How to call C function in .m file from another function in a .mm file

I am making an interface class between a C library and an objetive C application.
I have not problem calling function the C library from .mm funstions,
but I am having problems calling .m functions from the .mm class.
here is an example of what I mean.
here in my .m vector file
*struct dVector*
* float m_x;*
* float m_y;*
* float m_z;*
* float m_w;*
*struct dVector InitVector (float x, float y, float z, float w);*
*struct dVector AddVector (struct dVector* A, struct dVector* B);*
*struct dVector SubVector (struct dVector* A, struct dVector* B);*
here is my .mm class
*#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>*
*@interface iNewton : NSObject*
* void* m_world;*
*-(id) init;*
*-(void) dealloc;*
-(void) CreateBox: (Entity*) ent: (int) shapeId;*
here is the implemrntation of function funtion CreateBox in a .mm file
[code]-(void*) CreateBox: (Entity*) ent: (int) shapeId
struct dVector minBox;
struct dVector maxBox;
// this is fine
[ent GetBBox: &minBox: &maxBox];
//calculate the box size and dimensions of the physics collision shape
// this report a link errors, and I do no knwo why
struct dVector size = SubVector(&maxBox, &minBox);
struct dVector origin = AddVector (&maxBox, &minBox);
// thsi work without problemen
return NewtonCreateBox ((NewtonWorld*) world, size.m_x, size.m_y, size.m_z, shapeId, &;
I get these compiler errors
Building target “tutorial102AddingRigidBody” of project “newton_iPhone” with configuration “Debug_Emulation” — (3 errors)
cd /Users/juliojerez/Desktop/NewtonMac/NewtonSDK/newton_iPhone
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr /bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/g++-4.0 -arch i386 -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator2.2 .1.sdk -L/Users/juliojerez/Desktop/NewtonMac/NewtonSDK/newtoniPhone/build/DebugEmulation-iphonesimulator -L/Users/juliojerez/Desktop/NewtonMac/NewtonSDK/newton_iPhone/../sdk -F/Users/juliojerez/Desktop/NewtonMac/NewtonSDK/newtoniPhone/build/DebugEmulation-iphonesimulator -filelist /Users/juliojerez/Desktop/NewtonMac/NewtonSDK/newtoniPhone/build/Debug_Emulation-iphonesimulator/ Objects-normal/i386/tutorial_102AddingRigidBodies.LinkFileList -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -framework Foundation -framework UIKit -framework OpenGLES -framework QuartzCore -framework CoreGraphics -lnewton_iPhoneEmulation -o /Users/juliojerez/Desktop/NewtonMac/NewtonSDK/newtoniPhone/build/Debug_Emulation-iphonesimulator/ tutorial_102AddingRigidBodies
Undefined symbols:
"AddVector(dVector*, dVector*)", referenced from:
-[iNewton CreateBox::] in iNewton.o
"SubVector(dVector*, dVector*)", referenced from:
-[iNewton CreateBox::] in iNewton.o
"Scale(dVector*, float)", referenced from:
-[iNewton CreateBox::] in iNewton.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
"AddVector(dVector*, dVector*)", referenced from:
-[iNewton CreateBox::] in iNewton.o
"SubVector(dVector*, dVector*)", referenced from:
-[iNewton CreateBox::] in iNewton.o
"Scale(dVector*, float)", referenced from:
-[iNewton CreateBox::] in iNewton.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Build failed (3 errors)
Basically I can call objective C class methods from .mm files,
but I can not call functions who are not members of a class from .mm funtions.
Does any one knows how I can solve this?
I have two books on objective C and neither show how to do that.
Please I will apreciate if some one can help me with this.
Julio Jerez

julio jerez wrote:
// this is fine
[ent GetBBox: &minBox: &maxBox];
why will tha be wrong?
ent is a objective C class with a method GetBBox
wich I use in hundred of places with out problem.
Beside that is not the problem that.
Well, you've got me on this one. You are correct. Apparently you don't need to specify the parameter names. Still, I strongly encourage you to use parameter names. Even though they apparently aren't required, I've never seen them not used. I would have expected to see:
[ent GetBBoxMin: & minBox max: & maxBox]
The problem is calling C function that are declared in .m files.
if you read the errors, they are linking errors not compiler errors.
this is a C function that is declared in a .m file
struct dVector size = SubVector(&maxBox, &minBox);
beside I also use those functions in many other place as well in teh project and they work.
If it helps I can post a link to the a download place to the xcode project maybe it is eassy to see what I am trying to do.
That would probably be a good idea.
Normally, all you need is
extern "C"
but there is so much missing from what you've posted that I can't tell for sure what is going on.

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    The error that you are getting is because totalNo(deptno) needs
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    Maybe you can use something like this:
      2  AS
      3    TYPE sumcur       IS         REF CURSOR;
      4    FUNCTION totalno
      5      (dno         IN            NUMBER)
      6      RETURN                     VARCHAR2;
      7    PROCEDURE test
      8      (sum_cv      IN OUT        sumcur);
      9  END testpkg;
    10  /
    Package created.
      2  AS
      3    FUNCTION totalno
      4      (dno         IN            NUMBER)
      5      RETURN                     VARCHAR2
      6    IS
      7      est_cv                     VARCHAR2 (30);
      8    BEGIN
      9      SELECT ename || ' ' || TO_CHAR (sal)
    10      INTO   est_cv
    11      FROM   emp
    12      WHERE  deptno = dno
    13      AND    job = 'MANAGER';
    14      RETURN est_cv;
    15    END totalno;
    16    PROCEDURE test
    17      (sum_cv      IN OUT        sumcur)
    18    AS
    19      sql_statement              VARCHAR2 (100);
    20    BEGIN
    21      sql_statement :=
    22         ' SELECT dname, testpkg.totalno (deptno)'
    23      || ' FROM dept';
    24      OPEN sum_cv FOR sql_statement;
    25    END test;
    26  END testpkg;
    27  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> EXEC testpkg.test (:g_ref)
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> PRINT g_ref
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    Edited by: user641407 on Aug 28, 2008 2:23 PM

    First, I'm not sure that your page layout is adequate. The regions are not intended to be navigated from outside. Yet, they can send navigation action to the container (page on which the region is placed) through Parent Action taskflow element. Also, you can investigate Contextual Events that can be raised by region, but I'm also not sure that this can be easily used for cross-region navigation.
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      public JTextField label;
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              Container c = getContentPane();
              c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
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            JLabel emptyLabel = new JLabel("");
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            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
        }Will it be some thing like this?
    public ABC() {    //Constructor
              Container c = getContentPane();
              c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
                    Label label = new Label();
    private static void createAndShowGUI() {
            //Create and set up the window.
            JFrame frame = new JFrame("FrameDemo");
            JLabel emptyLabel = new JLabel("");
            emptyLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 400));
            frame.getContentPane().add(emptyLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
           frame.add(new Label());
            //Display the window.

    merit wrote:
    Can some one explain me this? I want the label from the Label class to be displayed in the JFrame. I understand to do this, I have to call "label" to the ABC() and createAndShowGUI().
    I am novice. It will be really helpful if you could explain me what you did.
    class Label {
    public Label() {
    public JTextField label;
    label = new JTextField("Hi");
    public ABC() {    //Constructor
              Container c = getContentPane();
              c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    private static void createAndShowGUI() {
    //Create and set up the window.
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("FrameDemo");
    JLabel emptyLabel = new JLabel("");
    emptyLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 400));
    frame.getContentPane().add(emptyLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    //Display the window.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
    //creating and showing this application's GUI.
    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    }Will it be some thing like this?
    public ABC() {    //Constructor
              Container c = getContentPane();
              c.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    Label label = new Label();
    private static void createAndShowGUI() {
    //Create and set up the window.
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("FrameDemo");
    JLabel emptyLabel = new JLabel("");
    emptyLabel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 400));
    frame.getContentPane().add(emptyLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    frame.add(new Label());
    //Display the window.
    You know it maybe that it's just too late at night for me, but I see you complete Label class, but I don't see a class definition for ABC; you have a constructor for it, but not a class definition for it.
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    MyClass myObjectRef = new MyClass();

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    What I believe Pavel is talking about is setting up a "URL Scheme" for the Adobe Acrobat iOS application so that you can easily open a PDF specifically in Adobe Acrobat iOS from other native applications and even from web applications opened within Safari. This is particularly useful if your application requires some of the specific features in Adobe Reader iOS to grant them the best experience possible and you want to encourage this.
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    - Within Safari, touch the PDF link (appears as blank in the default Safari PDF reader, which in itself is confusing)
      - Touch "Open in..."
      - Touch "Adobe Acrobat"
    We have an immediate need for this functionality for the example above. I can resubmit it in a separate post if necessary.

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    Please  guide me what is other method to find whether the function module is used in another one.
    Vengal Rao.

    Go to UTILITIES-> Update Navigation index.
    or go to fucntion group and Generate the Funtion group once.
    it will detect all fucntion modules under that function group.

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    Object[] params = { } ;
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    Class[] paramTypes = {String.class };
    Object[] params = {aVal } ;
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    Simply do the following
    1- Make your Method in Client Interface.
    2- Add it to Page Def.
    3- Customize your Script Like the below one to Achieve your goal.
    BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
    OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("GetUserRoles");
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("username", "oracle");
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("role", "F1211");
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("Connection", "JDBC");
    Object result = operationBinding.execute();
    if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
    return null;
    return null;
    i hope it help you

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    Anybody out there knowing how to embed and launch ipa file from another ipa package created using Air for iOS ?
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    Hi Sir,
    Thanks for your reply.
    But in that case user need to download 2 applications right. I need user to download my parent application created using Flash and that package contain one more ipa created using Xcode, so from my parent app only user should able to open my 2nd app. Is there any way to do that?
    Ps:  I am not talking about in-app but 2 individual apps inside one package.

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    Can someone please suggest how to call Operating Systems commands / external programs from within APEX?
    E.g. say I need to run a SQL script on a particular database. SQL script, database name, userid & password everything is available in a table in Oracle. I want to build a utility in APEX where by when I click a button APEX should run the following
    c:\oracle\bin\sqlplusw.exe userud/password@database @script_name.sql
    Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Guys,
    I have reviewed the option of using scheduler and javascript and they do satisfy my requirements PARTIALLY. Any calls to operating system commands through these features will be made on the server where APEX is installed.
    However, here what I am looking at is to call operating systems programs on client machine. For example in my APEX application I have constructed the following strings of commands that needs to be run to execute a change request.
    sqlplusw.exe user/password@database @script1.sql
    sqlplusw.exe user/password@database @script2.sql
    sqlplusw.exe user/password@database @script3.sql
    sqlplusw.exe user/password@database @script4.sql
    What I want is to have a button/link on the APEX screen along with these lines so that when I click that link/button this entire line of command gets executed in the same way it would get executed if I copy and paste this command in the command window of windows.
    Believe me, if I am able to achieve what I intend to do, it is going to save a lot of our DBAs time and effort.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    Hi all,
    Please anybody tell me how to call a sql server stored procedure from oracle.
    I've made an hsodbc connection and i can do insert, update, fetch data in sql server from oracle. But calling SP gives error. when I tried an SP at oracle that has line like
    where CreateReceipt is the SP of sql server and hsa is the DSN, it gives the error that "dbo"."CreateReceipt" should be declared.
    my database version is 10g
    Please help me how can i call it... I need to pass some parameters too to the SP
    thanking you

    thank you for the response.
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    my code is,
    c INTEGER;
    nr INTEGER;
    DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH.PARSE@hsa(c, 'Create_Receipt(?,?)');
    Create_Receipt is the sp which requires two parameters.
    please give me a solution
    thanking you

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