Can Jsp build 2 connections at the same time?

Can I make 2 connections with 2 different databases at the same time?
I mean, I need to take 1 value from 1st databases and 1 more value from 2nd database and need to print them on the page.
So, can I use a code segment like below ?
                    // builiding connection with 1st database using dsn
DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(dsn,uid,pwd);
Statement st = con.createStatement();
idsql="select max(id)+1 id from table";
ResultSet idrs=st.executeQuery(idsql);
if (
     if (idref == null)
          idref = "1";
     idref = "1";
                    // building connection with 2nd database using dsn1
Connection con1 = DriverManager.getConnection(dsn1,uid,pwd);
Statement st1 = con.createStatement();
idsql1="select seq_id.nextval tempid from dual";
ResultSet idrs1=st1.executeQuery(idsql1);
sql1 = "insert into table (id2) values(" + idref1 + ")";
Thanks in Advance ..

I am building two separate connections to different databases but I'm doing it a little differently using a bean.
example, in JSP, I have
<%@ page import="beans.*" %>
<jsp:useBean id="menu" class="beans.Menus"></jsp:useBean>
String userProgs = menu.getUserPrograms;
String prodId = menu.getProductId;

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    You can use both at the same time, but not gor Internet access if that's what you're asking.
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    You can use both at the same time, but not gor Internet access if that's what you're asking.
    Now there is a thing called Link Aggregation, which combines a number of interfaces for speed/redundancy, but it really only works locally, and then only with ALL special equipment in the route, and most likely OSX Server involved.

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    I have posted this many, many times here. See if this helps you understand how this process works with regard to system sounds and screen rotation lock.
    System sounds can be muted and controlled two different ways. The screen lock rotation can be controlled in the same manner as well.
    Settings>General>Use Side Switch to: Mute System sounds. If this option is selected, the switch on the side of the iPad above the volume rocker will mute system sounds.
    If you choose Lock Screen Rotation, then the switch locks the screen. If the screen is locked, you will see a lock icon in the upper right corner next to the battery indicator gauge.
    If you have the side switch set to lock screen rotation then the system sound control is in the control center if you are running iOS 7. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to get to control center . Tap on the bell icon and system sounds will return.
    If you are running iOS 5 or iOS 6, the system sound control is in the task bar at the bottom. Double tap the home button and swipe all the way to the right in the task bar to get to the speaker icon on the left side. Tap on that and the sounds will return.
    If you have the side switch set to mute system sounds, then the screen lock can be accessed in the same manner as described above.
    This support article from Apple explains how the side switch works.

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    Hi Tesserax
    Thanks for the reply, sorry maybe I didn't explain my idea. I don't want to connect the Airport Express to the router well certainly not via a cable. I want to have the Airport Express basically be a hub for a printer and a couple of external hard drives and not be attached to a modem. I want to try and keep the current modem/router configuration I have, if possible. Therefore I'm asking whether I can have a wireless connection to the router for internet access and a separate connection to the Airport Express for the printer/hardrives. If this is not possible that's ok.
    Thanks again

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    Try this:
    OR, open a second Firefox window (''Firefox button > New tab > New Window'' or ''Ctrl+N''), load the second site, resize windows side by side.
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''
    Not related to your question, but...
    You may need to update some plug-ins. Check your plug-ins and update as necessary:
    *Plug-in check -->
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in: [ Installing ('''''or Updating''''') the Shockwave plugin with Firefox]
    *'''''Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape''''': [ Installing/Updating Adobe Reader in Firefox]
    *'''''Shockwave Flash''''' (Adobe Flash or Flash): [ Updating Flash in Firefox]
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in for Mozilla browsers: [ Installing or Updating Java in Firefox]

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    Not an Apple product, have you visited: ickly

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