¿Can I call a function in a frame from another frame?

In a Canvas HTML5 document. I use javascript and easeljs.
I declare a function in frame 1:
function ponerBicho() {
then I call it in frame 9 (in the same timeline):
It dont works.
But if I put the declaration in the same frame, frame 9, it works.
function ponerBicho() {
Where is the problem?
I really appreciate your help.
(Im begineer )

It works. Thank you very much, Nipun. 
Suggestion: Adobe should do a good manual for Canvas's use from the beginning. As those who exist of ActionScript. It is very hard for not programmers to have to learn javascript + createjs out of Flash.

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  • Can I call a .htm page of view1 from another .htm page of view 2?

    I have a viewset QuestionnaireTabVS with a view area TABS which has two views  QuestionCondnsVS (default) and View QuestionRisksVS.
    When a variable say GV_TAB  is set as 'Questions' it navigates to the QuestionCondnsVS view and when the variable GV_TAB is set as 'Risks' it navigates to the QuestionnaireRisksVS.
    This view set QuestionnaireTabVS is contained in an overview page which  has two Radiobuttons. It works fine when  the first radiobutton is selected, i.e, when I click on the Questions it renders the QuestionCondnsVS view and when I click on the Risks it renders me the QuestionRisksVS view .
    Problem is when  I had clicked the RISK tab first and then selected the another radiobutton the rendered view QuestionRisksVS doesnt get removed
    but is present there by default which I dont want.I want the QuestionCondnsVS view to be present there by default after the second radiobutton is selected. I tried to refresh all the controllers but somehow it navigates to the  QuestionRisksVS only .
    So i thought to call the  .htm page of QuestionCondnsVS forcefully from the QuestionnaireTabVS .htm page as soon as I select the another radiobutton.
    Can I call a .htm page of QuestionCondnsVS from another .htm page of  QuestionnaireTabVS? If yes then how or any other suggestion is welcome

    Hi Dharmakasi,
    The Radiobuttons code is not added in the same HTML page but lies in a different component where the coding is on event handler.
    METHOD eh_onchecked.
      DATA: lv_option TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access,
            lv_check  TYPE char1.
      lv_option ?= typed_context->switch->collection_wrapper->get_current( ).
      lv_check = lv_option->get_property_as_string( iv_attr_name = 'OPTION'   ).
      IF lv_check EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_old.
        zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_old.
      ELSEIF lv_check EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_new.
        zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_new.
      ELSEIF lv_check EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_scaf.
        zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_scaf.
        ELSEIF lv_check EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_scaf_anz.
        zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_scaf_anz.
      ELSEIF lv_check EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_sow.
        zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_sow.
    Here the LV_CHECK = old is the first radiobutton whereas LV_CHECk = new is the second radiobutton. I have tried to set the value of gv_tab ='Question' here but again no success.
    The .HTM coding of QuestionanireTABVS is
    <%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@extension name="thtmlb" prefix="thtmlb" %>
    <%@extension name="chtmlb" prefix="chtmlb" %>
    <%@extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp" %>
    <% data: ls_line                type CRMT_THTMLB_LINK,
             lv_flag                type ABAP_BOOL.
        data: lv_xml                type string.
    if zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_old.
       REFRESH controller->gt_navlink_tab[].
    *   if controller->gt_navlink_tab[] is initial.
         ls_line-id = 'Questions'.
         ls_line-onclick = 'QUEST'.
         ls_line-text = page->otr_trim( 'ZGAF_CRM_70/QUESTIONS' ).
         insert ls_line into table controller->gt_navlink_tab.
         ls_line-id = 'Risks'.
         ls_line-onclick = 'RISK'.
         ls_line-text = page->otr_trim( 'ZGAF_CRM_70/GLOBAL_RISK' ).
         insert ls_line into table controller->gt_navlink_tab.
    <%--   endif.  %>--%>
    <thtmlb:tray id     = "HeaderExt"
                 indent = 'FALSE'
                 design = 'STANDARD'>
        <thtmlb:grid cellSpacing = "0"
                 columnSize  = "1"
                 height      = "100%"
                 rowSize     = "1"
                 width       = "100%" >
          <thtmlb:gridCell colSpan     = "1"
                       columnIndex = "1"
                       rowIndex    = "1"
                       rowSpan     = "1"
            <thtmlb:navLink links  = "<%= controller->gt_navlink_tab %>"
                    selectedLinkId = "<%= controller->gv_tab %>" />
        <bsp:call comp_id = "<%= controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_ID( 'TABS' ) %>"
                  url     = "<%= controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_URL( 'TABS' ) %>" />
    *    data: lv_xml    type string.
        lv_xml    = controller->CONFIGURATION_DESCR->GET_CONFIG_DATA( ).
        <chtmlb:config xml     = "<%= lv_xml %>"
                       mode    = "RUNTIME"  />
    <% elseif zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type_new.
       REFRESH controller->gt_navlink_tab[].
    *   if controller->gt_navlink_tab[] is initial.
         ls_line-id = 'Questions'.
         ls_line-onclick = 'QUEST'.
         ls_line-text = page->otr_trim( 'ZGAF_CRM_70/QUESTIONS' ).
         insert ls_line into table controller->gt_navlink_tab.
    *     ls_line-id = 'Risks'.
    *     ls_line-onclick = 'RISK'.
    *     ls_line-text = page->otr_trim( 'ZGAF_CRM_70/GLOBAL_RISK' ).
    *     insert ls_line into table controller->gt_navlink_tab.
    <%--   endif.  %>--%>
    <thtmlb:tray id     = "HeaderExt"
                 indent = 'FALSE'
                 design = 'STANDARD'>
        <thtmlb:grid cellSpacing = "0"
                 columnSize  = "1"
                 height      = "100%"
                 rowSize     = "1"
                 width       = "100%" >
          <thtmlb:gridCell colSpan     = "1"
                       columnIndex = "1"
                       rowIndex    = "1"
                       rowSpan     = "1"
            <thtmlb:navLink links  = "<%= controller->gt_navlink_tab %>"
                    selectedLinkId = "<%= controller->gv_tab %>" />
        <bsp:call comp_id = "<%= controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_ID( 'TABS' ) %>"
                  url     = "<%= controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_URL( 'TABS' ) %>" />
    *    data: lv_xml    type string.
        lv_xml    = controller->CONFIGURATION_DESCR->GET_CONFIG_DATA( ).
        <chtmlb:config xml     = "<%= lv_xml %>"
                       mode    = "RUNTIME"  />
    <% elseif zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>GV_MATRIX_MNT_TYPE_SCAF or
              zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type = zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_scaf_anz  or
              zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>gv_matrix_mnt_type EQ zcl_gaf_adm_toolbox=>GV_MATRIX_MNT_TYPE_SOW.
       REFRESH controller->gt_navlink_tab[].
    *   if controller->gt_navlink_tab[] is initial.
         ls_line-id = 'Questions'.
         ls_line-onclick = 'QUEST'.
         ls_line-text = page->otr_trim( 'ZGAF_CRM_70/QUESTIONS' ).
         insert ls_line into table controller->gt_navlink_tab.
    *     ls_line-id = 'Risks'.
    *     ls_line-onclick = 'RISK'.
    *     ls_line-text = page->otr_trim( 'ZGAF_CRM_70/GLOBAL_RISK' ).
    *     insert ls_line into table controller->gt_navlink_tab.
    <%--   endif.  %>--%>
    <thtmlb:tray id     = "HeaderExt"
                 indent = 'FALSE'
                 design = 'STANDARD'>
        <thtmlb:grid cellSpacing = "0"
                 columnSize  = "1"
                 height      = "100%"
                 rowSize     = "1"
                 width       = "100%" >
          <thtmlb:gridCell colSpan     = "1"
                       columnIndex = "1"
                       rowIndex    = "1"
                       rowSpan     = "1"
            <thtmlb:navLink links  = "<%= controller->gt_navlink_tab %>"
                    selectedLinkId = "<%= controller->gv_tab %>" />
        <bsp:call comp_id = "<%= controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_ID( 'TABS' ) %>"
                  url     = "<%= controller->GET_VIEWAREA_CONTENT_URL( 'TABS' ) %>" />
    *    data: lv_xml    type string.
        lv_xml    = controller->CONFIGURATION_DESCR->GET_CONFIG_DATA( ).
        <chtmlb:config xml     = "<%= lv_xml %>"
                       mode    = "RUNTIME"  />
    <% endif.

  • How to call C function in .m file from another function in a .mm file

    I am making an interface class between a C library and an objetive C application.
    I have not problem calling function the C library from .mm funstions,
    but I am having problems calling .m functions from the .mm class.
    here is an example of what I mean.
    here in my .m vector file
    *struct dVector*
    * float m_x;*
    * float m_y;*
    * float m_z;*
    * float m_w;*
    *struct dVector InitVector (float x, float y, float z, float w);*
    *struct dVector AddVector (struct dVector* A, struct dVector* B);*
    *struct dVector SubVector (struct dVector* A, struct dVector* B);*
    here is my .mm class
    *#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>*
    *@interface iNewton : NSObject*
    * void* m_world;*
    *-(id) init;*
    *-(void) dealloc;*
    -(void) CreateBox: (Entity*) ent: (int) shapeId;*
    here is the implemrntation of function funtion CreateBox in a .mm file
    [code]-(void*) CreateBox: (Entity*) ent: (int) shapeId
    struct dVector minBox;
    struct dVector maxBox;
    // this is fine
    [ent GetBBox: &minBox: &maxBox];
    //calculate the box size and dimensions of the physics collision shape
    // this report a link errors, and I do no knwo why
    struct dVector size = SubVector(&maxBox, &minBox);
    struct dVector origin = AddVector (&maxBox, &minBox);
    // thsi work without problemen
    return NewtonCreateBox ((NewtonWorld*) world, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, shapeId, &offset.mfront.mx);
    I get these compiler errors
    Building target “tutorial102AddingRigidBody” of project “newton_iPhone” with configuration “Debug_Emulation” — (3 errors)
    cd /Users/juliojerez/Desktop/NewtonMac/NewtonSDK/newton_iPhone
    setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr /bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
    /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/g++-4.0 -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator2.2 .1.sdk -L/Users/juliojerez/Desktop/NewtonMac/NewtonSDK/newtoniPhone/build/DebugEmulation-iphonesimulator -L/Users/juliojerez/Desktop/NewtonMac/NewtonSDK/newton_iPhone/../sdk -F/Users/juliojerez/Desktop/NewtonMac/NewtonSDK/newtoniPhone/build/DebugEmulation-iphonesimulator -filelist /Users/juliojerez/Desktop/NewtonMac/NewtonSDK/newtoniPhone/build/Debug_Emulation-iphonesimulator/tutorial_102_AddingRigidBody.build/ Objects-normal/i386/tutorial_102AddingRigidBodies.LinkFileList -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -framework Foundation -framework UIKit -framework OpenGLES -framework QuartzCore -framework CoreGraphics -lnewton_iPhoneEmulation -o /Users/juliojerez/Desktop/NewtonMac/NewtonSDK/newtoniPhone/build/Debug_Emulation-iphonesimulator/tutorial_102_AddingRigidBodies.app/ tutorial_102AddingRigidBodies
    Undefined symbols:
    "AddVector(dVector*, dVector*)", referenced from:
    -[iNewton CreateBox::] in iNewton.o
    "SubVector(dVector*, dVector*)", referenced from:
    -[iNewton CreateBox::] in iNewton.o
    "Scale(dVector*, float)", referenced from:
    -[iNewton CreateBox::] in iNewton.o
    ld: symbol(s) not found
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    "AddVector(dVector*, dVector*)", referenced from:
    -[iNewton CreateBox::] in iNewton.o
    "SubVector(dVector*, dVector*)", referenced from:
    -[iNewton CreateBox::] in iNewton.o
    "Scale(dVector*, float)", referenced from:
    -[iNewton CreateBox::] in iNewton.o
    ld: symbol(s) not found
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    Build failed (3 errors)
    Basically I can call objective C class methods from .mm files,
    but I can not call functions who are not members of a class from .mm funtions.
    Does any one knows how I can solve this?
    I have two books on objective C and neither show how to do that.
    Please I will apreciate if some one can help me with this.
    Julio Jerez

    julio jerez wrote:
    // this is fine
    [ent GetBBox: &minBox: &maxBox];
    why will tha be wrong?
    ent is a objective C class with a method GetBBox
    wich I use in hundred of places with out problem.
    Beside that is not the problem that.
    Well, you've got me on this one. You are correct. Apparently you don't need to specify the parameter names. Still, I strongly encourage you to use parameter names. Even though they apparently aren't required, I've never seen them not used. I would have expected to see:
    [ent GetBBoxMin: & minBox max: & maxBox]
    The problem is calling C function that are declared in .m files.
    if you read the errors, they are linking errors not compiler errors.
    this is a C function that is declared in a .m file
    struct dVector size = SubVector(&maxBox, &minBox);
    beside I also use those functions in many other place as well in teh project and they work.
    If it helps I can post a link to the a download place to the xcode project maybe it is eassy to see what I am trying to do.
    That would probably be a good idea.
    Normally, all you need is
    extern "C"
    but there is so much missing from what you've posted that I can't tell for sure what is going on.

  • How to call a frame from another frame?

    I have a frame with constructor
    public TestAudibleAlert(String args[])
    {code }
    I need to call the same constructor from some other file which is a Frame. I am not knowing how to do this. I am trying as :
    TestAudibleAlert = new TestAudibleAlert(args).
    I don't no how to iniialize args in the second file.
    Edited by: jackdoing on Nov 26, 2008 1:04 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    So you want to know how to declare and initialize a String[]?
    String[] args = {"One", "Two", "Three"};[http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/arrays.html]

  • Call a function inside a package from a stored procedure

    I am kind of new to the stored procedure. Does anyone know how to call a function inside a package from another stored procedure?
    I have a existing function (func_b) inside a package (pack_a) and it returns a cursor. I want to call this function from a stored procedure (proc_c) so that I use the data inside the cursor.
    can I do the following in proc_c:
    my_cursor1 SYS_REFCURSOR;
    my_cursor1 := exec pack_a.func_b
    It will be very helpful if anyone can point me to any reading or example. Thank you very much for your information.

    Thank you for your information so far. I need some more help here. I was able to run the function in my stored procedure. However, I was not able to print the result on the screen to view the cursor result, although I am using dbms_output.put_line statement inside my stored procedure.
    I use the following statement to execute my stored procedure on sql*plus. I can tell the stored procedure is executed successfully, but I did see anything printed:
    I tried to use 'set serveroutput on' and got the following error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: host bind array too small
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    I am kind of confused now. thank you for your help.
    Here is my procedure:
    create or replace
    v_agy_id varchar2(10);
    v_device_id varchar2(20);
    v_l_name varchar2(25);
    v_f_name varchar2(15);
    v_sex varchar2(1);
    v_dob date;
    -- this cursor is going to be used to store a list of warrant matching
    -- name search criteria
    cad_srch_cursor sys_refcursor;
    cad_srch_cursor := SEARCH_PKG.SEARCH('TESTING', 'TESTER', null, null,null, null, getPhonetic('TESTING'));
    FETCH cad_srch_cursor INTO objSrch;
    EXIT WHEN cad_srch_cursor%NOTFOUND;
    --insert into SEARCH_RESULT_TEMP (name_last) values (objSrch.name_last);
    CAD_NAME_SCH_RESULT_STR := objSrch.name_last;
    end LOOP;

  • Can we call a function module in ADHOC query

    Can we call a function module in ADHOC query if yes how.
    Also we ned to know how to call a function module in SAP query.
    An early responce is appreciated.
    Thanks and best regards

    Okay as far as I understand your aim is:
    To fill a field in the output list with a value that is based on the current line information and calculated by a function module
    So go to SQ02 and create an additional field in the InfoSet.
    You can refer in the coding to the technical names you can see in the left tree window like P0000-PERNR.
    More information is avaiable in the Help part look for additional field in SQ02.

  • How can I call a function from a procedure

    I have a function named: f_calc_value which return the variable v_result. This function is part of a package.
    How can I call this function from a new procedure I am creating?

    or refer this theread....calling function from procedure

  • Can you call a function module from within a smartform?

    I was told that yu can not call a function module from a smartform - that does not make sense to me because you can do tons of ABAP within a smartform.
    Well - can you?

    Yes, you can call function modules.

  • Can i call a function module of SAP?

    Hi, i have a question... Can i call a function module of SAP... I need print a document from a device, can i call the function module of SAP in order that me it prints it?

    Hi Victor,
    you can use the GenericSync Example of the MDK. This calls the Module to verify the user directly. Generic Sync is exactly for that purpose: call a BADI directly and no usage of SyncBO. Be aware, that you - out of the box- sync your app data as well at that moment, because a sync runs both - generic and smartsync. Even worse: even when you have nothing to sync in Generic Sync - so nothing to print - it will call the function module for generic sync as long as it is registered.
    Well,  anyway, this is the way to call a function module separate.
    If it works with you rparticular print module? I have no idea, but if this is a normal function module - well, it should be ok.
    Hope this helps.

  • Can we call a function within a function??????Urgent

    Dear All,
    Like we can call a procedure from another procedure , in the same way can we call a function within a function. Please reply it's urgent.

    > Please reply it's urgent.
    My usual soapbox response.
    Saying your posting is urgent is rude and arrogant. Why? Because you are saying that other people who have posted problems here, have less important problems than yours. That despite how complex and critical their problem may be, yours take priority.
    You're also demaning attention and a quick answer from people that provide support here - in their free time... and not getting paid a single cent for their efforts.
    So just how can you demand any urgency to your posting from them?
    Remember that this is a public forum. You cannot demand anything here. This is not Oracle Support. There are no SLA's here. Basic nettiquette applies.

  • Can one call a function module in Calculated Key Figure?

    Can one call a function module in Calculated Key Figure? If  yes how, if not, what is the solution if formula does not suffice?
    I want to convert duration which is in seconds to   Duration in Hours and Minutes. There is a function module for doing it. Not sure how to do it in a formula.

    One option you have is a Virtual Key Figure and User Exit to use the Function Module to convert the time from seconds to HH:MM. Here are two documents on this subject to help you create them, based on the technology your comfortable with:
    [Implementing Virtual Key Figure/ Characteristics Makes Query More Dynamic|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/index?rid=/library/uuid/e051fda8-71a9-2a10-ac9e-8d17414a8c8c&overridelayout=true]
    [Step By Step Process for Virtual Key Figures and Characteristics through BAdi|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/index?rid=/library/uuid/60e34f63-f44c-2c10-488e-c89b04e0ca7c&overridelayout=true]

  • Can we call a Function Module with in a loop

    Can we call a Function Module within a loop . Does it reduces the performance.
    Can you please guide regarding this.
    With Best Regards

    hi Mamatha,
      You can call .. but it is better to avoid calling it within a loop...
    Loop at it_tab.
       call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT'
          input  = it_tab-vbeln.
          output = it_tab-vbeln.
    Message was edited by:
            Santosh Kumar Patha

  • Can I call a function from a dll in LabVIEW that returns:double*string and int.?

    I have a function from a dll that return a double* string and an integer. How can I call this function from LabVIEW? There is a possibility to work in LabVIEW with a double* string?

    pcbv wrote:
    > Hello all,<br><br>The header of the function is:
    > "HRESULT WRAPIEnumerateDevices(WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE **ppDeviceList, long *plItems);"
    > where WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE have this form:
    > typedef struct WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE<br>{<br>
    > WCHAR *pDeviceName;<br>
    > WCHAR *pDeviceDescription;<br><br>}
    > WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE;<br><br>
    > The function is from WRAPI.dll, used for communication with wireless card.
    > For my application I need to call in LabVIEW this function.
    Two difficulties I can see with this.
    First the application seems to allocate the array of references
    internally and return a pointer to that array. In that case there must
    be another function which then deallocates that array again.
    Then you would need to setup the function call to have a pointer to an
    int32 number for the deviceList parameter and another pointer to int32
    one for the plItems parameter.
    Then create another function in your DLL similar to this:
    HRESULT WRAPIEnumExtractDevice(WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE *lpDeviceList, long i,
    CHAR lpszDeviceName, LONG lenDeviceName,
    CHAR lpszDeviceDesc, LONG lenDeviceDesc)
    if (!lpDeviceList)
    if (lpDeviceList[i].pDeviceName)
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,
    pDeviceList[i].pDeviceName, -1,
    lpszDeviceName, lenDeviceName,
    NULL, NULL);
    if (lpDeviceList[i].pDeviceName)
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,
    pDeviceList[i].pDeviceDescription, -1,
    lpszDeviceDesc, lenDeviceDesc,
    NULL, NULL);
    return NO_ERROR;
    Pass the int32 you got from the first parameter of the previous call as
    a simple int32 passed by value to this function (and make sure you don't
    call this function with a higher index than (plItems - 1) returned from
    the first function.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Can I call a function in another package?

    Dear all,
    Can I call a function in another package?
    Say I have package A, and package B.
    Is it possible for me to call a function in inside package A, within a function inside package B?
    If yes, what's the syntax.
    Thanks in advance!

    The variable in the calling package that will receive the value of the function in the other package needs to be defined based on that type in the other package directly:
    sql>create or replace package pkg_a
      2  is
      3    type testTable is table of varchar2(10) index by binary_integer;
      5    function f_a return testTable;
      6  end;
      7  /
    Package created.
    sql>create or replace package body pkg_a
      2  is
      3    function f_a
      4      return testTable
      5    is
      6      v_table testTable;
      7    begin
      8      v_table(1) := 'One';
      9      v_table(2) := 'Two';
    10      return v_table;
    11    end; 
    12  end;
    13  /
    Package body created.
    sql>create or replace package pkg_b
      2  is
      3    procedure p_b;
      4  end; 
      5  /
    Package created.
    sql>create or replace package body pkg_b
      2  is
      3    procedure p_b
      4    is
      5      v_table pkg_a.testTable;  -- this variable has to be based on the type in pkg_a
      6    begin
      7      v_table := pkg_a.f_a;
      8      for i in 1..v_table.count loop
      9        dbms_output.put_line( v_table(i) );
    10      end loop;
    11    end;
    12  end; 
    13  /
    Package body created.
    sql>exec pkg_b.p_b
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • Can we call custom functions in view objects?

    Can we call custom functions in view objects?these custom functions are from my backing bean...
    Please help.....

    You can certainly add code to your view objects to do whatever you like.
    However, it would be considered a very bad practice to call something in the backing bean from your view object. It violates the whole MVC design principle of ADF.
    Perhaps if you can share your real use case, someone will give you ideas about the best way to do it, but I, for one, would advise you to forget about calling a backing bean function from your view object.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Applications on IPAD and IPHONE are not coming in to my MacBookPro via ICloud?

    IPAD and IPHONe 4S apps, as appropriate, are present on both devices via ICloud however new MacBookPro, while ICloud enabled, does not receive any apps present on IPAD and IPHONE...is this the way it is or have I not done something to bring in the ap

  • Blob download issue

    Hi , all. Why that code:         select some_csv_blob         from somewhere         where someone = somewhat        v_mime:= 'text/csv';        v_file_name:= 'some_file_with_a_strange_name';        OWA_UTIL.mime_header (NVL (v_mime, 'application/oct

  • SWF file not working properly in Explorer

    I have made a kind of slide show showing jpg images loaded from the web in an swf file, and it will not work properly. It is my first .swf application, and I am using the free downloadable FlashObject.js to load the swf into the browser. The problem

  • Integrating mod_plsql reports with Oracle Apps. A maddening dilemma.

    I'm hoping there is some guru out there that has the perfect solution to this maddening dilemma I'm facing. The crux of the issue is this. I've created mod_plsql reports that can accept a session_id with which they can set a user context based on glo

  • Suport issues

    hi, what r the type of issues we will get in bdc,scripts,smartforms,ale and idocs.