Can not link to browser

in new update 31.5.0 the email links to internet do not work to open up the browser

Try [[Hyperlinks in Messages Not Working]].

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      Couldn't you add the web address as the attachment?

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    Mozilla Crash Reporter
    == Crash ID(s) ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; InfoPath.3)

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    Try the Firefox SafeMode, and see if there is an extension installed which Disables Private Browsing.

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    ''garybrantley [[#question-1046956|said]]''
    Recently, I noticed that when I attempt to "share" a YouTube video and click the share button, I get no embed codes. In fact I get no options at all. And, when I tried to share a YouTube playlist, again, nothing happens except an apparent text box opens that I cannot type or enter anything into. I use a Macbook Pro at work, with Firefox as my browser and everything works just as it should on YouTube. Since this is a quite recent problem with my Dell desktop (Firefox browser) at home, I suspect something has changed resulting in my current issue. Thanks for any help!
    YouTube Content Creators have the ability to disable embedding if they wish to keep their videos on YouTube only. This is most likely what has occurred and is more than likely not an issue with Firefox itself.
    ''Let us know if this helped.''

  • Can not close web browser in N8

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    Best regards

    Tap the minimize icon (two boxes) in the upper right corner of the Safari page. Then tap the tiny x in the thumbnail to close. You can also swipe the thumbnail to the left to close.

  • Can not link

    Hi I am trying to make a link on a Swf page using the link
    text. I typed the work ENTER then added my URL link address, but I
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    but nothing happens when I click on it. What did I miss?

    SERocks wrote:
    > HI,
    > Can you give me a link to an example how to implement
    this? I thought I was
    > doing as you suggested. I entered the text in the Swf
    background in 1 of the
    > layers. And the mouse does change when the text appears.
    Just nothing happens.
    > As I read the help files they show me code to make
    things happen but do see how
    > to tie them together. IF you can send me a link to any
    of the Adobe video tuts
    > you think would help explain this that would be great.
    > Thanks
    Draw shape on stage, small shape in size (example) - 20x20
    Select that shape and hit F8 (to create new symbol) and make
    a movie clip out of it.
    Select with mouse the newly made movie clip and hit CTRL F3
    to open properties panel.
    In that panel look for box with <instance name>, in
    that box type : link_button
    Now select timeline frame, hit F9 to open action editor and
    paste in there:
    link_button.onRelease = function() {
    getURL("", "_blank");
    You have getURL action with done.
    You can use the transform tool (key Q) to stretch the movie
    clip to cover the stage size.
    As big is the clip, that big will be the LINK area.
    You can then open the properties panel again and set its
    Alpha to 0% (under COLOR menu) so
    it becomes invisible.
    Side Note!
    Why draw it small?
    Good practice for the future Flash use. If you draw something
    very small and scale it up,
    it will not increase the file size, regardless how much you
    scale it up, it will remain the
    size of its original format. While one simple button won't
    make difference on the final SWF
    upon export, a complex project with lots of content will. So
    it's a good idea to get use to
    it from the very beginning :)
    Best Regards
    "Never play Leap-Frog with a Unicorn."
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Paramform dynamic list can not show in browser

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    Everything is ok when I run it in report environment, but when I call it in browser the search_mouth field is ok, but the department_name change to a common textfield not a dynamic list,and all department_name is shown below the textfield.
    command line is
    I do not know how to show the dynamic list in browser.

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    https://slu2022:8999/owbb/RABLogin.uix?mode=design&def_host=<HOST SERVER NAME>&def_port=1526&def_service=dwdev
    I would have thought the repository browser was accessible using just a web browser from any client PC and that the server needed the runtime listener started? Problem is I have no idea how to start the listener on Linux and the documentation on how to do this seems to consist entirely of this sentence,
    "To verify the installation, launch the Repository Browser listener and then the Repository Browser.".
    Any and all help is appreciated.

    To start Listener on Linux is very simple:
    - Set env. variables ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, TNS_ADMIN (export ORACLE_HOME=BLABLABLA and so on).
    - In the command prompt, start the listener: lsnrctl start
    But... If you can connect to the database, your listener is already up, you don't have to re start it.
    The browser server preference is set when installing the Browser schema. It's possible to change it in OWB -> Preferences, under the Browser Tab. Provide correct app server hostname. If it still not work, remove the port number and try again.

  • Applet can not run in browser, but it wroks in appetviewer. Why?

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    Quick response is greatly appreciated.

    see you have to put the proper code base in your html file.check if your browser is java enabled or not.Java plugin comes with IE 5 and it automatically get installed if you won't disagree with that.Check in optin menu of ur browser that java is enabled or not.
    Applet works fine with all browser.
    2nd thing when you r running applet through appletviewer,it runs as an application from your local JVM while running through browser means you are running applet through browser 's JVM.

  • Can not link flash buttons to other pages

    i cant get my flash buttons to link to any pages. i keep
    getting warning messages. please can some one help

    You have to do this when you create the buttons in DW, or
    when you make them
    in Flash.
    If you want to use Flash for navigation, consider this -
    1. Some people don't have Flash installed - what do they do?
    2. Search engines don't parse Flash links - your site will
    not be spidered
    3. Screen assistive devices don't parse Flash links - what
    will those users
    4. DW cannot maintain links within a Flash movie, so if you
    move or rename
    a linked file, your navigation will break - what will you do?
    It's usually a very bad idea for these reasons...
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "TEEJAY123" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fo4scm$1oa$[email protected]..
    >i cant get my flash buttons to link to any pages. i keep
    getting warning
    >messages. please can some one help

  • "Stop private browsing" button is greyed out and I can not setup private browsing

    this problem is on Firefox 6.0 and now on 6 0 2

    See also:
    Also make sure that you do not start Firefox with the -private command line switch.
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • CVI can not link VS2010 static lib files

    A completely new static lib file created in VS2010 Express hat the following content:
    void __stdcall call( void );
    void __stdcall call( void ){ }
    VS2010 compiles this as a c file. This is already ensured by the ending ".c", but to be safe I use the compiler option /TC .
    All other options are at their default value. I compile using "Release | Win32".
    The created lib file is copied to an new CVI folder, along with the header.
    Both files are added to the project.
    In addition a main.c is created with the following content:
    void main ( void ){ call(); }
    The compile attempt is aborted with the following error message:
     Bad header encountered while reading external module: 'Release\StaticLib.obj'.
     Aborted load of member "Release\StaticLib.obj" from library "c:\C90\LibImportTest\Release\LibImportTest.lib".
    Is there a way to reuse static lib files compiled in VS2010 with CVI?
    If so please show me a minimal example.
    ( please do not post any suggestions involving dlls )
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏2 KB

    I tried this with CVI 2012. I think its the VC 2010 Project Setting: Configuration Properties >> General >> Whole Program Optimization = Use Link Time Code Generation that causes the problem with CVI. Change this setting to "No Whole Program Optimization" and CVI 2012 is able to link the VC 2010 lib file for me. Hope this is the same issue for you. If not, try changing other VC optimization or language settings in the Project Properties dialog..

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    I would like to link several games to my Facebook account, and I am giving the allowance to the app, but afterall the app doent shown under  the Privancy - Facebook page. What can I do?

    Yes, that's impossible.

  • Can not open my browser. It says proxy server refuses connectiom. This happened after an update to firefox

    the proxy server refuses the connection

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

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