Can I speed up After Effects CS4?

After Effects CS4 is running so slow, is there any way I can get AE CS4 to run faster? A 5 sec video renders out in about 15 minutes!
I`m working on Windows XP

After Effects CS4 is running so slow, is there any way I can get AE CS4 to run faster? A 5 sec video renders out in about 15 minutes!
I`m working on Windows XP
And what exactly? Could be perfectly normal depending what effects are involved, what your comp settings are and what your computer's specs are. Provide that info....

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    my question was if anybody knows if there is a way of contacting adobe via email about license expired?
    Your reply was I must be using pirate software or I've fiddled with my system time and date.
    I also wrote.
    I can no longer launch after effects cs4 due to license expired message.
    I've tried the license repair tool several times. it didn't work.
    your reply
    Adobe's licensing system is a little diva and quite messy - but just bashing it because you are one of the unlucky ones where it went belly up isn't helping in any way.
    a simple statement "I can no longer launch after effects cs4 due to license expired message." is not "bashing it"
    these forums are great. its a real shame you are on here Mylenium. Every comment I have had from you is condescending or worse.
    Please don't reply to any of my posts

  • Adobe After Effects CS4

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    I've glanced over it and it states you'll get AE CS4 and PP CS4 in 32 bit, so CS5 is only 64 bit it seems. If you're new and want to get to learn AE, then I'd suggest you got for the cheapest option, because the basic features are common in all After Effects version since probably 7.0. That's the basic features, so I'd even go so far as to say if you can get a cheap copy of AE CS3 go for that.

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    From what I saw on the trailer for this film the titles are a modified version of George Peolvoy's Flowing Title tutorial posted on Creative Cow about 10 years ago. You'll find the tutorial here.
    The glass effect on the type can be duplicated using layer effects in Photoshop and / or then applying those layer effects to your type layer directly in AE. You'll find a bunch of those tutorials by doing a simple Google search for Glass Text Photoshop.
    There is no one click, one plug-in solution, but if you integrate the layer effects, a displacement map, some compound blur, and a little position keyframing + motion blur you should be able to duplicate the effect exactly. George's tutorial should get you started. If I remember right the project files were for AE 4.1 so they probably won't open in CS4.
    Good luck
    Daybreaker Trailer

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    Why would you post this in the "Photoshop Elements" forum...?
    Try here;
    or here;

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    Check the Quicktime system panel. If anything there is whacked, you would notice it by odd values, e.g. a wrong default sample rate. The rest I can't help you with - only you know what tools you use on your system. Also, which we have overlooked at this point, make actualyl sure the output speakers are okay. For external speakers, something simple like a loose plug can considerably influence audio quality.

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    Mylenium asked very pertinent questions.  I'll make some educated guesses, which may or may not apply.
    First thing: 2 GB may seem like a ton of memory to you, but in AE-Land, it's NOTHING.  You need to trick that machine of yours out with memory.  On a 32-bit system, that would mean bringing it up to 4 GB.
    If you're trying to use multiprocessing, turn it off and leave it off.  On a 32-bit system, you'll never have enough memory to make multiprocessing work efficiently.
    Trying to speed rendering by using Open GL acceleration?  Turn that off, too.
    Since you're on a 32-bit system, the most recent version of AE you can run is Version 9.  Make sure it's fully updated. 
    But if you shot video on a DSLR, HDV Camera, XDCam or Flip Cam, you could still have problems.  Since you can't be running AE 10, which pretty much solved the problem of long-gop footage, here's why:
    Dave's Stock Answer #1:
    If the footage you imported into AE is any  kind of the following -- footage in an HDV acquisition codec, MPEG1, MPEG2, AVCHD, mp4, mts, m2t, H.261 or H.264 -- you need to convert it to a different codec.
    These kinds of footage use temporal, or interframe compression. They have keyframes at regular intervals, containing complete frame information.  However, the frames in between do NOT have complete information.  Interframe codecs toss out duplicated information.
    In order to maintain peak rendering efficiency, AE needs complete information for each and every frame. But because these kinds of footage contain only partial information, AE freaks out, resulting in a wide variety of problems.
    I'm a Mac guy, so I like to convert to Quicktime movies in the Animation or PNG codecs; both are lossless.  I'll use Apple's Compressor, Adobe Media Encoder or Quicktime Pro to do it.

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    > It should by no means be shown separately in the install database
    That's not true for one case.
    If you install After Effects in trial mode, the third party content won't be installed. But it leaves the third party content installer on your machine so that when you add a serial number the plug-ins can be added. This causes a new installer to run, so it will be registered (and need to be uninstalled) separately from the main installer.
    Frederick- Verify that both machines have the third party plug-ins that Mylenium listed. If it's not on the second machine you probably have it in trial mode and need to serialize. (If not, try uninstalling and reinstalling After Effects from the Master Collection package.)

  • "Unable to create font" error when starting After Effects CS4 (Windows Vista)

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    - installed all the fonts of the Adobe Font Folio v11
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    - changed my system language to English (USA)
    Other CS4 softwares work.
    What can i do?

    See this page for some additional information about this error.
    > I forgot to mention that i also installed the 9.0.2 update. Didn't work either!
    You should also install the After Effects CS4 (9.0.3) update.

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    > Please tell any site from which i can learn editing and some vfx creating from after effects cs4.
    Start here to learn After Effects.

  • Adobe After Effects CS4 Crashes After Reinstall

    Hello Adobe Community,
    I come to you asking for help, my After Effects CS4 stopped working after reinstalling Leopard, I already reinstalled my Suite and Runned the Clean Up Script and still not working, first I launch the App and shows me the following error: "After Effects has encountered an error: [/Chinchillada/pro/ext/adobe/MediaCore/MedialLayer/VideoFilterHost/Make/Mac/../../Src/AEP luginVideoFilterModule.cpp-107]" then I click continue and then it shows me another error: "After Effects can't continue: An Output contract violation has ocurred!" then it shows another error: "After Effects warning: Failed to initialize mediacore" then it shows this "After Effects warning: Media Core is not correctly initialized" then it launches and freezes and shows that the app quitted unexpectedly, I'm sure that the app is dead but I already reinstalled with no success.
    Im Running:
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    Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz
    1 GB Ram
    After Effects worked and runned perfectly Please Help!

    Hi Mike,
    Sorry you are experiencing problems with After Effects.
    I have a couple of questions....
    - did you install from a download, or a CD? if from a download, please download again, as their may have been issues
    - did you update it to v 9.02?
    - did you have a previous beta version on your computer?
    - you said you reinstalled Leopard - did you do a clean install? (ie reformatting your harddrive and starting clean)
    I have experienced issues on the mac with a variety of different applications is I do a 're-install" vs a clean install.
    Finally, are you aware that the minimum RAM requirements for AE CS4 is2GB
    So since you only have 1GB, it could be a RAM  issue.
    If you decided you want to try reinstalling before doing the more difficult task (reformatting Mac OS X with a clean install), I would run the cleanup script first, redownload, install, and then update.
    Here's the link: <>
    good luck,

  • How do I fix yellow spots on face and background with Premiere Pro/After Effects CS4?

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    Thanks for any info!

    It can be done in After Effects.
    Watch this tutorial:

  • Adobe After Effects CS4 won't install.

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    We cannot know. We need exact system info. As a start, you might consider turning off UAC completely and running as admin...

  • *** Adobe Creative Suite 4 Now Shipping!  After Effects CS4 New Features ***

    Adobe have officially announced the upcoming Creative Suite 4 group of products, including
    After Effects CS4,
    CS4 Production Premium bundle, and
    CS4 Master Collection.
    After Effects CS4 Top New Features
    b Live Adobe Photoshop 3D layers import
    Import Adobe® Photoshop® 3D layers into Adobe After Effects® CS4, move them, animate cameras around them, adjust lighting, and composite them with other elements.
    b Searchable timelines and projects and easier nested comp navigation
    Locate any element in a comp or project with the new QuickSearch. Quickly navigate between nested comps with the new Mini-Flowchart.
    b Compositions exported as layered projects
    Export compositions as layered, XFL format projects that can be opened and edited in Adobe Flash® CS4 Professional software. Many After Effects assets such as text and Adobe Illustrator® artwork are preserved as vectors.
    b Integrated workflow for mobile device authoring
    Select devices in Adobe Device Central and automatically set up an After Effects project that targets those devices, with settings that match the targeted devices and the Render Queue setup to output to the proper codecs and resolutions.
    b Numerous interface and workflow tweaks
    Work more efficiently with dozens of user-requested changes, including the new Auto Resolution setting that only renders visible pixels when zooming in and out of a comp view, streamlined memory and multicore processing preferences, and more.
    b Dynamic Link between Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Soundbooth
    Using Adobe Creative Suite® 4 Production Premium software, now link Adobe Premiere® Pro sequences to an After Effects composition and After Effects comps to Adobe Soundbooth® with Adobe Dynamic Link.
    b Independent keyframing of x, y, z values, plus 3D compositing improvements
    Composite in 3D space more easily: Keyframe x, y, and z position values separately, and use the new unified camera, which makes the After Effects camera tool work more like those in 3D modeling applications.
    b Cartoon effect
    Instantly give live footage the look of cell animation. Stylize video by reducing the color palette of a clip and by emphasizing edges.
    b Mocha for Adobe After Effects from Imagineer Systems
    Use this powerful 2.5D planar tracking application from Imagineer Systems to track the motion of elements even in challenging shots where elements move offscreen or where there is motion blur or excessive grain.
    b XMP metadata for asset intelligence
    Now retain asset metadata while you work in After Effects. Add new project-, comp-, and layer-level metadata to streamline project tracking, and automate asset auditing and many other tasks.
    Also note that
    Adobe OnLocation, included in the CS4 Master Collection, Production Premium bundle, and with Premiere Pro, now runs natively in Mac OS X as well as Windows.
    Adobe is offering some discounted upgrade incentive pricing for a limited time and/or pre-ordering. Some initial U.S. prices are as follows:
    i Product___________________CS3 to CS4 Upgrade_______CS4 Full Purchase
    After Effects CS3____________$299__________________$999
    Production Premium CS3_______$599__________________$1699
    Master Collection CS3_________$899__________________$2499
    Please visit for accurate pricing, eligibility for upgrades and pre-orders in your region.
    Click here to be notified when CS4 products are available for purchase and trial.

    There's a list of the big new features in the
    "New features in After Effects CS4" section of After Effects CS4 Help on the Web, and you can read about every little change to the UI in the
    "User interface changes from After Effects CS3 to After Effects CS4" section.
    But I thought that all of you who have posted requests to this wishlist might like to get specific responses to some of the items on this list.
    First of all, though, I'd like to point out an innovative set of features that I think addresses a request that many of you have made... just not exactly as you asked for it. All of us have wanted a better way to see into and navigate among nested compositions (precompositions). The Composition Mini-Flowchart and Composition Navigator make moving around in a complex project much, much faster and easier. Telling you to see the
    "Opening and navigating nested compositions" section isn't going to do this feature set justice. You'll only appreciate how slick this is when you get your hands on it.
    Oh, and we reversed the behavior of double-clicking versus Option-double-clicking a precomposition layer: Now double-clicking opens the source composition in the Composition panel, not the precomposition layer in the Layer panel.
    Now, on to the specific responses...
    David Wigforss:
    > I completely agree that the graph editor needs work....
    > Position values need to be seperated into 3 distinct values that can
    > be adjusted independant of each other.
    "Separate dimensions of Position to animate components individually".
    Mark Weiss:
    > would like to see XDCam EX import capabilities.
    "Supported import formats".
    > all effects in 32 bit or float
    Not quite all. But more are, including all of the 3D Channel effects, which is a category that really needed the upgrade.
    "Effects and animation presets".
    > prob a really simple little thing but a 'centre anchor point' button could be handy?
    Move layers so that their anchor points are in the center of the composition or view?
    If so, then done. See the first tip on the
    "Move layers in space" page.
    > An intra-project search function that displays properties of every layer.
    "Search and filter in the Timeline, Project, and Effects & Presets panels".
    (Plus, you can now use the shortcut FF to show instances of missing effects. See
    "About effects".)
    Thomas Craul:
    > the possibility to expand all of the effects parameters in the effect controls window at once.
    > just like when expanding all layer properties or all subfolders with strg+klick (little arrow).
    "Shortcuts: showing properties in the Effect Controls panel".
    Pietje Bel:
    > I'd like to see some features I can use with my tablet (I got it for photoshop, though
    > I use AE even more than I use photoshop).
    We've had features for using the pen dynamics with the paint tools for a while. See
    "Brushes and the Brushes panel".
    That said, we've made some improvements under the hood that should make using a pen better (e.g., modifying the sensitivity during certain click and drag operations).
    Darren McNeill:
    > Simple, I would like After Effects to have the ability to extrude Text in 3d space.
    > Nothing complicated, just be able to create 3d Text.
    How about the ability to do this in Photoshop and then import the 3D object layer into After Effects?
    "Using 3D object layers from Photoshop"
    > Being able to specify how many processors to use in the multiprocessing preference pane.
    Done. Plus other improvements in this area.
    "Memory & Multiprocessing preferences".
    > I'd love a setting either in the preferences or the output module to write project
    > information (importantly: the name of the project) into the metadata of the rendered file.
    Done. And then some. On steroids.
    "XMP metadata in After Effects".
    Navarro Parker:
    > I'd love AE projects to be searchable. Having the ability to search for comp names or source footage
    > names within projects from the Finder would be fantastic.
    Done, as long as you have the means to search within XML files. The new XML project file format opens up a lot of scripting possibilities, too.
    "About projects".
    David Bogie:
    > I humbly ask the Adobe After Effects team to concentrate first on fixing anything
    > and everything that is broken or buggy before adding any more complexity to this application.
    > Make it more elgant, make it easier to use, make it faster... sure, fine. But invest the
    > creative energy and geek resources to making it work flawlessly instead of adding more stuff.
    Though we did add "more stuff", we also spent a lot of time polishing the application this time. The number of small tweaks to address pain points was very large.
    > I just don't like the help browser.
    After Effects CS4 Help on the Web
    Laurie Hogan:
    > I got a simple one. Can AE have Spell Check.
    AE Enhancers provides
    a spelling checker script.
    Laurie Hogan:
    > Also Can there be more integration between AE and Apple FCP.
    I give a link to a script from Dale Bradshaw on the
    "Supported import formats" page (at the bottom of the page).

  • After Effects CS4 WMImport.AEX not loading

    I just installed a fresh OS and CS4 and AE throws an error when I load it.  Can you please help me figure out how to fix it?
    The error is:
    After Effects error:  plug-in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\Plug-ins\Format\WMImport.AEX" could not be loaded (126).
    (48 :: 46)
    The machine is a dual xeon quad core 2.5 SuperMicro with 16gb of memory and several TBs of storage.  The OS is Vista 64 SP2, with all of the updates applied.  AE is version 9.0.2.  I've uninstalled AE, and reinstalled it, with the same error still coming up.
    All help is appreciated.
    Thank you,

    As Steve said, re-installing Windows Media Player seems a good idea. Manually initiate a Windows Update and check, if you are offered to upgrade to WMP 11 or if it's already on your system. if it is, then you may need to download the Windows Media Redistributable package and install it manually. The plug-in may be looking for an old DLL or registry key that is no longer used by WMP 11, but usually would be on your system when you ran the updates from an earlier state. Also consider installing an alternate Media Player like VLC. This may also fix the misconfiguration of the Windows Media components.

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