Can i track my iphone 4 down if its been stolen?

someone stole my iphone today and i wanted to know if i can track it down
please someone help

What To Do If Your iDevice or Computer Is Lost Or Stolen
If your Mac, iPhone, iPod, iPod Touch, or iPad is lost or stolen what do you do? There are things you should do in advance - before you lose it or it's stolen - and some things to do after the fact. Here are some suggestions:
  1. Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
  2. Find my lost iPod Touch
  3. AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon can block stolen phones/tablets
  4. What-To-Do-When-Iphone-Is-Stolen
  5. Lost or Stolen iPhone? Here’s What to do
  6. 6 Ways to Track and Recover Your Lost/Stolen iPhone
  7. Find My iPhone
It pays to be proactive by following the advice on using Find My Phone before you lose your device:
  1. Find My iPhone
  2. Setup your iDevice on MobileMe
  3. OS X Lion- About Find My Mac
  4. How To Set Up Free Find Your iPhone (Even on Unsupported Devices)
Third-party solutions for computers:
  1. VUWER 1.5.4
  2. Sneaky ******* 0.2.0
  3. Undercover 4.7
  4. LoJack for Laptops Premium Mac
  5. STEM 2.1
  6. MacPhoneHome 3.5

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