Can Firefox be optimized for google docs

When I bring up a spreadsheet online in google docs Firefox starts dimming the screen, others tabs run slow. The screen dimming will last, for 2-3 minutes, and then clear up, 2-3 minutes later it will dim again. The fewer tabs I have helps, but not the answer. IMO the problem has gotten worse over the few upgrades. I have an HP 2000 Laptop, CPU 1300.000 MHz, memory 7586 MiB.
Thx, Larry

Start '''[ Firefox in Safe Mode]''' {web Link} by holding down the '''<Shift><br> ''(Mac Options)'' ''' key, and then starting Firefox. Is the problem still there?

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    Hello @Angalossy,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More.
    I understand that you are having a couple issues with your HP computer and are looking for assistance. I would be happy to assist you, but first I would encourage you to post your product number for your computer. I am linking an HP Support document below that will show you how to find your product number. As well, if you could indicate which operating system you are using. And whether your operating system is 32-bit or 64-bit as with this and the product number I can provide you with accurate information.
    How Do I Find My Model Number or Product Number?
    Which Windows operating system am I running?
    Is the Windows Version on My Computer 32-bit or 64-bit?
    Please re-post with the requested information and I would be happy to provide you with assistance. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!
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    "Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong." ~ Donald Porter

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    Please make sure that all of your extensions are up to date, this might be affecting the functionality in drive.
    If not, try Safe Mode: [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode]]

  • Can websites be optimized for faster loading?

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    Thanks for any help. I would really love to resolve this issue or, at least, give the complaining viewers an answer.

    Something else I just thought of.
    If you have other computers available (windows, too), would you please try the website there to see if platform or older vs. new computers make a big difference, different amounts of memory and/or processor speed, as well.
    Note, I removed about 20 drop shadows and photo reflections from the Front Page of the website and I do seem to get about a 20% decrease in load time.
    Thank you very much.

  • Creating a cfhttp multi part form post for google docs upload

    Hey all,
    If you saw my last thread, you know I am working with google docs and uploading documents to it. Well I got basic document uploading working, but now I am trying to include meta data. Google requires you to include the metadata with the actual file data and seperate them by using a multi part form upload. I don't know exactly the process for doing so, but they have a handy code snippet of the desired results at s
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    <errors xmlns=''><error><domain>GData</domain><code>InvalidEntryException</code><internalReason>No parts detected in multipart message</internalReason></error></errors>
    to be exact. I am not really sure what I am doing wrong here. I figure it is one of two things, either I am not including the actual data in the payload properly (I am currently using a body type param for the payload, but I have also tried a formfield named content to deliver it. Neither worked). So maybe I need to do something else tricky there? The other thing which I am not reallly sure about is the content-length attribute. I don't know exactly how to calculate that, and I read in another forum that a content length attribute was messing that guy up. Right now I am just taking the lenght of the payload string and multiplying by 8 (to get the number of bytes for the entire payload) but hell if I know if that is right. It could be I just don't know how to set up the parts for the message, it seems pretty straight forward though. Just define a boundary in the content-type, then put two dashes before it wherever you define a new part, and two dashes trailing the last part.
    Anyway, here is my code, any help is much appreciate. I'm a bit beyond my expertise here (not really used to trying to have to roll my own http requests, nevermind multipart post form data) so I'm kinda flailing around. Thanks again.
    <cffunction name="upload" access="public" returnType="any" hint="I upload the document." output="false">
        <cfargument name="filePath" type="string" required="false" hint="file to upload.">
        <cfargument name="docType" type="string" required="yes" hint="The document type to identify this document see google list api supported documents">
        <cfargument name="parentCollectionId" type="string" required="no" hint="the name of the collection/collection to create (include collection%3A)">
        <cfargument name="metaData" type="struct" required="no" hint="structure containing meta data. Keyname is attribute name, value is the value">
        <cfset var result = structnew()>
        <cfset result.success = true>
            <cfif structkeyexists(arguments,"parentCollectionId")>
                      <cfset arguments.parentCollectionId = urlencodedformat(parentCollectionId)>             
                      <cfset result.theUrl = "">
                        <cfset result.theUrl = "">
                  <cffile action="read" file="#arguments.filePath#" variable="theFile">
                <cfsavecontent variable="atomXML">
                     Content-Type: application/atom+xml
                    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
                    <entry xmlns="" xmlns:docs="">
                      <category scheme=""
                        <cfloop collection="#arguments.metaData#" item="key">
                    Content-Type: text/plain
            <cfset result.postData = atomXML>
            <cfhttp url="#result.theUrl#" method="post" result="httpRequest" charset="utf-8" multipart="yes">
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Authorization" value="GoogleLogin auth=#getAuth()#">
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="GData-Version" value="3">
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Length" value="#len(trim(atomXML))*8#">           
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="multipart/related; boundary=END_OF_PART">
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Slug" value="test file --END_OF_PART">
                <cfhttpparam type="body" name="content" value="#trim(atomXML)#">
                   <cfset packet = xmlParse(httpRequest.fileContent)>
                <cfif httpRequest.statusCode neq "201 created">
                    <cfthrow message="HTTP Error" detail="#httpRequest.fileContent#" type="HTTP CODE #httpRequest.statusCode#">
                <cfset = packet.entry['gd:resourceId'].xmlText>
                <cfset = packet.entry['gd:feedLink'].xmlText>
                <cfset = packet.entry.title.xmlText>  
                <cfset = packet.entry.title.xmlText>    
                     <cfset = httpRequest>
            <cfcatch type="any">
                 <cfset result.error = cfcatch>
                <cfset result.success = false>
        <cfreturn result>
    Also, this is what my atomXML data ended up looking like when it got sent to google. This isn't the WHOLE request (it doesn't include the headers, just the body).
    Content-Type: application/atom+xml
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <entry xmlns="" xmlns:docs="">
    <category scheme="" term=""/>
    <TITLE>Woot Test</TITLE> </entry>
    Content-Type: text/plain
    I'm a test document lol!

    Woot, I got it. I had to send the gData version number, and change the URL.
    Here is the working function.
    <cffunction name="upload" access="public" returnType="any" hint="I upload the document." output="false">
        <cfargument name="myFile" type="string" required="false" hint="file to upload.">
        <cfset var result = "">
        <cfset theUrl = "">
        <cffile action="read" file="C:\website\xerointeractive\testing\test.txt" variable="theFile">
        <cfset fileSize = createObject("java","").init("C:\website\xerointeractive\testing\test.txt").length()>
        <cfhttp url="#theURL#" method="post" result="result" charset="utf-8" >
            <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Authorization" value="GoogleLogin auth=#getAuth()#">
            <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="text/plain">
            <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Slug" value="test file">
            <cfhttpparam type="header" name="GData-Version" value="3">
            <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Length" value="#fileSize#">
            <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#theFile#">
        <cfreturn result>

  • Why in the new version of Flash CC I can not create swf for Google DPF system???

    In the Flash CC, the lowest version save swf is 10.3.
    Why is the new version of Flash CC can not create swf to Google DPF system?
    Please help me.
    I would be grateful for any help solve the problem.

    There are many people complaining about this in other threads.  I found the solution from kglad in this thread:
    You can get Flash CC to publish to version 9 player by putting these two files in these locations:
    This file: ashPlayer9_0.xml
    Goes here: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CC\Common\Configuration\Players\FlashPlayer9_0.xml
    This file:
    Goes here: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CC\Common\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0\FP9\playerglobal.swc
    You may need to create the FP9 folder.
    Restart flash and you should see Player 9 in your publish options.  You'll have to find the AS3 clickTag code.

  • Need to copy form tag in source for google docs form...cannot find it?

    I have a google docs form that has worked, but they have just introduced an acknowledged bug that kills it.
    SO, i need to copy the form tag from the source code, but there is no form tag (in safari or FF on mac viewing on It is in an iweb HTML widget, does this some how change where I find the form tag?
    Below are the steps. Looking at non-iweb site with google form, the form tag is there.
    Where is it in iweb?
    5) Right click anywhere on the page and click View Source to look at the code behind the form.
    6) Copy all the code between <form> and </form> tags and paste it into the new form page on your web site.

    This was my bad, I realized that the instructions were referring to the form tags in source of the google docs forms website...since it is hosted, the form is not actually in iweb.
    Google forms changed, after submit instead of a link to return to the form (i.e. your web) the link now says "create your own form" which means the user has not way to return (except the browser back button). Google says they will correct it in a future version...

  • Which firefox is opimal for google?

    The program crashed. I am attempting to reinstall it. Which version is best for google?

    See this Windstream support page.

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    WordService is not a spell checker. It adds various actions to the Services menu, such as changing to smart quotes, changing to lowercase, etc. I've been using it successfully since Pages 1 came out.
    I suggest deleting/moving/archiving/something with that CocoAspell file & restart your Mac. It very welll could be the culprit. It's not the current version of these third-party spell checkers that are a problem. The problem seems to be left over bits after a spell checker is removed that is seen when you open a Word document, but the original program isn't found.

Maybe you are looking for

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