnt = 0.
*********************Need to call this for each level ***************************
WHILE temp_level LT max_level.
   CLEAR lt_pred.
   CLEAR ls_pred.
   LOOP AT lt_hier_level INTO ls_hier_level WHERE level EQ temp_level.
     ls_pred-parent = ls_hier_level-object_key.
     ls_pred-path = ls_hier_level-path.
     APPEND ls_pred TO lt_pred.
   SORT lt_pred BY parent.
   LOOP AT lt_pred INTO ls_pred.
     lv_cnt = 0.
     LOOP AT lt_hier_level INTO ls_hier_level WHERE predecessor EQ ls_pred-parent.
       lv_cnt = lv_cnt + 1.
       lv_parent_path = ls_pred-path.
       ls_hier_level-parent_path = lv_parent_path.
       lv_path = ''.
       pos = lv_cnt.
       CONCATENATE lv_parent_path separator 'SUB_ENTRIES' separator pos INTO lv_path.
       ls_hier_level-path = lv_path.
       MODIFY lt_hier_level FROM ls_hier_level.
   temp_level = temp_level + 1.
LOOP AT lt_hier_level INTO ls_hier_level.
   LOOP AT lt_hier_return INTO ls_hier_return.
     IF ls_hier_level-object_key = ls_hier_return-object_key.
       MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_hier_level TO ls_hier_return.
       MODIFY lt_hier_return FROM ls_hier_return.
SORT lt_hier_return BY path ASCENDING.
**************************Delete the extra first character returned by PM_HIERARCHY_CALL******
  LOOP AT lt_hier_return INTO ls_hier_return.
    IF ls_hier_return-object_key(1) = 'T'.
      SHIFT ls_hier_return-object_key BY 1 PLACES.
      lv_object_key = ls_hier_return-object_key.
      lv_funcloc_ext = lv_object_key.
          input  = lv_funcloc_ext
          output = lv_funcloc.
      lv_int_obj_key = lv_funcloc.
      ls_hier_return-object_key = lv_int_obj_key.
    ELSEIF ls_hier_return-object_key(1) = 'E'.
      SHIFT ls_hier_return-object_key BY 1 PLACES.
      lv_object_key = ls_hier_return-object_key.
      obj_len = strlen( lv_object_key ).
      IF obj_len GE 18.
        lv_object_key = lv_object_key+0(18).
         iv_object_key_ext =  lv_object_key            " String
         iv_object_type =   'EQUI'               " String
         ev_object_key =   lv_int_obj_key                " String
      SHIFT lv_int_obj_key LEFT DELETING LEADING '0'.
      ls_hier_return-object_key = lv_int_obj_key.
      SHIFT ls_hier_return-object_key BY 1 PLACES.
      lv_object_key = ls_hier_return-object_key.
      obj_len = strlen( lv_object_key ).
      IF obj_len GE 18.
        lv_object_key = lv_object_key+0(18).
      SHIFT lv_object_key LEFT DELETING LEADING '0'.
      ls_hier_return-object_key = lv_object_key.
    MODIFY lt_hier_return FROM ls_hier_return TRANSPORTING object_key object_key.
LOOP AT lt_hier_level INTO ls_hier_level.
   IF ls_hier_level-object_key(1) = 'T'.
     SHIFT ls_hier_level-object_key BY 1 PLACES.
     lv_object_key = ls_hier_level-object_key.
     lv_funcloc_ext = lv_object_key.
         input  = lv_funcloc_ext
         output = lv_funcloc.
     lv_int_obj_key = lv_funcloc.
     ls_hier_level-object_key = lv_int_obj_key.
   ELSEIF ls_hier_level-object_key(1) = 'E'.
     SHIFT ls_hier_level-object_key BY 1 PLACES.
     lv_int_obj_key = ls_hier_level-object_key.
     obj_len = strlen( lv_int_obj_key ).
     IF obj_len GE 18.
       lv_int_obj_key = lv_int_obj_key+0(18).
        iv_object_key_ext =  lv_int_obj_key            " String
        iv_object_type =   'EQUI'               " String
        ev_object_key =   lv_int_obj_key                " String
     SHIFT lv_int_obj_key LEFT DELETING LEADING '0'.
     ls_hier_level-object_key = lv_int_obj_key.
     SHIFT ls_hier_level-object_key BY 1 PLACES.
     lv_int_obj_key = ls_hier_level-object_key.
     obj_len = strlen( lv_int_obj_key ).
     IF obj_len GE 18.
       lv_int_obj_key = lv_int_obj_key+0(18).
     SHIFT lv_int_obj_key LEFT DELETING LEADING '0'.
     ls_hier_level-object_key = lv_int_obj_key.
   MODIFY lt_hier_level FROM ls_hier_level TRANSPORTING object_key object_key.
*********************Getinfo if root node else call Get_Children_Info to generate the structure as well*******
  IF lv_path EQ '1.ENTRIES.1'.
    element = wd_context->path_get_element( lv_path ).
  navigate from <ENTRIES> to <SUB_ENTRIES> via lead selection
    node_sub_entries = element->get_child_node( name = 'SUB_ENTRIES' ).
    element->get_attribute( EXPORTING name = 'OBJECT_KEY'
                             IMPORTING value = item_object_key ).
    element->get_attribute( EXPORTING name =  `OBJECT_TYPE`
                            IMPORTING value = item_object_type ).
****************Get Info of Technical Objects*************
        iv_lt_list =     lt_hier_return           " Rplm_Tt_Mt_Struc
        iv_path = ''
        iv_hier_level  = lt_hier_level
        ev_lt_full =      lt_hier_return                   " Rplm_Tt_Mt_Struc
Create the strcuture by binding the entries to Node which is bound to the table
element = wd_context->path_get_element( lc_path ).
Get children node
        node_sub_entries = element->get_child_node( 'SUB_ENTRIES' ).
        CALL METHOD node_sub_entries->bind_table
            new_items            = lt_hier_return
            set_initial_elements = abap_true.
  @TODO handle not set lead selection
   IF ( node_entries IS INITIAL ).
   lv_temp = 1.
***************Sort the LT_HIER_TABLE appropriately ******
   LOOP AT lt_hier_return INTO ls_hier_return .
     MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_hier_return TO ls_hier_return_sort.
     ls_hier_return_sort-path_length = strlen( ls_hier_return_sort-path ).
     APPEND ls_hier_return_sort TO lt_hier_return_sort.
   SORT lt_hier_return_sort BY path_length ASCENDING path ASCENDING.
   CLEAR lt_hier_return.
   LOOP AT lt_hier_return_sort INTO ls_hier_return_sort.
     MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_hier_return_sort TO ls_hier_return.
     APPEND ls_hier_return TO lt_hier_return.
*wd_comp_controller->gv_master_data = lt_hier_return.
   LOOP AT lt_hier_return INTO ls_hier_return.
     lv_path = ls_hier_return-path.
     lc_path = ls_hier_return-parent_path.
     IF lv_path NE '1.ENTRIES.1'.
       element = wd_context->path_get_element( lc_path ).
Get children node
       node_sub_entries = element->get_child_node( 'SUB_ENTRIES' ).
Now, create the children elements
       element->get_attribute( EXPORTING name = 'OBJECT_KEY'
                               IMPORTING value = ls_hier_level-predecessor ).
Create the strcuture by binding the entries to Node which is bound to the table
       CALL METHOD node_sub_entries->bind_structure
           new_item             = ls_hier_return
           set_initial_elements = abap_false.
Only when a new level is reached we create one more child node
else we attach our elements to same child node
    element = wd_context->path_get_element( item_path ).
Get children node
    value = abap_false
    name = 'IS_EXPANDED' ).
  navigate from <CONTEXT> to <GENERAL> via lead selection
  node_general = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_general ).
  get element via lead selection
  elem_general = node_general->get_element(  ).
  get single attribute
    value = abap_false ).
  node_selected_entry = wd_context->get_child_node( name = if_structure_view_new=>wdctx_selected_entry ).
  get element via lead selection
  elem_selected_entry = node_selected_entry->get_element(  ).
  get single attribute
      name =  `OBJECT_KEY`
      value = '' ).
        name =  `OBJECT_TYPE`
        value = '' ).
get element via lead selection
  elem_context = wd_context->get_element(  ).
get single attribute
    name =  `EXPAND_ALL`
    value = abap_false ).

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    Keep explaining.  The only way I know of to trap a selected cell value in VIEW is to embed into the desired VIEW area a second non-modal SUDialog that has a Table control or an XTable control displaying the values of certain data channels.  There are callbacks in both table controls for cell selection, and you can configure the table control to allow only single cell selection if that's what you want.  The regular table control will be easier to program, but the XTable control will perform much better for larger channels.
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    In supply function you are itself creating an element of node. no need to create it again.
    By writing only following code you can create a node element which can enable all UI elements.
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    Hi anushree.,
    If u are using matrix layout:
    In Layout Data select MatrixHeadData to display UI in next line.,
    If u want to give space  between UI elements in the width enter 50, 60, 70 or what ever space u want.
    Also in the vGutter u can select medium ,  large ,  medium with rule  to give space between UI elements.
    n if u want to give space between lines  ., in the height enter 30 40 or whatever spacing between lines u want.,
    Matrix layout is a good layout., and u can play with colspan , hAlign, vAlign, vGutter, width and height options.,
    If u dont like the layout with these options then use Grid layout., where u can give custom spacing., with the help of Left Padding, Right Padding, Top Padding, Bottom Padding.
    reply if u need some more clarifications.,
    Thanks & Regards

  • How to hide columns that are getting added dynamically to UI Element 'Table

    In SRM 7.0 while displaying a RFx, click on "responses and awards" button.
    In the response comparision tab once the user selects response number and clicks on "compare all responses".
    Item details table is displayed with fields item number,internal number,item description,........,Price etc.
    Requirement is  to hide the price column from the table.
    The UI element type is 'Table'.
    But the catch is there is no column price visible at layout design level.
    This field is getting added dynamically at run time.
    When i right click and see the 'more field help' at the front end i get the field id as 'GRP_1_COL_3_TXTV'.
    lo_table ?= view->get_element( id = 'ITEMS_TABLE' ).
    lo_column = lo_table->get_column( id = 'GRP_1_COL_3_TXTV').
    ASSERT lo_column IS NOT INITIAL.
    lo_column->set_visible( EXPORTING value = '01' ).
    I had written the above code in the pre-exit of WDDOMODIFYVIEW.
    But i am getting dump as assertion failed.it says no column by name 'GRP_1_COL_3_TXTV'.
    Please help me inhow to hide fields or buttons getting generated dynmically.
    Venkat Raghavan.

    Hi Anitha,
    What i understood from your question is,you want to control the table from your inputs.I have a one question for you what do you want to show defaultly i.e when you run the application what you want to show,either no table or table with some values.
    Any how i am giving solution in this way.
    If both inputs are given proper table output is displayed
    Write your below logic in the WDDOMODIFYVIEW )
    Here i am assuming that you already have a table element in the view.
    Get the values entered in the input fields and compare those 2 values ,if the condition is satisfied then bind the values which you want to show in the table to the context node.
    but if only 1 input is given a column is empty in the output table so i want to hide this column dynamically at runtime based on my inputs
    You are telling that you know the empty column.If so get the view element reference and use the REMOVE_COLUMN to remove the column.
    data:lr_table type ref to cl_wd_table,
           lr_column type ref to L_WD_TABLE_COLUMN.
    lr_table ?= view->get_element( 'TABLE1' ).
          ID          = 'TABLE1_color'
         INDEX      =
          THE_COLUMN = lr_column.
    i want to hide some empty rows also at runtime based on inputs.
    Removing the rows is very simple.if you know the key fields data of internal table from your input fields then do in this way.
    delete itab from wa where key1= "12" and key2="abd".
    Now bind the internal table to context node.
          NEW_ITEMS            = it_final

  • Need to add new UI elements in HAP_PMP_OVERALL_APPRAISAL view VW_MAIN

    how to add new UI elements (input field, read only field and button) on VW_MAIN view of HAP_PMP_OVERALL_APPRAISAL .
    This is about ESS MSS Performance Mgmt.
    I am checking for enhancement modifications, enhacement spots, dynamic programming to add new UI elements etc.
    kindly provide inputs

    The following procedure explains how to add UI elements in the view of the standard component.
    1. Create an Enhancement Implementation.
    2. Create a new node on Component controller context.
    3. Create a new method on component controller as the supply function of the new node.
    4. Create new node on the view context by binding it from the controller context.
    5. Create the UI elements on view.
    6. Create post-exit on view method DoModifyView.--> In order to handle the events of UI element newly added.
    7. Create a pre-exit on component method(Ex: SAVEAPPRAISALDATA) --> to get the static attributes of node.
    Hope, the above steps will be useful .

  • Call a method in the view from Component Controller

    Hi Friends,
    I have written the code for calling the RFC in Component Controller.
    My requirement is to change the properties of UI elements in the view, if I get any exception while calling RFC.
    Can Call a method in the view from Component Controller.
    Lakshmi Prasad.

    You can get the error message during the exception of calling RFC in view itself.
    Any way you may call the RFC at some action in the view only.
    Can you explain me what you are trying to do?
    Kind Regards,

  • Explaination of UI elements in a view

    Hi gurus,
    I want to create a Pane in the webpage just like we have in BSP...when i was gng through the UI elements in the view i was bit confused what to select...
    is there any doc which explains about the UI elements in detail...
    or please suggest me how do i start creating the pane ...
    the pane shld be in left side of the webpage and shld contain something like menu etc...

    Please refer to this link:  http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70ehp1/helpdata/en/df/da8b412bb5b35fe10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm
    I hope it helps.

  • How to add UI elements dynamically in the views of webdynpro

    Hi Experts,
    Here i have a requirement where 2 text-box get added on a click of "ADD" button in the view during the execution of the Application. so is it possible to add the text-box to the view or not?
    if yes how can it be done.
    Thanks in advance

    Even with these expanded requirements I wouldn't necessarily recommend dynamic UI element creation in WDDOMODIFYVIEW.
    If the UI element requirements are fairly static (2 text boxes for each push of the button), then consider using a Multi-Pane (http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70ehp1/helpdata/en/df/da8b412bb5b35fe10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm) or Row Repeater (http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70ehp1/helpdata/en/44/93d3792e8c60d6e10000000a114a6b/frameset.htm) UI element. These constructs will both create a series of UI elements based upon the number of context elements in a bound node.  Therefore if you want to generate two textboxes for each push of a button, in the button event handler you simple add another context element to the context node.  You don't need dynamic UI element creation or dynamic data binding.
    If you feel that you must use dynamic UI element creation, then first read up on the WDDOMODIFYVIEW phase model event.
    You then probably want to study these three blogs on the topic:

  • How to change the view element visibility Dynamically?

    Can any one please suggest that how can I make one of the viewUIElements from the view, visible on the whole screen? Basically i want to make the data in the table, available for printing. I want when user clicks on the print button, he should see only the data in the table on the whole screen and some icons, nothing else. Again when he clicks one back button icon on the screen, he should return to the previous view.
    Thanks and Regards,

    <b>Hi smriti Behl
    I Think you can get something from the below explanation
    Create one UI Element For example "Visible" and make the type as
    Now bind this Context Value with the UI Elements ie UI elements which you want to make Not Visible When you click Print Button. You can write the Following Code inside the print button
    When you want to make the UI Elements Visble When Click Back Button Write Following code In side Back Buuton Method
    May i Know Your Problem Solved ..............
    Chandran S</b>

  • Dynamic creation of Dropdown by Index in the view

    Please help me how to create Dropdown by Index dynamically.
    The scenario is in a view, part of view is Static and other part is Dynamic.
    Dynamic part display depends on entry  selected from Static part of the view.
    I am using method WDDOMODIFYVIEW to implement this. I could successfully generate Group, Caption, TextView view
    element dynamically but with Dropdown by Index, I am getting runtime error.
    New Dropdown by Index will belong to Dyanmically generated Group in 'ROOTELEMENTCONTAINER' and new Context node will be created in CONTEXT for Dynamic Dropdown by Index .
    Thanks, in advance ,for your help.

    Thanks Amit and Lekha for your replies.
    I tried the code but still I am getting the same error.
      lr_rootnode_info = wd_context->get_node_info( ).
      lr_rootnode_info = lr_rootnode_info->get_child_node( 'ADD_DATA' ).
      call method lr_rootnode_info->add_new_child_node( exporting name = lv_node_name                                                                    is_mandatory = abap_false
                                                                  is_multiple = abap_true
                                                                  is_multiple_selection = abap_true
                                                                  is_singleton = abap_false
                                                                  is_initialize_lead_selection = abap_true
                                                                  is_static = abap_false
                                                        receiving child_node_info = lr_rootnode_info ).
    ****----------------Get instance of new node
      concatenate 'ADD_DATA.' lv_node_name INTO lv_child_node.
      lr_dyn_node = wd_context->get_child_node( name = lv_child_node ).
    ***----------------Prepare properties of attribute and add to context node
    *data:lo_nd_add_data type ref to if_wd_context_node,
    *     lo_nd_lv_node_name type ref to  if_wd_context_node,
    *     lo_el_lv_node_name type ref to  if_wd_context_element.
    *lo_nd_add_data = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_add_data ).
    *lo_nd_lv_node_name = lo_nd_add_data->get_child_node( name = lv_node_name ).
    *lo_el_lv_node_name = lo_nd_lv_node_name->get_element(  ).
      concatenate is_char-descr_char 'ID' into lv_attname.
      translate lv_attname to upper case.
      condense lv_attname no-gaps.
      lr_attribute-name = lv_attname.
      lr_attribute-type_name = 'STRING'.
      lr_attribute-value_help_mode = '0'.
      lr_rootnode_info->add_attribute( exporting attribute_info = lr_attribute ).
      lr_element = lr_dyn_node->create_element( ).
      lr_dyn_node->bind_element( new_item = lr_element
                                 set_initial_elements = abap_true ).
      concatenate lv_node_name '.' lv_attname into   lv_bindtext.
      lr_ddbyidx = CL_WD_DROPDOWN_BY_IDX=>NEW_DROPDOWN_BY_IDX( id = iv_name
                                                    view = ir_view
                                                    label_for = iv_textviewid
                                                    bind_texts = lv_bindtext ).
      lr_row_grid_data = cl_wd_grid_data=>new_grid_data( element = lr_ddbyidx ).
    *******To set the TextView to the Group_2
      lr_group2->add_child( lr_ddbyidx ).
    Please help.
    Edited by: Trupti Kallurwar on Oct 26, 2009 9:14 PM

  • How to get the view tree from a jsp page

    I would like to get the view tree of a jsp page. The idea is to dynamically include the content of one or more jsf pages into a UIPanel during a "value changed" event.
    So, i could get from an arbitrary page like ...
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"   prefix="f" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"   prefix="h" %>
    <h:panelGrid columns="3" width="100%" rowClasses="gridTop">
        <h:outputText value="#{someBean.someValue}"/>
    </h:panelGrid>... the corresponding List of components...
    Any idea?

    Thanks for your answer Jayashri,
    The view tree can be retrieved by this way during the page is parsed, for example with scriptlets <%%>, or once the page has been parsed (the view has been builded and attached to the FacesContext).
    My problem is to get the view tree of a page from another Context.
    The idea is to build a dynamic layout of some pages that represents "views". I can imagine this like the concept of perspectives and views of Eclipse IDE.
    Because of the difficulty to build it with pure JSP (cannot use dynamic ID nor JSTL ForEach), I try to build it into my backing bean and to bind it with a <h:panelGrid/>. By this way, I'm not able to use the <jsp:include/> tag as I usually did to include some content into the view tree.
    Sorry for my english ;)
    - Renaud.

  • What is the correct way to dynamically change the View?

    hi @,
    In my application I have a radiobuttonbyKey UI element and based upon the key I have to hide and/or show a particular UI combination placed in the group UI element basically dynamicallly modifying the view.
    I have 2 option one on radio button action I will change the visibilkity property of the group or in the wdModifyView method of the View.
    I want to know which is the best way in such situation as per MVC concepts to dynamically modify view in UI action or in wdModifyView method.

    I would just bind the "visible"-property of the Group to a context attribute (DDIC type "Visibility") and set the value of that attribute from the onSelect-handler of the drop-down list. No need for code in wdDoModifyView().

  • Is it possible to add elements to the lov dynamically?

    I'm using forms6i.
    I've one record group which fetches data from the table, and based on that recordgroup i have one lov.
    But based on the values entered by the user at runtime,(which wont be there in table till it is saved),
    I want to add those items to the already exisitng lov. Is it possible?
    Say i have one column pack_serial, for which i've attached thie above said lov.
    And in the table pack_serial have values 1,2
    In runtime, user entered one more value say 3 to the pack_serial, which is not saved to the table yet
    and the for the next record, user wants to view the elements in the lov. 1,2 is already there since it is saved in the table.
    In addition to that i want to show 3 also(just entered value) in the lov.
    So i may have to add this value,3, to the list dynamically, may be in when-validate-record trigger or something.
    Is the above said possible? if yes please help me do it

    Hi Francois,
    As i explained above, the item should be added to lov for the next record irrespective of whether it is saved to the table or not.
    Like the form looks like this
    1                1          Type1          4           5
    1                2           ......
    2                1           ....
    3                1           ...Now suppose the first three records are already there in the database, (with packserial 1 and 2)
    and when user try to view the lov from the 4th record, the lov will contain 1 and 2 , as per the recordgroup query which fetches from the table
    But instead he is entering new packserial 3, so serial becomes 1, and then he fills all the other details.
    Now agian user wants to add another record in same packserial 3 with serial 2.
    So this time we should show the lov with values 1,2 (which is already available ) + 3.
    So everytime user tries key-listval may be i need to retrieve all the additionally entered pack serials in the form and add to the lov, before showing the lov.
    Hope it is clear, Please suggest the best way, i'm not v much aware of the multi user environment
    I referred the below thread,
    Dynamically generting LOV's in Forms 6i based on the values entered
    Though the value is getting added to the lov(from the groupcount i understood), it is not displayed!
    Please go through my code in W-V-I (when user enters new pack serial)
         rg_name  VARCHAR2(20) := 'RG_PACK_GROUP_SERIAL';
         rg_id    RecordGroup;
         res boolean;
         num number;
         i number := 2;
         errcode number;
         no_of_rows number;
    rg_id := Find_Group( rg_name );
         IF NOT Id_Null(rg_id) THEN
              errcode := Populate_Group(rg_id);
              no_of_rows := Get_Group_Row_Count(rg_name);
              Add_Group_Row( rg_id, no_of_rows+1 );
              Set_Group_Number_Cell( 'RG_PACK_GROUP_SERIAL.SPM_PACK_GROUP_SERIAL',no_of_rows+1,:SPM_PACK_GROUP_SERIAL);
         message('value added '||no_of_rows||','||Get_Group_Number_Cell('RG_PACK_GROUP_SERIAL.SPM_PACK_GROUP_SERIAL', no_of_rows));
         message(' ');
         END IF;
         errcode := Populate_Group(rg_id);
         End if;
    End;Note : I already have the record group,'RG_PACK_GROUP_SERIAL', with select query in it.

  • In elements 6 the MyFolders tree was ordered latest first

    Is it possible to get elements 11 to do the same

    Andromeda14 wrote:
    Are you saying you want to change the order in which folders are  shown on left side? If that is so, then it is not possible. The folders shown in folder tree are same as the OS hierarchy and can't be altered. Please let me know if that answers your question.
    That is also how I understand Rjay28's question.
    If that is so, I wonder if using the folder view like this is simply ignoring the normal way to browse in thumbnail view with all the power of the database tool like tags?
    Just for the fun, since it's an OS feature, the workaround would be to rename the date folders (from the organizer, of course). Just change the 2013 folder to a2013, the 2012 one to b2012, the 2011 one with c2011 and so on.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Animated gifs in applets

    Ive tried to display an animated gif in an applet and it only shows the first frame. What is the code to do this and it be animated?

  • How to block a Billing Document Type?

    Hi forum I need to block the billing document type FV-Invoice Contract. Is there some configuration to do that?  I found VOFA where you can change billings documents, but I cant find how to block it. Thanks for your support.

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  • Audio track edits not saved

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    I rendered almost six times and the result of these renders is that audio takes me wrong, when I play it in Windows media audio don´t reproduce, and I reproduced a file alternative to this and reproduced it excellent, the worst is that when I play in