Can somebody Pls Help 500 Servlet Exception:

I am rather new to java prog and have the following problem.
How do I resolve?All I knw is that the resource bundle is not been read.Where do i go from there.Help!!!
500 Servlet Exception
at ui.error__jsp._jspService(/SSO/ui/error.jsp:14)
at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service(
at com.caucho.jsp.Page.subservice(
at com.caucho.server.http.FilterChainPage.doFilter(
at com.caucho.server.http.Invocation.service(
at com.caucho.server.http.CacheInvocation.service(
error.jsp contains the following:
<%@page language="java" session="false" import="com.infy.bbu.sso.common.SSOConstants, java.util.ResourceBundle, com.infy.bbu.sso.utils.SSOResourceManager, com.infy.bbu.sso.config.SSOConfig"%>
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" %>
String langCode = request.getParameter(SSOConstants.PARAM_LANG);
SSOResourceManager manager = new SSOResourceManager();
if(SSOConfig.isEmpty()) SSOConfig.loadConfig();
ResourceBundle rb = manager.getResourceBundle(application, SSOConfig.get(SSOConstants.SSO_RB_APP_NAME),langCode);
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<script type='text/javascript' src='javascripts/ssodomain.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='javascripts/SSOUIProperties_<%=langCode%>.js'></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="sso.css">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="dummy" vspace="0" hspace="0">
<tr bgcolor="#000000">
<td height="22"><img src="images/adminbanner.jpg" width="353" height="52" vspace="0" hspace="0" border="0"></td>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<h1> </h1>
<span class="tabletext"> <%= request.getParameter(SSOConstants.PARAM_ERROR_MSG)%><BR>
<BR><a href="INFENG/LoginPage.jsp?<%=SSOConstants.PARAM_LANG%>=<%=langCode%>">Login</a>
at com.caucho.server.http.ServletServer.serviceTop(
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleRequest(
at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleConnection(
Resin 2.0.5 (built Fri Jan 11 08:29:05 PST 2002)
line 14 is in bold.

sorry about that.It's just that I need to resolve
this problem and need whatever help I can get.No. That is no reason for you to multipost.
Do try and think about others sometimes. I mean really. Are you paying for support from this site? No. Then just be fucking patient please.

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  • How to deal with 500 Servlet Exception ?

    500 Servlet Exception
    Resin can't load Usually this means that the JDK tools.jar is missing from the classpath, possibly because of using a JRE instead of the JDK. You can either add tools.jar to the classpath or change the compiler to an external one with <java compiler='javac'/> or jikes.
    Resin 2.0.4 (built Thu Nov 15 17:56:24 PST 2001)
    get these messages(win98,apache1.3,jdk1.3,resin2.0)
    how to add tool.jar to the classpath?please detail.thanks!!

    You can just give a search for the directory contains the file tools.jar. And add the classpath like this
    SET CLASSPATH=c:\jdk1.3\lib\tools.jar
    You can double check the CLASSPATH in command prompt like this
    echo %CLASSPATH%
    If the CLASSPATH is set properly, you should see the tools.jar file in the CLASSPATH.
    Hope this helps.
    Best Luck!
    Senthil Babu J

  • Can someone pls help me with this code

    The method createScreen() creates the first screen wherein the user makes a selection if he wants all the data ,in a range or single data.The problem comes in when the user makes a selection of single.that then displays the singleScreen() method.Then the user has to input a key data like date or invoice no on the basis of which all the information for that set of data is selected.Now if the user inputs a wrong key that does not exist for the first time the program says invalid entry of data,after u click ok on the option pane it prompts him to enter the data again.But since then whenever the user inputs wrong data the program says wrong data but after displaying the singlescreen again does not wait for input from the user it again flashes the option pane with the invalid entry message.and this goes on doubling everytime the user inputs wrong data.the second wrong entry of data flashes the error message twice,the third wrong entry flashes the option pane message 4 times and so on.What actually happens is it does not wait at the singlescreen() for user to input data ,it straight goes into displaying the JOptionPane message for wrong data entry so we have to click the optiion pane twice,four times and so on.
    Can someone pls help me with this!!!!!!!!!
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MainMenu extends JFrame implements ActionListener,ItemListener{
         FileReaderDemo1 fd=new FileReaderDemo1();
         FileReaderDemo1 fr;
         Swing1Win sw;
         int monthkey=1,counter=0;
         boolean flag=false,splitflag=false;
         String selection,monthselection,dateselection="01",yearselection="00",s,searchcriteria="By Date",datekey,smonthkey,invoiceno;
         String singlesearcharray[];
         String[] monthlist={"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sept","Oct","Nov","Dec"};
         String[] datelist=new String[31];
         String[] yearlist=new String[100];
         String[] searchlist={"By Date","By Invoiceno"};
         Hashtable allinvoicesdata=new Hashtable();
         Vector data=new Vector();
         Enumeration keydata;
         JButton next=new JButton("NEXT>>");
         JComboBox month,date,year,search;
         JLabel bydate,byinvno,trial;
         JTextField yeartext,invtext;
         JPanel panel1,panel2,panel3,panel4;
         JRadioButton single,range,all;
         ButtonGroup group;
         JButton select=new JButton("SELECT");
    //frame and layout declarations
         JFrame jf;
         Container con;
         GridBagLayout gridbag=new GridBagLayout();
         GridBagConstraints gc=new GridBagConstraints();
              jf=new JFrame();
              fr=new FileReaderDemo1();
    //This is thefirst screen displayed
         public void createScreen(){
              group=new ButtonGroup();
              single=new JRadioButton("SINGLE");
              range=new JRadioButton("RANGE");
              all=new JRadioButton("ALL");
              search=new JComboBox(searchlist);
              search.addActionListener(new MyActionListener());     
         public class MyActionListener implements ActionListener{
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a){
                   JComboBox cb=(JComboBox)a.getSource();
         public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie){
              else if (ie.getItem()==all){
              else if (ie.getItem()==range){
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){          
                             sw=new Swing1Win();
                   System.out.println(smonthkey+"/"+dateselection+"/"+yearselection+"it prints this");
                   if (searchcriteria.equals("By Date")){
                        System.out.println("it goes in this");
                   else if (searchcriteria.equals("By Invoiceno")){
                   if (flag == false){
                        System.out.println("flag is false");
                   System.out.println("its in here");
                   singlesearcharray=new String[data.size()];
                   sw=new Swing1Win(singlesearcharray);
         public void singleinvoice(String searchdata){
              if (flag==true){
                   System.out.println("vector found");
                   data= ((Vector)(allinvoicesdata.get(s)));
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jf,"Invalid entry of date : choose again");     
         public void singleScreen(){
              System.out.println("its at the start");
              panel2=new JPanel(gridbag);
              bydate=new JLabel("By Date : ");
              byinvno=new JLabel("By Invoice No : ");
              invtext=new JTextField(6);
              if (searchcriteria.equals("By Invoiceno")){
              else if(searchcriteria.equals("By Date")){
              month.addActionListener(new MyActionListener());
              date.addActionListener(new MyActionListener());
              year.addActionListener(new MyActionListener());
              invtext.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter(){
                   public void keyTyped(KeyEvent ke){
                        char c=ke.getKeyChar();
                        if ((c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) ||(c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE)){
                        if(!((Character.isDigit(c) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) || (c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE)))){
                             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"please enter numerical value");
              System.out.println("its at the end");
         public void dateComboBox(){          
              for (int counter=0,day=01;day<=31;counter++,day++)
              for(int counter=0,yr=00;yr<=99;yr++,counter++)
              month=new JComboBox(monthlist);
              date=new JComboBox(datelist);
              year=new JComboBox(yearlist);
         public static void main(String[] args){
              MainMenu mm=new MainMenu();
         public class WindowHandler extends WindowAdapter{
              public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we){

    I had a similar problem with a message dialog. Don't know if it is a bug, I was in a hurry and had no time to search the bug database... I found a solution by using keyPressed() and keyReleased() instead of keyTyped():
       private boolean pressed = false;
       public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
          pressed = true;
       public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
          if (!pressed) {
          // Here you can test whatever key you want
       //...I don't know if it will help you, but it worked for me.

  • Hi guys can someone pls help! im gg crazy...

    Hi guys can someone pls help! im gg crazy... im doing this java prograamming project and cant seem to work the Search function. My program compiles well and runs, but after i key in the details for "Add new customer" , and i attempt to search the customer name that i keyed in, the program does not return my input! My teacher says its something to do with assigning an array length or something but how do i code that.... Heres the code, pls try to help..
    public class shop
    static String Name, Address,Gender,Country,Pdtname,Type,Dob,
    static int x;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    char choice;
    System.out.println("MAIN MENU");
    System.out.println("(1). Add New Customer");
    System.out.println("(2). Search Customer");
    System.out.println("(6). Quit");
    System.out.print("Pls. enter a choice :");
    choice = Character.toUpperCase((char);;;
         case '1':Add();
         case '2':Search();
         case '6':Quit();
         default:System.out.println("- Sorry, You have entered an invalid option, please try again -");
    }while(choice != '6');
    public static void Add()throws Exception
         BufferedReader data=new BufferedReader
         (new InputStreamReader(;
    String Name, Dob, Hometel, Mobile, Country, Purchase;
    boolean valid;
    int x;
         System.out.print("Please enter Customer's Name:");
         if (Name.equals(""))
         System.out.println("Name must not be empty");
         for (x=0; x<Name.length();x++)
         if(!(Character.isLetter(Name.charAt(x))) && Name.charAt(x) !=' ')
         System.out.println("Please enter letters only[A-Z] ");
         }while (!valid || Name.equals(""));
         System.out.print("Please enter Customer's Address:");
         if (Address.equals(""))
         System.out.println("Address must not be empty");
         }while (Address.equals(""));
         System.out.print("Please enter Customer's Gender (M/F):");
         if (!Gender.equalsIgnoreCase("M") && !Gender.equalsIgnoreCase("F"))
         System.out.println("Please input either M or F");
         if (Gender.equals(""))
         System.out.println("Gender must not be empty");
         }while (!Gender.equalsIgnoreCase("M") && !Gender.equalsIgnoreCase("F") || Gender.equals(""));
         System.out.print("Please enter Customer's Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy):");
         if (Dob.equals(""))
         System.out.println("Dob must not be empty");
         for (x=0; x<Dob.length();x++)
         if(!(Character.isDigit(Dob.charAt(x))) && Dob.charAt(x) !='/')
         System.out.println("Please enter only numbers in dd/mm/yyyy format");
         }while (!valid || Dob.equals(""));
         System.out.print("Please enter Customer's Contact no(Home):");
         if (Hometel.equals(""))
         System.out.println("Home number must not be empty");
         for (x=0; x<Hometel.length();x++)
         if(!(Character.isDigit(Hometel.charAt(x))) && Hometel.charAt(x) !=' ')
         System.out.println("Please enter numbers only [0-9] ");
         }while (!valid || Hometel.equals(""));
         System.out.print("Please enter Customer's Contact no(Mobile):");
         if (Mobile.equals(""))
         System.out.println("Mobile number must not be empty");
         for (x=0; x<Mobile.length();x++)
         if(!(Character.isDigit(Mobile.charAt(x))) && Mobile.charAt(x) !=' ')
         System.out.println("Please enter numbers only [0-9] ");
         }while (!valid || Mobile.equals(""));
         System.out.print("Please enter Customer's Country:");
         if (Country.equals(""))
         System.out.println("Country must not be empty");
         for (x=0; x<Country.length();x++)
         if(!(Character.isLetter(Country.charAt(x))) && Country.charAt(x) !=' ')
         System.out.println("Please enter letters only[A-Z] ");
         }while (!valid || Country.equals(""));
    public static void Search()throws Exception
         BufferedReader data=new BufferedReader
         (new InputStreamReader(;
         String target;
         boolean found;
         found=false;          //record not found
         System.out.print("Enter the name that you want to search:");
         if (target.equalsIgnoreCase(Name))
         System.out.println("The customer's name is "+Name);
         System.out.println("The customer's address is "+Address);
         System.out.println("The customer's gender is "+Gender);
         System.out.println("The customer's date of birth is "+Dob);
         System.out.println("The customer's home contact number is "+Hometel);
         System.out.println("The customer's mobile number is "+Mobile);
         System.out.println("The customer's Country is "+Country);
         System.out.println("Record found");
         found=true;               //record found
         if (found==false)
         System.out.println("Record not found");
         public static void Quit()
         System.out.println("Thank You For Using Database Application System Designed For Crystalodge Gift Shop");

    Thank you for your interest in just plopping down your code and asking for someone to just fix it for you. We'll get right on it...

  • I have a ram problem, can somebody please help me?

    This is the first time I've put a computer together from scratch (I got some help from a friend though). What I wonder is if there is a manual for the MSI mothercards somewhere on the net because I didn't get any good description  in the package, and I can't find the spot for audi and USB inputs. I also would like to know how many memorysticks i can use, because if i put in 3 of them the computer starts to beep. Can somebody please help me?
    My specs are:
    Q-tec midi Tower
    MSI K8N Neo2-FX, nForce3
    AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 2.0GHz socket 939
    Zalman P4 CNPS-7700-CU
    XFX Geforce FX5500 128MB DDR
    Samsung Spinpoint P120 200GB
    Sony DVD burner DL
    Sony floppydisk
    Cosair Value S. PC3200 DDR-dimm 512MB unbuffered non-Parity, 64Meg x 64, CL2.5
    (I have 3 of these but I can only have 2 at a time or the computer wont work)
    // TheGamecritic

    Quote from: TheGamecritic on 15-September-05, 18:42:56
    This is the first time I've put a computer together from scratch (I got some help from a friend though). What I wonder is if there is a manual for the MSI mothercards somewhere on the net because I didn't get any good description  in the package, and I can't find the spot for audi and USB inputs. I also would like to know how many memorysticks i can use, because if i put in 3 of them the computer starts to beep. Can somebody please help me? 
    My specs are:
    Q-tec midi Tower
    MSI K8N Neo2-FX, nForce3
    AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 2.0GHz socket 939
    Zalman P4 CNPS-7700-CU
    XFX Geforce FX5500 128MB DDR
    Samsung Spinpoint P120 200GB
    Sony DVD burner DL
    Sony floppydisk
    Cosair Value S. PC3200 DDR-dimm 512MB unbuffered non-Parity, 64Meg x 64, CL2.5
    (I have 3 of these but I can only have 2 at a time or the computer wont work)
    // TheGamecritic
    Congrats on 'Rolling your Own' for the first time.  I'm certainly no expert although I have sucessfully built a few.  Actually, my specs are almost identical except I'm using Kingston Value Ram instead of Cosair.  As far as your first question, I assume you mean the internal USB/MB connectors and the MB audio connector(s).  The information is in the MSI Neo2 Plat manual although you have to look closely and move back and forth between the MB schemaic and the section(s) describing the connections to get a clear fix.  The MB USB connectors are on the side of the MB furthest from the RAM slots and about in the center, (JUSB1 or JUSB2).  The audio connector (JAUD1 is located on the same side of the MB as the USB connectors only near the rear panel end, (close to the orange PCI slot).  As you, I found that that I could not use three ram sticks as I could in my old K7 board and when I bought two sets of matched ram I found that it didn't like 4 sticks either.  Three:  Would'nt post  Four:  Instability and an initial  hit in performance;  although I was able to finally coax it to 200mhz Dual Channel it wasn't worth it because of the random crashes n Windows I was getting. I have also discovered the hard way that for some reason my board at least is hypersensitive to IDE  cables, (Would not recognize any secondary IDE device on Channel 1 until I found the right cable) and it does not like Sound Blaster audio cards prior to Audigy 2 ZS.  Actually, it only tolerates a ZS and I had problems and it didn't like my new X-Fi at all until I moved it to the PCI slot closest to my video card.  I was getting random BSODS and crashes, (one that took out my OS).  Since I move the card things appear to be more stable, so far.  Anyway good luck.

  • Hi can somebody plz help me with cross domain RSL

    i am currently working on optimisation techniques in flex 3.2.
    i have to execute the commands (eg :
    mxmlc.exe -o=myRSLmodule.swf -file-specs=<an as file form your swc> -source-path=<source path>)
    any many more formaking cross domain RSL .
    can somebody please help me with what these command are meant for and where do i run these like command promp or some where else ....and what all settings are required to run those..
    Thnaks in advance ....

    did i asked such a dumb question? ... :)Well, yes, sort of. The problem description "My following code failed to work and giving me some security exceptions" doesn't have nearly enough details. Such as, what exceptions, what is it supposed to do, what did it do instead, that sort of thing.

  • When i open iphoto i see my photo's for 1 second and then they are gone .The photo's are still there but i can see them only on the bottom or top of my screen when i try to open them i get a sign that it is not possible.Can somebody please  help me?

    when i open iphoto i see my photo's for 1 second and then they are gone .The photo's are still there but i can see them only on the bottom or top of my screen when i try to open them i get a sign that it is not possible.Can somebody please  help me?

    Have you upgraded to iPhoto 9.6 for compatibility with Yosemite? If not, try that first.
    It looks like iPhoto has lost the connection between the thumbnails and the original image files.
    This can be caused by a corrupted iPhoto library, or the originals have been deleted or moved.
    Try first to rebuild your iPhoto Library:
    If you do not have a current backup of the iPhoto library, make a copy of the library, but do not overwrite any previous backup.
    Launch iPhoto with the ⌥⌘-key combination (option-command) held down.
    Select "rebuild" from the first aid panel.  This may take a while for a large library.
    Can you now see your photos again?
    If not, rebuild the library with iPhoto Library manager as described by Old Toad:            Re: iphoto crashed

  • I am unable to update, uninstall, or reinstall iTunes on my laptop.  Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bits.  Error code is 2330.  Can somebody please help me?

    I am unable to update, uninstall, or reinstall iTunes on my laptop.  Everything was working fine until recently when there was an update available for iTunes, and when I tried to update this, I got the message, "The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package.  This may indicate a problem with this package. Error code is 2330."  Can somebody please help me?
    System configuration:
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bits.
    Version:  6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
    System Directory:  C:\Windows\system32
    RAM:  1.00 GB.

    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down the page in case one of them applies.
    The further information area has direct links to the current and recent builds in case you have problems downloading, need to revert to an older version or want to try the iTunes for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards) release as a workaround for installation or performance issues, or compatibility with QuickTime or third party software.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there are also links to backup and recovery advice should it be needed.

  • HT1152 hi can someone pls help

    hi can someone pls help
    my imac cannot read any discs and they keep ejecting

    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) -
    Apple Computers: Troubleshooting the slot-loading SuperDrive -

  • Can u pls help me

    i m a beginner to form .i have an issue.can u pls help me to solve it
    i m working in forms6i.
    I have created a grid in a data block emp which populates data from Employee table. Corresponding to each row in the grid there are check boxes which can be checked and unchecked.The pblm is that we shld not allow the user to check two check boxes at same time.if so then the buttons(ok,cancel) should be disabled.
    How to do it.(write the code) can u pls help me.

    Hi User
    You have to pst this in forms forum forum id=82
    comming to ur problem
    in the when- check- box-change trigger you place the code in such a way and validate the whole block by checking is there iny item already checked. if so then set_item_property of the buttonss as disabled.
    Thank you
    [email protected]

  • Can someone pls Help me: How to create a Fake target table(Dummy)  in DAC

    Hi There,
    Can someone pls Help me in creating a Fake target table(Dummy) in DAC?

    You need to create a task so that you can hook sources and targets together.
    First, Design --> Tables tab --> New --> Below 'Edit' -->Table Type (Source) for your source tables.
    Design --> Tables tab --> New --> Below 'Edit' -->Check warehouse and Table Type (Fact or Fact Temporary) for your target tables.
    Points if helpful

  • Hi! I have an iPhone 4s and when I FaceTime the sound is really low. When I phone call someone, its totally different and works better. I also have a MacBok Pro and the FaceTime sound works perfectly there as well. Can someone pls help me? Thanks :)

    Hi! I have an iPhone 4s and when I FaceTime the sound is really low. It´s really annoying. When I do phone calls it works, and on my MacBook Pro it works much better on FaceTime than on my phone. Can someone pls help to so solute this? Really need help! Thanks

    This sounds like something similar to
    Try turning down the speak volume (System Preferences->Sound->Output->Output Volume)  or the microphone gain (System Preferences->Sound->Input->Input Volume). Do this on both sides of the call.

  • I have installed oracle 10g in my winxp machine. i am using enterprise manager. i am not able to shutdown the system as it asks for os username and password. i have provided my os username and password but eerror persiste. somebody pls help me to get rid

    I have installed oracle 10g in my winxp machine. i am using enterprise manager. i am not able to shutdown the system as it asks for os username and password. i have provided my os username and password but eerror persiste. somebody pls help me to get rid of this.

    Here I am using Java Type IV for database
    So,there was no necessity of creating DNS.How your app communicates with db shouldn't matter for the end user. Still, you may want to use a functional network name also for the thin client driver connection string.
    So,is there any other way to solve this problem.What is the problem really? Do you not use dns for network naming? Maybe you have to manage the hosts file on every client then.

  • I just want to know that if I buy an iphone 4S here in melbourne can i use it in china? i don`t know whether it`s locked or not and i don`t know what`s the network in china as well. Can somebody please help?I am really in a hurry to know it. Thanks a lot.

    I just want to know that if I buy an iphone 4S here in melbourne can i use it in china?
    i don`t know whether it`s locked or not and i don`t know what`s the network in china as well.
    Can somebody please help?
    I am really in a hurry to know it.
    Thanks a lot.
    P.S: For the iphone 4S. is there any difference for the one from online shop or the actual store?

    iPhones purchased from the online Apple Store in Australia will be unlocked. To the best of my knowledge, unlocked iPhone are not available from the physical Apple Stores at this time, though you can call the Apple Store in Melbourne and inquire.
    Note that the warranty on iPhones is not international, so if you purchase an iPhone in Australia and it needs service, you would have to ship the iPhone to someone in Australia to take or send to Apple for service and then ship it back to you.
    (Note for any readers: this is an old thread and I posted before noticing the date, but decided to leave my reply in case anyone else finds the thread and has the same question).

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    Importing CDs got very weird a couple weeks ago. It may coincide with my signing up with Match, not sure about the exact timing. Here's what happens: I insert a CD and it immediately begins to import. When it finishes there is no sign of it. The song

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    Hi all, We have just installed Prime LMS 4.2.3 (about a week ago), and it is pretty much working as expected, except for one thing - I cannot get any data back from the reclaim ports report. I have tried both the Ports Up and Ports Down options, and

  • Is there a way to find uncalled VIs (orphans) in a Project?

    I'm cleaning up some projects I've inherited, and I was wondering if there was an easy way to find VIs that had no callers, and then remove them from the project. If there's not a way to do this, then I'm off to the Idea Exchange! Solved! Go to Solut

  • Software Image Management in Prime LMS 4.2.3

    In Software Repository Management I have added all the running images from our estate.  The Status of each image is showing as "Not Available" even though I get the message  "Image Status retrieved from successfully." when selecting Update

  • EM     Status =  Status Pending

    I'm running 10g database Standard 10.0.4 on Windows 2003 server. I have created a databases that later had to drop and in Enterprise Manager I get the follow message on the HOME page. Status Status Pending Status Pending Since Mar 28,