Can I relate closed Incidents to a problem?

Hello experts, when somebody at the client company raise an Incident, they solve it and mark it like a possible problem (if they think it is a problem), then at this scenario,they have to create problems from solved incidents (usually temporary), I know when you create a problem from an Incident it got related, but I want to know if I can relate confirmed Incidents to a new problem.
Thanks in advance and Best Regards,

I will close the message, as I know now that it is possible

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    Hello vermeulenbraam,
    I recommend reporting a problem directly to the iTunes Store support directly:
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBookstore purchase
    All the best,

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    Hey LearningGuitar@65,
    Thanks for the question. I understand you are experiencing issues related to authorization. The following articles may help to resolve these issues:
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    iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization
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    Reboot the TC.. Sometimes you need to reboot the whole network.
    This is what comes of Lion and then made worse in Mountain Lion of Apple not spending enough time to fix the bugs.
    Read C12 in pondini.
    C17 can be related I think.

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    Cheers and Regards,
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    Ravi Dixit wrote:>
    > How can it be a "funny" incident - being detained at an airport in today's mad world of terrorist threats?! Hard to believe the story though, looks like someone "created" out of thin air.
    I found it funny. I'm probably not the only one. So that's how it can be a funny incident.
    What i don't find funny - only worrying - is your response. What is mad in today's world is the response to the 'terrorist' threats. One man's terrorist has always been the other man's freedom fighter, and sometimes the opinion changes over time. When USA supported Taliban and gave them Stinger rockets to take out Russian helicopters the Taliban were freedom fighters. Some years later they were suddenly terrorists because it was no longer Russian helicopters they were shooting at. Confusing, isn't it?
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    Edited by: Kjetil Kilhavn on Jan 22, 2008 3:45 PM:
    Reading this again, I now see that perhaps Ravi was not so much saying that one can not make jokes about terrorism as saying that it can't be much fun being detained at the airport. I agree with the latter.

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    Service Manager 2012 – How to disable form controls for a Resolved or Closed Incident – Part 1
    Breaking All the Rules: Reactivating Closed Incidents
    Yan Li
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

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    ******A true apple fan********

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