Can some one advise between a LCD or Plasma, HDMI or RGB

I looked at threads to see if people got there plasmas or LCD displays to work with DVA to HDMi adaptors and got so confused that i decided to post asking which ones work rather then digging to find out in the trials and errors in between.
I am asking who got there (Plasma or large LCDs) to look sharp and work great?
So can anyone recommend a good, large compatible and working TV display with the mac mini ?
Is LCD more clear then Plasma when using your screen as a desktop to work in photoshop for example?, or is ADC, HDMI better then RGB on a 42" csreen (plasma or LCD) ?

Thanks for your posts,
i am still asking that question as to which display has been tested that works digitally so i can use it as my computer screen.
Plasmas seem like regular TV sets at some point, too bright and lack of sharpness, although i am into getting one since the are bigger then LCDs and cheaper.
But i stood a distance from several TVs the other day and noticed that Plasmas where hazy and lacked sharpness over all next to LCD screens., maybe the ones i was looking at where terrible., hard to say since at another store i could not tell the difference with some.
Now i have these questions:
1-What is the right resolution i should look for so that i can connect my powerbook or mac mini and use it via digitally like i do with my Apple cinema display?
I like to have the biggest screen possible.
2-Would it be safe to say LCD is the way to go digitally here?,or RGB is just as good?
3- Which way to connect is also what i need to know so when i ask for a TV at a store, i can narrow down my options.
So is it plasma or LCD, HDMi or RGB, and what resolution?

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    Hi, I have problem with the following pl/sql block, I need this with bulk operation.
    -- Assume the following scenario, we are validating dept (master) and emp(child) which are my temporary tables and updating the status back to
    -- dept ( for all the validation errors, even if we have any validation at child  it has to update the header record with error message),
    -- upon successful validation insert the data into dept3, and emp3 interms of batches
    -- I have give the sample example with dept and emp, but i have around 10 million records which has around 30-40 validations,
    -- I would like to process them in terms of batches using bulk collection as this would do fast processing
    -- Can some one please tell me how to insert them in terms of bulk with every set of 1000 records in each batch in this example,for every set of 1000 records
    -- i need update batch id with unique number in dept table
    -- with current data i can have 50 batches , I need to pass, deptno as parameter to my emp cursor. 
    -- can some one please tell me how to make this validation and insertion more efficient. so that while inserting the data for every batch it should insert batch id
    -- Tried with LIMIT clause as well but not working
    -- I am correcting the code as per your comments Request you to please suggest me so that I can correct , I am new to PL/sql, started learning now.
    step - 1:
           (DEPTNO NUMBER(6) primary key,
            DNAME VARCHAR2(25),
            LOC VARCHAR2(23),
            batch_id number );
    INSERT INTO DEPT VALUES (30, 'SALES',      'CHICAGO', null);
    step - 2:
    for i in 1..50000 loop
    insert into dept values(40+i, 'OPERATIONS'||i,'BOSTON'||i, null);
    end loop;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Exception occured:'||SQLERRM);
    step - 3:
    create sequence emp_seq start with 1 increment by 1;
    step - 4:
           (EMPNO NUMBER(15) NOT NULL primary key,
            ENAME VARCHAR2(20),
            JOB VARCHAR2(20),
            MGR NUMBER(4),
            HIREDATE DATE,
            SAL NUMBER(7, 2),
            COMM NUMBER(7, 2),
            DEPTNO NUMBER(6));
            (7369, 'SMITH',  'CLERK',     7902,
            TO_DATE('17-DEC-1980', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  800, NULL, 20);
            (7499, 'ALLEN',  'SALESMAN',  7698,
            TO_DATE('20-FEB-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 1600,  300, 30);
            (7521, 'WARD',   'SALESMAN',  7698,
            TO_DATE('22-FEB-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 1250,  500, 30);
            (7566, 'JONES',  'MANAGER',   7839,
            TO_DATE('2-APR-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  2975, NULL, 20);
            (7654, 'MARTIN', 'SALESMAN',  7698,
            TO_DATE('28-SEP-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 1250, 1400, 30);
            (7698, 'BLAKE',  'MANAGER',   7839,
            TO_DATE('1-MAY-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  2850, NULL, 30);
            (7782, 'CLARK',  'MANAGER',   7839,
            TO_DATE('9-JUN-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  2450, NULL, 10);
            (7788, 'SCOTT',  'ANALYST',   7566,
            TO_DATE('09-DEC-1982', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 3000, NULL, 20);
            (7839, 'KING',   'PRESIDENT', NULL,
            TO_DATE('17-NOV-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 5000, NULL, 10);
            (7844, 'TURNER', 'SALESMAN',  7698,
            TO_DATE('8-SEP-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  1500, NULL, 30);
            (7876, 'ADAMS',  'CLERK',     7788,
            TO_DATE('12-JAN-1983', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 1100, NULL, 20);
            (7900, 'JAMES',  'CLERK',     7698,
            TO_DATE('3-DEC-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),   950, NULL, 30);
            (7902, 'FORD',   'ANALYST',   7566,
            TO_DATE('3-DEC-1981', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  3000, NULL, 20);
            (7934, 'MILLER', 'CLERK',     7782,
            TO_DATE('23-JAN-1982', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), 1300, NULL, 10);
    step :- 5
    cursor c1 is select * from dept;
    k number:=0;
    m number:=0;
    for i in  c1 loop
    for j in 1..5 loop
    insert into emp values
            (9000+emp_seq.nextval, 'SMITH'||'_'||emp_seq.currval,  'CLERK'||'_'||emp_seq.currval,     7902,
            TO_DATE('17-DEC-1980', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),  800, NULL, i.deptno);
    end loop;
    end loop;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Exception occured:'||sqlerrm);
    step :-6
    create table dept3 as select * from dept where 1=2;
    create table emp3 as select * from emp where 1=2;
    alter table dept add object_id number;
    alter table dept add status varchar(20);
    alter table dept add err_msg varchar2(200);
    alter table emp add object_id number;
    -- I have not included the alter statements in the inital creation because i dont want them to insert into dept3 and emp3
    PACKAGE test_b
      g_batch_id NUMBER;
      PROCEDURE emp_ins(
          p_EMPNO    NUMBER,
          p_ENAME    VARCHAR2,
          p_JOB      VARCHAR2,
          p_MGR      NUMBER,
          p_HIREDATE DATE,
          p_SAL      NUMBER,
          p_COMM     NUMBER,
          p_DEPTNO   NUMBER);
      PROCEDURE dept_ins(
          p_DEPTNO NUMBER,
          p_dname  VARCHAR2 ,
          p_LOC    VARCHAR2,
          p_batch  NUMBER);
      PROCEDURE validate_prc;
      PROCEDURE main;
    TYPE dept_t
      TABLE OF dept%ROWTYPE;
      hdr_tbl dept_t;
    TYPE emp_t
      line_tbl emp_t;
    TYPE dept_i_t
      TABLE OF dept3%ROWTYPE;
      hdr_ins_tbl dept_i_t;
    TYPE emp_i_t
      TABLE OF emp3%ROWTYPE;
      line_ins_tbl emp_i_t;
    -- pacakge body
    PACKAGE body test_b
    PROCEDURE emp_ins(
        p_EMPNO    NUMBER,
        p_ENAME    VARCHAR2,
        p_JOB      VARCHAR2,
        p_MGR      NUMBER,
        p_HIREDATE DATE,
        p_SAL      NUMBER,
        p_COMM     NUMBER,
        p_DEPTNO   NUMBER)
      INTO EMP3
          EMPNO ,
          ENAME ,
          JOB ,
          MGR ,
          HIREDATE ,
          SAL ,
          COMM ,
          P_EMPNO ,
          P_ENAME ,
          P_JOB ,
          P_MGR ,
          P_HIREDATE ,
          P_SAL ,
          P_COMM ,
    PROCEDURE dept_ins
        p_DEPTNO NUMBER,
        p_dname  VARCHAR2 ,
        p_LOC    VARCHAR2,
        p_batch  NUMBER
      INTO DEPT3
          DEPTNO ,
          DNAME ,
          LOC ,
          p_DEPTNO ,
          p_DNAME ,
          p_LOC ,
    END ;
    PROCEDURE validate_prc
      CURSOR c1
        SELECT * FROM dept WHERE status IS NULL ;--AND rownum <25;
      CURSOR c2(p_dept NUMBER )
        SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno=p_dept;
      e_validation EXCEPTION;
      OPEN c1;
        FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO hdr_tbl limit 5000;
        SELECT emp_seq.nextval INTO g_batch_id FROM dual;
      WHEN hdr_tbl.count = 0;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE c1;
      dbms_output.put_line('C1 closed');
      --------- Loading data into the inv line table type -------------------------------
      FOR i IN 1 .. hdr_tbl.count
        dbms_output.put_line('started validation');
        -- do header level validations
        IF hdr_tbl(i).dname  IS NULL THEN
          hdr_tbl(i).status  := 'ERROR';
          hdr_tbl(i).err_msg :=',DNAME is null';
        END IF;
        OPEN c2(hdr_tbl(i).deptno);
          FETCH c2 BULK COLLECT INTO line_tbl;
          -- EXIT WHEN c2%NOTFOUND;
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE c2;
        FOR j IN 1 .. line_tbl.count
          -- do line validations
          IF line_tbl(j).ename IS NULL THEN
            hdr_tbl(i).status  := 'ERROR';
            hdr_tbl(i).err_msg :=',ENAME is null';
          END IF;
            FORALL j IN line_tbl.FIRST .. line_tbl.LAST
            UPDATE EMP
            SET object_id =3
              -- I have multiple columns to update based on validations
            WHERE deptno =hdr_tbl(i).deptno------------
            AND empno    =line_tbl (j).empno;
            dbms_output.put_line( 'Successfully updated emp temp table.');
            dbms_output.put_line( 'Error while updating line temp table. ' || sqlerrm );
            FOR j IN 1 .. sql%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.COUNT
              DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(' occurred during line temp table updation ' || sql%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_INDEX );
            END LOOP;
            raise e_validation;
        END LOOP; -- j
        --CLOSE c2;
        IF hdr_tbl(i).err_msg IS NULL THEN
          hdr_tbl (i).status  := 'VALID';
          hdr_tbl (i).err_msg := NULL;
        END IF;
        -- even if I have line validation failed I have to update header status and erorr msg
          FORALL i IN hdr_tbl.FIRST .. hdr_tbl.LAST
          UPDATE DEPT
          SET object_id =4,
            status      = hdr_tbl (i).status,
            err_msg     = hdr_tbl (i).err_msg
            --  batch_id =
            -- I have multiple columns to update based on validations
          WHERE deptno = hdr_tbl (i).deptno
          AND status  IS NULL; ------------
          dbms_output.put_line( 'Successfully updated dept temp table.');
          --close c1;
          dbms_output.put_line( 'Error while updating hdr temp table. ' || sqlerrm );
          FOR i IN 1 .. sql%BULK_EXCEPTIONS.COUNT
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(' occurred during line temp table updation ' || sql%BULK_EXCEPTIONS(i).ERROR_INDEX );
          END LOOP;
          raise e_validation;
      END LOOP; --i
    END ;
    PROCEDURE main
      CURSOR dept_ins_cur
        SELECT * FROM dept WHERE status='VALID';
      CURSOR emp_ins_cur(p_deptno NUMBER)
        SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno= p_deptno;
      OPEN dept_ins_cur;
      FETCH dept_ins_cur BULK COLLECT INTO hdr_ins_tbl limit 1000
      WHEN dept_ins_cur%NOTFOUND;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE dept_ins_cur;
      --------- Loading data into the inv line table type -------------------------------
      FOR i IN 1 .. hdr_tbl.count
      dept_ins(hdr_ins_tbl(i).deptno ,
      hdr_ins_tbl(i).DNAME ,
      hdr_ins_tbl(i).LOC , emp_seq.nextval);
      OPEN emp_ins_cur(hdr_ins_tbl(i).deptno);
      FETCH emp_ins_cur BULK COLLECT INTO line_ins_tbl;
      --EXIT WHEN emp_ins_cur%NOTFOUND;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE emp_ins_cur;
      for j in 1..line_ins_tbl.count loop
      emp_ins(line_ins_tbl(j).EMPNO ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).ENAME ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).JOB ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).MGR ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).HIREDATE ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).SAL ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).comm ,
      line_ins_tbl(j).DEPTNO );
      end loop;
      end loop;
      forall i IN hdr_ins_tbl.first .. hdr_ins_tbl.last
      SAVE exceptions
      UPDATE dept
      SET status   = 'INSERTED',
      err_msg  = null
      WHERE deptno=hdr_ins_tbl (i).deptno
      AND status   = 'VALID';
      dbms_output.put_line( 'inserting into temp tables.');
      dbms_output.put_line('exception in main' ||SQLERRM);
    END ;
    Thanks in advance...
    Message was edited by: 888025

    Hi, I have problem with the following pl/sql block
    Well, as Hoek already said, that is the understatement of the century.
    I can't be absolutely certain but I think that set of DDL and code that you posted has just about every possible error and design issue that there is! It would make an excellent addition to BluShadow's FAQs an an example of what NOT to do.
    I don't think it is even possible to 'fix the basics first' as Hoek suggested. IMHO the first step needs to be to create a functional requirements document (FRD) that explains in detail WHAT needs to be done. That doc should also contain info about how any errors/recovery/restart is to be handled. It is premature to try to implement ANY solution without first knowing what is needed functionally.
    Once the FRD is done you should do a walk-through based on your current architecture and sample data to make sure that the document really covers ALL of the steps that need to be performed and that it adequately explains how to deal with any processing or data issues that might arise.
    The next document you need is the TRD - Technical Requirements Doc that covers the different technical implementions of the FRD that can be done and the advantages/disadvantages of each.
    Then you can start working on a prototype.
    1. The DDL you posted isn't coherent - there are CREATE table statements and then later ALTER statements that add additional columns. There doesn't appear to be any reason for not including ALL of the columns in the CREATE table statement.
    2. You are using PL/SQL types instead of SQL types. That makes it impossible to use those types in SQL statements and makes it much more difficult to test since it is much easier to test a query in SQL (e.g. using sql*plus) that to embed the query in PL/SQL.
    3. You are defining the same type twice but giving it different names.
    TYPE dept_t
          TABLE OF dept%ROWTYPE
             INDEX BY binary_integer;
    TYPE dept_i_t
          TABLE OF dept%ROWTYPE
             INDEX BY binary_integer;
    Those are both based on the same DEPT table! Why the duplication?
    Also you are using associative arrays instead of just using nested tables. Get rid of the INDEX BY clause.
    4. You have some serious architectural and data model issues
    -- Assume the following scenario, we are validating dept (master) and emp(child) which are my temporary tables and updating the status back to
    -- dept ( for all the validation errors, even if we have any validation at child  it has to update the header record with error message),
    Why would you do that? You say 'it has to update the header record ...'. Says who? That is just one indication that you are trying to implement a 'solution' before you have adequately defined the 'problem'.
    Typically you would NOT alter any of the data tables; any validation errors/issues would get inserted into a table specifically designed to hold/log those issues. That table would contain key field values to correlate with the source of the error.
    Those 'master' and 'child' entities are two SEPARATE things. Issues with a 'master' row have NOTHING to do with any possible child rows.
    And issues with a 'child' row have NOTHING to do with any possible master rows. The ONLY connection between 'child' and 'master' is the foreign key that correlates them.
    So you don't necessarily have to validate the 'child' rows in sync with their 'master' row. In many cases you would have a procedure that performs validation of the entire set of 'master' rows and log those issues/problems. You would use a different procedure to validate the entire set of 'child' rows and log their issues.
    Those validation procedures can often work with ALL of the data using SQL statements instead of bulk processing.
    5. You are using loop constructs that are not valid for the type of processing you are using
        FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO hdr_tbl;
      END LOOP;
    There can be NO exit since the bulk collect with either get EVERYTHING or NOTHING. Possibly that is just a holdover from your attempt to use the LIMIT clause but you removed that clause from the FETCH; I don't know.
    There is so much wrong with what you posted it is really rather pointless to try to 'fix' it.
    I suggest you start over and clarify and DOCUMENT the actual requirements without prejudice about the solution that someone seems to want to force on you.

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    The same Wifi connection works perfectly with my PC laptop.
    Can some one help me or shall I return it to the store?

    Try here...
    Apple - Support - iPad - Wi-Fi

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    got my password wrong twice and my mini is disable. I connected to iTunes, but can't get it to work. Can some one guide my through?

    If it's showing the red disabled screen due to incorrect passcodes then you may need to put the iPad into recovery mode : - you should then be able to reset the iPad via your computer's iTunes and restore/resync your content to it

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    In new iPad 4g, when sim card is not inserted, I can not find the enable 4g tap in the setting-cellular data tap, can some one please tell me if this is normal and if so, then when it appears, thanks

    If the SIM is out of your phone, find my phone needs a data connection, so could use wifi - IF in range of a wifi and one that it can join (ie. a known network or one that is wholly open so no login required).  Your phone could also simple be turned off, so not findable, or it may have been restored (plugged into iTunes and restored as new) again, making it permanently unfindable.  Honestly, for someone stealing an iPhone, this is likely the first thing they do - restore as new and it is theirs forever.
    Find my iPhone is tied to the users iCloud account - the find function is part of the iCloud account's services and it communicates with the iCloud servers over a data connection - either wifi or 3G.
    Have you set up your iCloud account on your replacement phone, and is it working properly on that phone?

  • Can some one tell me a better way...

    Hi All..
    I work on a web application. I create user ids for people logging into my application. here I have a small problem.. This is what I am currently doing...
    When I create a new user, I assign a new user id to the user and store all hi info.
    All our user ids are stored in User_ID table and user info in User_Info table.
    First I get the max user id from the User_Id table.
    int iuserid = select max(User_ID) from User_ID;
    Then I add ' 1 ' to this and assign it to new user.
    iuserid = iuserid+1;
    insert into User_id values(iuserid, <ssn> );
    Then I store all user info in User_info table..
    insert into User_info(iuserid, <first_name>, <last_name>,...);
    Both these SQLs are executed as a transaction.
    The problem that I have...
    It works fine in a normal environment and in my testing.
    But when the load inceases, before I insert into the User_info, another user tries to get the max User_id from User_ID table, then it conflicts..
    I have seen occurences of User_Info storing the info of a different user against the User_id when many people are accessing the app at the same time.
    Can some one tell me a better way to handle this scenario..
    Appreciate all you help..

    assuming that the requirement for user_id is only for uniqueness (primary key requirement) not continuosly.
    perhaps can try this,
    1) create a table to keep the max id for each table's key.
    create table key_id_lookup
    key_name char(n),
    current_value number(m)
    where n & m is the size of the field
    2) for each creation of entry in the user_id table, lookup the value in the key_id_table and increment it after retrieval.
    e.g. current_id = select current_value from key_id_lookup where key_name = 'user_id_key';
    update key_id_lookup set current_value = current_id where key_name = 'user_id_key';
    something similar to use of sequence if your database support it.
    3) continue with the creation of record in other tables. now obtain the time stamp of creation and append with the current_id obtained. e.g. timestamp = 132456872; size of m is 5, user_id = 132456872 x 100000 + current_id;
    this should give you a unique key at creation time.
    There should be other better ways of resolving this(like locking the table for the update operation but affect performance, etc), depending on the feature supported by the database in use.
    Hope this can help as last resort if other options not available.

  • I have installed IOS 7 in my 4S but still when i connect it to itunes i am not able to copy music from my Itunes to my Phone any idea why? can some one help me with this. I am using Mac book Pro.

    Hi All,
    Issue 1:
    I have installed IOS 7 in my 4s and when i connect it to my  Mac itunes it detects my phone but i am not able to copy  from the itunes  version 11.1 (126).
    can some one check why i am not able to transfer pics or music from my Mac to iPhone 4s and can let me know on this please.
    Issue 2:
    And to all my apps i am not getting automatic  pop up when i receive a message, It says "Please connect to itunes to use push Notification" can some one say how to go about his.
    Issue 3:
    when i try to launch my facetime from my phone.After entering my user name and password it not launching my Facetime or imessage. dont know whats the reason, I am not able to use both Facetime and imessage from my iphone 4s.
    Looking forward for your reply.

    I have the same problem. I think that someone tried my iphone before me because when I want to reset it, I'm invited to enter a password that I didn't set. Also, when I go the Map application, the iphone indicate that I'm locateded in China while I'm in Tunisia. Now, I can't connect to my iphone to itunes, and I can't reset it because it ask me to enter a password that I didn't set.
    This is my post:
    Please, we need your help.

  • I have a targus 4.0 bluetooth usb adapter and so i can pair my iphone 4s and ipad air wirelessly, it seems to pair ok but when i try to connect i get a error message or not compatible. can some one tell me if it i can use this

    i have a targus 4.0 bluetooth usb adapter and so i can pair my iphone 4s and ipad air wirelessly, it seems to pair ok but when i try to connect i get a error message or not compatible. can some one tell me if it i can use this bluetooth with my devices, thanks

    sos1der wrote:
    pairing the apple equipment is not a big deal just wanted to add songs from itunes wirelessly.
    You can only add songs to your iOS device from iTunes via Wi-Fi sync or via your cable, not Bluetooth.
    sos1der wrote:
    but i tried paring my LG bluetooth so i can listen to music on my computer wirelessly buy it gives me the same error message
    That's an entirely different issue, unrelated to your iOS devices.

  • Report Scripts - Please Can Some One Help Me

    Hello Gurus,
    Is it possible to display 2 members of the same dimension in adjacent columns using Report Scripts? if not what is the best available option?
    Consider this Sample Outline
    The format of the desired report is
    ======= Jan Feb Mar
    1100 Cofee 8 8 8
    1200 Cofee 8 8 8
    1300 Cofee 7 7 7
    1400 Cofee 7 7 7
    1500 Soda 6 6 6
    Please Can some one help me in this regard!
    Thanks In Advance

    If I remember correctly when I wanted to do something similar I imported the report with the level 0 members into SQL Server and then joined on a mapping table (was a parent/child table in our case) to get the other column. In our situation we already had the mapping table readily available because this is where the dimension was built from!

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    You cannot. The apps are assigned to that Apple ID and there is nothing you can do to change that. You could choose to download them again with the new Apple ID, any paid apps will need to be purchased again.
    Hope that helps.

  • HT1373 Can some one please assit me. I have purchased a new laptop and copied accross my file of music from Itunes I can see the music in my files, however i can copy music from CDs, however the Itunes file does not connect or will not interface into itun

    Hello can some one assit me please. I have purchased a new lap top and copied my old itunes files accross so i do not loose all my music, and have to start again. I can play and see allof my tunes and play these. However I am unable to access the Itunes store through my itunes files. It will not interface at all. I can access itunes store through the Web, but not through the my ituntes file. I have gone in and authorised the laptop through the various process. Highly frustrated already paided a computer person to fix this. However hed deleated all files and started again he had it work and then I turned computer on again and it will not interface from the itune file to itunes, So if I copy a CD it will not tell you the name of the track. I cannot asscess the itunes store to action anything. Please assit me

    I am not an expert, but assuming that you have a Windows or Mac folder with music in it and want to move that to a new laptop, I think you have to import it into iTunes. iTunes needs to associate each file with a link, so copying it over will not associate a link.
    Delete the files and try importing.

  • HT201210 In the attempt of updating the latest itune software, i am faced with the problem of not being able to be connected to itunes with my ipod touch that is blocked living the USB cable and the itune icons on my touch sceen. Can some one help me out

    In the attempt of updating my ipod touch, i am  faced with the problem of not being able to be connected to the itunes in my computer (windows xp ) because my ipod touch got blocked up, leaving the icon of USB cable and itunes on my touch screen. I am asked to restore my ipod first, but i have tried using all the examples stated and still can't help. Please please, can some one help me out ? Ones  in the process of trying, i see an error code: 1656 and most of the time nothing. Thanks

    See if placing the iPod in Recovery mode will allow a restore via iTunes
    Next try DFU mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    You can also try another computer to help determine if you have a computer or iPod problem.

  • I have a brand new hp officejet 6700 premium e-all-in-one printer but my macbook pro is not detecting the printer to even install it or make a print can some one tell me if it is a problem with the printer or the macbook pro?

    can some one help me with the question ..

    no not at was just tested if it was being detected on a windows did..i am doubting either it is a problem with the router or the macbook pro....but earlier it did connect well to a hp officejet pro 8600 e-all-in-one printer over a different network(at someone else's house)...

  • I have to make a catalouge for my services as a financial planner.. earlier i used to do in MS publisher.. now i have a mac book.. can some one help me with some software info with which i can design a catalogue??

    I have to make a catalouge for my services as a financial planner.. earlier i used to do in MS publisher.. now i have a mac book.. can some one help me with some software info with which i can design a catalogue??

    Depending on what your needs are, you may use Pages included in iWork or purchase it separately (usually there is an evaluation copy with any new mac, I guess) or try other publishing apps. I once used MS Publisher, I remember it was something like a more sophisticated word processor, right?
    You may try the cheaper DTP iCalamus or Word for mac.

  • I am switchning from iphone 3gs to iphone 4. can some one guide me how to transfer all my data to iphone 4?

    i am switching from iphone 3gs to iphone 4. can some one guide me how to transfer all my data to iphone 4?
    i have a back up in my itunes account .can anyone suggest please ????

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