Can I downgrade 10.8.5 to 10.6.8?

I want to downgrade my operating system from Mountain Lion 10.8.5 to Snow Leopard 10.6.8.  I still have my Snow Leopard install DVD.  I propose to boot from the Snow Leopard DVD and expect it to clear out Mountain Lion as it is installed while leaving apps and other files alone.  Is there any reason I can't do this?  After upgrading one application on Snow Leopard, I then will upgrade back to Mountain Lion 10.8.5.  This has to do with upgrading VMware software and I can't upgrade VMware 3.1.3 while running on 10.8.5.

I noticed he has a Mac Pro. Something tells me you do too.
Separate disks makes life much easier when trouble shooting and of course you can run/have access to Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks and Win7 all at the same time. Adding Parallels to the mix makes things even more versatile, (assuming licensing allows it).
Also, as a platter HD is so cheap these days......

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    It is not easy when it comes to iOS, but when it comes to an app, you can have two options, never update if you're really happy with the current version, or update only direct to iPad but don't sync to iTunes. Try out the app and if it is not what you paid for, you can delete it from iPad as long as you have not updated the app in your iTunes library, and sync the earlier version from iTunes back to iPad.


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    You might want to check out these two threads:
    This topic has been discussed ad nauseum, they might give you some ideas on how to deal with the changes.  Be sure to leave Apple your feedback on the matter:
    Good luck!

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    Hi Anni628,
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    For screen discoloration please try the steps here.
    Get help with the screen on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    If you see lines, missing sections, discoloration, or poor image quality
    Try to restart your device. If you can't restart, reset your device.
    If restarting or resetting doesn’t fix the issue, restore your device.
    If you still see the issue after you restore, contact Apple Support.
    I know you have tried to contact support already.  Maybe another avenue would work if needed.

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    Message was edited by: Nemen
    Message was edited by: Nemen

    You will not loose your music if you uninstall Itunes and Reinstall another version. The music is on your hard drive and will stay there for ever (or as long as your hard drive runs). Try this: Reinstall the version of itunes you were using. Make a back up of all your library on cd (you should do this anyway just in case...). Uninstall the itunes and then install the version you want to use. You should then be able to import your itunes library in to the current version of itunes, if it doesn't do it automatically.....

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    I'm sorry, but Apple does not provide a downgrade path for iOS. Because downgrading is unsupported by Apple we cannot discuss it on these forums.
    You may leave comments at Apple Feedback.

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    You can get the latest version of Firefox 3.6 from
    When you re-install Firefox 3.6 it will use your existing bookmarks, passwords and other user data.
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    JohnyBlade wrote:
    TJBUSMC1973 wrote:
    The vast majority of people do NOT have this problem, or any other problem with iOS 7.1.
    Remember, the majority of people that come to this site do so because they are experiencing a problem.  However, only a very, very small percentage of Apple users come to this forum, because they do not have any problems.
    Using this forum as a guideline for how prevelant a problem is affecting the overall Apple community is like going to a hospital, seeing that most of the people there are sick, and concluding that most of the city's population is also sick.
    Additonally, the OP reported that updating to iOS 7.1 resolved the issue, so you advice is misplaced.
    A LOT of iPhone 4 users DO have problem with personal hotspot after upgrade to 7.1, I am one of them. 265 people reported that same problem there and more then 20.000 people read that thread.Please go and reed here:
    20,000 people haven't read that thread.  That's how many views the thread has had.  Each time someone refreshs that thread, it counts as a view.  Don't believe me?  Go back to the thread, refresh the page, and watch the page count increase. 
    Also, 265 replies doesn't equal 265 people.  Each reply is counted, whether it's a new person replying or someone posting another reply.

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    ****! I upgraded today but i don't really like the feel of it... was hoping to find a way to revert the upgrade but as i see no luck on that :X

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    Downgrading isn't supported and wouldn't help.  You need to fix your phone.
    1. Delete and reinstall all email accounts.
    2, Restore the phone in iTunes, first  using a backup and if needed as a new phone.
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software

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