Can i download ie for mac?

I need to download internet explorer. Can I do that on my macbook pro? If so, where?

Michael Black is right--IE Mac is so old that it can't even render most modern web pages legibly. I have found some sites that don't like Safari (there are fewer every week) will work properly in FireFox, free and available here:
Another thing is the settings for cookies. I usually set Safari's cookie "Accept Cookies" preference to "Only form sites I visit." If a site relies on third party cookies (say a company's employee site that is driven "under the hood" by a third-party human resources software  package) the site may fail to work properly unless you set Prefs to accept all cookies.

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    "Is that because of the windows compatibility?"
    Ummm, no. it has nothing to do with Windows. Download and install Stuffit Expander, avaialbe free from

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    You did not mention for which OSX version for which you are trying to download the update(s).
    Try these: 0.20071213.Xy54EQ/QuickTime731_Leopard.dmg 7.20071213.3Ujvo/QuickTime731_Tiger.dmg 6.20071213.wgD6H/QuickTime731_Panther.dmg
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    Click here for Mac OS X 10.5 and here for Mac OS X 10.4.

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    You can't download Windows, you have to buy a retail disk (not an install disk that came with a PC).
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    if you're trying to install office 2011 via cd/dvd and having a hard time - try this - go to microsoft and download office 2011 from there and install it once the download is done and type in your product code when it ask for it..
    also if you're running mountain lion - go here - system preferences - privacy and security - general - allow applications downloaded from - put a dot on anywhere...
    see image:

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    Please use the below link to download CS5 Adobe products.
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