Can i convert back from m4a?

When i first purchased my shuffle, I ripped my cds onto my PC, and then converted the files to m4a. Now I want to play the files on another brand of music player, can I convert the misic files back to Mp3?

You can do it by burning audio CDs of the files then re-importing the CDs as mp3. You will lose even more sound quality doing this, better to re-rip. Did you delete the original copies when you converted?

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    In the next window click the circle with an x top right corner.
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    Hi Marlane,
    Are you using the ExportPDF service to convert the document? If so, when did you last use it?
    Here is 'getting started' guide you may find helpful.
    Looking forward to hearing back from you!
    Regards, Stacy

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    Nancy O.

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