Can apple have some mercy to let me down grade to ios 4? pleazzzzze!

I don't use iCloud , I don't want the "most advanced ever", I just want long battery life and more memory and speed! please let me downgrade to ios 4, or maybe all I needed is an android.

tianyifromtucson wrote:
I don't understand why they have to add a branch of useless functions that can only use up all the memory and battery and the worst is you cannot turn them off.  how could a cellphone operating system more cimplex than a computer opterating system. so stupid.
If you don't want a smart phone then why did you get one. Sounds like you want a regular flip phone.

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    Purplehiddledog wrote:
    I do backup with iCloud.  I can't wait until the new iMac is available so that I can once again have my files in more than 1 location without needing to rely solely on the cloud. 
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    Hi Sreenivas,
    I would recommend that you read the Rules of Engagement and other documents in the Getting Started link (top right) before posting anymore.  Your Discussion will most likely get reported as non-specific and get removed.  If you have a specific problem with TM, please post it in a new thread with error messages, version and SPs installed, and how the error occurs and what you are trying to get TM to do.
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    Regards, Mike
    SAP Customer Experience Group - CEG (and a Moderator)

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    Did you follow this article to update your phone?
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    Hello Ginwho,
    I doubt this very seriously but I was wondering if Apple has some type of trade up plan where, say you have an iPod Touch Gen 2 and want to get a Touch Gen 4. Would they give you a discount for an 'upgrade' by any chance?
    If you trade in your 2G iPod Touch at an Apple store, they will offer you a 10% discount on the purchase of a newer one.
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    are these common issues or just the few speaking for the many?
    There are tens of millions of iPod owners. These are just a few vocal users who've been unlucky enough to receive a faulty device. Same goes for any electronic device - out of tens of millions of devices made, there's always a tiny chance one may have manufacturing defects - but the chances of getting one are miniscule.
    I've upgraded through 4 various iPod models over the years, and never had a problem with any of them. My old iPods are still in use by the people who I passed them onto. I've also bought a few iPods as gifts, and they're still going strong too.
    Also my friends and i swap music a lot
    Well, that's illegal as you don't own the copyright to the music to share it, so you probably shouldn't broadcast that fact!
    can i load all of the stuff i already have into Itunes
    How does the Apple brand hold up to some of the other makers of large capacity mp3 players such as Zune and Creative Zen?
    Well, I think the popularity of the iPod should speak for itself. If it wasn't a good product it would not have become so successful. iPods consistently get very high review scores.
    As you've only got 10gb of music at the moment, why not get a 32 or 64gb iPod touch? There'll be plenty of space for your music library to grow into, plus you get the best touchscreen mobile internet, email, wi-fi device on the planet. Everyone raves about the iPod touch - just Google for some reviews.

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    Organic Search Engine Optimization or (
    Thank you in advance for your time and consideration!

    Coming from a video background as I do I look at the animation on the home page first.  The transitions are fast for the feel you are looking to produce and the Google logo is in need of help.  It looks like you grabbed a bitmap version of the text and enlarged it too much.  Try this website:
    I have found thousands of logos that I use in my day to day work.  You will need to register, for free, in order to download the vector based artworks but it is all worth it.
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    I know the allure of stock images, I have and still use them, but nothing will ever take the place of an image of the building the business is in or the people who make up the backbone of a service orientated company.  The site has a canned and un-personal feel that is the direct result of stock photo overusage.  Get the company leaders into a local portrait studio for some headshots and snap off some good looking images of the facility, it will warm up the site immensely.
    Good Luck,

  • Can I have some simple answers for a newbi Mac user!!

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    So 6gb in total for my pictures which seems to be a waste of memory..
    I thought Iphoto may just take the info of each photo as a resource not actually copy the photos, Anyway what;s the best solution on storing image's and using as little memory as possible if there is a way at all.
    Or is doing what i'm doing the best way? I mean what would be the down side of once importing to Iphoto deleating my photos from my pictures folder?
    Sorry for my basic questions but i thought you guys would be the best peeps to ask
    all the best

    There are many, many ways to access your files in iPhoto:
    For 10.5 users: You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Apple-Click for selecting multiple pics.
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    To upload to a site that does not have an iPhoto Export Plug-in the recommended way is to Select the Pic in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export and export the pic to the desktop, then upload from there. After the upload you can trash the pic on the desktop. It's only a copy and your original is safe in iPhoto.
    This is also true for emailing with Web-based services. If you're using Gmail you can use iPhoto2GMail
    If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto. With 10.5 you can access the Library from the New Message Window in Mail:
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    Or, if you want to access the files with iPhoto not running, then create a Media Browser using Automator (takes about 10 seconds) or use this free utility Karelia iMedia Browser
    Other options include:
    1. *Drag and Drop*: Drag a photo from the iPhoto Window to the desktop, there iPhoto will make a full-sized copy of the pic.
    2. *File -> Export*: Select the files in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. The dialogue will give you various options, including altering the format, naming the files and changing the size. Again, producing a copy.
    3. *Show File*: Right- (or Control-) Click on a pic and in the resulting dialogue choose 'Show File'. A Finder window will pop open with the file already selected.
    No, iMovie works differently. Best to ask on that forum.

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    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    Please do notn post personal; numbers in a public forum.
    If you have issues with an App you need to contact the App developer. Otherwise you can contact iTunes Support yourself and try to get a refund.
    This is a public forum, we are all users volunteering, no Apple reps here, and as such you don't want just some random stranger calling you.

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