Can I pass in a variable to my application

We are using Business Objects to then bring up an edit screen we made in Application express, we found out we have to know the user who is making the edit must be brought in to do an audit.
if the user name was in the url, could we capture it and then make it a variable to use in application express. Please help, if you have another way would like to hear it.

Are you talking about the logged in user?
You can use &APP_USER. (html) or :APP_USER (bind notation) or v('APP_USER') (plsql)

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            <cfargument name="pageSize">
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            <cfargument name="gridsortdir">
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        <cfif gridsortcolumn EQ "">
       <cfset gridsortcolumn = "ASC">
            <cfif gridsortdir EQ "">
       <cfset gridsortdir = "ASC">
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         where app_abbrev = #appl_in#
        <cfreturn QueryConvertForGrid(Qcomponents, page, pageSize)>
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    Libby H.

    @Libby H
    There are 2 things.
    1) The name of the component the grid binds to(distinctComponents) is different from the name of the CFC(getDistinct).
    2) Session variables are also available to components. There is therefore no need to pass them explicitly to a function. In any case, it is always advisable to test for the existence of a session variable before using it.
    Your code would then be something like
         <cfgrid name="componentsGrid"
                 bind="cfc:distinctComponents.getDistinct({cfgridpage},{cfgridpagesize },{cfgridsortcolumn},{cfgridsortdirection})"
                 selectmode="row" >
             <cfgridcolumn name="Component_type" header="Component Type" width="400">
        <cffunction name="getDistinct" access="remote" returntype="struct">
            <cfargument name="page">
            <cfargument name="pageSize">
            <cfargument name="gridsortcolumn">
            <cfargument name="gridsortdir">
      <cfset var Qcomponents = ''>
        <cfif gridsortcolumn EQ "">
       <cfset gridsortcolumn = "ASC">
            <cfif gridsortdir EQ "">
       <cfset gridsortdir = "ASC">
    <cfparam name="session.this_appl" default="your_default_value">
       <cfquery name="Qcomponents" datasource="Tax">
          select DISTINCT(component_type) from ctl_components 
         where app_abbrev = #session.this_appl#
        <cfreturn QueryConvertForGrid(Qcomponents, page, pageSize)>

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    Two different Webapps doesn't share the same session , they have two different. So as far as i known you have to use something like a db to pass variables or another common way. Maybe when you redirect you can store an atribute to the HttpRequest and get it in your other app.Something very simple is to fix the url like that
    Hope that helps

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    I urge you to look at the documentation for the Flash sprite
    as it will
    answer your question. #property can be a range of values.
    Place a Flash sprite, get its properties, click the Options
    click Help...
    Jeevan_N_Salunke wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Using SetSpriteProperty(@"SpriteIconTitle", #property,
    value) we can changes
    > the properties of Sprite, but I want to pass one value
    to Flash 5 i.e. Sprite
    > and depending on that value I want to do some
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    > and when i load the Sprite Icon or by clicking on button
    displays the Sprite,
    > at that time i want to pass some txt to that (my_txt)
    > Please suggest me the solution.
    Erik Lord
    Adobe Community Expert - Authorware -
    samples, tips, products, faqs, and links!
    *Search the A'ware newsgroup archives*
    *The Blankenship Caveat: Note that direct linking to http
    through any Authorware icon will likely fail if a proxy
    server is present!*

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    tm=`ps ax | grep '[T]extMate'`
    if [ "$tm" = ""]; then
    /Applications/ &
    osascript << EOT
    tell application "TextMate"
    open "$@"
    end tell
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    It's a bit of a roundabout way of doing it but you can convert the page to bytes and then back in to text using the [text.encoding] accelerator:
    $JP_MSSITE = Invoke-WebRequest -ContentType "text/xml;charset=utf8"
    $con = $JP_MSSITE.ParsedHtml.title
    $la = [system.text.encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($con)
    It might need tweaking a bit to get exactly what you are after though.


    When I try to use form variable in the database procedure call from personalization I get the attached error.
    Under forms personalization
    From Actions tab --> builtin --> Execute Procedure when I call a database procedure and pass one of the form variable as parameter I get "ora-01008 couldn't be validate" error
    Can we pass on form variables to the database package using personalization ? If yes, then is this the right way?
    Message was edited by:

    I tried customizing the Quoting Form, it works.
    What you have done is correct, but this is how you call it
    qothddet_main : block name
    quote_name : item name

  • Passing the sh variable value to input of  to Pl/SQL Procedure

    Hi All,
    My doubt is how can I pass the sh variable (.i.e file name stored in sh variable called($F)) as a input of below mention procedure (YODEL_XL_INS_SDG_COMMER_PROD)
    for F in *.dat; do
    echo $F
    #sqlldr apps/apps control=$CONTROL data=$F
    # Below Part is used for Add the file name into table
    cat $CONTROL| sed "s/:FILE/$F/g" > $F.ctl
    sqlldr apps/apps control=$F.ctl log=$F.log bad=$F.bad discard=$DISCARD data=$F
    sqlplus -s apps/apps << EOF
    spool Yodel_xl_om_inven_items_pkg.txt
    set serveroutput on;
    X_Error_Code VARCHAR2(1000);
    X_Error_Message VARCHAR2(1000);
    X_Status VARCHAR2(1000);
    spool off;
    If i'm passing directly then getting below error.
    ERROR at line 8:
    ORA-06550: line 8, column 66:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'SDG_Testing_produsts3.dat' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 8, column 2:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    No errors.
    Could you please help me to resolve this.
    Edited by: user9077611 on 30-Aug-2012 10:11

    user9077611 wrote:
    Hi All,
    My doubt is how can I pass the sh variable (.i.e file name stored in sh variable called($F)) as a input of below mention procedure (YODEL_XL_INS_SDG_COMMER_PROD)
    for F in *.dat; do
    echo $F
    #sqlldr apps/apps control=$CONTROL data=$F
    # Below Part is used for Add the file name into table
    cat $CONTROL| sed "s/:FILE/$F/g" > $F.ctl
    sqlldr apps/apps control=$F.ctl log=$F.log bad=$F.bad discard=$DISCARD data=$F
    sqlplus -s apps/apps << EOF
    spool Yodel_xl_om_inven_items_pkg.txt
    set serveroutput on;
    X_Error_Code VARCHAR2(1000);
    X_Error_Message VARCHAR2(1000);
    X_Status VARCHAR2(1000);
    spool off;
    If i'm passing directly then getting below error.
    ERROR at line 8:
    ORA-06550: line 8, column 66:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'SDG_Testing_produsts3.dat' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 8, column 2:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    No errors.
    Could you please help me to resolve this.
    Edited by: user9077611 on 30-Aug-2012 10:11You know that strings should be enclosed in single quote marks.

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    <my:TestTag value="someValue"/>
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    <% Integer someValue = new Integer(-5); %>
    <my:TestTag value="someValue"/>
    the value attribute ends up being null.
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    private int myVar=0;
    public int doMyWork()
    return myVar;
    Is it save to use "myVar" this way considering AM-pooling? Or should I save "myVar" in the session instead?

    Please see reply at:
    Is it save to use class variables in a stateful application module?

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    hi master
    sir can i pass parameter or global variable in view from 6i form
    i use view for some diff column calculation within the date then i use
    where date between data1 and date2
    in view but view not create
    please give me idea how i pass external value in view

    Hi Antony!
    I feel it may not produce the right results if you
    dont include the where clause and using only group by
    in view.You felt? Please clear, logical thoughts put here, not feelings.
    (It may very well have all the Debit, Credit
    for all the Accid where as the user wants only for
    r some date range)Data range is determinated in Form by user, so if view should give final data set then you must back
    on Ranjana first question: How to pass parameter or global variable to view from 6i form?
    And also as Ranjit pointed out, If you have only
    accid, sum(debit), sum(credit) in View, wheres this
    enddate ??Of course, column entdate (or enddate?) must be included in view...

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    Dear all
    how can i pass a variable instead of a table name in a select statement ?
    Example :-
    P_get_procedure_tname (aap_name,otable_name);--It will take an application name and will return a table name
    Select col1 into ocol1
    from  ---- here i want to pass the variable OTABLE_NAME
    End;How can i pass this ?

    You can use dynamic sql.

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         static public void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
              ProcessBuilder b = new ProcessBuilder("java", "-cp", ".", "Child");
              Map<String, String> map = b.environment();
              map.put("", "my value");
              Process p = b.start();
              BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
              String line = null;
              while (null != (line = reader.readLine())) {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              System.out.println("The value of is : " + System.getProperty(""));
         }and the result is:
    The value of is : null

    Complete test:
         static public void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
              ProcessBuilder b = new ProcessBuilder("java", " property value", "-cp", ".", "Child");
              Map<String, String> map = b.environment();
              map.put("", "my environment value");
              Process p = b.start();
              BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
              String line = null;
              while (null != (line = reader.readLine())) {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              System.out.println("Property value of is : " + System.getProperty(""));
              System.out.println("Environment value of is : " + System.getenv(""));          

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