Can Measurement tool go to three decimal points?

I often have to make precise measurements of the position of objects in a PDF. Both the Measurement tool and the Info window display measurements to two decimal points. I need three ( Is there any way to change this?
Can this be changed with a script?

It looks like only 3D Measurement gives you control over significant digits to display.

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    Cannot reproduce what you have said (or may be I have misunderstood your requirement).
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    Hi Jerry
    The fixed decimal point feature is available in Excel 2002 and is found under:
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    I am not able to reproduce this problem with a number field.  Are you using this field as a payment-quantity field?.  If so, please check that the Quantity in your payment setting is linked the the right field.
    We can do a quick test: create a new form from scratch, add one textfield, then on the field property panel select Type=number.
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    Enter a number and commit --> check if you get the decimal point and the spaces.
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    Dear vas
    Go to OY04 and maintain decimals as 3 there.
    G. Lakshmipathi

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    thank you for your inputs, Jeevan.  we've tried up to 100,000 since any more will make the PO exceed the original contract amount.
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    thank you for taking the time.

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    Yes in customisation for Unit of measurement you can customize it,
    but it will be valid whenver you use this UOM in the system.
    There is one thing also you can do
    The Quantity fields decimal points in service entry is by default 3 digits ,
    so to use 1,123456  quantity for lets say price 10 $
    you can multiply both sides with 1000
    i mean
    use 1123,456 for 10000 $
    just an idea
    Hope it helps

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    There is absolutely no way that you can change the precision. It is fixed.
    If you want to display two decimals places (which is not the same as changing the precision) then you can use the following.
      float var = 0.00f;
      var = (float)4.95 * 3;
      java.text.DecimalFormat f = new java.text.DecimalFormat("0.00");
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    best rgds,

    Dear Eric,
    To change decimal places of Materials follow this:
    IMG - SAP NetWeaver - General Settings - Check Units of Measurement
    select Units of Measurement & select required Unit of Measure & set decimal places.
    Hope this helps...
    Give points if useful...
    Jignesh Mehta

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    May have been a switch from RGB to CMYK.
    Or you moved one of the sliders with shift key pressed.

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    Laura Belle,
    When you enter the full decimal value, that should give you the right rotation whatever the truncated value is.
    At least I hope that is still the case in your version.
    You may test it as follows:
    1) Create a square with W = H = 100;
    2) Rotate thrice, each time inserting 33.333333 degrees, then rotate by -100 degrees;
    3) Look at the W and H values;
    4) Repeat 1) - 3), only with 33.33 degrees and see what you get.
    You should get W = H = 100 in 3) and  something like 100.017 to 100.018 in 4).

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    system.out.print(variable name);

    Use DecimalFormat.
    DecimalFormat td=new DecimalFormat("0.00");

  • Where can I find information about using the measurement tool and log?

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    No one can remotely have "any ideas" to help you when you don't even mention what your problem is nor what your system and workflow are like.
    Of course, when you post here,one assumes you have done your due diligence, read the documentation, the user guide, the Help files in the Photoshop Help menu, as well as done Google and forum searches, etc, and we would expect some sensible, detailed information from you.
    Teaching someone Photoshop from scratch, step by step, exceeds the scope of this forum—or any other forum.
    Note that this is boilerplate text.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
    exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop (not just "CS6", but something like CS6v.13.0.6) and of Bridge,
    your settings in Photoshop > Preference > Performance
    the type of file you were working on,
    machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, total available HD space, video card specs, including total VRAM installed,
    what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far,
    what error message(s) you receive,
    if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them,
    if you're having printing issues, indicate the exact make and model of your printer, paper size, image dimensions in pixels (so many pixels wide by so many pixels high). if going through a RIP, specify that too.
    A screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too,
    someone may be able to help you (not necessarily this poster, who is not a Windows user).
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

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